Phenotype and Genotype

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Name: Tragico, Irish Claire M. Course and Section: BS BIOLOGY 2-A

Subject: Genetics (Bio 170) Laboratory 2 Date Submitted: September 18, 2020

Table 2. Personal Traits.

Trait Phenotype
Tongue rolling Dominant
Earlobe shape Recessive
Hairline Recessive
Thumb Dominant
Hand clasp Recessive
Chin Recessive
Mid-digital hair Recessive
Dimples Recessive
Color blindness Recessive
Height 1.62m
Weight 55kg
The table for personal traits illustrate more recessive traits. A recessive trait is a trait that is distinct
when an organism has both two recessive alleles, or forms of a gene. And when looking at its height and
weight it results to a healthy weight with a BMI of 21.0.

Table 3. Class data.

Name Tongue Earlobe Hairline Thumb Hand ChinMD- Dimples Color

clasp hair blindness
Von Philip
Ivan Jay
Jay Marll
John Lloyd
Sitti- Shiela
April Joy
The class data in table 3 shows the different phenotype of twenty-four (24) students, and
there are 3 pairs of students and a triad of students has their similarities in their phenotypes. Von
Philip one of the male respondent and Isabel one of the female respondent the names that is written
in red color, the other pair having a same phenotype are Jenivieve and Anidar with an indication of
blue, and Fresalia Nica and Ivan Domingo with yellow indications on their names. Lastly, the triad
which is Kimberly, Sweetie and Sheena with a cyan color. The first pair, Von Philip and Isabel
they bound to have greater recessive phenotype while on second pair, Jenivieve and Anidar they
also consist with a recessive trait. Fresalia and Ivan has is bound with Dominant trait. The triad
consist mostly of a recessive trait. A recessive gene is a gene whose effects are masked in the
presence of a dominant gene. Every organism that has DNA packed into chromosomes has two
alleles, or forms of a gene, for each gene: one inherited from their mother, and one inherited from
their father. This is also known as being homozygous recessive.

Yellow- indicates the shortest
Blue- indicates the tallest

Red- indicates the lightest in weight
Grey- indicates the heaviest
Table 3.1 Male height and weight
Name Height (meters) Weight (kg)
Merwin 1.55m 43kg
Rosalino 1.71m 69kg
Von Philip 1.71m 65kg
Ahmad-Khaleed 1.75m 63kg
Ivan Jay 1.64m 98kg
Jay Marll 1.71m 55kg
John Lloyd 1.69m 76kg
Justin Paul 1.57m 58kg
Josh Daryl 1.59m 55kg
Ronel 1.62m 53kg
Johannes 1.70m 70kg
Reyster 1.80m 71kg
Mark Albert 1.68m 69kg
Gee 1.64m 70kg
Justine Lance 1.61m 58kg
The height of the fifteen (15) male respondent is more likely to have the range of 1.55m-
1.71m, and the males weight is from 43kg-98kg and the age range is in 19-21 years old. Height
and weight may vary in different factors such as on gene or in the environment. According to
Science; Human Body and Mind (17 September 2014), males grow faster because they have
higher levels of testosterone in their bloodstream than females.

Table 3.2 Female Height and weight

Name Height (meters) Weight (kg)
Sitti- Shiela 1.58m 46kg
Rhea Clydel 1.61m 46kg
Michelle Jane 1.51m 46kg
Fresalia Nica 1.499m 58kg
April Joy 1.50m 39kg
Nathanaela 1.58m 53kg
Sheena 1.68m 65kg
Sweetie Mae 1.53m 47kg
Alwira 1.58m 72kg
Anidar 1.54m 62kg
Cristhel 1.58m 55kg
Hernaly 1.55m 48kg
Isabel 1.58m 45kg
Jenivieve 1.50m 64kg
Kimberly Jane 1.57m 50kg
The fifteen female respondent has a range of 19-21 years old, height is in between to
1.499m-1.68m, in weight is in 45kg-72kg. Girls grow at a quick pace throughout infancy and
childhood. When they reach puberty, growth increases dramatically again. Girls usually stop
growing and reach adult height by 14 or 15 years old, or a couple years after menstruation begins.
Compared to the male chart, the female chart is more likely to have a shorter range of height and
weight. And this morphological trait is somehow influenced by the genetic traits and
environmental. Both male and female can enhance their height and weight or have a perfect body
that they desired by the help of new technology and studies.

