GIT Salivary Gland and Salivary Secretion

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University of Khartoum

Faculty of Medicine
Department of Physiology

Dr. Nouralsalhin Alaagib

Associate Professor
Department of
 To identify the salivary glands
and the types of their secretions.
 To describe the composition,
functions and control of secretion
of salivary secretion.
Salivary secretions
 Salivary glands secretes ≈ 1- 1.5 L\day
 Hypotonic
 The pH of saliva from resting glands is
slightly < 7.0, but during active
secretion it approaches 8.0
Saliva contains 2 major types of
(1) Serous secretion: contains
α- amylase, water ,electrolytes
(2) Mucus secretion: contains mucin
for lubricating & for surface
Salivary Glands
 Parotid → 20%
purely serous
 Submandibular → 70%
mixed mainly serous
 Sublingual → 5%
mixed gland but mainly
 Minor glands → 5%
buccal, lingual, palatal &
in the lips.
Salivary glands
 Exocrine glands with
acini and ducts
 Acini have one or two
types of cells :
serous cells
mucous cells
 Ducts

Intercalated → intralobular (striated) ducts → interlobular ducts → drain into the main
duct open in the mouth.
Contents of saliva
1. water
2. Proteins:
 enzymes, mucus, lysozyme,
 lactoferrin (binds iron bacteriostatic)
 proline rich protein (protect teeth enamel),
 Ig A
 Antigens of ABO blood group in 80% of
people (called secretors)
3. Electrolytes: Na+, K+, HCO3-, Cl-.
Functions OF Saliva
(1) Digestive functions: α- amylase,
Lingual lipase
• α- amylase acts on CHO. It continues
to act in the stomach for the 1st half an
• α- amylase is inhibited by HCl of the
• α- amylase is important for digesting
food debris between the teeth.
 Lingual lipase acts on lipids
 Lingual lipase is not important →
initial triglyceride digestion
(2) Mucus:
 prepares food for swallowing &
form the bolus
 Acts as Lubricant that facilitates
chewing and swallowing
 Protects the GIT wall from acid &
 Act as buffer
(3) Taste: saliva serves as a solvent
for molecules that stimulate taste
(4) Aid in speech by facilitating
movement of the tongue & lips.
(5) Clear the mouth: provides
continuous wash, lysozymes in
saliva kill the bacteria
(6) Prevent dental caries (lactoferrin,
lysozyme, proline rich protein)
(7) Help to neutralization gastric
(8) Excretion of substances e.g. Hg,
lead, iodide, fluoride.
Composition of Saliva
 Salivary secretion is a two-stage
 The primary acinar secretion:
 contains α- amylase and/or mucin
in an isotonic solution.
 = conc. of Na+, K+, Cl–, & HCO3–
close to plasma.
 Secondary
modification in the
 1st : Na+ reabsorbed &
K+ secreted actively
from the ducts
 However, there is
excess Na+
reabsorption over K+
 this creates electrical
negativity in the
salivary ducts → Cl- to
be reabsorbed
 2nd :
 HCO3- is secreted by
the ductal cells into
the lumen of the duct.
 This is partly caused
1) passive exchange of
HCO3- for Cl- (Cl- -
HCO3- exchanger in
the apical
2) partly from an active
secretory process.
Epithelium doesn’t allow water
Saliva reaching the mouth is
hypotonic rich in K+ depleted
in Na+ & Cl-
 The tonicity of saliva secreted in the acini is
 The ducts modify the composition of the
 Na+ & Cl– are ……………..
 K+ & HCO3– are ……………..
 The ducts are relatively impermeable to
 Saliva reaching the mouth is ……………..
rich in …… & relatively depleted in …… & …..
Effect of flow rate
 Affect the contact time available for
absorption & secretion in the ducts.
Rapid flow rate: like the initial; (less time
for ionic composition to change in the
 Higher Na+ & Cl– &
 the lowest K+ conc.
 Osmolality still hypotonic but closer to
Low flow rate:
 the lowest Na+ & Cl– conc.
 rich in K+
 hypotonic, slightly acidic.
 HCO3- does not fit the contact time
 HCO3- secretion is selectively
stimulated when salivary secretion is
 Relatively there is constant amount of
K+ secreted irrespective of the flow
 Aldosterone acts on the ductal cells
→ ↑ Na+ reabsorption & K+ secretion
(similar to its action on the kidneys).
 When aldosterone is deficient
(Addison's disease), a high salivary
Na+/K+ ratio is seen.
Control of salivary secretion

Neural Control.
Factors stimulate salivary secretion:
1. Condition reflex e.g. time of food, sight,
smell, thoughts of food
2. Non condition reflex: presence of food in the
3. Taste especially sour
4. Mastication
5. Acid in lower esophagus
6. Nausea
7. Certain tactile stimuli (smooth objects in the
Factors that inhibit salivary
1. Dehydration.
2. Emotions e.g. fear
3. Sleep
4. Severe mental effort
5. Anti-cholinergic drugs
Regulation of salivary secretion
 Neural mechanisms
(1) Parasympathetic: stimulates salivary
secretion & causes:
 large amount of watery saliva rich in
enzymes & electrolytes with a relatively low
content of organic material.
 vasodilation due to the local release of VIP.
 Atropine and other cholinergic blocking
agents reduce salivary secretion.
(2) Sympathetic stimulates salivary
 secretion of small amount rich in
organic constituents (mucous) from
the submandibular glands
 vasoconstriction
Parasympathetic Sympathetic

Increase salivary Increase salivary

secretion secretion

Profuse watery saliva small amount rich in

rich in enzymes & mucous
electrolytes,low organic

vasodilation (VIP) Vasoconstriction

Contraction of the Contraction of the

myoepithelial cells myoepithelial cells
Clinical Abnormalities
Xerostomia (dry mouth):
 Salivary glands are congenitally absent or
destroyed by disease.
 Results in:
 difficulty in speech & swallowing,
 halitosis,
 dental caries,
 degeneration of the mouth mucosa &
increased susceptibility to oral infections.
 Ptyallism:
 Drooling
of saliva to outside the
mouth due to increased production or
decreased swallowing.

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