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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Information technology has become a formidable factor

in today’s advancement such as in doing research, in the

academe, even in politics, in speeding – up government

projects, in spreading religion and in almost all aspects of

life. Today, communication is greatly dependent on

information technology.

Every year, more people become connected to the

network, its bandwidth increases and its use becomes more

integrated to most people in the world. Connectivity to

this network has become the key to opportunity, success and

fulfillment for individuals. Technology which changed the

world and it is now changing the learning and teaching


According to Bose (2017), nowadays Information and

Communication Technology (ICT), in the education sector

plays an important role, especially in the process of

empowering technology into educational activities. Education

sector can be the most effective sector to anticipate and

eliminate the negative impact of ICT. Technology in another

side can be the most effective way to increase student’s


knowledge. Mehta (2017) said that ICT has a pivotal role to

play to address the issue of quality content and quality of

teachers. Globally role of ICT has been acknowledged and


On the other hand, the process of using ICT in everyday

education is very complicated. The opportunities provided by

ICT to support teaching and learning are not problem-free.

The virtually limitless opportunities of access to

information in an educational context can pose a real danger

of information overload if the teachers do not have the

skills in filtering information for relevance, or are unable

to establish a coherent organizing principle. Both students

and teachers may lack the necessity skills to access,

process and use information (Salehi and Salehi, 2012).

Thus, the researcher seeks to assess the Information

and Communication Technology Skills of the Grade 10 TLE

students in terms of computer hardware servicing,

illustration, technical writing, and contact services center

in relation to selected variables such as sex, socio-

economic status and computer ownership.

Theoretical Framework

This study sought to assess the ICT skills of TLE

students thus, it is anchored on Constructivism Theory as

viewed by Papert and Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Approach.

Seymour Papert (1980) proved that computers are useful

in higher learning. Papert’s view of the importance of

motivational engagement of the learner contrasts sharply

with Skinner’s who although recognizing this influence,

consider it unnecessary for instruction. In this view,

the learners as active participants are involved in

structuring their own learning experiences. Papert’s work

with Piaget who emphasized the way in which knowledge is

structured using computers are organized as well as how the

learners’ own perception of their prior experiences perform

the knowledge structure. Thus, the importance of how a

learner relates new experiences to existing knowledge

becomes important.

Constructionism adds an extra layer to constructivism

by asserting that people learn with particular effectiveness

when they engaged in constructing personally meaningful

artefacts such as a programmable robot, a machine, a

computer programme or a LOGO turtle. Constructionism is

concerned with building things, both in the sense of

building understanding and building artifacts.


In addition, throughout Vygotsky’s (1978) formulation

of a sociocultural approach to cognition is the claim that

higher mental functioning and human action in general are

mediated by tools (or “technical tools”) and signs (or

“psychological tools”). The consequence of tools mediating

the activity is that “instead of applying directly its

natural function to the solution of a particular task, the

child (learner) puts between that function and the task a

certain auxiliary means… by the medium of which the child

(learner) manages to perform the task” (Luria, 1928, as

cited in Cole, 1995, 191). From this perspective, cognition

is no longer studied in light of individuals learning in

isolation with only their minds to guide them; instead, the

emphasis is on individuals learning with a wide variety of

tools, and people that help them carry out their goal-

oriented activities in a sociocultural setting.

Conceptual Framework

Using the aforementioned theory as basis, the concepts

and theories that govern this study was determined showing

the personal profile such as sex, socio-economic status and

computer ownership as selected variables in relation to ICT

skills of the student.


This study focused on the assessment of ICT skills

among grade 10 TLE students in terms of computer hardware

servicing, illustration, technical drafting and contact

services center and its relation to sex, socio-economic

status and computer ownership.

It is believed that ICT skills improve teachers and

learners in promoting change and further development of the

21st century skills.

Levels of ICT
Skills of 2

Student’s 1. Computer
Profile Hardware

1. Sex 2. Illustration
3. Technical
3. Socio-
Economic Intervention
4. Contact
4. Computer
-Very High
-Very Low

Figure 1. The Schematic diagram of the Study Showing the

Selected Variables and Their Relationship.

Statement of the Problem


The purpose of the study is to determine the

relationship between the personal profile and the ICT skills

of TLE students. Specifically, this study sought to answer

the following questions:

1. What is the profile of grade 10 Technology and

Livelihood Education students in the Division of

Bacolod City in terms of:

a. Sex

b. Socio-Economic Status

c. Computer ownership?

2. What is the level of ICT skills of grade 10 TLE

students in the Division of Bacolod City when taken as

a whole and when grouped according to:

a. Computer hardware servicing

b. Illustration

c. Technical drafting

d. Contact services center?

3. Is there a significant difference on the level of ICT

skills of grade 10 TLE students when grouped according


a. Sex

b. Socio-Economic Status

c. Computer ownership?

