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For more rotes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 4™ CLASS (PUNJAB) yu have passed your anual examination by gaining frst postion. | congratulate: yeu on your bilan suesess Years sneeray, xvZ, ie em ees Sheen of an Applicaton Sekantha | Keep in mind the ‘liowing sketch while witing any applica Latha thoy Tre HeadmasterMeasnisressPrinciral. AAC Senaa! 1 Unore SiiMasam, Most respectfully, | beg to say that oody of Application) | shal be very thank to you Yous sbecierty Cass Date: 2rd March, 20 ro () sly, wie dow "The Heaanaste™ or "the Heacmafese" in te left loner commer ang put comma () Cptaline the tal lela of each "The Headmaster £24. gre ee | wfc Eble "The Hondmaess* (i: Wite down he name of you school in he nex ine. PKI Fe LBS» ‘u) Wate cown the name of your ety the fed line and pus fl stop () reve ab yt n ti 285 (0) To acatess the Mead of your seheal vate "Sir or Wagar inthe four ine ‘ns put comma () there. BRL LL iin e ew, af tO (0) Describe your puxpose of writing ‘ngleation and complete accoréing tothe given sketon WL EL csi iba ithe (i) Use the capital levers. commas and full stops etc. properly in your application (wiWite your appieaianin lege se § qaiy After wrth@ plication, read it wice ‘and coment forse mislakes ini Sige tit iene pete or Fes Coven, Sotiuets The Principal § Govemmert Pronary Schoo! Laner Sihlacar, Most respect, eg to say that my tatner is 2 poor man. His income 1s very [meagre He has te supsot a large family He is unable to pay my fee. 1am very “ond of studying, Kina grant mo ful fo2 I shall be very gate to you ‘Yours obedient XYZ Class 44) Maren 01,20, 2 NppicionTorSickbeave Werte S ibe ‘The Principal Hamdare Mode! Schoo! Lahere: ‘SiNtadam, Most respectuly, | beg to sate that am suffering from high fever with sore you fer Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutor, Jo (Page 108. 'ot205) For more rotes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 4™ CLASS (PUNJAB) Sea (eevee camer) choo! father has been ranstered fo Rewalpina threat, So, | eannot come Kindy grant me eave for wo days I therefore, request you to kindly grant me shall be very thankful to you | schoo leaving eortfeate Yeurs obecierty, Fe Tonal be thank you xyz Yours obedient, Cats « XYZ Grass 4 Februsy 23, 20 1 Septerber 3020 tin one tae Wark. Pn Ate Lethe iby Tne Prnca nr Gov. Jit Model Schoo " tare parayagh ran esay Seago, APSA ils ost respectuly, 1 beg to state that | have an urgent piece of werk at nome, So, kindy grant me leave for one day ‘halle very thank you. Who as Yours obey, ee Gass () Take care, ebout errangement of Febuary 27,20 pivot ver and obec le writ LP pleaton fa Tv or Mendig 8 eT nce aint sabie Marri ‘ i) te dom a te ares in such SE ad Lett | i en Ot cca ne Prins az Canes” Lunbvotiire wie Site, (w wie the spellings of The word Carefuly and revise hem after wing ‘is humbly submited hat mariage | S'S and ress om ee ceremony of my eld ster Setar aT Senay grant me en Lng sealing eC Eg te Stem a es ei a (9 ajtalize the rit eof a2 teva at DO NOY tanktto you fortis 1 Serene. Also cartaize the fist — letter of each proper noun. Sa hed xyz PS OMG? ech inig ig Sasa ei ar taste (a be era each Noth e.0 iia oh Pate Sen ‘5. Applieaton for Schoo! Leaving Carticate, = LO PAIL 2 Pach, a gnput eset Rant) ate on nena ie eaM Line as sin Fo Bae Pa too center ate = (i) Revlon he ecayo pomgrah Sera, Vetecesatersiag hed ommat Vest rapectly, tego amy that y | _ esi sa Visit fer Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 109 of 205)

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