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Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 1

1.0 Executive Summary ……….………….................................................................................................2

1.1 Objectives…………….………..................................................................................................3
1.2 Mission………….………..........................................................................................................3
1.3 Keys to Success………….……….............................................................................................4
1.4 Use of Proceeds………….……….............................................................................................4

2.0 Company Summary ……….……….....................................................................................................7

2.1 Company Ownership………......................................................................................................7
2.2 Company
2.3 Company Locations and Facilties………..................................................................................7

3.0 Products and Services……….……......................................................................................................9

3.1 Product and Services Description.……….................................................................................9
3.2 Competitive Comparison..........................................................................................................19
3.3 Sales Literature.........................................................................................................................10
3.4 Sourcing………….……….......................................................................................................10
3.5 Technology……...………….…...............................................................................................10

4.0 Market Analysis Summary….……....................................................................................................11

4.1 Market
4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy..............................................................................................12
4.2.1 Market Needs........................................................................................................12
4.2.2 Market Trends.......................................................................................................12
4.2.3 Market Growth......................................................................................................12
4.3 Industry Analysis......................................................................................................................12
4.3.1 Distribution Analysis............................................................................................13
4.3.2 Competition and Buying Patterns.........................................................................13

5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary...........................................................................................14

5.1 Strategy Pyraminds.………......................................................................................................15
5.2 Value Proposition.....................................................................................................................15
5.3 Competitive Edge………………………………….................................................................15
5.4 Market Strategy……………………………............................................................................16
5.4.1 Pricing Strategy……………………….................................................................16
5.4.2 Promotion Strategy………………………...........................................................17
5.4.3 Marketing Programs…………………….............................................................17
5.5 Sales Strategy……………………………...............................................................................18
5.5.1 Sales Forecast……………………………...........................................................18
5.5.2 Sales Programs……………………………..........................................................19
5.6 Strategic Alliances……………………………........................................................................19
5.7 Milestones…………………………….....................................................................................2

6.0 Management Summary…….……......................................................................................................21

6.1 Organizational Structure…………...………............................................................................21
6.2 Management Team……...........................................................................................................21
6.3 Management Team Gaps..........................................................................................................22
6.4 Personal Plan…...……….........................................................................................................22

7.0 Internet Strategy…….…….................................................................................................................23

8.0 Financial Plan……………….…….……............................................................................................24

8.1 Important Assumptions….…………...………........................................................................24
8.2 Key Financial
8.3 Break-even Analysis……….....................................................................................................25
8.4 Projected Profit and
8.5 Projected Cashflow….…………...………...............................................................................27
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 2

8.6 Projected Balance Sheet….…………...……….......................................................................28

8.7 Business Ratio….…………...………......................................................................................29
8.8 Conclusions….…………...………..........................................................................................30
8.9 Appendix….…………...………..............................................................................................31
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 3

1.0 Executive Summary

The Company: Glowscapes Company provides varieties of vegetables in an

environmentally manner with the use of LED lights in aquaponics system. Established at late
2010, where the Company invented AquaLED technology that will help to improve the
farming system in most efficient ways.

The Company is on its process to provide affordable AquaLED technology in the market and
wishes to help our native farmers in the process of enhancing their farming system. Does this
technology can be a tool to inspire the young agriculturist to adopt and put themselves in the
line of developing our agricultural industries and technologies into sustainable production of
crops and agricultural needs?

Glowscapes Company has been experience difficulties to provide efficient availability of

energy that the technology can adopt. During the past six months of treatment to improve the
technology, many scenarios have happened in the company that have been a way to push in a
times like this. Modern aquaponics farming is a step for promoting the technology that the
company had.

The Market: The country’s knowledge is raw for knowing the benefits of the modern
farming system. Well-known products can be found only in parts of Asia where agriculture is
rich with technology-based support; however, the Company technology is a stepping stone to
advocate modern aquaponics systems to the mass media that will benefit them to ease their
problems on having quality vegetables and fishes as well.

Marketing Strategy: Management has been the voice and backbone of the Company to
advertise the AquaLED technology to the world. Graphically, the new generation’s life is
dependent to social media interactions and every advertisement or promotion can be done
with that. The Company will be able to advertise the AquaLED by showing its capability to
nation by video promotion, through flyers and some Webinar that will enhance the
knowledge of the viewers to adopt the modern farming system.

Products and Services: The AquaLED is inspired by the hydroponic system that is used in
modern farming system and that is well-known in other countries. The Company adopted
these type of changes but in eco-friendlier way. The Company seeks to consume less water
supply and give them a path to pursue Aquaponics system. Globally the market has these
type of technology in modern farming system but the Company goal is to help their country
to produce quality vegetables in rural or urban area.

In rural area, the space where they can plant is relatively small. The Company wishes to give
comfortability to their future customers so, they adopt the vertical design of farming. This
type of design is commonly found in Singapore. The Company will enhance the vertical
design and turn it into aquaponics system that has LED lights above/below it. These LED
lights will be a parameter to save more energy, to have less water usage and more
importantly, for the benefit of plants to absorb the light they needed in order to produce
systematic photosynthesis that will amaze the world.

Management: The management section showcases the best results and the capacity of the
AquaLED to ensure its stability on experiencing different natural phenomena wherein our
country is most affected.

Financial Status: The Company is being funded by Mr. Bryan Valenzuela and some bank
loans to create this Company. Although, this is a necessary to step-up in the agricultural
industry that the country should adopt some the changes in modern agriculture.
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 4

Use of Funds: The Company plans to borrow up to ₱1,000,000.00 to fit in the process of
creating the AquaLED technology. This includes labor, manufacturing, equipment,
agricultural supplies, and other needed resources to meet the demand in the market.

Financial Data and Exit Strategy: The Company intends to repay subsided loans depending
on the contract availability that they agreed to. They will be at sake when they are going to
invent a technology and willing to apply various measures to deal with different loans and
their services. Moreover, the Company intends to involve themselves to provide a yearly
sales and services that is indicated on the statement of acquiring loans.

Name and Company Logo: Glowscapes Company, a trademark logo is an original and
made by Ms. Melissa Cataniag and the rest of the group.

1.1 Goals and Objectives

1. Provide affordable products to consumers.

2. Ensure the safety of the fishes through settlement tanks.
3. Adapt to Commercial Aquaponics System.
4. Achieve good results on growing a plant through LED lights.
5. Sustain the efficiency of our Bio-filters.
6. Operate a highly successful Aquaponics system using LED lights.
7. Create a healthier community in rural areas by providing fresh fish and vegetables.
8. To advocate younger generation to take a challenge to improve our modern farming
system mainly in the Philippines.
9. Build a successful feedbacks and recommendations that the Company will improve.
10. Supporting local farmers and fisherman on providing quality fish and vegetables.
11. Teaching the society to begin their mini aquaponics system using our AquaLED
12. Solving fish and plant management to ensure its quality.
13. Introducing the Money Back Guaranteed when starting to have the AquaLED technology.
14. Improving plant deficiencies to avoid necessary implications in the future.
15. Feed the society and teach them to have a healthier living.

