Your Name: - : Passive Voice

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8V0 Passive Voice

Your name: ___________________

1. Xác định S – V – O
2. Lấy O câu chủ động  Chủ ngữ câu bị động (lưu ý chuyển đổi
đại từ cho phù hợp)
3. Chia động từ TO BE theo thì câu chủ động và chủ ngữ mới.
4. Thêm Ved2 của động từ trong câu chủ động
5. Thêm By + O (chủ ngữ câu chủ động) (lưu ý chuyển đổi đại từ
cho phù hợp)
Tenses (Thì) Active (Chủ động) Passive (Bị động)
1. Hiện tại đơn S + V(s/es) + O S + is/am/are + PP (+ by + O)
E.g: I do my homework every  My homework is done (by me) every day.
2. Hiện tại tiếp S + is/am/are + V-ing + O S + is/am/are + being + PP (+ by + O)
diễn E.g. He is reading books now.  The books are being read by him now.
3. Quá khứ đơn S + V-ed/cột 2 + O S + was/were + PP (+ by + O)
E.g. She wrote a letter yesterday.  A letter was written by her yesterday.

4. Quá khứ tiếp S + was/were + V-ing + O S + was/were +being + PP (+ by + O)

diễn E.g. They were doing the  The housework was being done by them at 9….
housework at 9 am yesterday.
5. Hiện tại hoàn S + have/ has + PP + O S + have/ has + been + PP (+ by + O)
thành E.g: My parents have given me a  A new computer has been given TO me by my
new computer. parents.
 I was given a new computer by……
6. Hiện tại hoàn S + have/has + been + V-ing + O S + have/has + been + being + PP (+ by + O)
thành tiếp diễn E.g: Tim has been repairing the  The roof has been being repaired by Tim…
roof for 2 hours.
7. Quá khứ hoàn S + had + PP + O S + had + been + PP (+ by + O)
thành E.g: He had finished his 
homework before 9 p.m yesterday.
8. Quá khứ hoàn S + had + been + V-ing + O S + had + been + being + PP (+ by + O)
thành tiếp diễn E.g: I had been typing the letter 
for 3 hours before you came

9. Tương lai đơn S + will + V (nguyên thể) + O S + will + be + PP (+ by + O)

E.g: She will meet him tomorrow. 
10. Tương lai tiếp S + will + be + V-ing + O S + will + be + being + PP (+ by + O)

8V0 Passive Voice
diễn E.g: She will be taking care of her 
children at this time tomorrow.
11. Tương lai hoàn S + will + have + PP + O S + will + have + been + PP (+ by + O)
thành E.g: They will have completed 
this house by the end of this year.

12. Tương lai hoàn S + will + have + been + V-ing + S + will + have + been + being + PP (+ by + O)
thành tiếp diễn O 
E.g: I will have been teaching
English for 5 years by next week.


Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Meaning
awake awoke awoken Đánh thức, thức
be Was/were been Là
beat beat beaten Đánh, đập
bear bore born Mang, sinh
become became become Trở thành
begin began begun Bắt đầu
bend bent bent Bẻ cong
bite bit biten Cắn
bleed bled bled Chảy máu
blow blew blown Thổi
break Broke broken đập vỡ
breed bred bred Nuôi, dạy dỗ
bring brought brought mang
broadcast broadcast broadcast Phát thanh
build built built Xây dựng
burn Burned/burnt Burned/burnt Đốt
burst burst burst Bùng nổ, nổ tung
buy bought bought Mua
catch caught caught Bắt
choose chose chosen Chọn
clothe clothed/clad clothed/clad che phủ
come came come Đến
cost cost cost Có giá
cut cut cut Cắt
dig dug drug Đào
do did done Làm
draw drew drawn Vẽ
dream dreamt dreamt Mơ
drink Drank drunk Uống
drive drove driven Lái xe
eat ate eaten Ăn
fall fell fallen Ngã
feed fed fed Cho ăn, nuôi

