SPEAKING TOPIC 10 Hoá (K31) 2020 - 2021

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TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN Môn: Tiếng Anh- Chương trình thí điểm
Dành cho lớp: 10 HOÁ
(Đề thi gồm 2 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề.
Học sinh làm bài vào đề thi này


1. Tell me about your plans for this summer holiday.

2. Tell me about your favorite volunteer activities.(When, where, why,

with whom you do these volunteer activities?)

3. Tell me about the advantages and disadvantages of smart phones.

4. Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long working hours

but little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with

shorter working hours and a lot of time with family and friends

5. Tell me about your favorite job.

6. Tell me something about health. What should or shouldn’t you do to

have good health?

7. Tell me about the advantages and disadvantages of the Facebook.

8. Tell me about the advantages and disadvantages of TV.

10. Some students want to learn in universities in other countries

(study abroad). The others want to learn in universities in Vietnam.

Which do you like more ? Why?

11. When having free time, some people want to be alone while others

like to be with their friends. Which do you like more and Why?

12. Tell me about the ways to save energy.

13. Tell me about your favorite kinds of film. .(When, where, why, with

whom you watch them?)

14. Tell me something about the environment pollution and its causes,

effects and solutions.

15. If you won a lot of money, what would you do? Why?
17. If you have a choice, where will you take a tour, in Vietnam or

abroad ( nước ngoài)? Why?

18. Tell me about your hobbies.

20. How do you cope with stress? (Or “How do you relax after a busy


22. Tell me about your favorite kinds of music.(When, where, why,

with whom you listen to them?)

23. Some students prefer to study alone while others prefer to learn in

groups. Which do you prefer ( Bạn thích cách nào hơn) and Why?

24. Tell me something about the country you would like to visit or live


26. Tell me about the person you love most in your family.( his / her

appearance, characteristics, hobby, education level, strength and


27. Tell me about your best friend.( his / her appearance,

characteristics, hobby, education level, strength and weakness…)

28. Tell me about your favorite holidays .( When, where, with whom

you had the holiday, activities you did….)

29. Tell me about your favorite sports. .(When, where, why, with whom

you play them?)

30. Tell me about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.

31. Tell me something about the city you would like to visit or live in.

32. Tell me the reasons why you learn English and how to learn it well.

34. Should students wear uniforms? Why? Or why not?

35. Some students like learning alone while others want to study in

groups. Which do you like more ? Why?

38. Some students like learning alone while others want to study with

teachers. Which do you like more ? Why?

40. Tell me about the benefits of sharing housework in a family.

42. Tell me what you like and dislike at CBG.


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