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Practice 1: Exploring Fusion Applications Help

1. Start on the Home work area, Welcome tab. Click the Navigator link.

2. Click the more... >> link.

3. Click the Setup and Maintenance link.

4. search for Manage jobs task.

5 .Click the Go to Task button.

6. The Job page appears, click on show help icon.

7. The help appears with title manage job

Practice 2

Creating an Implementation Project

Solution: Activity Solution: Creating an Implementation Project

Step Action 1. Click the Administration menu.

2. Click the Setup and Maintenance... menu.

3. Click the Implementation Projects tab.

4. Click the Create button.

5. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "XX Workforce Deployment".

6. Press [Tab].

7. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter " Implementation Project".

8. Click the Next button.

9. Click the Expand icon next to Workforce Deployment.

10. Click the Include option.

11. Include the Absence Management offering.

Click the Include option.

12. Include the Human Resources Business Intelligence Analytics offering.

13. Click the Save and Open Project button.

14. Click the + button before the Expand tree item.

15. Select the Workforce Deployment row.

16. Click the Assign Tasks button.

17. Click the Select and Add button.

18. Click in the User ID field.

19. Enter the desired information into the User ID field. Enter "Your User ID".

20. Click the Search button.

21. Click the cell.

22. Click the Done button.

23. Click the Save and Close button.

24. Click the Done button.

25. Click the Assigned Implementation Tasks tab.

26. Click the Project list.

27. Click the XX Workforce Deployment list item.

28. Click the Search button.

29. You have created an implementation project and assigned tasks to yourself.
Practice 3: To Check the list of available geography types in the environment
1. Navigate to the All Tasks tab in the Overview page of the Setup and Maintenance work area.

2. Search for the Schedule Export Process task.

3. Click the Go To Task button.

4. On the export Overview page, click Create.

5. Enter a name for the export.

6. Click Next.

7. In the Export Objects region of the Create Export Process Definition: Configure Export
Objects page, click Create.

8. Select Geography Type and click Done.

9. Click Next.

10. In the Create Export Process Definition: Create Schedule page, the export is scheduled to run
immediately by default.

11. Click Next.

12. In the Create Export Process Definition: Review page, click Activate.

13. Click Save and Close.

14. When the export process completes you can retrieve the file at the bottom of the page in the
History region.

Practice 4: Creating Reference data set

1. Search for Manage reference data set in setup and maintenance
2. Create the reference data set by clicking on “New” Button
3. Please don’t change the seeded data reference data set
Practice 5:

Creating Enterprise Structure

Click the Implementation Projects link.

2. Click the xx Implementation Project link.

3. Click the Workforce Deployment link.

4. Click the Define Common Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management link.

5. Click the Define Enterprise Structures for Human Capital Management link.

6. Click the Define Initial Configuration link.

7. Select the Establish Enterprise Structures task.

Click the Go to Task graphic.

8. Click the Create graphic.

9. Enter the desired information into the * Name field. Enter "xx Enterprise Configuration ".

10. Click the OK button.

11. Click the Go to Task graphic.

12. Use the Manage Enterprise page to enter basic information such as the primary industry and
the location of your headquarters.

13. Enter the desired information into the * Short Name field. Enter "xx Corp".

14. Click the * Primary Industry list.

15. Select the Finance and Insurance option.

16. Select United States from the Headquarters Country list.

17. Enter the desired information into the * Legal Name field. Enter "xx InFusion Corporation

18. Enter the desired information into the * Legal Entity Identifier field. Enter "US0001".
19. Enter the desired information into the * Legal Entity Registration Number field. Enter

20. Enter the desired information into the * Legal Reporting Unit Registration Number field.
Enter "US0003".

21. Click the Legal Address link.

22. Click the Create link.

23. Click in the Name field. Enter xx Location US HQ in the Name field.

24. Enter Redwood Shores in the Address Line 1 field.

Press [Enter].

25. Click the OK button.

26. Click the Yes. I have other legal entities to set up option.

27. You must define legal entities for the countries in which Infusion Corporation operates.

Infusion Corporation is an international company with business operations in United Kingdom,

United States, Japan, and India.