1.2 Mission and Vision

Mission Statement

Glowscapes Company to provide modern Aquaponics System by using LED lights, as it

gives more efficient progress and results to the Aquaponics industries. We ensure to create a
modern and healthier living of the community by providing them nutritious vegetables and
fishes, adopting them to take a step to have their own indoor AquaLED technology in their
homes and be a producer to have an impact on how food security is important nowadays. Our
guiding principles are here to exercise the Company to give everything they can do to ensure
food safety in the market.

Vision Statement

Glowscapes Company will always be here to satisfy the consumers to adopt the modern
Aquaponics system and strive to make quality products and services for our customers. We will
make a difference to the community that they will be healthier and economic friendly to the
environment. By doing so, we, the Glowscapes Company will seek more practical usage and
principles for the enhancement of the AquaLED technology to be one of the successful modern
Aquaponics system in the industry.
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 5

1.3 Keys to Success

The keys to success in this business are:

1. Unyielding commitment to the efficiency of the products: quality components, effective

production, cost-effectiveness in doing packaging and labor, delivery purposes in on-time
and teaching on the steps to sustain the product efficiency.
2. A desire to involve to activities that our customers is into developing their own AquaLED
at home.
3. A high degree of product consistency will be the Company priority.
4. A marketing that gives the necessary needs of the customers in just one call away.
5. Managing the products on-time and avoiding future delays.

Today’s generation of supplying agricultural technology to the community is not what the
Philippines care about. The Company will strive and work hard to provide best food security and
services along with its Mission and Vision. The Company simply want is to have every home a
nutritious food on their plate in every meal they had.


Every nation’s food security is always a question if it is safe or not. And the government is
dealing with those problems to solve this issue. That’s why the Glowscapes Company is here to
bring quality foods to everyone. They will use LED lights as the source of light in the plants and
that will be risky if the Company weren’t able to maintain the light 24/7. The Company wishes to
help the plants to grow nutritiously in the process of photosynthesis provided by the LED lights.
The Company have precautionary measures to deal in these kind of situation. They are cautious
in programming the LED lights.

The Company is making sure that the fishes are in good condition. By implying the Bio-filters on
the settlement tanks, it will give the refreshing environment for them to grow exquisitely.
Management section is maintaining every readings and condition of the plants and fishes so that
the customers are rest assured they will have safe eco-friendly indoor vertical aquaponics in their

Contingency Plans

Management section develop this contingency plans to observe carefully the risks that were
described above in the last section. By providing programming systems and different reading
measurements the AquaLED is readily here to provide good food for everyone through
aquaponics system.

1.4 Use of Proceeds

A. Legal Measures

This section holds the business laws that are implemented to protect the company and employees
legally. The followings are the actions that need to be done:

1. Certifying Accountability
 Evading bribery and corruption in different aspects.
 Effective, liable, transparent, and wide-ranging institutions.
 Hostile illegal financial and arms flows, strengthen the recovery of stolen assets, and
combat all forms of organized crime.
 Securing every details of the company for future references.
 Invalidating suspicious details to protect employees and the company.
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 6

2. Providing Certainty
 Support the recognition, protection, and enforcement of intellectual property and
other property rights.
 Enhance the standard and accessibility of legal measurements.
 Enhance labor and environmental quality.

3. Promoting Equality
 Allowing access to basic services, including by achieving legal identity for all.
 Support the promotion and enforcement of non-discriminatory laws and policies.
 Ensuring to achieve gender equality.
 Legally empower the less privileged and raise the awareness of vulnerable individuals
and groups of their legal rights.

4. Protecting Human Rights

 Helping to prevent violence and other crime in every employee.
 Allowing access to legal information and protection.
 Supporting responsive participatory and representative decision-making at all levels.
 Supporting consistency of local laws and international standards.

5. Supporting Access to Justice

 Improve access to justice mechanisms and public access to information.
 Improve the quality of legal education and capacity of and access to the legal
 Support the independence of the judiciary.
 Support speedy and cost-effective resolution of legal processes.

B. Marketing and Advertising

Glowscapes provides expertise in farm marketing solutions, including website promotions, social
media advertising, and search engine optimization techniques not only to attract the customers
but to give them brief information about vertical aquaponics systems. Another strategy for
Glowscapes is the cause marketing, it is also known as cause-related marketing, wherein
Glowscapes links a company and its products and services to a social cause or issue, which
means they will help farmers to make a double crop production and energy sufficient way of

C. Travel and Transportation

Glowscapes have travel and transportation sector which consists of several ways of delivering
products and providing free pass for employees. This includes logistics delivery, airlines, road
and other delivery transportation. To ensure the safety of products, Glowscapes have hired
delivery men and employees to install the product.

D. Free Check-up of Product

Glowscapes provide a two-year free check-up of products. This is to ensure that costumers are
getting a good service and free maintenance from the company. For the following year,
customers can apply for an annually check-up that will be charged with low and adequate price.
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 7

Hence, to support to support these sectors. The Glowscapes Company listed and provided all the
expenses that needed to appear in business reports. The following shows the use of proceeds:

Legal ₱ 75,000.00
Marketing & Advertising ₱ 20,000.00 *Under Marketing & Marketing Mix
Travel ₱ 35,000.00 Ratio ₱ 30,000.00
Raw Goods ₱ 50,000.00 Literature ₱ 25, 000.00
Free Up of Line of Credit ₱ 40,000.00 First Aid ₱ 20,000.00
Total of Expenses: ₱ 400,000.00 Direct Mail ₱ 15,000.00
Email ₱ 10,000.00
Web Design ₱ 12,000.00
Total of Expenses: ₱ 112,00.00

Expansion Needed Assets:

Additional Inventory ₱ 90,000.00
Other Short-Term Assets ₱ 70,000.00
Total short term assets: ₱ 160,000.00
Long-Term Assets ₱ 000,000.00
Total Assets ₱ 100,000.00

Total Requirements ₱ 260,000.00

*All in all expenses ₱ 772,000.00

Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 8

2.0 Executive Summary

The Glowscapes Company is aligned with farming business which provides an alternative way,
vertical aquaponics system with specialized led lights, of growing plants. Our company ensures
that using our product would cost farmers less expenses and double crop production every year.
With this new technology, Glowscapes Company became known for its excellent service and
dedication to enhance farming system. Our company also provides expertise in farm marketing
solutions, including website promotions, social media advertising, and search engine
optimization techniques not only to attract the customers but to give them brief information
about vertical aquaponics systems.

