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Q1. Fill in the blanks:-

a. When power is shared among different organs of Government it is called as

______________ distribution of power.
b. Belgium borders with ___________________, ________________, ________________ and
c. Sri Lanka became independent in ________________.
d. Power sharing is good for ___________.
e. _______________________ in Belgium is a good example of power sharing among different
social government.
f. Tamils in Sri Lanka demanded _____________________ in North and Eastern part of Sri
g. When the power is taken away from central and state government and given to local
governments it is called ___________________.
h. The federal form of government not only ensures unity of the country but it also
accommodates _________________.
i. Which of the following subjects is not included in the state list?
a. Law and order
b. National defence
c. Education
d. Agriculture
j. If there is a clash between the laws made by the state and centre on a subject in the
concurrent list:
a. The central law prevails
b. The state law prevails
c. The Supreme Court has to intervene to decide
d. Both the laws prevail in their respective jurisdiction

Q2. Correct the following statements and rewrite:-

a. States like Nagaland, Uttarakhand and Jharkhand were created on the basis of language.
b. It was in 1992 that the Constitution was amended and two tier system was made more
c. In Sri Lanka an Act was passed in 1956 to recognize Tamil as the only official language
disregarding Sinhala.
d. The rise of state parties has strengthened the centre in India.

Q3. Very short answer questions:-

a. What is the type of government in Sri Lanka?

b. Define Jurisdiction
c. What is Majoritarianism?
d. What is Federalism?
e. Explain horizontal and vertical way of power sharing.
f. Define Civil War.
Q4. Short Answers :

a. Describe basic principles of democracy about power sharing.

b. Explain different forms that have common arrangements of power sharing.
c. List three key features of Federalism.
d. Distinguish between “Coming Together” and “Holding Together” types of Federation.

Q5. Long Answers:

a. How has federalism been strengthened by centre-state relations in India?

b. Differentiate between Federal and Unitary forms of Government.
c. Compare the situation of Belgium and Sri Lanka considering their location, size and cultural
d. What were the effects of feeling of alienation among the Sri Lankan Tamils?

Q5. Passage based questions-

“The idea of power-sharing has emerged in opposition to the notions of undivided political power.
For a long time it was believed that all power of a government must reside in one person or group of
persons located at one place. It was felt that if the power to decide is dispersed, it would not be
possible to take quick decisions and to enforce them. But these notions have changed with the
emergence of democracy.”

a. identify the appropriate reason for moral reason for power sharing
k. prevents violence ii. Prevents conflicts between communities
iii. Ensures political stability iv. It is the spirit of democracy


Which of the following option best signifies this cartoon?

i. Concentration of power and threat to democracy.
ii. Distribution of powers and making democracy stronger.
iii. decentralization of powers
iv. Concentration of power and effective democracy

Q6. Passage based questions:-

“Constitutional provisions are necessary for the success of federalism but these are not sufficient. If
the federal experiment has succeeded in India, it is not merely because of the clearly laid out
constitutional provisions. The real success of federalism in India can be attributed to the nature of
democratic politics in our country. This ensured that the spirit of federalism, respect for diversity and
desire for living together became shared ideals in our country.”

a. The ………………….. plays an important role in overseeing the implementation of

constitutional provisions and procedures.
b. Choose the correct option:-
Here are three reactions to the language policy followed in India. Which of the
following holds true in the case of India?
(a) The policy of accommodation has strengthened national unity.
(b) Language based states have divided us by making everyone conscious of their
(c) The language policy has only helped to consolidate the dominance of English over
all other languages.
c. Choose the correct option:-
The Constitution of India
(a) divided powers between centre and states in three lists.
(b) divided powers between centre and states in two lists.
(c) listed the powers of the states and left the undefined powers to the state.
(d) Specified the pow ers of the states and left the residuary powers with the centre.

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