28. Click the Next button.

29. Use the Manage Divisions task to create the two divisions in the InFusion Corporation:
InFusion Lighting and InFusion Security.

Each division operates in more than one country and delivers different products and services.

30. Click the Add Row graphic.

31. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "xx InFusion Lighting".

32. Click the Country dropdown button to activate the menu.

33. Click the United States object.

34. Click the Location dropdown button to activate the menu.

35. Click the xx Location US HQ option.

36. Click the Add Row graphic.

37. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "xx InFusion Security ".

38. Click the Country dropdown button to activate the menu.

39. Click the United States object.

40. Click the Location dropdown button to activate the menu.

Select the Create option to define the UK location for the xx InFusion Security division.

41. Enter the desired information into the * Name field. Enter "xx Location UK HQ ".

42. Enter the desired information into the * Address Line 1 field. Enter "Oracle Parkway ".

43. Enter the desired information into the * City or Town field. Enter "Reading ".

44. Click the OK button.

45. Click the Save button.

46. Click the Next button.

47. Click the Add Row graphic.

48. Click the Country dropdown button to activate the menu.

49. Click the United States list item.

50. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "xx InFusion Lighting US LE ".

51. Click the Division list.

52. Click the xx InFusion Lighting cell.

53. Enter the desired information into the Legal Entity Identifier field. Enter "US0004 ".

54. Enter the desired information into the Legal Entity Registration Number field. Enter
"US0005 ".

55. Enter the desired information into the Legal Reporting Unit Registration Number field.
Enter "US0006 "
56. Click the Legal Address dropdown button to activate the menu.

Select the xx Location US HQ as the legal address.

57. Click the Add Row graphic.

58. Click the Country dropdown button to activate the menu.

Select Japan from the list.

59. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "xx InFusion Lighting Japan LE".

60. Click the Division list.

Select the xx InFusion Lighting division.

61. Enter the desired information into the Legal Entity Identifier field. Enter "JP0001".

62. Enter the desired information into the Legal Entity Registration Number field. Enter

63. Enter the desired information into the Legal Reporting Unit Registration Number field. Enter

64. Click the Legal Address dropdown button to activate the menu.

65. Click the Create link.

66. Enter the desired information into the * Name field. Enter "xx Location Japan ".

67. Enter the desired information into the * Postal Code field. Enter "JP123456 ".

68. Enter the desired information into the * Address Line 1 field. Enter "Tokyo Square ".

69. Click the OK button.

70. Click the Add Row graphic.

71. Click the Country dropdown button to activate the menu.

Select United Kingdom from the list.

72. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "xx InFusion Security UK LE".
73. Click the Division list.

Select the xx InFusion Security Division.

74. Enter the desired information into the Legal Entity Identifier field. Enter "UK0001".

75. Enter the desired information into the Legal Entity Registration Number field. Enter

76. Enter the desired information into the Legal Reporting Unit Registration Number field.
Enter "UK0003".

77. Click the Legal Address dropdown button to activate the menu.

Select the xx Location UK HQ option from the list.

78. Click the Add Row graphic.

79. Click the Country dropdown button to activate the menu.

80. Click the India cell.

81. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "xx InFusion Security India LE".

82. Click the Division list.

Select the xx InFusion Security division.

83. Enter the desired information into the Legal Entity Identifier field. Enter "IN0001".

84. Enter the desired information into the Legal Entity Registration Number field. Enter

85. Enter the desired information into the Legal Reporting Unit Registration Number field. Enter

86. Click the Legal Address dropdown button to activate the menu.

Select the Create option to create a new location for India.

87. Enter the desired information into the * Name field. Enter "xx Location India ".

88. Enter the desired information into the * Address Line 1 field. Enter "Hyderabad Square ".
89. Enter the desired information into the * City or Town field. Enter "Hyderabad ".

