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Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.DOI

HIAuth: A Hierarchical Implicit

Authentication System for IoT Wearables
Using Multiple Biometrics
Department of Computer and Information Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA (e-mail:
Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755 USA
Department of Computer and Information Science, Fordham University, NYC, NY 10458 USA
Corresponding author: Sudip Vhaduri (e-mail:

ABSTRACT Day-by-day wearable devices, such as smartwatches, are getting popular with their wide
range of services, including allowing financial transactions, unlocking cars, tracking health and fitness,
among many others. Most often, these services are managed based on users’ personal data. Unfortunately,
due to various limitations, most of the market-wearables either do not have any user authentication or have a
knowledge-based authentication, such as passwords, PINs, or pattern locks, which are not only burdensome
for users in the age of the internet of things (IoT) when the users are already flooded with so many passwords.
Therefore, there is a need for a burden-free implicit authentication mechanism for wearables that can utilize
different less-informative soft-biometric data easily obtainable from the market wearables. In this work, we
present a hierarchical implicit authentication (HIAuth) system that utilizes the heart rate, gait, and breathing
audio signals based on their availability to authenticate a user. From our detailed analysis, we find that binary
support vector machine (SVM) classifiers with radial basis function (RBF) kernels can achieve an average
accuracy of 0.98±0.04 (non-sedentary) and 0.94±0.03 (sedentary), F1 score of 0.98±0.03 (non-sedentary)
and 0.94±0.04 (sedentary), and genuine rejection rate of about 0.97±0.07 (non-sedentary) and 0.93±0.04
(sedentary), which shows the feasibility and promise of this work.

INDEX TERMS Wearable User Authentication, Implicit Authentication, Security, Multi-Biometric Model

I. INTRODUCTION the knowledge-based password, PIN, and pattern locks [13].

E first introduce the motivation of this work, followed Many times, users disable these knowledge-based authentica-
W by the existing research, and our contributions. tions to avoid the hassle of remembering passwords, numeric
or voice PINs, and unlocking patterns [14]. Unfortunately,
this recall burden is getting even worse during the age of IoT,
where a person has access to multiple devices, with each hav-
While the Internet of Things (IoT) enables us to remotely ing its own authentication. According to Lastpass, a password
collect information or control a multitude of physical objects security firm, an average worker needs to remember 25 to 85
(ranging from smart cars to smart homes) utilizing the ex- passwords [15]. This causes an extra burden to the user and
isting network infrastructure, recent advancements in smart- motivates users to create “lazy”, easily hackable passwords.
phones and wearables with enhanced sensing and computa- According to McAfee, around 5% of all passwords are either
tional capabilities have made it possible to accomplish var- “Password” or “123456”, and over 79.9% of all passwords
ious IoT supported tasks, e.g., unlock cars, monitor homes, are weak [16]. Thereby, an implicit biometric authentication
monitor health and fitness, and perform financial transactions can greatly alleviate this memory and creativity burden.
with the help of smartphone- and wearable-applications [1]–
[10]. Knowledge-based authentications are not only creating
Though the smart wearables are getting popular with their recall and creativity burdens, but they are also erroneous.
wide range of IoT supported services [11], [12], smart wear- Researchers have found that due to “fat finger” effects,
ables either have no authentication systems or often have numeric PINs, voice PINs, draw PINs, and pattern locks

