Opensoure Assigment 1

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1. Identify several types of Linux distribution.


Ubuntu is a computer operating system based on the Debian GNU/Linux distribution and
is distributed as free and open source software with additional proprietary software
available. Ubuntu is composed of many software packages, of which the vast majority are
distributed under a free software license. The main license used is the GNU General
Public License which, along with the GNU Lesser General Public License, explicitly
declares that users are free to run, copy, distribute, study, change, develop and improve
the software.


Kubuntu is an official derivative of the Ubuntu operating system using the KDE Software
Compilation instead of the GNOME graphical environment. It is part of the Ubuntu
project and uses the same underlying system. It is possible to run both the KDE desktop
as well as the Gnome desktop interchangeably on the same machine. Every package in
Kubuntu shares the same repositories as Ubuntu. It is released regularly on the same
schedule as Ubuntu.

Xubuntu is a Canonical Ltd. recognized, community maintained derivative of the Ubuntu

operating system, using the Xfce desktop environment. The Xfce desktop environment is
intended to use fewer system resources than the default GNOME, but this does not seem
to be the case. Testing has concluded that Xubuntu's RAM usage actually is greater than
Ubuntu with GNOME. Provide an easy to use distribution, based on Ubuntu, using Xfce
as the graphical desktop, with a focus on integration, usability and performance, with a
particular focus on low memory footprint. The integration in Xubuntu is at a
configuration level, a toolkit level, and matching the underlying technology beneath the
desktop in Ubuntu. Xubuntu will be built and developed autonomously as part of the
wider Ubuntu community, based around the ideals and values of Ubuntu.


Fedora is an RPM-based, general purpose operating system built on top of the Linux
kernel, developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and sponsored by Red
Hat. One of Fedora's main objectives is not only to contain software distributed under a
free and open source license, but also to be on the leading edge of such technologies.
Fedora developers prefer to make upstream changes instead of applying fixes specifically
for Fedora this ensures that their updates are available to all Linux distributions.
Red Hat

Red Hat, assembled by the company Red Hat, was a popular Linux based operating
system until its discontinuation in 2004. It was the first Linux distribution to use the RPM
Package Manager as its packaging format, and over time has served as the starting point
for several other distributions, such as Mandriva Linux and Yellow Dog Linux.


SUSE is a computer operating system. It is built on top of the Linux kernel and is
distributed with system and application software from various projects. SUSE Linux is of
German origin and mainly developed in Europe. The first version of this distribution
appeared in early 1994, making SUSE one of the oldest existing commercial
distributions. Novell, one of the founding members of the Open Invention Network,
decided to make the community an important part of their development process by
opening widely the distribution development to outside contributors in 2005, creating the
openSUSE Project.
2. Clarify various methods of installing Linux distribution

Step 1:

Select installation language

Step 2:

Select 'Install Ubuntu' from the installation options

Step 3: Select your language (again). Why? Who knows.

Step 4: Select your timezone

Step 5: Select your keyboard layout

Step 6: Select a disk partition to install to

Step 7: Create your user account and name your computer

Step 8: Review installation options

Step 9: Wait...
Step 10: Restart the computer
Step 11: Remove the installation media

Step 12: Login!

Step 13: Enjoy!
The install took a total of about 15 minutes on my machine and was very easy. It will be
very familiar to regular Ubuntu users and will probably even be simple for the newest

3. From your viewpoint, how open source contribute in the development of computer

Dump the high cost proprietary systems for equivalent open source systems where you
can. There are many operating systems, databases, content management systems,
communications tools, networking and administration tools that are open source and free
to use. Choose mature products with a strong community following and plenty of
available support options either via developers or third party support offerings.

In the end, it's the participation that matters. Any open source software project is no more than
the sum of what its contributors put into it. The Linux kernel has progressed as quickly and as
well as it has because it has been helped by an impressively large group of developers, all of
whom are working to make it better. The kernel is a premier example of what can be done when
thousands of people work together toward a common goal.


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