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Name: Humberto caldera

Teacher: Mrs. Amaro #2

Period: 4
Date: 9/28/17
Fear of Rejection?

Rejection is one of the best things you can get in life, It helps you become a better
person. Also if you can overcome your fear of it, your life will become amazing. Jia Jiang used to
be super scared of rejection but like others he wanted to overcome his fear of it. His whole life
he saw that rejection was a bad thing but after he overcame his fear of it, he realized that
rejection is a really good thing.
First of all, when Jia was only six years old he got rejected by his teacher and his
classmates. Everyone else in his class got a gift but he was the only one who didn’t get one. Jia
felt really sad and right after class he went to his bed to cry. The next day he asked his teacher
why he didn’t get a gift and his teacher answered him churlishly. Since that day he always
thought that getting rejected was a bad thing. As he got older he learned the importance of
overcoming rejection. Jia evolved from being scared of rejection to wanting to overcome his
fear of it. On the internet he hovered over many websites but none of them suited him.
Because he didn’t find any he reverted back to his old self but kept on searching for websites. A
couple days later he finally found a website that suited him. The website had a bonanza of ideas
to overcome the fear of rejection. His idea that he got from the website was to get rejected for
one-hundred days. The first day Jia went up to a guy as big as a mountain and asked for one-
hundred dollars. The guy obviously said no but Jia was already running the other way. Later that
day he read an adage that that told him to never run away from your fears. He decided to
follow that adage and continued to follow it for the rest of the one-hundred days. The next day
he groped for strength and set out to do it again for the second day.
The first two days Jia got his no’s but on the third day he got an unusual yes. It was not
what he was looking for but it felt good for him. The video that he posted on YouTube got over
Five-million views. That got him really famous and he went on the news and many talk shows.
He jostled with his brain but kept on going. After a while his brain and actions started to
collaborate and work together. One action that meant a lot to him was when he walked up to a
random house with a flower. He asked the owner of the house if he could lant the flower in his
backyard. The guy said no but that didn’t cause any detriment to Jia though. He asked the man
why, the guy said it was because if he put anything in his backyard his dog would dig it up. The
guy didn’t stop there, he told Jia that his neighbor across the street loved flowers. Later Jia
went up to the lady’s house and asked to plant the flower. The lady said of course and he went
to her backyard and planted the flower. He went back to his enterprising life once he
completed the one-hundred days of rejection. He overcame his fear and told the world that he
wasn’t scared anymore. He started teaching the world of how to overcome their fears of
rejection. As he became more and more famous he minimized his fear to nothing. He became
really famous and got a lot of money for his work.
As you can see it is important to overcome the fear of rejection because you have to
embrace getting no’s. Jia’s life veered from being scared to being famous because of his fear.
Make sure you always overcome you fears!

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