VOLUME 4, 2016 1
Vhaduri et al.: HIAuth

suffer from error rates of 7.5%, 14.0%, 20.7%, and 9.3%, approaches, which can achieve around 98% genuine accep-
respectively [17]. An implicit biometric authentication nei- tance rates [39], [40], while stabilizing the performance loss
ther suffers from the same issues nor requires passwords due to various factors, such as suffer from intra-class vari-
retention. Due to all these benefits of implicit biometric au- ations, inter-class similarities, spoof attacks, and presence
thentications over knowledge-based authentications, implicit of noise [41], that adversely affect individual biometrics
biometric authentications will be a good choice [17]. and the performance of a single-biometric authentication
system. For instance, background noise can affect speech-
B. RELATED WORK based authentication, the presence of dirt on fingers can affect
We first present different wearables limitations that restrict fingerprint-based authentication, and poor lighting can affect
us from adopting traditional biometric-authentications for facial recognition-based authentication. Still, a combined
wearables, followed by advantages of multi-modal biometric approach can balance the performance loss due to one af-
authentication approaches over single biometric authentica- fected biometric [42]. However, most of these existing multi-
tion approaches, and finally, existing works on wearable modal authentications are not adoptable to wearable due
authentication. to various limitations, as discussed in the previous section
(Section I-B1). Therefore, we need to develop an authenti-
1) Wearable Constraints cation system that will work on multiple biometrics readily
Due to smaller size and limited computing capabilities, available in market wearables to validate a user continuously
most of the authentications using traditional biometrics, without requiring any active user action.
such as image [18]–[21], video [22]–[24], fingerprints [25],
voice [26]–[28], breathing patterns [29], [30], and keystroke 3) Wearable Authentication
dynamics [31]–[33], are not adoptable in wearables [34],
[35]. However, with the advancement of technology, smart- Wearables, such as smartwatches, are continuously used
watch producers have started integrating new sensors into compared to other IoT objects, such as smartphones. There-
wearables to collect various types of opportunistic data; for fore, IoT wearables need a non-stop authentication to se-
example, Apple has started integrating electrocardiogram cure various sensitive data collected continuously by those
(ECG) sensors into their smartwatches from series 6. While wearables compared to one-time authentication designed for
these opportunistic data can authenticate users, these new most gadgets. However, asking users for continuously ex-
sensor data often suffer from low accuracy compared to their plicit authentications is not convenient. Thereby, researchers
implementations in dedicated clinical devices. For example, have been relying on various behavioral biometrics, such
researchers have found that Apple Watch and its ECG sensor as gait [43]–[45], activity types [34], [46], gesture [47],
are only 19.6% accurate while detecting atrial fibrillation keystroke dynamics [31], that can be obtained from wear-
of people under 55 years of old [36]. Additionally, users ables continuously and can be utilized to uniquely iden-
need to touch the crown or screen of the smartwatches tify a valid user without requiring any active user action.
with their second hand to construct an electric circuit to Most of these authentication systems are limited to appli-
obtain ECG readings while wearing the smartwatches. This cation scenarios, e.g., gait-based behavioral authentication
inconvenience limits the use of ECG as a wearable-biometric approaches [44], [45] only work during walking. While other
that can be collected seamlessly and used for 24/7 non-stop projects have addressed some of the limitations of gait-based
implicitly (i.e., with no active user interaction) to authenticate approaches by considering different types of gestures [47] or
the users. Finally, wearables have limited computing capa- activities [34], [46], all of these models are based on move-
bility compared to other dedicated authentication devices. ment and fail to work properly when the subject is seden-
Therefore, powerful models using deep neural networks that tary [35], [48]. Compared to behavioral biometrics, physio-
can utilize fine-grained sensor data are still not applicable logical biometrics, such as heart rate obtained from photo-
to almost all market wearables. However, shallow machine plethysmogram (PPG) sensor [49] and bio-impedance [50]
learning models could be implemented on wearables to avoid are always available irrespective of a user’s physical state
cases where raw wearable data needs to be sent to the (sedentary or non-sedentary) but require very fine-grained
server to authenticate users and thereby overcome the risks samples, and sensor readings are easily affected by noise,
of middleman attacks [37]. motion, etc. While some researchers develop a prototypical
authentication scheme combining one-time explicit authenti-
2) Multi-modal Biometric Authentication cation, such as fingerprint, followed by a continuous implicit
Most of the single biometrics have underlying weaknesses authentication using heart rate [51], [52], this will not be
that make them less effective. For example, gait-based au- applicable to most of the market wearables since they do
thentication is a popular single biometric authentication not have a fingerprint scanner and also heart rate alone is not
system, which can achieve 92% accuracy [38]. However, a powerful biometric to authenticate a user [14]. Therefore,
this approach struggles during sedentary periods. To over- there is a need for a complete implicit authentication that uti-
come similar limitations of a single biometric approach, lizes multiple biometrics available in most market wearables.
researchers have started relying on combined multi-biometric
2 VOLUME 4, 2016
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Main contribution of this paper is a hierarchical implicit au- • In this work, we have presented comparison among
thentication (HIAuth) system for market-wearables utilizing different classifiers and models graphically using spider
multiple coarse-grained soft-biometrics based on their avail- plots (Figures 4 and 5 in Section III-D). Additionally,
ability (Section II-E). Though minute-level coarse-grained we have introduced a novel aggregated metric, i.e.,
heart rate samples are less informative, they are available area within a spider polygon (AWSP) to give a holistic
almost all the time when the wearable watch is worn. Addi- measure of the overall performance while comparing
tional biometrics, such as gait, can improve the authentication classifiers and models at different levels of the HIAuth
system performance. However, unlike the heart rate data, gait system.
is available only when a user moves. On the other hand, • We have further compared the classifiers/models based
breathing audio data can have better availability. Still, audio on relative gain/loss compared to the best classi-
data usually suffer from various issues, such as a user’s fiers/models across the three critical performance mea-
physical and mental state, presence of other sounds in the sures, i.e., genuine rejection rate, genuine acceptance
environment. Thereby, a hierarchical multi-biometric-based rate, and area within a spider polygon (Tables 3 and 4
implicit authentication system, such as the HIAuth system, in Section III-D).
that utilizes the availability of different biometrics can be • In the case of non-sedentary periods, we achieve around
extremely powerful and useful. 6% increase in average accuracy and F1 score (i.e., 0.98
From our detailed analysis, we find that the HIAuth versus 0.93) using binary models with heart rate, gait,
system can authenticate a user with an average accuracy and breathing data altogether, compared to our previous
of 0.98 ± 0.04, F1 score of 0.98 ± 0.03, and a genuine work [54]. Similarly, we achieve around 13% increase
rejection rate of about 0.97 ± 0.07 during the non-sedentary in average accuracy and F1 score (i.e., 0.81 versus
period using the three biometrics, i.e., heart rate, gait, and 0.72) using unary models, compared to our previous
breathing biometrics together and the binary SVM classifier work [53].
with RBF kernel (Section III-D). However, during sedentary • In the case of sedentary periods, we achieve around 8%
periods the HIAuth system can authenticate a user with an increase in average accuracy and F1 score (i.e., 0.78
average accuracy of 0.94 ± 0.03, F1 score of 0.94 ± 0.04, versus 0.72) using unary models with heart rate and
and a genuine rejection rate of about 0.93 ± 0.04 using heart breathing data, compared to our previous work [53].
rate and breathing data, and the binary SVM classifier with In the case of binary models, we observe similar per-
RBF kernel. Compared to binary classification models, unary formance to our previous work during sedentary peri-
classifier-based models achieve lower performance with sim- ods [53]. However, in this work, we witness a lower
ilar trends as binary models. But, the unary models have an standard deviation of around 0.03, compared to 0.07 that
inherent advantage – we need only one class of data (i.e., we found in our previous work, which means our recent
valid user’s data) to train the models. Most importantly, all models perform more consistently than the previous
our models achieve very low error rates (Section III-E). models.
In this manuscript, we present the HIAuth system that Organization: We first present data processing steps, in-
has been built on our previous works [53], [54]. The main cluding different types of augmentation approaches to create
contributions of this manuscript, compared to our previous real-world effects and increase data volume (Section II-B).
works, are summarized below: After that we present feature engineering steps, including
• In this work, we compute seven types of features, feature computation (Section II-C) and two-step feature se-
including GFCC, BFCC, LPC, and RPLP for every lection approaches (Section II-D). Next, we present the data
breathing instance, compared to only MFCC used in our availability-based hierarchical implicit authentication (HI-
previous work (Section II-C). Additionally, we intro- Auth) system which utilizes multiple biometrics to validate
duce the magnitude of acceleration features to generate a user both in sedentary and non-sedentary periods (Sec-
another layer of gait features. tion II-E). Finally, in Section III-D, we present a detailed
• When selecting features, we follow a two-step process evaluation of the HIAuth system, followed by conclusions
(i.e., “correlation” method-based selection followed by (Section IV) and discussion about our limitations which we
either “principal component analysis” (PCA) or “vari- aim to address in the future (Section V).
ance” method-based selection), compared to the “Se-
lectKBes” method-based feature selection used in our II. APPROACH
previous work (Section II-D).
In this section, we present the hierarchical continuous im-
• Compared to our previous work, in this work, we use
plicit authentication (HIAuth) system. However, before pre-
polynomial kernels with a varying degree in addition
senting the HIAuth system, we first introduce the datasets,
to the RBF kernels while developing unary classifiers
pre-processing steps, and feature engineering.
to better understand the intrinsic distribution of the
data obtained from a valid user (Tables 1 and 2 in
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We use the following three types of data to develop the We compute the following sets of candidate features.
HIAuth system. Data collection procedures were approved • Heart rate features: From each window, we compute 21
by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). statistical features: mean, median, standard deviation,
• Heart Rate: We collected heart rate data at a rate of variance, coefficient of variance, range, coefficient of
one sample per minute from 10 subjects using the Fitbit range, first quartile or 25th percentile, third quartile or
Charge HR device (described in [53], [54]) similar to 75th percentile, maximum, interquartile range, coeffi-
our previous work [14], [35], [55]–[66]. cient of interquartile, mean absolute deviation, median
• Gait Data: The gyroscope and accelerometer readings absolute deviation, energy, power, root mean square,
are gathered at a rate of one sample in 50 milliseconds root sum of squares, signal to noise ratio, skewness, and
using the LG G Watch from 10 subjects [53], [54]. kurtosis, described in [14].
• Breathing Sounds: We recorded breathing sounds at • Gait features: We compute the same above mentioned