90. Enter the desired information into the * Pin Code field. Enter "H12345 ".

91. Click the OK button.

92. Click the Save button.

93. Click the OK button.

94. Click the Next button.

95. Click the Select All object.

96. You select to automatically generate business units at the legal entity level because InFusion
Corporation requires business units at the country level to represent the countries in which they

97. Click the Next button.

98. ESC has created a business unit for each legal entity in xx InFusion Corporation. You can
use the Manage Business Units page to review the business units, and define a location for each
business unit.

99. Click the Next button.

100.The ESC has automatically created a reference data set for each business unit. Use the
Manage Business Unit Set Assignment page to define the default reference data set for each
business unit. The reference data set provides the business unit with information, which is used
at the transaction level.

101.Click the Default Reference Data Set list. Select xx InFusion Lighting Japan LE SET.

102.Click the Default Reference Data Set list.

103.Click the Default Reference Data Set list. Select xx InFusion Lighting US LE SET.

104.Click the Default Reference Data Set list. Select xx InFusion Security UK LE SET.

105.Click the Default Reference Data Set list. Select xx InFusion Security India LE SET.

106.Click the Default Reference Data Set list. Select Common Set.
107.Click the Next button.

108.Use the Manage Location Reference Set page to assign reference data sets to your locations.
109.Click the Reference Data Set list.

Select xx InFusion Security India LE SET.

110.Click the Reference Data Set list.

Select xx InFusion Lighting Japan LE SET.

111.Click the Reference Data Set list.

Select xx InFusion Security UK LE SET.

112.Click the Reference Data Set list.

Select xx InFusion Lighting US LE SET.

113.Click the Save button.

114.Click the OK button.

115.Click the Next button.

116.Review the enterprise configuration.

Click the Management Reporting Structure tab.

117.The Management Reporting Structure tab enables you to view the organization structures in
a hierarchy.

118.Click the Submit button.

119.After you submit the Establish Enterprise Structures task, navigate to the Review Enterprise
Configuration task to view a detailed technical summary report.

120.Click the Implementation Projects link.

121.Click the xx Implementation Project link.

122.Select Workforce Deployment, then Define Common Applications Configuration for Human
Capital Management, then Define Enterprise Structures for Human Capital Management, and
then Define Initial Configuration.
123.Select the Review Enterprise Configuration. task. Click the Go to Task graphic.

124.Select the xx Enterprise Configuration. Click the Go to Task graphic.

125.Review all the high-level organization structures in the Interview Results tab. Select the
Technical Summary Report for a detailed view of the enterprise configuration.

126.Click the Done button.

127.After you complete the task, navigate back to the task list within your implementation
project to mark the task as complete.

128.Click the Implementation Projects link.

129.Click the xx Implementation Project link.

130.Click the Workforce Deployment link.

131.Click the Define Common Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management link.

132.Click the Define Enterprise Structures for Human Capital Management link.

133.Click the Define Initial Configuration link.

134.Select the Establish Enterprise Structures task. Click the Status graphic.

135.Select Completed in the Status field. Click the Save and Close button.

136.Click the Done button.

137.In this activity, you have learned how to define and review the high-level organization

Practice 6: Manage Enterprise Structure using setup and maintenance

1: Navigate to Manage Enterprise HCM Structure

2. Review/update the Enterprise details.

Practice 7: Creating Legal Jurisdictions

Create a legal jurisdiction by following these steps:

1. Navigate to the Manage Legal Jurisdictions page from the Setup and Maintenance work area
by querying on theManage Legal Jurisdictions task and selecting Go to Task.

2. Select Create.

3. Enter a unique Name, United States Income Tax.

4. Select a Territory, United States.

5. Select a Legislative Category, Income tax.

6. Select Identifying, Yes. Identifying indicates the first jurisdiction a legal entity must register
with to do business in a country.

7. Enter a Start Date if desired. You can also add an End Date to indicate a date that the
jurisdiction may no longer be used.

8. Select a Legal Entity Registration Code, EIN or TIN.

9. Select a Legal Reporting Unit Registration Code, Legal Reporting Unit Registration Number.

10. Optionally enter one or more Legal Functions.

11. Select Save and Close.

Practice 8: Legal Addresses for Legal Entities and Reporting Units

Create a legal address for legal entities and reporting units by following these steps:

1. Navigate to the Manage Legal Address page from the Setup and Maintenance work area by
querying on theManage Legal Address task and selecting Go to Task.

