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Success in Research


Golden Sayings
• New ideas do not come by casually
It takes your Time, your Mind and your Qalam
• For research findings you need to
Read, Read, Read----------(Relevant Area)
Have Imaginations
Ask your self Childlike questions
Do Hard Work/ Donkey Work


Usual Interference in Research

Finance Job, Part time Job, Business, Property

Status Car, House, Immigration

Communications Social media such as Face book, SMS, Cell, E-mails

Entertainment TV, Cinema, You tube, others

Politics Marriage, Home, Family, Local and National

Others NO other activity

Reading Research Paper

• Difference between Book and Research Paper
-Type (Primary Vs Secondary
• Reading research paper is partly a matter of
experience and skills and partly learning the
specific vocabulary of the field
• Don’t Panic
• Four steps are helpful in this regard.


Four Step Process

1-Skimming: Quick view (within 5-10 minutes)
from Headings, Figures, graphs, tables
2-Vocabulary: Go through the paper word by word
and line by line
3-Comprehensive: Read whole paper section by
4-Reflection and Criticism: After understanding
and summarizing return to broader question and
draw your own conclusion

Scientific Method
Theory Building (1-3), Theory testing (4-7)
1. Assess relevant existing knowledge of
2. Formulate concepts and Propositions
Concept: A generalized idea about a class of objects that has been given a
3. State
an abstraction of reality that is the basic unit for theory development

4. Research
Propositions design to test
are statements hypotheses
concerned with the relationships among concepts.
A proposition explains the logical linkage among certain concepts by asserting a
5. Acquire empirical data
universal connection between concepts.
6. Analyze
Hypothesis and evaluate
is a proposition thatdata
is empirically testable. A hypothesis is a formal
statement explaining some outcome. In its simplest form, a hypothesis
7. Propose
is a explanation of the phenomenon
and state new problems raised by the research


How to find Area?

• Subject category
• ISI web of science 58 subject categories in
social sciences
• 2-3 books for specific topic/area
• Identify the journals (5-10)
• Total journals More than 12000
• Management-More than 210
• Read the issues/topics from last 2 years papers

Clarivate Analytics Web of Science

• Products
• Master Journal List
• Journal Lists For Searchable Databases
• Social sciences citation index
• View subject category etc---
• Business, Business Finance and Management


Impact Factor
• The impact factor is a measure of the
frequency with which the average article in a
journal has been cited in a particular year.
Calculation of Journal Impact factor
In 2020
A= Total number of citations of articles
published in 2018-2019
B= Number of Articles published in 2018-2019
2018 Impact factor= A/B i.e. 80/60= 1.33

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