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Unit 8 test

Listening Language focus

1 1.09 Listen to the tour. Then answer the 4 Write the present passive sentences. (10 marks)
questions. (10 marks)
a Culture Festival / every year (celebrate)
1 According to the guide, what are the people A Culture Festival is celebrated every year.
standing in front of? 1 this painting / by / many critics (dislike)
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
2 What happened to the painting after it was first 2 the sculptures / by / thousands of people (see)
exhibited? ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 3 masterpieces / every year (not paint)

3 What do the colours represent? ___________________________________________

___________________________________________ 4 the work / by / many people (not understand)

4 Why do some people think the artist painted a
5 the artist’s / real identity (not know)
light bulb? (Give two reasons.)
It might symbolize ___________________________
It might be _________________________________ 5 Rewrite the active sentences using the past
passive. (10 marks)
Van Gogh painted Starry Night.
Starry Night was painted by Van Gogh.
2 Complete the dialogue. Use suitable art nouns. 1 Moreau taught Matisse.
(10 marks)
Mo There’s a Goya (1) ______________ on at the 2 They didn’t make these statues in France.
Tate Modern in London. Do you want to go? ___________________________________________
Lou Oh yes. I love that (2) ______________. It’s so 3 Their provocative paintings shocked critics.
light and there’s a nice café. ___________________________________________
Mo OK. The Goya display has received really 4 They didn’t sell the sculpture yesterday.
good reviews. The art (3) ______________ love ___________________________________________
it. It includes some of his (4) ______________ of 5 Surrealism influenced Cubism.
the influential people of the time, and Goya’s ___________________________________________

best work, The Second of May. It’s his

6 Write the passive questions. (12 marks)
(5) ______________!
Question Answer
3 Write synonyms for the words in bold. (10 marks) The Scream / paint Munch
1 That sculpture is really funny – it makes me 1 the Colosseum / build Rome
laugh. _______________ 2 The Lord of the Rings films / New Zealand
2 I think modern art is really silly – I could paint
3 brushes and paint / use for painting
that! _______________
4 the Louvre / open 1793
3 That painting is very bright – it’s got reds,
5 novels / write / by novelists
yellows and greens! ______________
6 speak / in Japan Japanese
4 That painting is a bit boring – there’s nothing
Who was The Scream painted by?
new about it. _______________
1 _________________________________________ ?
5 That painting is very controversial – it really
2 _________________________________________ ?
makes you think. _______________ 3 _________________________________________ ?

Unit 8 test
4 _________________________________________ ? 2 A man took her photo when she was a teenager.
5 _________________________________________ ? ___________________________________________
6 _________________________________________ ? 3 Sharbat has lived in Afghanistan all her life.
7 Write two passive quiz questions about art,
4 Sharbat’s name was famous.
books or films. Then write full-sentence
answers. Use your own ideas. (8 marks) ___________________________________________
5 People found Sharbat twenty-seven years later.
Who were the Twilight books written by?
They were written by Stephanie Meyer.
6 Some people pretended to be Sharbat.
1 _________________________________________ ?
7 Sharbat was in the magazine more than once.
2 _________________________________________ ?
8 The magazine helps children in Sharbat’s home
Reading country. ___________________________________
9 Sharbat’s day begins late.
8 Read the text. Then write true or false. Correct
the false sentences. (10 marks) ___________________________________________
10 Sharbat hasn’t got a family.
SHARBAT GULA ___________________________________________
Sharbat is famous because she appeared on the
cover of National Geographic magazine, and the
world was amazed by her beautiful green eyes.
She was photographed in 1985 at the age of 9 Complete the sentences. Write one word in each
thirteen by journalist Steve McCurry. She lived in gap. (10 marks)
Afghanistan and was forced to leave her home in
Afghanistan during the war with Russia. For 1 It reminds me ________ a Frida Kahlo painting.
seventeen years nobody knew her name and she 2 It doesn’t look ________ a Bosch painting.
was known simply as ‘the Afghan Girl’. For many
3 What ________ earth is that?
people she symbolized the war.
4 I’m not sure ________ this painting.
The journalist tried to find her during the 90s, but
he couldn’t. In 2002 a team from National 5 She looks as ________ she’s smiling.
Geographic looked for her. A few women said
they were Sharbat and a few men said they were
her husband! They finally found her. Her identity
was confirmed using modern technology which 10 Read the information. Then write a description.
matched her eyes to the photo. Use the ideas to help you. (10 marks)
Sharbat didn’t know that she was famous. She was
photographed again and her story was written NOTES ON MONA LISA
and published in the April 2002 magazine. (Leonardo da Vinci)
Modern pictures of her were printed and a ● painted in the sixteenth century
television documentary was made. ● a portrait of a woman, beautiful, mysterious smile
Today her life is quite normal. She gets up before ● one of the most famous paintings in the world
sunrise and collects water from the stream. She ● Renaissance, Europe. Artists experimented with
cooks, cleans, does the washing and looks after perspectives and a realistic style of painting.
her three children. ● exhibited in the Louvre museum in Paris, 1793
● stolen in 1911, returned after two years
1 Sharbat looks very ordinary. ● in the Louvre today

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______
 / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100

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