44.1 kHz sampling frequency from 10 subjects with six 21 features from each window p of x-, y-, z-axis, and
distinct inhalation breathing events per subject using the magnitude of acceleration f (= x2 + y 2 + z 2 ) based
Evistr digital voice recorder [53], [54]. on the readings obtained from both gyroscope (captures
angular acceleration) and accelerometer (captures linear
B. DATA PRE-PROCESSING acceleration).
• Breathing features: From each inhalation breathing
We first clean the raw data. Next, we segment the continuous
stream of biometrics to compute and select the most influen- event (original and augmented), we compute a wide
tial features. range of cepstral coefficients, including 40 Mel-
frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), 13 Gamma-
1) Data Segmentation tone frequency cepstral coefficients (GFCCs), 13 Bark
We segment the heart rate and gait samples into 10-sample frequency cepstral coefficients (BFCCs), 13 Linear pre-
windows with 50% overlap sliding window. From each sub- dictive coding (LPC), 13 Revised perceptual linear pre-
ject, we obtain six clean inhalation sounds, each of which diction coefficients (RPLP), 12 chromas, and six tonal
we augment in 102 ways mentioned in the next section features. Additionally, we compute five statistical fea-
(Section II-B2) to capture real-world effects and increase tures from each chroma feature and tonal feature. We
data volume. Thereby, we obtain 612 original and augmented use the Librosa and Spafe libraries to compute these
breathing (i.e., inhalation) events from each subject. We audio features [68], [69].
obtain the same 612 windows, i.e., instances from the heart Thereby, we obtain 21 heart rate, and 168 gait features (21
rate and gait data. This way, we obtain the same 612 instances from each of the six axes and two magnitude of acceleration
from each biometric to compute features and develop various values) features from a single window of heart rate and gait
models (discussed in the Method: HIAuth System section, data, respectively, and 182 features from every inhalation
i.e., Section II-E) of our HIAuth system. breathing event.