2.1 Company Ownership

Glowscapes is a partnership company. It was established by Director James Adriano on

December 20, 2010, with the help of his business partner, Architect Lenard Delos Santos,
director and owner of the Cube Company. Their partnership was sealed as limited partnership,
which means one of them has a limited liability. The added benefit of their partnership is the
combination of knowledge and resources that are brought to the table, which is from the
additional owners. Profits do have to be shared between owners. 

2.2 Company History

Glowscapes Company was founded in 2010 by Mister James M. Adriano and his wife Clarisse S.
Adriano. A year before they decided to start a company, James worked as a cashier on a local
supermarket together with his daughter, Dianne. It was their darkest time, they had to sell their
house and had to live in a small community area. Clarisse was an elementary teacher, but she
was struggling too, that is why they had to use their last chance. It was a risky decision for them,
however James initiated to start a small farming related business. He did all the work, including
promotions and installations of vertical farming, it was hard and full of struggle ship yet he did
not stop until an investor noticed his works. Mister Lenard Delos Santos, an architect and one of
the business tycoons in the Philippines wanted to recruit him as one of the CEO’s of Cube
Company. Lenard insisted his wife, Melissa Delos Santos to teach Clarisse about the marketing
strategies to be able to assist his husband.

James was beyond grateful for meeting Architect Delos Santos during those times. After years of
enhancing their product and service, they were able to start their own company, Glowscapes. Till
this day, Director James M. Adriano is giving out his best to provide farmers the benefits and
compensation they deserve. Hence, to extend their gratitude, Glowscapes made a project which
small businesses can create start-ups with the help of their subordinates. Together with
Glowscapes Company, we can reach the assets we needed to be able to harvest more good
quality products.

2.3 Company Locations and Facilities

The boards and shareholders of Glowscapes Company decided to locate 100 branches on
different regions in the Philippines, including National Capital Region, Central Luzon, Cagayan
Valley, Bicol and Davao Region. Each branch consists of operation and office manager, quality
control and safety control manager, marketing manager, accountant, receptionist, and delivery
men to assist customers. For the main branch of Glowscapes, it is located at Bonifacio Global
City, the newest business district of Manila, Philippines.

For the facilities of the company, Glowscapes provide Maintenance facility wherein it is
responsible for general building repairs such as life-safety and security alarm systems, and
systems such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing, electrical and lighting. Next is
the, Healthcare facility. This is built to ensure the safeness of each employees of the company.
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 9

There is also the Security facility, to provide secureness for the whole company and workers.
The Transportation facility is responsible for the travel or sudden travel during working hours.
Most importantly is the Planning and Management facility, this is where the plans and
developments for the products takes place. For the basic facilities, Glowscapes have Pantry,
Customer’s Service, Recruitment and Training and housekeeping facilities.
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 10

3.0 Product and Services

Glowscapes Company offers the vertical aquaponics system with Specialized LED lights that
will serve as the alternative environment for the plants to grow.

3.1 Product and Service Descriptions

The LED lights enable us to regulate the wavelengths of light, which means we can give plants
the exact spectrum of light they need for production.

Vertical Farming
Vertical farming is a practice of producing food on vertically inclined surfaces that allows us to
produce more crops from the same square footage of growing area.

A combination of aquaculture and hydroponics, which aims to grow your own fish and

This is a natural process that occurs in nature as well as in your aquaponics system. It is used to
remove solid waste such as feces and uneaten food and dirt through a series of filter media.

Settlement Water Tank

It is a large container that is being used for storing water to provide in the whole system.

Water Pump
It plays the important role of making sure the water in an Aquaponic system circulates perfectly
to maximize the effectiveness of the system. Their main purpose is to circulate the flow of water
so that both plants and fish receive their required nutrients.

Tilapia is one of the most raised fish species in aquaponics systems it is easily to recognized, it is
also a great choice for beginning an aquaponics system.

Floating Raft
The raft system is one way of growing plants, in water and without soil. The rafts in this system
are boards, usually made of polystyrene, that float on top of nutrient-rich water.

Consulting Services

Glowscapes will continue to provide production consulting in every part of the Philippines. With
a mixture of consulting, strategic planning and production training; our Company plans to
become a key partner with different parts of our country who rely on strategic focus from
modernizing farming to assist them in the future.

3. 2 Competitive Comparison

The only way we can hope to differentiate effectively is to brand the vision of the company as a
trusted aquaponics system ally to our clients. We will not be able to compete in any effective
way, but to ensure that we offer a real alliance that will build the both of us.
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 11

The benefits will be many intangibles: confidence, reliability, knowing that somebody will be
there to answer questions and help at critical times. Also, this technology is environmentally
responsible with low water usage, filtered, organic and less labor.

Competing company to our company is listed below:

 Basilio’s Aquaponics Farm
 Eco-Watch Skygreens
 Rooftop Aquaponics Farm (RAF)

These competitors are well known in the aquaponics industry. The power of marketing and
advertising has created thousands of moneys in every sale.

3.3 Sales Literature

Glowscapes Company has developed sales literature that illustrate a highly professional
organization with vision. Company literature illustrates how the products enhance the way the
vertical aquaponics systems work together. To accomplish this, our company is constantly
refining its marketing mix through a number of different literature packets. These include:

 Corporate Flyer
 Email marketing campaigns
 Poster
 Social Media platforms

(Other copies of Product Manufacturing advertisements and sales literature are attached in the
Appendix at the end of this document)

3.4 Sourcing

Since Glowscapes offers a life changing for everyone. Our manufacturer gives us the efficient
AquaLED technology that will be the alternative lights for our plant, we also offer opportunities
for very one, as we give education for those who is willing to learn.

3.5 Technology

For many years, we have supported the traditional farming for having our basic needs which is
foods, so we made an analysis that the Company switched the ordinary farming system into
modern farming system that will be life changing in the field of agriculture, so that we won’t be
able to worry to own a land to have our own farm.

Technology is currently not as critical for the overall operation. However, as the Company
continues to expand and grow, these areas will be of mission-critical importance.
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 12

4.0 Market Analysis Summary

Glowscapes market size was valued at ₱1,000,000 in 2010 and is projected to grow at
₱2,500,000 by 2025, having a compound annual growth rate of 6.85 percent.

Glowscapes having a vertically stacked structure, reduces the demand for additional construction
activities and land. Moreover, it reduces the intervention of machines required during
conventional farming. The optimum use of vertical space and balanced energy utilization
contribute largely towards Glowscapes' market growth.

4.1 Market Segmentation

Glowscapes already runs several branches located in the National Capital Region, Central Luzon,
Cagayan Valley, Bicol Region and Davao Region. Each region has a variety of customers and
their market segment in terms of their demographical information are shown below.