Table 4. Classification of traits.

Morphological Physiological Sexual

Height Inability to absorb glucose due to absence Genitalia
of insulin
Lip shape Capacity to pump blood Testosterone
Skin color Converting the food we eat into fuel for the Estrogens
body's cells
Eye color Ability to digest food Progesterone
Hair structure Filters waste and toxin out of the blood Uterus
Eye size Transporting of oxygen and nutrients Scrotum

Morphological traits are defined as the appearance of an organism and it can easily
be notice and these traits is genetically transported from a parent, but some of it can be
enhance by the environment according to technology and advance sciences. Physiological
traits are originally transfer from parent to offspring, whatever its function on the parents
it is the same when it will be pass through the offspring but this depends on the abnormality
range of an individual. Sexual traits are traits that is specifically found only on male or
female, and this is where the sexual identity occur.

Table 5. Behavioural traits.

Inherited Learned/acquired
Ability to breath Self esteem
Hibernating Value
Crying Work ethics
Mating Praying

The inherited behavioural traits are most likely from the origin and been adopted
by the next generation without learning or even teaching the offspring or it can also be
called nature of an individual or as a group. Learned and acquired behavioural traits can be
learned and be adopted from the environment or can also be called nurture, from the things
that has been learned, an individual can enhance or nurture it to make living easy or to
survive in everyday battle of life.
Table 6. Classification of plant traits. (Banana Fruit Musa)
 Latundan (Musa sapientum)
 Lacatan (Musa acuminata)
 Saba/Candaba (Musa balbasiana)
 Morado (Musa acuminate) “Red Dacca”
 Senorita (Musa acuminta) “Senorita”
Morphological Physiological Sexual
Stem structure Antioxidant Stamen
Color of skin of the Produce oxygen Style
Fruit size Contains magnesium Stigma
Fruit shape Contains potassium Ovary
Thickness of the Contains high amount of vitamin B6
Flesh color Contains high amount of vitamin
This five varieties of banana are the most common in the Philippines. Bananas have a false
stem (called pseudostem), which is made by the lower part of the leaves. This pseudostem can grow
to be two to eight meters tall. Each pseudostem grows from a corm. The different kinds of banana
have their different kinds of color they may be usually yellow but some unique banana genes
produce different colors such as the Morado or the red banana. The banan shapes also depends on
what kind this fruit is, just like senorita banana, it is much smaller than the other kinds of banana.
All of the five samples has differences on their shape too, like the saba banana it has thicker edges
not like the other samples. The thickness of their skin also differ the saba banana has thicker skin
than the others and the latundan has the thinness. And when it comes to color, of the flesh, some of
the samples has a golden yellow color and some are light in color. Physiologicaly bananas are
antioxidant it contains potent antioxidants such as dopamine and catechins which is good in
regulating body movements. The banana tree produces oxygen and the fruit contains magnesium,
potassium and with a high amount of vitamin B6 and B12 that is good for a human body. The
sexual of a banana includes stamen, style, stigma and ovary which is found in the flowering part of
the tree.

Figure1 (Latundan) Figure2 (Lacatan) Figure3 (Saba)

Figure4 (Senorita) Figure5 (Morado)

Table 6.1 Classification of plant traits (Gumamela Hibiscus)

 Spider gumamela (Hibiscus schizopetalus)

 Red gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) “single petal”
 Red gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) “double petal”
 White gumalela (Hibiscus lasiocarpoos)
 Light orange gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

Morphological Physiological Sexual

Number of petals Ability to absorb sunlight Stigma
Color of petals Creating more carbon dioxide Style
Shape of leaves Oxygen-radiating Anther
Shape of petals Pollination occur Filament
Color of leaves Absorb water from soil ovary
Stem figure Transport minerals
Gumamelas is a common flower in the Philippines which usually seen almost everywhere.
There are different kinds of gumamela and it can simply be classified depending on the color of
their petals. Mostly of the gumamela flowers only contains 5 petals but there are some that has
doubled like the red gumamela (Figure8). The shapes of the leaves are closely similar to each other,
also the shape of the petals vary like the spider gumamela (figure7) its petals has a large surrogated
edges. The color of the leaves is green or others may have lighter color and the height of this shrub
like flower can reach up to 30 feet but there are some dwarf variety that only reaches 2 feet.
Physiologically gumamelas absorb sunlight for food, also absorb water from soil and
transport minerals to its body. Gumamela also helps produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide
this are some example of the gumamelas natural traits. Gumamela reproduce by pollination, stigma,
style, anther and filament and ovary are its reproductive system.