2) Breathing Sound Augmentation
To select the most influential features for binary models, we
Breathing could be altered due to changes in environments,
follow a two-step approach. First, we filter features through a
physical state, or mood. To simulate these variations, we
correlation test. If a pair of features has a correlation value
augment the original audio breathing events in three ways.
above 0.95, we exclude one feature from the pair. In the
• Pitch shift: We consider 15 pitch shifts ranging from - second step, we use Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
3.5 to 3.5 with 0.5 increments. to reduce the feature count. In the case of feature selection
• Speed change: We consider seven speed changes rang- for unary models, we follow a different two-step approach.
ing from .25x to 2x times the speed of an original Similar to the binary models, the first step is a correlation
clip with an increment of .25x, skipping 1x since that check with the same 0.95 thresholds. In the second step, we
represents the original clip, which is already included in follow a variance-based approach. We select features that
the previous step, i.e., pitch shift with value 0. have the lowest variance among the samples of one class
• Noise superposition: We randomly select five vacuum of data (i.e., target/valid user’s data) used to develop unary
and five washing machine sound clips from the Envi- models. Both for binary and unary models, we try various
ronmental Sound Classification (ESC-50) database [67], feature counts to find an optimal choice. In Tables 1 and 2,
as background noises to modify each original inhalation we present the optimal feature counts that we find from our
sound with eight different signal-to-noise ratio levels experiment.
ranging from 10−4 to 104 , incremented by magnitudes
of 10 while skipping 1. E. METHOD: HIAuth SYSTEM
As a result, each original breathing clip is modified 102 In Figure 1, we present the proposed hierarchical implicit
times. authentication (HIAuth) system for wearable-users utilizing
4 VOLUME 4, 2016
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person-dependent multiple biometrics. Based on the avail- 3) Level#3a Heart rate and breathing data-driven model
ability of different biometrics and the confidence of an ac- (L#3a HRB model): In the sedentary states, although
ceptance decision, we define the HIAuth system as below: gait is not available, audio recordings from wearables
1) Level#1 Heart rate data-driven model (L#1 HR are still available. Therefore, breathing audio record-
model): The system initially tries to authenticate a ings and heart rate can be a good biometric combina-
user using the heart rate data obtained from the photo- tion to identify users during sedentary states. Still, if
plethysmogram (PPG) sensor, which is always avail- the system cannot authenticate the user with enough
able irrespective of a user’s physical state and easy confidence using both heart rate and breathing data, the
to obtain. However, coarse-grained (one sample per user will be asked for explicit authentication, such as
minute) heart rate data may not be precise enough to password and PIN.
identify the user. Additionally, factors such as motion 4) Level#3b Heart rate, gait, and breathing data-driven
artifacts or stress/emotion can affect the heart rate model (L#3b HRGB model): At this level, the system
data. Therefore, if the system cannot authenticate the will try to authenticate the user based on heart rate,
user with enough confidence, it checks whether the gait, and breathing data. If the system cannot authen-
user is moving from the on-device accelerometer and ticate the user with enough confidence, the user will be
gyroscope data, and based on that, the HIAuth system asked for explicit authentication, such as password and
either proceed to the Level#2 (if the user is moving) or PIN similar to failure at Level#3a.
Level#3a (if the user is not moving) the authentication In the HIAuth system, we do not use the HRB seden-
module to consider additional biometrics based on their tary model or the HRGB non-sedentary model as a default
availability. Otherwise, the system allows the user to choice. Instead, we use different models based on sensor data
access the device. availability and confidence of a model while authenticating a
2) Level#2 Heart rate and gait data-driven model (L#2 user. This mechanism is important in the age of IoT when
HRG model): At this level, the system tries to au- people use different types of wearables, and the users may
thenticate the user based on a combination of gait and want to turn off certain sensors for privacy or other issues.
heart rate biometrics. The user can access the device Therefore, a hierarchical impact authentication system, such
if the system can authenticate the user with enough as the HIAuth with multiple levels of user modeling will be
confidence. If the system cannot authenticate the user helpful to support the users in complex cases where different
with enough confidence, it checks the authentication sensors are either not active or not available/present in a
module in the next level (i.e., Level#3b) that combines wearable.
breathing sounds with heart rate and gait biometrics. We consider various classifiers to develop different models
Otherwise, the system allows the user to access the in our HIAuth system. These include random forest (RF),
device. k-nearest neighbor (k-NN), naive bayes (NB), and support
vector machine (SVM) with binary and unary schemes. The
SVM classifiers come with two popular kernels, i.e., radial
basis function (RBF) kernel and polynomial (Poly.) kernel.


Now we present how the training-testing set split and our
modeling schemes, followed by the performance measures
we use to compare the learners and hyper-parameter opti-