Occupation - contributed 43.8 % in the company's annual growth rate with farmers consuming
most of the products

 Farmers
 Doctors
 Engineers
 Teachers
 Vendors
 Others

Social Status - contributed 15.62% in the company's annual growth rate with higher income
households consuming most of the products.

 Upper class
 Middle class
 Lower class

Education - contributed 20.15% in the company's annual growth rate with high school graduates
consuming most of the products

 Elementary graduate
 High school graduate
 College graduate

Income (per month) - contributed 20.43% in the company's annual growth rate as customers with
an average income consuming most of the products.

 Below P12,000
 P12,000-P35,999
 P36,000 and above

Social Status
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 13

Figure 1. Total Marketing Segmentation

4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

Even though our company's specialized LED lights are highly capable in enhancing ones farming
system, there's still no guarantee that 100% of the customers would be satisfied with it - a case
that every company cannot avoid. Hence, Glowscapes guarantees a hundred percent money back
to the customers who would wish to return the products.

4.2.1 Market Needs

Glowscapes products relies base on what the customers need. Our company understands why
most of them seek out for a high quality product, and that is due to concern about every plants in
their farms. And thus, we provide customers a specialized LED lights that will prevent crops to
worn out by absorbing just the exact amount of energy they needed.

4.2.2 Market Trends

Customers are constantly looking for a product that will make a tasty, fresh, and locally grown
food, a conditions our company can provide for our LED lights could make it highly possible as
it serves customers who wishes for some changes towards a better quality of the crops.

4.2.3 Market Growth

The market for Glowscapes is growing at 6.85 percent. While research shows the market for
Eco-Watch Sky Greens is growing at 8.4 percent, the market for Basilio's Aquaponics Farm is
growing at 6.3 percent, and Rooftop Aquaponics Farm (RAF) is growing at 4.9 percent.

The market for Glowscapes should grow at 50,000,000 customers in the combined regions of
Central Luzon, Cagayan Valley, NCR, Bicol and Davao Region by 2025, which again has a
projected growth rate of 6.85 percent.

4.3 Industry Analysis

Glowscapes has carried out initiatives to build several branches in different places to provide the
locals a more affordable product. Some of the local key players in the same industry like
Basilio's Aquaponics Farm and Rooftop Aquaponics Farm (RAF) already has branches in the
other places too, but given that our products prices are more affordable than them, gives our
company the more advantage in embracing lots of customers.

4.3.1 Distribution Patterns

Our company makes our product available for purchase by dispersing it through the market,
through walk in, and by delivery. Through walk in, customers are the ones who's going to the
Glowscapes branches to pick up their products, they could also request for an installation if they
wished and it is backed with additional fee. Through delivery, we ensure our customers that their
products will be delivered in a span of 1 to 2 days only and that products are all ready for

4.3.2 Competition and Buying Patterns

Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 14

Other businesses in the same industry often prefers an offering that would provide an excellent
balance between the quantity and quality of their products. How Glowscapes differ from most of
the competitors is that we produce excellent products while receiving customer supports in

4.3.3 Main Competitors

Features Our Company Eco-watch Sky Basilio's Rooftop

(Glowscapes) Greens Aquaponics Aquaponics
Farm Farm

Uses water filter   

100% organic  

Polyculture   

Less space  

Uses blue and 

red specialized
LED lights

Aquaponics   

Minimal energy 

Table 1. Competitors Chart

5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary

Glowscapes Company focuses on practices and applies specific methods to help the company on
its stable growth over the years. Listed below are the following strategies that Glowscapes is

1. Accentuate support to local farmers and households.

Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 15

The company needs to visualize for whom the products are represented to, and with that,
Glowscapes ensure that even the poorest sector of the community can start their own vertical
AquaLED system.

2. Focus on the quality of the products.

Glowscapes Company will not last for the long years of run if our products can not satisfy the
needs of the customers. One reason for trusting the company is to ensure that the products we are
offering will continuously work and provide efficient rate of goods with a low maintenance cost
for the production and minimal repair of the technology itself. Given the excellence of our
aquaponics system, we ensure that the crops and fishes will continuously deliver a high quality
product that is beneficial for every client.

3. Guarantee the commitment of the company to the clients.

We build not only trust to our clients but also a good communicative relationship to them to
make sure that we are true to our words and we are committed to provide their needs by always
listening to the complaints and recommendation of the purchasers. Glowscapes Company also
intended to involve the customers into a community wherein they can share their thoughts and
tips about the product.

4. Breaking through the limits.

Glowscapes focuses not just only on the present market of the company but also to the future
worth of the business. Given that the product proves its excellence, we cannot just sit back and
watch the company stay on its place. Our company values superior thinking and discerning ways
to improve all the components of the venture over the years.

5. Offer products that is exceptional and inimitable.

With the point that our aquaponics system uses LED lights for better efficiency and less water
consumption, we cannot deny the fact that our product is beyond the average aquaponics system
that the competitor companies are offering. Being developed with crucial experimentation and
tests of experts with the alliance companies, Glowscapes now provide an exceptional high-
standard technology that surely hits the market and the global competence.

6. Incorporate the purchaser’s recommendation for the improvements of the product.

Since the company wanted to establish a good relationship between us and the clients, we also
intended to make them part of our improvement team as they are one of the major sources of
ratings about our product, with that, the value of a customer and provider can be reputable into a
more viable alternative for the improvements of the technology.

7. Establish a rigid development of the sole product.

AquaLED or the improvised method of aquaponics system with the use of LED lights and
vertical farming is the advantage and sole technology of our company, we ensure that this single
product will not fade its luster in the market by establishing a rigid and stable development to
cater the ever-changing needs of our clients.

8. Accepting that change is inevitable.

As the global competence revolves in every market, Glowscapes Company is making sure that
not only its product is evolving and improving, but also, the overall service of the company so
that we will not be outrun in marketing our product. Accepting sudden change in market is an
efficient way to practice being diverse to different challenges that the company may face.
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 16

5.1 Strategy Pyramids

The strategies above mentioned are the tactics that Glowscapes are implementing to sell the
company products and provide a one-call consulting service for our clients.

Glowscapes’ main strategy is to give importance to the sector of community wherein the
products can be beneficial. Second to that strategy is to distribute the products or goods into
hundreds of branches and partners nationwide. The company also prioritize programs intended
for the development of the product and the network of distributors by the means of online
platforms, mailings, and seminars. Along with the following strategies, we also envisioned to
establish a concrete relationship to the buyers and gaining their trust with the means of our
product and services. This vision leads to another market strategy which is to give importance to
the quality of the product that we are offering.