8V0 Passive Voice
feel felt felt Cảm thấy
fight fought fought Đánh nhau
find found found Tìm thấy
fly flew flown Bay
forget forgot forgotten Quên
forgive forgave forgiven Tha thứ
freeze froze frozen Đông lại
get got Got/gotten Có được
give gave given Đưa
go went gone Đi
grow grew grown Phát triển
have had had Có
hang hung hung Móc lên, treo lên
hear heard heard Nghe
hide hid hidden Trốn
hold held held Giữ, nắm lấy
hit hit hit Đánh
hurt hurt hurt Làm đau
keep kept kept Giữ
know knew known Biết
lay laid laid Đặt , để
lead led led Dẫn đến
learn Learned/learnt Learned/learnt Học
leave left left Rời đi
lend lent lent Cho vay, mượn
let let let Để cho, cho phép
lie lay lain Nằm
light lit/lighted lit/lighted Thắp sáng
lose lost lost Mất
make made made Làm
mean meant meant Có nghĩa là
meet met met Gặp
mistake mistook mistaken Mắc sai lầm
pay paid paid Trả
put put put Đặt
quit quit/quitted quit/quitted Bỏ cuộc
read read read Đọc
ride rode ridden Lái
ring rang rung Rung chuông
rise rose risen Mọc, vùng lên
run ran run Chạy
say said said Nói
see saw seen Thấy
sell sold sold Bán
send sent sent Gửi
set set set Đặt, thiết lập
shine shone shone Chiếu sáng
shoot shot shot Bắn
8V0 Passive Voice
show showed shown Cho xem
sing Sang sung Hát
sink sank sunk Chìm , lặn
sit sit sit Ngồi
sleep slept slept Ngủ
smell smelt smelt Ngửi
speak spoke spoken Nói
spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled Đánh vần
spend spent spent Dành, tiêu xài
stand stood stood Đứng
steal stole stolen Trộm
sting stung stung Châm, chích, đốt
strike struck struck Đánh đập
sweep swept swept Quét, lật
swim Swam swum Bơi
take took taken Lấy, cầm
teach taught taught Dạy
tear tore torn Xé rách
tell told told Nói, bảo
think thought thought Nghĩ
throw threw thrown Ném, vứt đi
understand understood understood Hiểu
wake woke woken Thức giấc
wear wore worn Mặc
win won won Thắng
write wrote written Viết

I. Change the sentences into the passive voice.
1. People speak Vietnamese in Vietnam.
………Vietnamese is spoken in Vietnam…….
2. The government is planning a new road near my house.
…… A new road is being planned near my house by the government.
3. My grandfather built this house in 1990.
This house was built by my grandfather in 1990.
4. Picasso was painting Guernica at that time.
Guernica was being painted by Picasso atthat time.
5. The cleaner has cleaned the office.
The office has been cleaned bt the cleaner.
6. He had written three books before 1867.
Three books had been written by him before 1867.

8V0 Passive Voice
7. John will tell you later.
You will be told by John later.
8. Somebody did the work.
The work was done by somebody.

II. Change the sentences into the active voice.

1. The children are helped by the policemen.
The policemen hepl the children.
2. A letter is being typed by the manager.
The manager is typing a letter.
3. Sally’s little brother will be looked after by her.
She will look after Sally’s little brother.
4. Our window was broken by the robber.
The robber broke our window.
5. The car has been cleaned by us.
We have cleaned the car.
6. I was offered a bike for my birthday by my parents.
My parents offered me a bike for my birthday.
IV. Choose the most correct answer
1. The boy_____ by the teacher yesterday.
A. punish B. punished C. punishing D. was punished
2. “Ms. Jones, please type those letters before noon”_ “They’ve already ______, sir. They’re on your desk.”
A. typed B. been being typed C. being typed D. been typed
3. Today, many serious childhood diseases _____ by early immunization.
A. are preventing B. can prevent C. prevent D. can be prevented
4. They had a boy _______ that yesterday.
A. done B. to do C. did D. do
5. We get our mail ______ yesterday.
A. been delivered B. delivered C. delivering D. to deliver
6. My wedding ring ______ of yellow and white gold.
A. is made B. is making C. made D. make
7. If your brother _______, he would come.
A. invited B. were invited C. were inviting D. invite
8. Mr. Wilson is _______ as Willie to his friend.
A. known B. knew C. is known D. know
9. References _____ in the examination room.
A. not are used B. is not used C. didn’t used D. are not used
10. Laura ______ in Boston.
8V0 Passive Voice
A. are born B. were born C. was born D. born
11. His car needs ________.
A. be fixed B. fixing C. to be fixing D. fixed
12. Her watch needs _______.
A. repairing B. to be repaired C. repaired D. A and B
13. My mother is going _____ this house.
A. sold B. sell C. to be sold D. to sell
14. There’s somebody behind us. I think we are _______.
A. being followed B. are followed C. follow D. following
15. Have you _____ by a dog?
A. bite B. bit C. ever been bitten D. ever been bit
16. The room is being _____ at the moment.
A. was cleaned B. cleaned C. cleaning D. clean
17. It _____ that the strike will end soon.
A. is expected B. expected C. are expected D. was expected
18. It is _____ that many people are homeless after the floods.
A. was reported B. reports C. reported D. reporting
19. He was said _____ this building.
A. designing B. to have designed C. to designs D. designed
20. Ted ______ by a bee while he was sitting in the garden.
A. got sting B. got stung C. get stung D. gets stung