In our binary modeling, we have two classes: a valid user
(class-0) and impostors (class-1). To avoid overfitting, con-
sider at least 10 times more feature windows, i.e., number
of instances than the number of features. Since we obtain
M = 6 inhalation breathing audio events from one of N =
10 users, we follow a leave-one-sample-out strategy during
training-testing. In this approach, for each subject, we train-
test M = 6 separate models, where each model is trained
from M − 1 = 5 original and their 102 augmented breathing
events (i.e., in total 510 instances) and tested on remaining
original and its 102 augmented breathing events (i.e., in total
102 instances) to keep train and test sets mutually exclusive.
FIGURE 1: Overview of the HIAuth system For other models that use non-breathing data, such as heart
VOLUME 4, 2016 5
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rate and gait, we also pick 510 instances out of 612 instances measures (i.e., RMSE, FAR, and FRR) but higher positive
to train models and use the rest of the 102 instances to measures (i.e., ACC, GRR, GAR, F1 Score, and AUC-ROC)
test the trained models. Thereby, for each level of modeling of performance. We also use Equal Error Rate (EER), which
(discussed in the Method: HIAuth System section, i.e., Sec- is defined as the point when FRR and FAR are equal, i.e.,
tion II-E), we train-test N × M = 10 × 6 = 60 models. For a trade-off between the two error measures. Additionally,
class balancing, we consider the same M − 1 = 5 original we use an aggregated measure, i.e., Area Within a Spider
and their augmented breathing events (in total 510 instances) Polygon (AWSP), which combines multiple performance
from each class. Since the imposter class (class-1) consists of measures, such as accuracy, genuine rejection rate, genuine
N − 1 = 9 person, we uniformly pick 510/9 ≈ 56 instances acceptance rate, F1 score, and AUC-ROC into a single met-
from each imposter. Similarly, in the test set, we consider ric. The AWSP is defined as the shape polygon whose axes
102 instances from the valid/target user and 102/9 ≈ 11 represent different performance measures and values ranging
windows from each imposter. In the case of unary models, we from zero to one. In the case of binary and unary models,
also follow the leave-one-sample-out strategy. But, compared we obtain pentagon (Figure 4) and quadrilateral (since unary
to the binary, unary models are developed with only a valid models do not have AUC-ROC) (Figure 5), respectively.
user’s data with an outlier rate threshold (ν) to split the user’s
data into valid and outlier groups. C. HYPER-PARAMETER OPTIMIZATION
During each leave-one-sample-out validation, we perform a
B. PERFORMANCE MEASURES grid search to find an optimal set of parameter values from
To evaluate the performance of different modeling ap- a range of values. We obtain similar values from different
proaches, we consider the following measures: leave-one-sample-out runs. In Tables 1 and 2 we present the
optimal configurations that are observed across most of the
Accuracy (ACC), which is the fraction of predictions that runs.
are correct, i.e.,
ACC = (1) In Tables 1 and 2, we present the performance of various
TP + FN + FP + TN
models, with optimal classifiers and their optimal set of
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), which is the square parameter values, developed at different levels of the hierar-
root of the sum of squares of the deviation from the prediction chical continuous implicit authentication (HIAuth) system.
to the actual value. It is equivalent to the square root of the As described previously in Section II-E, the heart rate data-
rate of misclassification, i.e., driven model (i.e., L#1 HR model) is the first level of the
HIAuth system. Therefore, in Table 1, we first introduce
RM SE = (2) the performances of the best L#1 HR model. Then, we
TP + FN + FP + TN
observe that the binary L#1 HR model (developed using
Genuine Rejection Rate (GRR), which is the fraction of SVM classifier with RBF kernel) can achieve an average
invalid users rejected by an authentication system, or the ACC and AUC-ROC of 0.67 ± 0.12. Compared to binary,
inverse of False Acceptance Rate (FAR), i.e.: unary HR model (developed using SVM classifier with Poly.
TN kernel) achieves a lower performance, i.e., an average ACC
GRR = = 1 − F AR (3)
FP + TN of 0.55 ± 0.05 and an average AUC-ROC of 0.55 ± 0.07.
Genuine Acceptance Rate (GAR), which is the fraction This happens since unary models are trained from only one-
of valid users accepted by an authentication system, or the class data (valid/target user), and part of the valid user’s data
inverse of False Rejection Rate (FRR), i.e. : is used as outliers while training.
As discussed in Section II-E, if the L#1 HR model is not
GAR = = 1 − F RR (4) confident enough to authenticate a user or if it fails to authen-
TP + FN ticate a user, the HIAuth system moves to the next level to
F1 Score, which is the measure of performance of an consider additional biometrics based on their availability. In
authentication system based on both precision (positive pre- Table 1, we observe that addition of gait (when the user is
dictive value) and recall (true positive rate) measures, i.e.: moving) with heart rate at Level#2 the performance of our
 −1 HIAuth system improves. In the table, we observe that the
F1 Score = 2 + (5) best binary L#2 HRG model achieves a 37% increase both in
TP + FN TP + FP ACC and AUC-ROC, compared to the best binary L#1 HR
Area Under the Curve - Receiver Operating Characteris- model. Similarly, the F1 score, GRR, and GAR are increased
tic (AUC-ROC), which is the graphical relationship between by 44%, 26%, and 52%, respectively, while comparing the
GAR and FAR with the change of score thresholds. Termi- binary L#2 HRG model with the binary L#1 HR model.
nologies used in Equations 1 – 5 have their usual meaning Though gait data is only available while a user is moving,
in machine learning when identifying a subject. Therefore, a its addition to less accurate heart rate data can significantly
desirable authentication system should have lower negative improve authentication performance. Contrary to binary, the
6 VOLUME 4, 2016
Vhaduri et al.: HIAuth

TABLE 1: The best L#1, L#2, and L#3a models with average and standard deviation (in parenthesis) values of different performance measures

Models Classifier (optimal feature ACC RMSE GRR GAR F1 AUC- AWSP
parameter values) count score ROC
L#1 HR SVM (RBF kernel, 5 0.67 0.04 0.74 0.60 0.63 0.67 0.43
γ = 0.05, C = 5) (0.12) (0.01) (0.16) (0.18) (0.15) (0.12)
L#2 HRG SVM (RBF kernel, 10 0.92 0.02 0.93 0.91 0.91 0.92 0.84
γ = 0.05, C = 5) (0.06) (0.01) (0.06) (0.08) (0.06) (0.06)
L#3a HRB SVM (RBF kernel, 10 0.94 0.02 0.93 0.95 0.94 0.94 0.89
γ = 0.08, C = 4) (0.03) (0.01) (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.03)
L#1 HR SVM (Poly. kernel, 10 0.55 0.05 0.54 0.57 0.55 N/A 0.31
d = 2, ν = 0.5) (0.05) (0.09) (0.09) (0.07) (0.07)
L#2 HRG SVM (RBF kernel, 20 0.64 0.04 0.61 0.67 0.45 N/A 0.41
γ = 0.05, ν = 0.5) (0.08) (0.00) (0.14) (0.13) (0.09)
L#3a HRB SVM (RBF kernel, 20 0.78 0.03 0.86 0.70 0.76 N/A 0.60
γ = 0.05, ν = 0.25) (0.06) (0.00) (0.11) (0.05) (0.05)
TABLE 2: Different L#3b HRGB models with average and standard deviation (in parenthesis) values of different performance measures

