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Table of Contents
1. Selected Organization:..................................................................................................................2
2. Summary of The Current Business Status...............................................................................2
3. Main Challenges..............................................................................................................................2
4. The outcome of the Digital Transformation Assessment.....................................................3
5. Roadmap of Digital Transformation...........................................................................................4
6. Digital Transformation Use Cases..............................................................................................5
7. Challenges for change implementation....................................................................................6
8. KPIs for measurement of performance.....................................................................................7
1. Selected Organization:
For the purpose of the current task, I have selected the Ministry of Public Work, Kuwait.
This is an important sector of government in Kuwait that deals with many facets of the
public affairs

2. Summary of The Current Business Status

The main function of the Ministry of Public Work is to undertake planning, designing,
and construction of the national infrastructure including the roads, bridges, national and
government buildings, infrastructure for flood control, projects for water resource
management, and many other public works projects. Kuwait has been witnessing
continued architectural expansion since the 1980s and the Ministry of Public Works
ensures that the standards of construction are maintained in the building of houses,
mosques, hospitals, schools, government buildings and other infrastructure spread all
over the country ("Ministry of Public Works (MPW)," 2021). Furthermore, the streets and
highways, drainage networks, and maintenance of rainwater are also of great
importance to the Ministry, and it is focusing on these facets in its rebuilding and
infrastructural improvement projects ("Ministry of Public Works (Kuwait)," 2020).

3. Main Challenges
As more and more companies are transforming themselves digitally, there is a call from
the public of developing nations to transform the government platforms as well and
increase automation of public and private functions of the various ministries (Al-Mesad,
2018; Larsson, 2021). The basic aim of digitization is to enable better collection and use
of data, automation of functions, use of advanced technology for structuring and using
the data, and enabling the use of the latest and smarter software (Huang & Karduck,
2017; Pomaza-Ponomarenko, Hren, Durman, & Bondarchuk, 2020). By digitization of
government bodies, the citizens can be provided with the same level of services fairly
and efficiently. 

The major challenge faced by the Ministry of Public Works, Kuwait, in its current status
lies in the fact that there is a lack of any kind of digital tool that can be used to record,
review, or for submitting the status of any ongoing or finished projects. The projects can
take up a long time to finish and can overuse or misuse resources in case of an unclear
timeline and resource distribution as discussed in past literature as well as practical
examples (Abramitzky, Boustan, Eriksson, Feigenbaum, & Pérez, 2021; Chun,
Shulman, Sandoval, & Hovy, 2010; Ivanova, Yakovleva, & Selenteva, 2020;
Novachenko et al., 2020). Furthermore, as a government ministry, public suggestions
are also important for the Ministry of Public Works to improve its functions in various
departments or plan future projects. In the context of the currently existing system, there
are no automated means of assigning the complaints or suggestions to the
department's sections as received by the citizens.

4. The outcome of the Digital Transformation Assessment

Digital transformation has emerged as the newest marketing buzzword. The term is
visible in numerous headlines especially post the pandemic. The main challenge in
understanding digital transformation is and can do for the brand, organization, or
institution (Matt, Hess, & Benlian, 2015). Digital transformation at its simplest is the
introduction of digitized systems i.e., the organization of information in the form of data.
Digital information is easier to access, share and analyze (Vial, 2019). For this purpose,
Digital Transformation Assessment (DTA) allows an organization to evaluate where they
stand in terms of digitization and what areas need to be focused on in the future.

I conducted a DTA for the ministry of Public Works and this assessment revealed that
the department is still in its first phase of digitization and next to no functions are
digitized. Furthermore, there is a lack of a single automated system that collects and
represents the data regarding its project and citizen feedback. Currently, the project
status, resource allocation, and assignment of roles and duties are all carried out using
only mobile or emails.

The main idea is to introduce a system that would ultimately make it easier to track the
progress of an ongoing project, reveal the outcomes of completed projects and their
historical information, a timeline of projects, and complaints. The system will be
accessible by engineers and project owners so that they can review their performance
on a monthly and quarterly basis. The system will also be able to track the performance
of each employee, thus, also aiding the HR department in evaluating performance so
that appraisal, promotions, and bonuses can be decided efficiently.

Ence, overall, the outcome of the DTA is to make a single platform for the Ministry of
Public Works that can be used for the evaluation of all complaints submitted by citizens,
tracking the status of current projects, review completed or future projects, increase the
efficiency of data collection, representation, and storage, and improve overall

5. Roadmap of Digital Transformation

In an organization that is not digitized and works using traditional means, it is not only
important to design a digitized product and launch it, but instead, it is vital to focus on
training and implementation in the practical sense to fully materialize its use. In the case
of the Ministry of Public Works in Kuwait, it is important to analyze the current situation,
design accurate objectives, and develop an accurate automated solution for the
organization. after the system is designed a board meeting will be called to approve the
solution. After approval, the next stage is to conduct staff training as simply
implementation of the solution is not enough for accurate automation and digitalization
of the ministry's operations. Finally, after an efficient and accurate amount of staff
training, the designed solution will be implemented and an assessment will be carried
out for its efficiency and effectiveness.