For the large scale distribution of our products, we ensure that the deals are completed with no
future complications that may lead to negative image of the company. The distribution team is
focused on securing legitimate sales for the out of field large scale purchase of the product. With
the help of alliance companies, Glowscapes have opened several opportunities to our
countrymen by investing to this vertical farming aquaponics system that surely save them space.

Through the continuous years of providing excellent products, Glowscapes never closed its door
for development of our technology that leads us to engaging into a vast vision of coping with the
changing needs of our customers. The company will ensure greater deals in the future by
implementing the tactics and strategies for the market.

5.2 Value Proposition

Unique Selling Advantage

Upon distribution of our products, Glowscapes are tested for examining the technology more
than twice to ensure that the product is 100 percent efficient and is working properly. We also
have partnership with courier services across the nation that provides 24/7 service for faster
delivery of the technology. During the past 20 years of Glowscapes in the market, we are proud
to say that the rate of returned product is near to zero percent.

Value Proposition

Glowscapes Company offer an inimitable product that is adaptable to the needs of the client as
long as it is covered by the main function of the product, which is to provide good quality crops
and fish by the use of limited space. The pricing may vary depends on the number of product that
is ordered. We do also provide installment payment method with zero interest so that we can
support local farmers and small-scale clients who wanted to start their new journey with our
aquaponics system.

5.3 Competitive Edge

Our company ensures that our product is 100 percent working and efficient for we provide
delivery and set up personnel to assists our customers. It does not end with that for Glowscapes
also provide a one-call assistance to every purchaser of our product and a two-year warranty for
the aquaponics system. The product itself has a unique feature of being dependent to the client’s
preference for it can be utilize in every way that the client wanted it to be as long as it is under
the terms of agreement upon buying our product.

The competitive edge of our company is proved through certain ways such as the product, the
service, and the after-purchase amenity. As presented in the Strategy and Implementation
Summary, Glowscapes Company offer products that is exceptional and inimitable. Meaning to
say, we are several steps ahead of our competitors for we provide specific product that that no
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 17

other company can offer. Aside from being unique, the system we are marketing is above
standard and is suited for a long run.

Another competitive edge of Glowscapes is the connections that we built with the loyal clients
and supportive purchaser of our products. The community where we engaged them is really
beneficial for the both side as we give countless opportunities for them and as a return, they are
giving us honest reviews and recommendations for improving our product.

5.4 Marketing Strategy

The Marketing Strategy is the core of Glowscapes’ main business strategy. This includes:

1. Accentuate support to local farmers and households.

2. Focus on maintaining good quality of the products.
3. Guarantee the commitment of the company to the clients.
4. Emphasize one-call support and services to the clients.
5. Offer products that is exceptional and inimitable.
6. Incorporate the purchaser’s recommendation for the improvements of the product.
7. Solidification of relationship between distributors and sales retails.
8. Continuously making partnerships with existing companies related to the product to
support different methods of developing the technology.
9. Uses unique method of mix marketing through online sales and distribution.
10. Prioritize relationship to the client than of business alone.

The following marketing strategies mentioned are the tactics that Glowscapes is implementing to
ensure that the company is envisioning its image of growth through the years. Moving forward,
the strategies mentioned is to show that the product is continuously marking its way in the
market. In addition, Glowscapes Company prioritize alliances with different companies either
local or international to strengthen the competence of our technology by introducing it to the

Client-based operation of sales come first in our company as we prioritize the benefits of the
purchasers by providing all the services they needed to properly operate the product that they
brought. For the large scale distributors, we already marked our name by gaining mutual trust to
all the distributors that are supporting Glowscapes.

The next step to the company’s success in marketing is to ensure that the product will give its
best potential through the years of its service. Glowscapes can guarantee that the product is
beneficial to any way by providing sustainable source of food or maybe income to the purchasers
that’s why they are continuously supporting our product.

International sales

Glowscapes Company, in partnership with different alliance international company, envisions to

start their way to sell the products internationally by making branches in several part of Asia in
the year of 2025.

By the time, the company will start to take partnership with different investors and distributors
overseas for future international sales.

5.4.1 Pricing Strategy

Glowscapes Company will continue to provide high quality products in an affordable price, yet,
due to developments for the technology, there will be minimal change in the price of the
products but the company’s pricing will be still a mid-range priced, making it available for every
sector of community.
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 18

Pricing may also vary depending on the delivery and handling services across the nation. It was a
relief for the purchasers that the company will not add excess charges in the product that makes
them stay in a reasonable price while providing superior quality.

5.4.2 Promotion Strategies

Since the product is inimitable and unique on its own way, the promotion strategies formulated
by the promotion staffs of the company is based on online supported sites and physical copies of
promotional ads such as Corporate Flyer, posters, and through seminar where we engage the
local farmers to also gather idea on how to improve the product and at the same time, encourage
them to try the technology that will surely help them in modernize farming.

Listed below are some of the promotion strategies that the company is implementing to improve
their sales.

1. Email marketing campaigns are currently used to cope with the development of global
competence for it gives promotion to alliances company outside the country within
2. Social Media platforms are used to promote the product and the company itself to the
online world as it covers larger scope of capability for promotion.
3. Glowscapes Company, marking its way on the business world has now open for
contractor magazines and commercializing the product. The use of alliance companies
who focuses on advertising product is one of the market strategy of the company to
promote its growth.
4. Glowscapes Company is actively participating in business fares and trade shows to
showcase the excellence of our product. By the means of contributing our product,
investors and large scale distributors will foresee that Glowscapes’ product is intended
for the goodness of the mass.
5. Glowscapes seeks to invest in private distributors to and as well as to the public sector on
agriculture to also promote the product and sees how it can be developed by different
6. The use of campaign is what the company is seeking for the succeeding years of
promoting the product. Glowscapes intended to promote the product locally and
7. Glowscapes also uses discounts and sales annually on the year of foundation of the
company. The discount may vary depending on the number of units that the purchasers
will buy. Also, the discount is also different for large scale distributors of our product, as
well as the branches where in there is a limited number of product.
8. Finally, the company never stops on building retail chains across the country to get the
products into retail distribution channels.

5.4.3 Marketing Programs

Glowscapes Company plans to market the product actively with the means of several programs.
The main branch of the company plans to actively find distributors for the sales of the product, as
well as retailers. The large scale distributors will be benefited of free samples of our newest
developed technology of AquaLED so that they can also distribute the samples into their
prospect customers.

The company also plans to make additional marketing programs overseas in the year 2021 for it
envisions to widen the scope of investment and distribution for the product. Glowscapes plans to
present a plan and actual implementations for the AquaLED product and vertical farming,
marketing to all contracting area across the nation.

5.5 Sales Strategy

Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 19

With the use of limited funding, Glowscapes Company manages to market the product with
different distributors and branches to improve the sales. With the statistical data that will be
presented on the following part, the sales of Glowscapes are constantly hitting the market with
continuous growth of sales percentage.