Classifiers (optimal parameter values) feature ACC RMSE GRR GAR F1 AUC- AWSP
count score ROC
RF (no of estimators = 50) 20 0.84 0.03 0.77 0.91 0.86 0.84 0.71
(0.11) (0.01) (0.24) (0.08) (0.08) (0.11)
k-NN (k = 5, minkowski distance) 20 0.97 0.01 0.96 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.95
(0.03) (0.01) (0.05) (0.02) (0.03) (0.03)
NB 20 0.59 0.04 0.56 0.62 0.57 0.59 0.34
(0.09) (0.01) (0.30) (0.25) (0.15) (0.09)
SVM (RBF kernel,γ = 0.08, C = 4) 20 0.98 0.01 0.97 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.96
(0.04) (0.01) (0.07) (0.02) (0.03) (0.04)
SVM (Poly. kernel, d = 3, C = 16) 20 0.96 0.01 0.95 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.92
(0.06) (0.01) (0.12) (0.02) (0.04) (0.06)
SVM (RBF kernel, γ = 0.05, ν = 0.1) 40 0.81 0.03 0.79 0.82 0.81 N/A 0.65
(0.09) (0.01) (0.13) (0.06) (0.08)
SVM (Poly. kernel, d = 1, ν = 0.75) 40 0.48 0.05 0.42 0.54 0.51 N/A 0.24
(0.11) (0.01) (0.17) (0.08) (0.10)
SVM (Poly. kernel, d = 2, ν = 0.75) 40 0.47 0.05 0.05 0.89 0.62 N/A 0.23
(0.12) (0.01) (0.22) (0.11) (0.10)

unary L#2 HRG model shows a similar performance when identify a user compared to the other two biometrics.
compared with the unary L#1 HR model, i.e., 16%, 13%, and
18% increase in ACC, GRR, and GAR, respectively, but an Finally, if the HIAuth system cannot verify a user at
18% drop in F1 score. This indicates the need to consider gait level#2, the authentication system goes to Level#3b, where
data from both classes instead of relying only on valid user’s the system combines the user’s breathing data with heart
gait and consider part of it as outliers. rate and gait data to attempt to verify the user utilizing
the L#3b HRGB models. In Table 2, we present different
If the HIAuth system cannot verify a user at level#1 and classifiers with their optimal parameter values while devel-
the user is not moving, the authentication system goes to oping different L#3b HRGB models. We find that SVM with
Level#3a, where the system combines the user’s breathing RBF kernel performs the best both for binary and unary
data with heart rate to attempt to verify the user utilizing classifiers. Furthermore, while comparing the performance
the L#3a HRB models. In Table 1, we observe that the best measures of the best L#3b models (Table 2) with the best
L#3a HRB models (i.e., both binary and unary) perform models of other levels in the HIAuth system (Table 1), we
better than the best L#1 HR models and L#2 HRG models. observe that the best L#3a HRGB models (i.e., both binary
This demonstrates the influence of breathing data to uniquely and unary) perform better than the best L#1 HR, L#2 HRG,
VOLUME 4, 2016 7
Vhaduri et al.: HIAuth

TABLE 3: Performance gain (written inside parenthesis) of different L#3b

and L#3a HRB models, which demonstrates the importance HRGB model classifiers with respect to the best SVM (RBF) classifiers across
three performance measures
of the addition of more biometrics based on their availability
while identifying a user. Classifiers GRR GAR AWSP
In Figures 2 and 3, we use boxplots to present a more BINARY
in-detailed analysis of different performance measures in RF 0.77 0.91 0.71
addition to the average values of the best L#3b HRGB models (-20.6%) (-8.1%) (-26.0%)
presented in Table 2. In general, we observe that median k-NN 0.96 0.99 0.95
values are higher than the average values, i.e., average values (-1.0%) (0.0%) (-1.0%)
have been affected by outliers. For example, in the case of NB 0.56 0.62 0.34
the binary model, we obtain 18% and 11% higher GRR and (-42.3%) (-37.4%) (-64.6%)
GAR, respectively, while comparing median with the average SVM (RBF) 0.97 0.99 0.96
values (Figure 2). Similarly, in Figure 3, we find around 4% (0.0%) (0.0%) (0.0%)
higher GRR while comparing the median value with the av- SVM (Poly.) 0.95 0.97 0.92
erage value of the best L#3b HRGB unary model. Compared (-2.1%) (-2.0%) (-4.2%)
to the binary model, the unary model has narrow interquartile UNARY
ranges, which show the consistency of performance measures SVM (RBF) 0.79 0.82 0.65
of the unary model. (0.0%) (-8.1%) (0.0%)
SVM (Linear) 0.42 0.54 0.24
(-47.2%) (-39.7%) (-63.9%)
SVM (Poly.) 0.05 0.89 0.23
(-93.50%) (0.0%) (-64.91%)