2. Select Create.

3. Select Country.

4. Enter Address Line 1, Oracle Parkway.

5. Optionally enter Address Line 2, and Address Line 3.

6. Enter or Select Zip Code, 94065.

7. Select Geography 94065 and Parent Geography Redwood Shores, San Mateo, CA.

8. Optionally enter a Time Zone, US Pacific Time.

9. Select OK.

10. Select Save and Close.

Practice 9: Legal Authorities

Create a legal authority by following these steps:

1. Navigate to the Manage Legal Authorities page from the Setup and Maintenance work area
by querying on the Manage Legal Authorities task and selecting Go to Task.

2. Enter the Name, California Franchise Tax Board.

3. Enter the Tax Authority Type, Reporting.


Create an address for the legal authority.

4. Select Create.

5. The Site Number is automatically assigned.

6. Optionally enter a Mail Stop.

7. Select Country, United States

8. Enter Address Line 1, 121 Spear Street, Suite 400.

9. Optionally enter Address Line 2, and Address Line 3.

10. Enter or Select Zip Code, 94105.

11. Select Geography 94105 and Parent Geography San Francisco, San Francisco, CA.

12. Select OK.

13. Optionally enter a Time Zone, US Pacific Time.

14. Optionally click the One-Time Address check box.

15. The From Date defaults to today's date. Update if necessary.

16. Optionally enter a To Date to indicate the last day the address can be used.


You can optionally enter Address Purpose details.

17. Select Add Row.

18. Select Purpose.

19. The Purpose from Date will default to today's date.

20. Optionally enter a Purpose to Date.

21. Select OK.

22. Select Save and Close

Practice 10: Creating Legal Entities, Registrations, and Reporting Units:
Define a legal entity for each registered company or other entity recognized in law for which you
want to record assets, liabilities, and income, pay transaction taxes, or perform intercompany

Legal Entity

From within an implementation project, create a legal entity by following these steps:


Working within an implementation project is required because you select a scope value within an
implementation project. The scope value is the legal entity that you will create or select to work
within for your implementation project.

1. Navigate to an implementation project that contains the Define Legal Entities task list from
the Setup and Maintenance work area.

2. Select Go to Task for the Define Legal Entities task list within the implementation project.


The following message appears:

You must first select a scope value to perform the task.

o Select and add an existing scope value to the implementation project.

o Create a new scope value and then add it to the implementation project.

3. Select Create New.

4. From the Manage Legal Entities page select Create.

5. Accept the default Country, United States.

6. Enter Name, InFusion USA West.

7. Enter Legal Entity Identifier, US0033.

8. Optionally enter Start Date. When the start date is blank the legal entity is effective from the
creation date.

9. Optionally enter an End Date.

10. Optionally, if your legal entity should be registered to report payroll tax and social insurance,
select the Payroll statutory unit check box.

11. Optionally, if your legal entity has employees, select the Legal employer check box.

12. Optionally, if this legal entity is not a payroll statutory unit, select an existing payroll statutory
unit to report payroll tax and social instance on behalf of this legal entity.


Enter the Registration Information.

13. Accept the default Identifying Jurisdiction, United States Income Tax.

14. Search for and select a Legal Address, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065.


The legal address must have been entered previously using the Manage Legal Addresstask.

15. Select OK.

16. Optionally enter a Place of Registration.

17. Enter the EIN or TIN.

18. Enter the Legal Reporting Unit Registration Number.

19. Select Save and Close to navigate back to the Manage Legal Entities page.
20. Select Done to return to your implementation project. An issue with the done button has been
fixed in 11g Release 1 (11.1.4).

21. In the Legal Entity choice list in the implementation project (just below the implementation
project name and code), click Select and Add Legal Entity to choose the legal entity that you
just created, and set the scope for the remainder of your setup.

