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Statement of Financial Position

as at June 30, 2020

2020 2019
(Rupeeo in ‘000)

Fixed assets
Property, plant and equipment 25,30ô,834 2ô,89U,9ô3
Intangiblc asscts J 7.371 l0,4ti2
25,324.205 2fi,S0S,425
Long-term investments ü7 30U,8b3 254,970
Long-term loans P?,5g0 70i
Long-term deposits 19.DOG
012Wö1 21,392
Deferrerl taxation 4 l b,912
2ö,237,löö 27,1dö,4dU

Stores, spare parts anal loose

tools Stock-in-trade 3,7ôô,674 3,484,b20
10 552.470 1,2li8, JIi4
Trade debts
Loans and arlvances JJ 300,fI48 311,488
12 4ö,855 143,bö2
Trade tleposits and short-term prepayments
Other red:eivables 13 G,30 I 23,75S
14 10.376 1,551,308
Taxation - net 1,544,7bH 1,2b0,573
Cash antl bank balances
(i,f1S4,(î7S 29,5S5
32,521.045 S,0S3,33S
’I \ \ \ I ) I . I \ I›I I . I’I I Fi.'

?. I ‹ \ I'I’I’ \ I . \ I ï II I .
Share capital
Resei es
10,053,558 11,755, lS9

Long-term financings
lb 1b,îi2b,044 l ö,0(10,000
Lease liabilities 0,3S3
LOrlg-teFITl secUrity dep0si[S
üovernment grant 20
27.GU l 21,87 i
Deferred taxation 13,758
16,D79,O56 405W59

Trade and other payables

/\ccruefi mark-up ?2 2,151,455 l,SG3,434
Short-term borrowings 23 536,744 544,08fI
Current maturity of long-term financings 24 2,0U2,5?7
Current portion of lease liabilities IR 400,01 G 500,000
Current portion of got ernment grant ]9 8.929
lJnclaimed dividend 21
25 1 1,012
5,000,431 8îi,08
ti,1Sti, 120J

32,ii21,545 3û,27ii,S27

The annexed liotes from I t0 44 form an integral part of these financial statements.

Yasir 6lasootl

Azam Faruquc Omar Faruque

Statement of Profit or Loss
for the year ended June 30, 2020

Note 2010 201e

lRupees In ‘000)

Turnover - net 27 17,090155 15862,647

Cost of sales 28 (J6,703,668) (12,979,533)

times profit 386,487 2,883,114

Distribution costs 29 (362,003) (396,338)

Administrative expenses 30 (271,750) (2?I3,925)
Other expenses 3i (i ,ozs) (ifi»,3Co)
(652,778) (79ff,623)

Other income 32 70,561 106,836

Operating (lossJ / profit (195,730) 2,190,327

Finance costs 33 (2,526,997) (J, 142,559)

(Iloss} / protit before taxation (2,722,727) t,047,768

Prior 5048 145,014
Deferred 824,571 569,981
34 829,619 7]4,995

Net (loss) / prol’it lor the year (1,893, J08) 1,762,763

(Loss) / earnings per share - basic and diluted 35 (Ri 9.74) Ri007

The annexed notes from 1 to 44 form an integral part of these financial


Azam Faruque Omar Faruque Yasir Masood

Chief Executive Director Director &
Chief Financial Officer

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