TABLE 4: Performance gain (written inside parenthesis) of different HIAuth

models with respect to the best L#3b HRGB models across three performance


L#1 HR 0.74 0.60 0.43
(-24.0%) (-39.7%) (-35.8%)
L#2 HRG 0.93 0.91 0.84
FIGURE 2: Boxplot of performance measures of the best binary L#3b HRGB (-4.4%) (-8.5%) (-6.7%)
model (SVM RBF) with cross markers (×) representing the average values
L#3a HRB 0.93 0.95 0.89
(-3.7%) (-3.8%) (-3.8%)
L#3b HRGB 0.97 0.99 0.96
(0.0%) (0.0%) (0.0%)
L#1 HR 0.54 0.57 0.31
(-37.2%) (-30.6%) (-31.6%)
L#2 HRG 0.61 0.67 0.41
(-29.1%) (-18.3%) (-36.9%)
L#3a HRB 0.86 0.70 0.60
(0.0%) (-14.6%) (-7.7%)
L#3b HRGB 0.79 0.82 0.65
(-8.1%) (0.0%) (0.0%)

FIGURE 3: Boxplot of performance measures of the best unary L#3b HRGB

model (SVM RBF) with cross markers (×) representing the average values While we use the spider plots to compare different clas-
sifiers graphically, we further investigate each classifier’s
Next, in Figures 4 and 5, we use spider plots to compare performance gain/loss with respect to the best classifier based
the performance of different classifiers (with their optimal on three major measures, i.e., GRR, GAR, and AWSP. While
parameters), used to develop models at different levels of the AWSP can be thought of as an optimal measure (since it
the HIAuth system, in an aggregated form. We use the Area combines all other measures), GRR and GAR are considered
Within the Spider Polygon (AWSP) measure (numeric values as the most critical security and usability measures, respec-
are presented in the last column in Tables 1 and 2) to compare tively, of an authentication system. Therefore, we investigate
the aggregated performance of different classifiers of each these three measures further. In Table 3, for each perfor-
model. mance measure, we first compare how much an individual
8 VOLUME 4, 2016
Vhaduri et al.: HIAuth

FIGURE 4: Spider plot of performance measures of four binary models (with five classifiers) used at different levels of the HIAuth system

FIGURE 5: Spider plot of performance measures of four unary models (with three classifiers) used at different levels of the HIAuth system

classifier can gain or loss with respect to the best value of heart rate data, i.e., L#1 HR model, faces significantly high
that performance measure, while modeling Level#3b HRGB loss across all three performance measures, either L#2 HRG
(i.e., models trained with heart rate, gait, and breathing data). (models trained with heart rate and gait data) or L#3a HRB
In the table, average values are first written down, and then (models trained with heart rate and breathing data) faces
performance gain values are written down inside parentheses. relatively smaller loss compared to the L#1 HR model with
Negative gain means performance loss with respect to the respect to the L#3b HRGB model. This demonstrates the
best classifier performance. In the table, we observe that power of additional biometrics while developing the HIAuth
in the case of binary classifiers, the SVM classifier with authentication system. When looking at the unary model, we
RBF kernel achieves the highest AWSP of 0.96 with no see a similar trend as we have witnessed for the binary mod-
loss on security (GRR) and usability (GAR). Thereby, the els. When the user is not moving, the addition of breathing
SVM classifier with RBF kernel is an obvious choice for data with heart rate data (i.e., moving from L#1 HR to L#3a
the binary L#3b HRGB model. However, when comparing HRB) we observe performance gain. Similarly, when the user
among the unary classifiers, the SVM with RBF kernel losses is moving, the addition of new biometrics with heart rate
8.1% GAR compared to the highest GAR score of 0.89 contributes to performance gain, i.e., performance improves
obtained from the SVM classifier with Poly. kernel, which moving from L#1 HR to L#2 HRG, and then to L#3b HRGB.
is a quadratic polynomial kernel, i.e, degree, d = 2. Though This demonstrates the importance of additional biometrics in
the SVM classifier with Poly. kernel has the highest usability a multi-biometric authentication system.
score (GAR), it has a drastic loss in security score (i.e., 93.5% Finally, in Figures 6 and 7, we present the Probability Dis-
loss in GRR score) while comparing with the SVM classifier tribution Function (PDF) and Cumulative Distribution Func-
with RBF kernel. Therefore, the SVM classifier with RBF tion (CDF) of performance (in terms of ACC and Fs core)
kernel is a better option for the unary L#3b HGRB modeling. of the best models. In Figure 6, we find that around 98%
Similarly, in Table 4, we investigate how the availability of the performance values (both ACC and F1 scores) fall
of data can contribute to the performance gain or loss of in the range of 0.90 – 1, which shows that the best binary
a model with respect to the best value while developing L#3b HRGB model performs consistently well for most of
models at different levels of the HIAuth system. In the case the cases. Similarly, in Figure 7, we observe that in the case
of binary models, the L#3b HRGB (model that combines all of unary models, a 20 (i.e., ≈ 55%) of the values fall in the
three biometrics – heart rate, gait, and breathing data) has the range of 0.6 – 0.8, which is also a reasonable performance
best security (GRR), usability (GAR), and overall (AWSP) for the best unary L#3b HRGB model [14].
performance measures. While binary model trained with only
VOLUME 4, 2016 9
Vhaduri et al.: HIAuth

trained using the SVM classifier with RBF kernel. In the

figure, we observe while the FRR (usability) starts to drop
drastically with the increase of confidence threshold after
0.5, FAR (security) remains steady. However, choosing a
relatively high threshold, such as 0.8 or 0.9, will lead to a
situation where the system will ignore most of the decisions
made by the classifier because most of the decisions made by
the classifier will have a confidence value lower than the high
threshold and then, the system will go for recurrent attempts
to find a decision with a confidence value higher than the
threshold to either accept or reject the user. Thereby, this
FIGURE 6: PDF and CDF of the best binary L#3b HRGB model performances will incur additional delays before making a real decision
(either accept or reject), which in the long run may lead to
situations where users opt-out of using the authentication
system. Additionally, since we cannot find a threshold where
the two lines intersect (i.e., FAR = FRR), we do not have an
Equal Error Rate (EER) in this graph. But, both error rates
are very low throughout the entire range of the confidence
threshold. Therefore, we can use a moderate confidence value
of around 0.5 – 0.7 to avoid optimize both the security and
usability of the system.