Figure6 (Spider gumamela) Figure7 (Red gumamela) “single” Figure8 (Red gumamela)

Figure9 (White gumamela) Figure10 (Light orange gumamela)

Assessment Questions:
a. How will you define nature vs. nurture? Which do you think will contribute more to
the phenotype of the individual? Support your answer.
When nature is used, it can define the things that are naturally embedded
to an individual without learning from other but it can be nurture to enhance the
capability of an organism. Nature is naturally pass to you by your parents or
grandparents while nurture can be learned from society or environment.
As my own opinion both of nature and nurture has a contribution on our
life, but nature has more to contribute for it is from our parents and we cannot
decide on what we will be like, the moment we came into this world, it is always
depending on what our parents carry and that is what we inherit. But at this time
of ours, nurture may also have a big impact on our phenotype because of the
advancement of our technology. It depends on an individual on how it will nurture
its natural traits.

b. How would you know that the cause of variation is genetic or environmental? Support
your answer.
Variation is a difference between an organism or in their cells. Genetic or
inherited variations is passed from parents to offspring via genes during reproduction while
on the other hand environmental is the result of how an individual adopt into its
surroundings in order to survive.
Genetic variation can be seen in a family, with a match from the parents
to offspring and the offspring can pass it to their offspring and environmental is a variation
that is an individual learn and enhance. Environmental variation can occur when an
individual develop a certain ability adapted from its society.

c. List down all observable traits and classify them according to morphological,
physiological and sexual traits.
Traits Classification
Stem structure Morphological
Color of skin of the fruit Morphological
Fruit size Morphological
Fruit shape Morphological
Thickness of the peeling Morphological
Flesh color Morphological
Number of petals Morphological
Color of petals Morphological
Shape of leaves Morphological
Shape of petals Morphological
Color of leaves Morphological
Height Morphological
Antioxidant Physiological
Produce oxygen Physiological
Contains magnesium Physiological
Contains potassium Physiological
Contains high amount of vitamin B6 Physiological
Contains high amount of vitamin B12 Physiological
Ability to absorb sunlight Physiological
Creating more carbon dioxide Physiological
Oxygen-radiating Physiological
Pollination occur Physiological
Absorb water from soil Physiological
Transport minerals Physiological
Stigma Sexual
Style Sexual
Anther Sexual
Filament Sexual
ovary Sexual
d. Do plants have behavioural traits? Justify your answer.

Yes, plants also have behavioural traits, an example is phototropism. A plant that
has an ability to follow where the sun shines. Even if where ever you plant a specific
plant, it will always find its way to be able to see the sun light.

e. What are the factors contributing to variation?

Mutation, random mating between organisms, random fertilization, crossing over
(or recombination) between chromatids of homologous chromosomes during meiosis.
These are some of the factors that contributes to variation.

f. What is the importance of variation?

Variation has an ability to allow some individuals within a population to t adapt to
the changing environment and enabling the survival of the population. Giving the chance
of the organism to not be extinct It causes evolution and the basis of heredity.


What Is Inherited Behavior?, By: Jon Jaehnig, Updated August 28, 2020,Medically Reviewed
By: Lauren Guilbeault
Recessive trait, “Recessive trait Definition” By: BD Editors, reviewed by: ED Editors, April 28,
Genetics home references: Is height determined by genetics?
Research paper article; Genetics and Environmental Contribution to Weight, Height and BMI from
Birth to 19 Years of Age. An international study
Healthline; Height in Girls: When Do They Stop Growing, What’s the median height, and More,
Medically reviewed by Alana Biggers, MD., MPH- Written by Ashley Marcin, March 13,2019
Frontiers for young minds; How Do Banana Flowers Develop? By Bruce K. Kirchoff and Riva A

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