On 2013, from the main branch, the company started to have a branch in NCR that provides 60
sales of the product, followed by another additional sale from distributors and retail sales on
2014. On the following years, the company strengthen the relationship with the distributors for
they see a promising growth with the sales through the year.

The management also plans to give free samples to the agricultural sector of the country that can
be distributed to those really in need and also to test the capabilities of the product. The company
believes that there will be no lost for sending free samples as it will help the company for
increasing international exposure.

The company will still continue to distribute the products to the partner distributors and at the
same time, Glowscapes plans to foster the relationships with smaller dealers and private

5.5.1 Sales Forecast

The important element of the sales forecast is shown in the table below which outlines the total
sales and gross profit margin from different branches of Glowscapes Company.

Figure 2. Sales Forecast







Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 3. Monthly Sales Distribution from 2020-2024

Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 20

5.5.2 Sales Program

Online seminars: Due to the current change in the global competence, the company prioritizes
the use of online seminar to promote the sales and the product, which is the AquaLED and
vertical farming.

Direct mails: With the current alliance formed by the company, the use of direct mails is
important to strengthen the current relationship within the chain of companies that Glowscapes is
dependent with to continue to growth of the company.

Personal visits: Glowscapes, together with the CEO, focuses on visiting areas across the nation
wherein the use of our products will have a direct and huge positive effects to their lifestyle.
With that, the company sets an annual visit to different area recommended by the research team
of the company.

Internet: This serves as the main program of every online seminar that is conducted by the
company, it is also important for transferring marketing strategies through different social media
platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and the online community provided by the company for
the purchasers of the product to publicly share their experience using the product provided by
Glowscapes. Internet is very beneficial as it can reach millions of people in a single click, which
is why, it is one of the priority of the sales program team to strengthen.

Print ads: Posters, Flyers, and magazine are also the main focus of the company to promote the
product and make its name to the world.

Telephone and mobile hotlines: Glowscapes Company can be reach out through the following
numbers: 0912-345-6789, 096-906-1032, and 0997-3404-724.

5.6 Strategic Alliances

Glowscapes Company depends on alliances with distributors, retailers, and other companies that
helps the company grow across the world. The company is forming alliances with national and
international chains to strengthen its distribution and development.

Strategic alliances already formed are opening new doors for the company. The table below
shows the current alliances of Glowscapes Company.

Company Location Category

Cube Company Makati, Philippines Local
WJSN Company Bangkok, Thailand International
RAF Industries Cagayan, Philippines Local
Basilio Company Davao Oriental, Philippines Local
MOMORING Company Cebu, Philippines Local
AejAk Corporation Ayeyarwaddy, Myanmar International
SKZ Corporation Seoul, South Korea International
Harbest Agribusiness Pampangga, Philippines Local
Ecowatch Skygreen Industries Bacolod, Philippines Local
ALVTechnologies Philippines Ortigas, Manila Local
Urban Green Z Company Negros, Philippines Local
EST Philippines Rizal, Philippines Local
Tabele 2. Company Strategic Alliances

5.7 Milestones
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 21

The Glowscapes Company started in late 2010 that envisions to deliver quality foods and fish in
affordable and efficient system in their first year in the industry. Our CEO and his wife dream to
give the variety of solution to modernize the farming system in our country so that their district
will not be worry about the food they were going to eat.

Through the years they started in doing some research on farming system in the world. Mr.
James Adriano and his dad is a certified Electrician that fix the lights in their district. Our CEO
learn the basic concept of electrical system and how does it works. While he also manages to
learn how farming system works. And started farming business and it was not good state for him
to continue his business. And that’s when he started to create his own company together with
Architect Lenard. Their goal is to enhance the light efficiency of their technology and changed it
into LED lights to provide adequate light to the plants. After putting a lot of effort to make it
work, they can now control the LED lights. And produce a technology that can be controlled in
an enclosed area. They create a plans to test this and it was successful that can now be sell in the
market. On promoting and marketing team, Mrs. Clarisse wife of our CEO deal with all the
marketing ideas and strategies that will make them to show their eco-friendly technology which
they name it AquaLED. The next years they were at stake of having their own labels, branches
and dealership too.

The Glowscapes Company still can’t believe to their decade working in the Agriculture sector.
Our CEO thought it wouldn’t be good if they only sell it along to their district but it made
happen to install thousands of AquaLED not only in their district also in some parts of the
Philippines. After all of this things happen to them, the Company always thankful to the people
who trusted them so much and it is because of them the Glowscapes in the next year they will
now enter and will have a dream again to become a pioneer of Aquaponics System in South East

6.0 Management and Personnel Summary

Glowscapes Company has been focused to provide efficient availability of energy that the
technology can adopt. These products are being processed by the management team that have a
good track record and may have continuous worked out of future problems that may come out
with our products.

6.1 Organizational Structure

Mr. James M. Adriano is the president of the Glowscapes Company. The company also relies
with them to assist the further growth and development of the products. The company
organization chart is presented here:


Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 22


Figure 4. Main Organizational Structure

6.2 Management team

Glowscapes Management Team is consisting of six (6) personnel. The company plans to
continue with them for the great resources to drive the successful products. Adriano has over 10
years of experience in Glowscapes Company. Detailed descriptions are found in the following


 Successful business owner.
 Solid experience when it comes to farm.

RALPH G. POLICARPIO, Chief operating system

 Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
 Trusted mentor who is hired to counsel newer company team members.
 Highly skilled to implement the company strategies.
 Senior, ultimate responsible for the goods and services produced by an organization.


 Highly skilled to keep an organization running smooth.
 Trusted organizing and servicing meeting.

TENTEN Q. GAMBOA, leader of developing team

 Trustworthy leader.
 Skilled in managing company problems.
 He is committed to the business, product and customer.

CLARISSE S. ADRIANO, Branches manager

 Highly skilled in multitasking and managing multiple projects.
 Established a market presence to drive growth and profitability through business


Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 23

 Highly skilled to demonstrate the financial report.

 Worked as finance to implement lateral thinking.

6.3 Management team Gaps

We believe that the Company have a solid team constructed in order to cover the main points of
the business plan. The management team, through training will be an ongoing component of
Glowscapes properties. These personnel will be recruited when needed in the local market and
will assist in the detail development of every product. Temporary help has been secured that will
assist in the leader of developing team area. This individual will work on the development of all
training materials and manuals plus do our correspondence.