In this paper, we perform feasibility testing of a hierarchical
implicit user authentication (HIAuth) system based on the
FIGURE 7: PDF and CDF of the best unary L#3b HRGB model performances
availability of three separate biometrics, i.e., heart rate, gait,
and breathing sounds easily obtainable in most of the market
wearables. While this work demonstrates the feasibility and
importance of a sensor/data availability-based hierarchical
In this section, we present an analysis, i.e., the trade- multi-modal continuous user-authentication, it shows the
off between security (in terms of FAR) and usability/user- promise to adopt in other types of market wearables with
friendliness (in terms of FRR) measures of the HIAuth different types of sensors. During non-sedentary periods,
system. While the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) of an au- the HIAuth system can authenticate a user with an average
thentication system measures the fraction of cases where the accuracy and AUC-ROC of 0.98 ± 0.04 with low error rates
system accepts imposters as a valid user and allows access using the L#3b HRGB model, i.e., model at level#3b that
to the wearable, the False Rejection Rate (FRR) indicates the relies on the availability of all three biometrics – heart rate,
fraction of cases where the authentication system rejects a gait and breathing data. Similarly, during sedentary periods,
valid user as an imposter. Thereby, an ideal system should the HIAuth system can authenticate a user with an average
have a lower FAR and FRR. In Figure 8, we present our accuracy and AUC-ROC of 0.94 ± 0.03 with low error rates
analysis of error rates (FAR and FRR) with varying con- using the L#3a HRB model, i.e., model at level#3a that
fidence thresholds for the best binary L#3b HRGB models relies on the availability of two biometrics – heart rate and
breathing data. These findings show the promise to develop
a continuous implicit-authentication system for the market
wearables utilizing their limited sensing and computational
capability to secure our valuable information and create a
safe gateway to unlock cars, access online accounts, etc.

This work has some limitations, which we plan to address
in the future. First, we have a limited number of original
breathing (inhalation) sounds from each subject. However,
we consider a total of 102 augmentations using pitch shift,
speed change, and noise superposition with different signal-
to-noise ratio levels to create the real-world effects caused
FIGURE 8: Change of error rates (FAR and FRR) with varying confidence by the change of a user’s physical and mental states as well
thresholds using the best binary L#3b HRGB model as the change in environments (Section II-B2). These 102
10 VOLUME 4, 2016
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sonal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2020. SAYANTON VHADURI DIBBO received the
[54] ——, “Continuous Authentication of Wearable Device Users from Heart B.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Engineer-
Rate, Gait, and Breathing Data,” in IEEE RAS & EMBS International Con- ing from University of Dhaka, and the M.Sc.
ference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), 2020. degree in Computer Science from the University
[55] S. Vhaduri and C. Poellabauer, “Cooperative discovery of personal places of California, Riverside. He is currently pursuing
from location traces,” in International Conference on Computer Commu- the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the
nication and Networks (ICCCN), 2016. Dartmouth College. His research interests include
[56] S. Vhaduri, C. Poellabauer, A. Striegel, O. Lizardo, and D. Hachen, but not limited to machine learning, mobile health,
“Discovering places of interest using sensor data from smartphones and and deep learning.
wearables,” in IEEE Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing (UIC), 2017.
[57] S. Vhaduri and C. Poellabauer, “Towards reliable wearable-user identifi-
cation,” in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics
(ICHI), 2017.
[58] C.-Y. Chen, S. Vhaduri, and C. Poellabauer, “Estimating sleep duration
from temporal factors, daily activities, and smartphone use,” in IEEE
Computer Society Computers, Software, and Applications Conference
(COMPSAC), 2020. WILLIAM CHEUNG received a Bachelor of Sci-
[59] S. Vhaduri and C. Poellabauer, “Biometric-based wearable user authenti- ence in Applied Mathematics and Economics at
cation during sedentary and non-sedentary periods,” International Work- Stony Brook University. He has received a Master
shop on Security and Privacy for the Internet-of-Things (IoTSec), 2018. of Science in Data Science at Fordham Univer-
[60] Y. Kim, S. Vhaduri et al., “Understanding College Students’ Phone Call sity. His research interests include IoT wearable
Behaviors Towards a Sustainable Mobile Health and Wellbeing Solution,” security, point of interest tracking, and machine
in International Conference on Systems Engineering, 2020. learning.
[61] S. Vhaduri and C. Poellabauer, “Opportunistic discovery of personal
places using multi-source sensor data,” IEEE Transactions on Big Data,
vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 383–396, 2021.
[62] S. V. Dibbo, Y. Kim et al., “Visualizing College Students’ Geo-Temporal
Context-Varying Significant Phone Call Patterns,” in IEEE International
Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 2021.

12 VOLUME 4, 2016

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