22. Search for and select your legal entity from the Manage Legal Entities page.

23. Select Save and Close.

This sets the scope for your task list to the selected legal entity, as indicated in the Legal
Entity choice list above the Tasks and Task Lists table.

Practice 11: Legal Entity Registrations

A legal entity registration with the same name as that of the legal entity will be created by
default. To verify this, locate theManage Legal Entity Registrations task and then select Go to
Task. To create another registration for the legal entity follow these steps:

1. Navigate to your implementation project from the Setup and Maintenance work area. Verify
that the parent Legal Entity scope value is set correctly.

2. Expand the Define Legal Entities task list within the implementation project.

3. Select Manage Legal Entity Registrations Go to Task.

4. Select Create.

5. Enter Jurisdiction.

6. Enter Registered Address.

7. Enter Registered Name.

8. Optionally enter Alternate Name, Registration Number, Place of Registration, Issuing Legal
Authority, andIssuing Legal Authority Address, Start Date, and End Date.

9. Save and Close.

Practice 12: Legal Reporting Unit
When a legal entity is created, a legal reporting unit with the same name as that of the entity is
also automatically created. To create more legal reporting units or modify the settings follow
these steps:

1. Navigate to your implementation project from the Setup and Maintenance work area. Verify
that the parent Legal Entity scope value is set correctly.

2. Select Go to Task for the Define Legal Entities task list within the implementation project.

3. Select Create.

4. Enter Territory, United States.

5. Enter Name.

6. Optionally enter a Start Date.


Enter Registration Information.

7. Search for and select Jurisdiction.


Enter Main Legal Reporting Unit information.

8. Select the value Yes or No for the Main Legal Reporting Unit. Set value to yes only if you are
creating a new main (primary) legal reporting unit.

9. Enter the Main Effective Start Date, 1/1/11.

10. Save and Close.

Practice 13: Defining Job and Position Structure
1. Click the Implementation Projects link.

2. Click the xx Implementation Project link.

3. Press the left mouse button on the Workforce Deployment link.

4. Click the Define Common Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management link.
5. Click the Define Enterprise Structures for Human Capital Management link.

6. Click the Define Initial Configuration link.

7. Select the Establish Job and Position Structures task.

Click the Go to Task graphic.

8. Click the Go to Task graphic.

9. Select xx Enterprise Configuration.

Click the Go to Task graphic.

10. Click the I want to use this option option.

11. Click the Next button.

12. Use the Define Enterprise Level Attributes page to define attributes that apply to all jobs in
the enterprise. You can set up additional details about the job, such as the nature of the work that
is performed, or the relative skill level required for the job.

13. Click the Add Row graphic.

14. Enter the desired information into the Sequence field. Enter "1".

15. Click in the Attribute Name field. Enter Type.

16. Click an entry in the list. Select Text.

17. Click the Add Row graphic.

18. Enter the desired information into the Sequence field. Enter "2".

19. Click in the Attribute Name field.

20. Enter the desired information into the Attribute Name field. Enter "Number".

21. Click an entry in the list. Select Number.

22. Click the Next button.

23. Use the Define Contextual Attributes page to define additional job and position structures.

You can define additional job structures for every reference data set defined in ESC. Any
attributes you set up at the reference data set level will appear alongside any enterprise- level

For positions, you can define additional position structures for every business unit defined in
ESC. Any attributes you set up at the business unit level will appear alongside any enterprise-
level attributes.

24. Click the Next button.

25. Click the Submit button.

26. After you complete the task, navigate back to the task list within your implementation
project to mark the task as complete.

27. Press the left mouse button on the Implementation Projects link.

28. Click the xx Implementation Project link.

29. Click the Workforce Deployment link.

30. Click the Define Common Applications Configuration for Human Capital Management link.
31. Click the Define Enterprise Structures for Human Capital Management link.

32. Click the Define Initial Configuration link.

33. Select the Establish Job and Position Structure task.

Click the Status graphic.

34. Click the Status dropdown button to activate the menu. Select the Completed option.

35. Click the Save and Close button.

36. In this Practice, you have learned how to define job structures in ESC.

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