6.4 Personnel Plan

The personnel plan is part of our business plan and financial forecast. It can help our budget who
should hire and when you should hire them. The salary increases every year from President/CEO
to Production Personnel. Detailed yearly projections are included in this table:

7.0 Internet Strategy Figure 5. Company Personnel Plan

We intend to develop the traditional farming into the next step, providing the needs of everyone.
We aim to create an environmental friendly type of farming. We will do this by developing an
innovative and progressive development and management team. We will also accomplish our
goal by using customer input to further develop our products and services. Sales are made
through Web Services Providers’ national advertising campaign. The said action will provide of
the client with having opportunity to choose:

 The first contact when the perspective customers first impression is made while viewing
one the magazines in which we advertise.
 At this point, the customer will call our sales line or go to our website.

This will be a five to ten minutes’ overview of the products and services with a call to action.
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 24

8.0 Financial Plan

In this section, Financial Planning will not only show the list of stocks and bonds, but to explain
how several key factors can have a big impact on cash flow. Financial plan consists of the

1. Glowscapes company must, at any cost, emphasized its plan to sell their products and
services to clients to develop better customer services policies than the competition. This
should also be a function of the shift in focus forward service revenue to add to the
product revenues.
2. Glowscapes company borrowed fund that costed ₱ 1,000,000.00 in financing and have
commitment to fund future acquisitions. These amounts seem in line with the balance
sheet capabilities.
3. The management team hopes to bring the gross margin to 65% and the net profit margin
to 30% by the end of the year 2021. This, too, is related to improving the mix between
product and service revenues, because the service revenues offer much better margins.

8.1 Important Assumptions

The whole financial plan depends on important assumptions; the key underlying assumptions

1. Glowscapes company assumes that the product, AquaLED, would produce a moderate-
growth, especially now during this pandemic; since staying indoor is a must now.
2. Glowscapes company assumes, that AquaLED in terms of sales, will increase the demand
by the end of the year 2021.
3. Glowscapes company assumes that there will be a good access to equity capital and
would be able to suffice the borrowed fund from financing after getting the goal demand.
4. Glowscapes company, assumes that there are no unanticipated deviations in business and
technology to make its products immediately outdated.
5. Glowscapes company assumes that the product AquaLED will be enhanced and the
service of the company will be able to assist larger capacity of buyers.

8.2 Key Financial Indicators

Glowscapes financial liabilities has been resulting for it to raise additional cash, making a 10
percent employees burden. It is because of the fact that we also provide our employees additional
payment for their health cares, insurances, and postretirement benefits. Despite of this, the
company still continued to rise in the industry through the years of operating. The figure below

Sales Expenses Profit Number of cus-

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024

Figure 6. 2020-2024 Future Indicators of Glowscapes Sales, Expenses, Profit and Number of Customers
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 25

shows Glowscapes sales, expenses, profit and its number of customers in the projecting years of
8.3 Break-Even Analysis

For the Break-even Analysis, our company estimated a monthly operating cost of Php 795,619 in
2020, which includes our full payroll, travel, raw goods, utilities, and an estimation of marketing

Margins are harder to assume. The overall average of Php 16,522.97 per sold is based on an
average of the retail/distributor orders. Calculated in this plan is an average variable cost of 46
percent for each unit sold. The company hopes to attain a margin that will remain high in the

The break-even per month is 89 units per month sold, which means that the Company will need
to generate more than Php 1,462,281.67 per month to break even.

Figure 7. Break-even Analysis

Break Even Analysis:

Monthly Units Break-even 89
Monthly Sales Break-even 795,615

Average Per unit Revenue 16,522.97
Average Per unit variable cost 8,568.94
Estimated Monthly Fixed cost 759,072
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 26

8.4 Projected Profit and Loss

The assumption in gross margin is estimated to be 46 percent at the end of 2020, 55 percent at
the conclusion of 2021, 60 percent at the end of 2022, 60 percent at the end of 2023, and 66
percent at the conclusion of 2024.

Glowscapes aims to achieve 5 percent net profit margin in the conclusion of 2020, 29 percent at
the end of 2021, 38 percent at the conclusion of 2022, 42 percent at the end of 2023, and 45
percent at the conclusion of 2024. The figures represented in these profit and loss assumptions
are based on having the proper amount of funding in place to achieve growth.

Table 3: Balance Sheet

Profit and Loss (Income Statement)

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024

Sales ₱9,547,38
0 ₱44,842,120 ₱137,654,880 ₱440,285,250 ₱1,000,173,460
Direct Cost of Sales ₱2,601,40
₱15,462,800 ₱50,983,000 ₱157,244,700 ₱333,391,100
Other ₱2,528,62
₱4,626,121 ₱4,742,121 ₱4,742,121 ₱4,979,121
Total Cost of Sales ₱5,130,02
1 ₱20,088,921 ₱55,725,121 ₱161,986,821 ₱338,370,221
Gross Margin ₱4,417,35
9 ₱24,753,199 ₱81,929,759 ₱278,298,429 ₱661,803,239
Gross Margin % 46.27% 55.20% 59.52% 63.21% 66.17%

Operating Expenses:
Sales and Marketing Expenses:
Sales and Marketing Payroll ₱278,900 ₱972,900 ₱3,246,300 ₱15,402,800 ₱40,973,600
Advertising/ Promotion ₱300,000 ₱700,000 ₱950,000 ₱1,150,000 ₱2,000,000
Travel ₱400,000 ₱1000000 ₱1700000 ₱2500000 ₱3521000
Miscellaneous ₱70,000 ₱100,000 ₱250,000 ₱300,000 ₱500,000
________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Total Sales and Marketing ₱1,048,90
Expenses 0 ₱2,772,900 ₱6,146,300 ₱19,352,800 ₱46,994,600
Sales and Marketing % 10.99% 6.18% 4.47% 4.40% 4.70%
General and Administrative
Payroll ₱500,000 ₱1,601,200 ₱2,647,400 ₱4,012,950 ₱5,243,000
Leased Equipment ₱200,000 ₱693,900 ₱710,280 ₱900,190 ₱1,200,800
Utilities ₱50,000 ₱100,000 ₱150,000 ₱250,000 ₱380,000
Business Insurance ₱40,000 ₱118,000 ₱230,280 ₱315,020 ₱530,000
________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Total General and
Administrative Expenses ₱790,000 ₱2,513,100 ₱3,737,960 ₱5,478,160 ₱7,353,800
General and Administrative % 8.27% 5.60% 2.72% 1.24% 0.73%

Production Expenses:
Production Payroll ₱706,000 ₱1,220,000 ₱1,628,000 ₱1,202,820 ₱1,702,300
Professional/Consultants ₱250,000 ₱300,000 ₱450,000 ₱450,000 ₱500,000
________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Total Production Expenses ₱956,000 ₱1,520,000 ₱2,078,000 ₱1,652,820 ₱2,202,300
Production % 10.01% 3.39% 1.51% 0.38% 0.22%

Profit Before Taxes ₱1,622,45

9 ₱17,947,199 ₱69,967,499 ₱251,814,649 ₱605,252,539
Taxes Incurred ₱675,290 ₱4,473,720 ₱17,172,700 ₱62,925,760 ₱152,267,120
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 27

Charitable Contributions ₱500,000 ₱500,000 ₱750,000 ₱2,000,000 ₱4,500,000

Net Profit ₱186,888,88
₱447,169 ₱12,973,479 ₱52,044,799 9 ₱448,485,419
Net Profit % 4.68% 28.93% 37.81% 42.45% 44.84%

8.5 Projected Cash Flow

Glowscapes projected cash flow depends on the assumptions of statement of sale revenue,
wages, and materials. This is our money that is moving in and out to our business in a year.

