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“Agriculture is the process of cultivation of land or soil for production purpose”.

plays a very vital role for economy of Pakistan and its development. 48% of labour force is
engaged directly with agriculture. So it is the main source of living or income of the major part
of economy population. About 70% of population is relates to agriculture directly or indirectly.
Agriculture is the major source of food of huge population of Pakistan. Agriculture is also the
major source of provision of raw martial to industrial sector of Pakistan. Its contribution towards
GDP is about 25% which is higher than contribution of any other sector. Following are the main
points of importance of agriculture for Pakistan economy.

Soil is the upper layer of earth in which plants or crops grow. Soil is made by the combination of
minerals (matter that made naturally in earth), Organic matter (substance that made from living
organism), water and air. Quality refers particular characteristics in anything to achieve
requirements or fulfill goals. Soil quality is combination of growth increasing factor that make a
soil fertile. Soil quality is divided in to three categories. It include physical (texture, water
holding capacity, color), chemical (PH, conductivity) and biological (microorganism, animals,
rodents, arthropods, gastropods). In this research we focus on soil moisture and chemical
property such as pH and conductivity.

Soils have major direct and indirect effect on agriculture productivity, water quality and climate.
Soil make possible to grow the crops by arbitrate the biological, chemical and physical processes
that give plants or crops for nutrient, water, and other elements. Microorganisms in soil that
change nutrient in to form that can be used for crops growing. Soils are the store area for water
and nutrients. Soil can be normally acid or alkaline and estimated by testing their pH value.
Right pH value is significant for good crops development. Fertility is one of the most important
component of soil quality. Fertile soil provide the amount of nutrient that are required for crops
growth. Some crops need nutrient huge amount i.e. nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and some
need little amount i.e. calcium, magnesium. Fertile provide crops with extra Life-Supporting
nutrient. Crop need nutrient like people do.

All fertile soil are productive but all productive soil are not fertile due to some reason i.e. water
logging. Soil pH influences the amount of nutrient and chemicals that are soluble in soil water
and amount of nutrient available to crops. Some nutrients available in acid condition some
available in alkaline condition. Some fertilizer changes the soil pH and increase or decrease the
nutrient available in soil. pH value measure the hydrogen ion concentration because hydrogen
ion varies over a wide range a pH scale is used .

Soil production and soil fertility are impact the biological process and this process include
enzyme activities that affect the pH. We investigate the acidic and alkaline activities for
determine the crop production. Agriculture is the process of farming land or soil for production
purpose. In Pakistan the role of agriculture is very important for economy and its development.
48% of manpower is directly busy with agriculture. So agriculture is the main source of living or
income of part of education.

Traditional in urban area people who living in this area not test the soil which type soil is good
for plants or crops production only vegetate the plant. The result is not growing plant in an
efficient and good manner. The health of the plant also destroys. This research introducing a
computer base hand-held device for measuring the soil quality with in limited resources and user
friendly interface to facilitate those people who living in rural areas and losing their efforts and
resources due soil quality.

My research will contribute to measure the soil quality, so that people easily judge which soil is
good for plant growth, take less water, and enhance quality of the growth.

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