V. Error correction
1. (A) Do you want (B) being (C) woken up (D) tomorrow morning?  to be
2. That is (A) a (B) new circus which (C) formed (D) in 1992.  was formed
3. The bridge (A) was hitting by a large ship (B) during a (C) sudden storm (D) last week. - was hit
4. The destruction (A) of most of (B) the city of London (C) made by a fire (D)in 1600s.  was made
5. The romantic poet Keats (A) died (B) by tuberculosis (C) at (D)a very young age.  of
6. Science (A) has been dividing (B) into areas (C) to (D) help organize the knowledge.  has been divided
7. (A) The robbers (B) arrest by the police (C) last week have just (D) escaped from the prison.  were
8. A social worker who (A) wanted to (B) speak to Mrs. Hamilton (C) attacked and (D) badly bitten by one of
her dogs.  was attacked
9. (A) Most of (B) the films (C) made (D) for entertainment.  were made
10. Peter (A) is said (B) being (C) good (D) at English.  to be
11. (A) The switch (B) must not be touch (C) while the machine is working.  must not be touched
12. The report (A) has not be examined (B) by the (C) committee of experts (D) yet.  has not been
8V0 Passive Voice
13. (A)The matter (B) will discussing (C) at the (D) next meeting.  will be being discussed
14. He (A) was think (B) to be the most (C) handsome boy (D) in our class.  was thought
15. (A) All the main (B) streets (C) in this city (D) are be widening.  are being widened

I. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1. She expects (promote) to be promoted soon, but things seem to go wrong.
2. The children were made (go) to go to bed at 10:00 pm.
3. The parcel is supposed (deliver) to be delivered this evening.
4. The children agreed (divide) to divide the candy equally.
5. I expected (invite) to be invited to the party, but I wasn't.
6. The man was heard (say) to say goodbye to the host in Chinese.
7. A strange man (watch) was watched coming into your house at the time.
8. I don't enjoy (laugh) being laughed at by other people.
9. I don't appreciate (interrupt) being interrupted when I'm speaking.
10. Trees (plant) have been planted since it stopped raining. 
11. The house (build) was built two years ago.
12. We can't go along here because the road (repair) is being repaired now.
13. We (wake) were waken by a loud noise last night.
14. Today, many serious childhood diseases (can prevent) can be prevented by early immunization.
15. The telephones (invent) were invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
16. Lots of houses (destroy) were destroyed by the earthquake last week.
17. Gold (discover) was discovered in California in the 19th century.
18. The preparation (finish) had been finished by the time the guests arrived.
19. He had the chair (mend) mended by the neighbors.
20. Let your book (open) be opened

III. Choose the correct sentence among the given ones.

1. A. She was given a new dictionary on her last birthday.
B. A new dictionary is given to her on her last birthday.
C. She was gave a new dictionary on her last birthday.
2. A. Traditional medicine is believed to be safer than drugs.
B. It believes that traditional medicine is safer than drugs.
C. Traditional medicine believes to be safer than drugs.

8V0 Passive Voice
3. A. Where all the assignments are kept?
B. Where are all the assignments kept?
C. Where are all the assignments keep?
4. A. We were not tell the good news.
B. The good news was not told to us.
C. The good news were not told to us.
5. A. Our house will be took care of during our holiday.
B. Our house will take care of during our holiday.
C. Our house will be taken care of during our holiday
6. A. When will Johny be picked up?
B. When Johny will be picked up?
C. When will be Johny picked up?
7. A. Tickets are going to be sold from Saturday.
B. Tickets are going to sell from Saturday.
C. Tickets are going to be sell from Saturday.

8. A. The girl has brought up by her aunt since 2010.

B. The girl has been brought up by her aunt since 2010.
C. The girl has been bringing up by her aunt since 2010.

IV. Find a wrong/ redundant word in each sentence.

1. The restaurant we went to yesterday was not beautifully decorated, but the food is well cooked.
2. The city hall was painted and tidy up by a group of people.
3. Toxic gases are exhaled by factories and inhale by people living in surrounding areas.
4. We were all frightening by the loud noise at midnight last night.
5. What will be make about the future development of rural areas to slow down urban sprawl?
6. What song is that song writer best knew for?
7. They will be discourage to know their test results.
8. Alex and Wong won't be hang out any more as they are moving to different places.
9. The complex was started to be built last month.
10. Are natural oils extract from some parts of plants to treat certain ailments?
8V0 Passive Voice


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