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Name: Pellejo, Rhea Joy A.

Course: IT 214 - Fundamentals of Networking

1. In your own word, what is more portable computer network connection: the wired or wireless
network? (5 pts.)
 The wireless network is the more portable computer network connection for me.
Wireless networks enable you to be more mobile by allowing you to connect to the
network from any location using any form of wireless-enabled device. There are no
cable issues, and every connectivity is possible without the constraints of physical wires.
2. In your own word, what is more stable computer network connection: the wired or wireless
network? (5 pts.)
 For me the more stable computer network connection is the wired network. Because
the transmission is not impacted by other connections, wired networks are dependable.
For example, if you have wireless networks adjacent to one other, one signal may
interfere with another, compromising stability. Alternatively, if you have surrounding
walls or objects, this has an effect on a wireless connection, but a cable network
connection is unaffected by these circumstances. In general, wired networks are
substantially quicker than wireless networks. With the introduction of Gigabit routers
and other new technologies, data speeds have steadily increased. Furthermore, wired
networks are less likely to have dead zones, which are occasionally present in wireless
connections. This is mostly due to the fact that each device is connected to the network
through a different connection, with each cable delivering data at the same pace. A
wired network is also faster since it is never slowed by unexpected or needless traffic.
Unauthorized users are unable to connect to the network unless their device is linked
via Ethernet wire.

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