Total Net Income
Total Expenses
Production Expenses
General & Administrative
Cost of Sales
Sales & Marketing
Cash Out
Total Revenue
Cash In
0 500000000 1000000000 1500000000 2000000000 2500000000

YEAR 2020 YEAR 2021 YEAR 2022 YEAR 2023 YEAR 2024

Figure 8. Cash Flow Chart

Figure 9. 2020-2024 Projected Cash Flow Chart

Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 28

8.6 Projected Balance Sheet

Glowscapes Company always refer to the progress of their technology status. With that,
projected balance sheet also referred to as Pro-forma balance sheet contain the lists specific
account balances on a Company business' assets, liabilities and equity for a specified future time.

Table 4: Pro-Forma Balance Sheet

Short-term Assets FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Cash ₱550,000 ₱2,323,000 ₱7,510,000 ₱19,600,000 ₱48,055,300
Accounts Receivable ₱150,000 ₱365,000 ₱703,000 ₱1,311,000 ₱2,656,700
Inventory ₱560,000 ₱1,003,000 ₱1,577,600 ₱2,419,000 ₱4,189,000
Other Short-term Assets ₱78,000 ₱78,000 ₱78,000 ₱78,000 ₱78,000
Total Short-term Assets ₱1,338,000 ₱3,769,000 ₱9,868,600 ₱23,408,000 ₱54,979,000
Long-term Assets
Capital Assets ₱339,950 ₱339,950 ₱339,950 ₱339,950 ₱339,950
Accumulated Depreciation ₱60,100 ₱121,800 ₱187,200 ₱275,400 ₱385,000
Total Long-term Assets ₱279,850 ₱218,150 ₱152,750 ₱64,550 ₱45,050
Total Assets ₱1,689,724 ₱3,987,150 ₱10,021,350 ₱23,725,550 ₱54,933,950

Liabilities and Capital

Accounts Payable ₱443,600 ₱946,700 ₱1,858,000 ₱3,414,400 P643,000

Short-term Notes ₱329,000 ₱737,400 ₱1,140,000 ₱1,553,310 P1,961,250
Other Short-term Liabilities ₱0 ₱0 ₱0 ₱0 P0
Subtotal Short-term Liabilities ₱772,600 ₱1,684,100 ₱2,998,000 ₱4,967,710 P2,604,250

Long-term Liabilities ₱0 ₱0 0 ₱0 P0
Total Liabilities ₱772,600 ₱1,684,100 ₱2,998,000 ₱4,967,710 ₱2,604,250

Paid in Capital ₱0 ₱0 ₱0 ₱0 ₱0
Retained Earnings ₱390,000 ₱694,900 ₱1,787,200 ₱5,741,830 ₱15,459,900
Earnings ₱466,400 ₱1,615,510 ₱5,232,300 ₱12,777,400 ₱30,593,000
Total Capital ₱856,400 ₱2,310,410 ₱7,019,500 ₱18,519,230 ₱46,062,900
Total Liabilities and Capital ₱1,629,000 ₱3,994,510 ₱10,017,500 ₱23,486,940 ₱48,657,150
Net Worth ₱856,400 ₱2,310,410 ₱7,019,500 ₱18,519,230 ₱46,062,900
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 29

8.7 Business Ratio

Table 5: Ratio Analysis

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024

Profitability Ratios:
Gross Margin 46.27% 55.20% 59.52% 63.21% 66.17%
Net Profit Margin 4.68% 28.93% 37.81% 42.45% 44.84%
Return on Assets 26.46% 32.53% 51.9% 78.7% 81.65%
Return on Equity 48.76% 56.3% 74.1% 99.6% 85.7%

Activity Ratios:
AR Turnover 63.65 63.65 63.65 63.65 63.65
Collection Days 70 70 75 78 80
Inventory Turnover 17.05 24.71 38.25 42.01 54.76
Assets Payable Turnover 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2
Total Asset Turnover 3.04 5.04 5.61 6.83 6.16

Debt Ratios:
Debt to Net Worth 0.91 0.72 0.60 0.422 0.23
Short Term Liab. to 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

Liquidity Ratios:
Current Ratio 1.73 2.23 3.29 4.71 21.11
Quick Ratio 1.01 1.64 2.76 4.22 19.50
Net Working Capital ₱917,124 ₱2,303,050 ₱7,023,350 ₱18,757,840 ₱52,329,700
Interest Coverage 31.04 42.03 67.3 109.27 147.63

Additional Ratios:
Assets to Sales 1.76 1.89 1.28 1.9 1.75
Debt/Assets 19.47% 18.5% 11.35% 6.54% 3.5%
Current Debt/Total 19.47% 18.5% 11..35% 6.54% 3.5%
Acid Test 2.5 3.61 4.18 4.97 5.36
Asset Turnover 3.03 5.04 5.61 6.83 6.16
Sales/Net Worth 6.1 5.13 4.5 3.6 2.23
Dividend Payout 40 40 40 40 40
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 30

8.8 Conclusions

Glowscapes Company in conclusion, provides an alternative way to farm plants by using vertical
aquaponics system with the use of specialized LED lights. With the use of their product, farmers
can produce variety of vegetables and fish without depending on the weather, using too much
energy and water. The product is now in demand especially people now prefer staying indoor to
prevent themselves from the current pandemic. However, even without pandemic, AquaLED will
still remain in demand because of its capability to produce double crop production every year.

Glowscapes Company invented AquaLED technology that will help to improve the farming
system in most efficient ways. The development and executive team are always in their process
to provide more improved and affordable AquaLED technology in the market and aim to help
our native farmers in the progression of enhancing their farming system. If you are ready to step
up, come and get AquaLED, a better way to farm.
Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 31

8.8 Appendix

Appendix A

Figure 10. Testimonial can be seen in the Company Website

Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 32

Appendix B
Month-by-Month Financial Projection






Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 11. Monthly Financial Sales Projection made in 2011-2019

Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 33

Appendix C
Marketing Materials

Figure 12. Certificate of Recognition

Figure 13. Email Marketing Campaign

Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 34

Figure 14. AquaLED Poster

Glowscapes Company Vertical Aquaponics 35

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