Current Situation Analysis Design and Develop Automated Board Approval Strategy Implementation
Set Objectives Solution Staff Training Assessment Report


High Medium Low

Priority Priority Priority
Figure 1: Roadmap of Implementation of Digital Transformation
6. Digital Transformation Use Cases
In this section, I will highlight five different examples of how digital transformation can
help the organization in performing better.

1. Collection of complaints from citizens

Te citizens will be able to directly submit a complaint to a project lead for a better
response. The complaints will be viewable by project participants and the main
administration for accountability. Overall citizen experience will be improved.

2. View the status of current ongoing projects

The status of the current projects can be viewed from the system by logging on and
viewing the required project page. Te customer experience, accountability, and user
experience all will be enhanced as the latest information will be available at one click.

3. View future projects

Details of the future projects can also be viewed by visiting their pages.
information like resources, employees or personnel allocated to the project,
budget for the project, etc. will be available.

4. View duties

Employees can simply log on to the system and view all the duties that they are
responsible for. this will not only increase customer experience but also enhance
the processes and operations of the department

5. Performance appraisal of employees by Human Resource department

The human resource department will be able to provide better feedback to the
employees as all the records will be uploaded on the system. Performance appraisals
will become easier due to automated report generations.
7. Challenges for change implementation
For enabling accurate change implementation, I propose to carry out the change in four
stages as shown in the figure below.

 In the first stage, the employees will be told about the changes to come in the
organization as a result of the digital transformation. In this stage, the leader
needs to be clear about the objectives and purpose of the change
implementation and the requirements from the employees.
 In the second stage, the employees will be involved in the change by merging
them in training and development sessions. This will allow the employees to be
ready for the future implementation of digital transformation full stops
 In the third stage, the training will be completed and the knowledge of the
employees will be enough for the implementation of the digital transformation
 At the fourth stage, the implementation will be completed and the solution will be
embedded in the system. At this stage, the employees will be asked for feedback
about the system and any required optimizations may be made.
In these change implementation stages, the top three challenges that may be faced as
a leader are as followed:

1. Lack of employee involvement

2. lack of communication
3. No clear milestones

In order to face these challenges as a leader I would carry out the following solutions:

1. I would ensure that all the employees participate in training by making it

2. I would ensure that the employees are open about any issues that they are
facing during the use of the system so that suitable help can be provided to them
3. I will make a clear milestone list for employees to follow through during the
training session as well as after the implementation of the digital transformation.

8. KPIs for measurement of performance

Several performance indicators can be used to measure the success of the digital
transformation. However, the following are some examples of KPI's that can be used to
measure the success of the implementation of the proposed project.

 Customer satisfaction index

 Employee satisfaction index
 Revenue generation after digital transformation
 The successful process is performed on the digital system


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historical data. Journal of Economic literature, 59(3), 865-918.
Al-Mesad, A. (2018). The preparation of big data phenomena in the public sector in Kuwait.
Chun, S., Shulman, S., Sandoval, R., & Hovy, E. (2010). Government 2.0: Making connections between
citizens, data and government. Information Polity, 15(1, 2), 1-9.
Huang, J., & Karduck, A. (2017). A methodology for digital government transformation. J. Econ. Bus.
Manag, 5, 246-254.
Ivanova, M., Yakovleva, T., & Selenteva, T. (2020). The Models of Information Asymmetry in the Context
of Digitization of Government. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the International Scientific
Conference-Digital Transformation on Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Service.
Larsson, K. K. (2021). Digitization or equality: When government automation covers some, but not all
citizens. Government Information Quarterly, 38(1), 101547.
Matt, C., Hess, T., & Benlian, A. (2015). Digital transformation strategies. Business & information systems
engineering, 57(5), 339-343.
Ministry of Public Works (Kuwait). (2020). Retrieved from!/donors/view/224104/ministry-of-public-works-kuwait
Ministry of Public Works (MPW). (2021). Retrieved from
Novachenko, T. V., Bielska, T. V., Afonin, E. A., Lashkina, M. H., Kozhemiakina, O. M., & Diachenko, N. P.
(2020). Use of information technology to increase economic efficiency and credibility in public
administration in the context of digitization.
Pomaza-Ponomarenko, A. L., Hren, L. M., Durman, O. L., & Bondarchuk, N. (2020). Management
mechanisms in the context of digitization of all spheres of society.
Vial, G. (2019). Understanding digital transformation: A review and a research agenda. The journal of
strategic information systems, 28(2), 118-144.

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