4. Is there a significant difference in the ICT skills of

grade 10 TLE students when grouped according to:

a. Computer hardware servicing

b. Illustration

c. Technical drafting

d. Contact services center?

5. Are there significant relationships between sex and ICT

skills, socio-economic status and ICT skills, and

computer ownership and ICT skills of grade 10 TLE


Hypotheses of the Study

Based on the problems raised, the following null

hypotheses were formulated:

1. There is no significant difference on the level of

ICT skills of grade 10 TLE students when grouped

according to sex, socio-economic status and computer


2. There is no significant difference in the ICT skills

of grade 10 ICT students when grouped according to

computer hardware servicing, illustration, technical

drafting and contact services center.

3. There are no significant relationship between sex

and ICT skills, socio-economic status and ICT


skills, and computer ownership and ICT skills of

grade 10 TLE students.

Significance of the Study

This research is conducted to provide baseline data to

certain groups of people who may use the results of this

study along their area of concerns.

Students. The result of this study can greatly help the

students to strengthen their ICT skills in a way that can

affect their academic performance in school. It can also

give them idea about approaches, technique and strategies in

using computer that can help in improving their learning


Parents. This study can inform parents about the

factors that may affect the ICT skills of students which may

hinder or improve children’s development in the school.

Teachers. This study can help teachers especially in

intermediate and secondary levels to teach their students

the necessary ICT skills that will be useful not only inside

the classroom but also outside the academe and find unique

and creative ways to persuade students to practice computer

skills for better development of oneself.


Administrators/Principals. This study can make the

administrators see the importance of ICT skills among the

students and eventually gain their support in implementing

programs and interventions that would boost the students’

morale and improve performance in school.

Education Program Supervisors. This study can serve as

a basis to gadget intervention programs in improving the

students ICT skills. It might also serve to give information

in providing computer skills experiences to our learners.

School’s Division Superintendent. This study can

further develop the ICT programs already established which

can promote sustainable development in the whole division.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study was conducted among the 17 public secondary

schools in the Division of Bacolod City for SY 2018-2019.

It assessed the ICT skills of Grade 10 TLE students

officially enrolled in the four (4) specified areas of ICT

namely: computer hardware servicing, illustration, technical

drafting and contact services center. The researcher limits

the selected variables to the student’s profile composed of

sex, socio-economic status and computer ownership. The

measurement of ICT skills was limited only to students and

was assessed by the students themselves.


Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined in their operational

and conceptual function to ensure clear understanding

between the researcher and the readers:

Computer Hardware Servicing. Conceptually and

operationally, computer hardware servicing is a blanket term

applied to the act of supporting and maintaining computer

hardware. This includes diagnosing computer hardware issues,

upgrading hardware on a computer and repairing computer

hardware (Matt Billock 2014).

Computer Literacy Level. Conceptually and

operationally, it is the knowledge and ability to use

computers and related technology efficiently, with a range

of skills covering levels from’ elementary use to

programming and advanced problem – solving. Computer

literacy can also refer to the comfort level someone has

with using computer programs and other applications that are

associated with computers. (Wikipedia 2011)

Computer Ownership. Conceptually and operationally, it

refers to an individual possessing a computer to be used

personally with advance skills so that he/she may have all

the access in studying, searching and collecting some

information and ideas.


Contact Services Center. Conceptually and

operationally, contact services center is more of a “hands-

on tinkering” of computer networks and servers. It involves

of the use of hand tools to terminate and connect wiring and

electronic circuits, computer systems are configured and

perform other computer operations.

ICT Skills. Conceptually, it refers to the competencies

gained by the students while taking the specialized course

in ICT. ICT refers also to The study of the technology used

to handle information and aid communication (National

Curriculum documents for the UK  2000).

In this study, it refers to the ICT skills such as

computer hardware servicing, illustration, technical

drafting and computer services center.

Illustration. Conceptually and operationally defined as

something that serves to illustrate: such as an example or

instance that helps make something clear or a picture or

diagram that helps make something clear or attractive

(Merriam Webster 2014).

Socio-Economic Status. It is an economic and

sociological combined total measure of a person’s work

experience of individual’s or family’s economic and social

position in relation to others, based on income, education

and occupation (Poewadarminto, 2012).


Operationally, it refers to the cumulative family’s

gross monthly income classified as very low income, low

income, average income, high income and very high income

(NEDA, 2017).

Technical Drafting. Conceptually and operationally, it

is the act and discipline of composing drawings that

visually communicate how something functions or is

constructed. Technical drawing is essential for

communicating ideas in industry and engineering. To make the

drawings easier to understand, people use

familiar symbols, perspectives, units of measurement ,

notation systems, visual styles, and page layout (Wikipedia


TLE students. Conceptually and operationally, it refers

to the Grade 10 TLE students coming from 17 schools in the

Division of Bacolod City, SY 2018-2019 who were the subject-

respondents of this study.

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