Usage of Gay Lingo Among Millenials As A Way of Communicating

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Allan Jade G. Papua1 Maria Adrielle Estigoy2 Danilo S. Vargas3

Central Luzon State University1
Central Luzon State University2
Central Luzon State University3


This study was conducted to identify factors influencing the usage of gay lingo among
millenials as a way of communicating. It also aimed to determine the extent of utilization and the
effects of using the gay lingo. Using a descriptive type of research, the researcher gathered data
from three different schools in Umingan, Pangasinan,Philippines which are Umingan Central
National High School, Quezon Memorial Academy, and Immaculate Conception Catholic School.
A researcher made questionnaire was used in this study. The questionnaire was composed of
socio- demographic profile, Communication characteristics, Factors influencing the usage of gay
lingo, extent of utilization and effects of gay lingo. Findings shows that the majority of the
millennials are using the gay lingo as a way of communicating. Also there is a weak negative
significant relationship with source of information and age whereas the age of the respondents
increases the source of information about gay lingo also decreases. Moreover, there is a
weak negative significant relationship with sex and the number of gay friends. It was found that
female are tend to friends with gays compared to male and it showed that female are more open
about homosexuals compared to men. In addition factors influencing the usage of gay lingo
among millenials as way of communication were identified and one factor is school since a lot
of gays are in school therefore the influence of gays to millennials is high.

Keywords: Usage, Gay,Lingo,Milenials, Communicating

Introduction abstract thought, to learn to

communicate with others, to fullfil our
Language is a complicated wants and needs, as well to establish
business. In everyday talk, we use the rules and maintain our culture.
word “language” in many different Language can be defined as verbal,
ways. We talk about how miraculously physical, biologically innate, and a
a child’s language is developing but basic form of communication.
how they make charming ‘grammar Behaviorists often define language as a
mistake’, like me maden that Instead of learned behaviour involving a stimulus
‘I made that’. Here, language is an and response. (Omrod, 2011) Often
ability that is blossoming in the child. times they will refer to language as
(Downes, 2012) verbal behaviour, which is language
In addition, language can be that includes gestures and body
used to express inner thoughts and movements as well as spoken word.
emotions, make sense of complex and (Pierce, & Eplin, 2012). All human

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languages share basic characteristics, 3. To identify the factors influencing the

some of which are organizational rules. usage of gaylingo among millenials.
(Santrock,& Mitterer,2002). 4. To determine extent of utilization of the
respondents to gaylingo.
Gayspeak, gaylingo or “swardspeak” is 5. To know the Influence of using
an argot or cant slang derived from gaylingo among millenials through the
Taglish and used by a number of relationship of socio-demographic
homosexuals in the Philippines profile, source of information and
(Wikipedia). Like any other language, number of gay friends.
is constantly changing. But unlike Hypothesis of the study
other languages, words and terms in this
1. There is no relationship between socio-
colorful tongue undergo change so
demographic profile, Source of
quickly that it would be impossible to Information and number of gay friends
come up with a dictionary of the
language that wouldn’t become
obsolete within a matter of months,
weeks, or even days. In spite of this, LITERATURE AND STUDIES
there is a thread that holds this language In this part of the study, it contains
together, and that is freedom, freedom review of related literature and studies
from the rules and dictates of society. that will help the researcher to
(Saguitan, 2012) understand the topic, to clarify the vague
points of the study and the comparisons
It is undoubted that in the Philippines between the findings of this paper with
the LGBT community has been an other related literatures studies.
influence to many people. Whether it’s References can be formed both local and
on fashion, showbiz, and entertainment. international sources which are focused
One thing is that the LGBT community on social, political, and environmental
has develop a language that they can aspects which are related to the influence
use as a way of communication. Past of using gay lingo as a way of
studies like ”Morphological Analysis communication among Millenials.
of Gay’s Spoken Discourse” by Ariele
B Lunzaga of Southern Leyte State Definition of Gay Lingo
University only focus on the gay According to Cage (2012, p.23), gay
language spoken by the people and not language is defined as a particular
with the influence of it. Hence, the register or variety of language that is
study focused on the Influence of the employed in certain socio-cultural
gaylingo among millenials as a way of contexts by gay people. That is to say,
communicating and the factors that this kind of language has its narrow use
influencing them to use it. in some situations and contexts but in
others involving “the social system of the
Objectives of the Study gay co-culture”. Red (2012, p.41) defines
This study aims to determine and gay language as a type of code used in
describe the use of gay lingo as a way the gay community for the purpose of
of communication among millenials. preventing people from outside the
1. To describe the socio-demographic group (herein refers to heterosexuals)
profile of the respondents making sense of it and helping link them
2. To determine the communication in “their own discourse”. This
characteristics of the respondents definition calls our

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attention to “anti-language” by Halliday important and interesting evolutionary

(2013, p.570) which is “a special form of events in the history of life on our planet
language generated by some kind of anti- (Maynard Smith and Szathma´ ry 2013;
society”. This anti language uses words Nowak et al. 2012)
and expressions with additions and The dynamic nature of the
alterations in meaning aiming at creating language refuses to isolate itself to a
and retaining its identity (Cage, 2012, single culture and allow for more
p.25) freedom in expression among its
speakers. (Filipino gay lingo, 2008)
Age and Gay lingo Language will remains as the most
important aspect of intercultural and
Age can be a big factor in the transcultural communication. It also
influence of using gay lingo because a guides the intergenerational and
person who is exposed to homosexuality transgenerational production and
can influence them to use it as a way of reproduction of knowledge, norms and
communication. According to the 2012 values (Downes, 2012; Skutnabb-
Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Kangas, 2013)
Survey, 11% of sexually-active Filipinos The Philippines is a country
between the ages of 15 and 24 have had characterized with 182 living languages
sex with someone of the same sex and 4 extinct ones. This highlights the
meaning to say that a person who had sex growing need for language research and
with gay can influence to use the gay sociolects are no exception. To be
lingo as a way of communication. understood by all, a translator can aid
Gender and Gay Lingo non-speakers of the sociolect and
applications are not only limited to
Filipino poet and critic Santiago communication and research. We
(2012) speculates that Filipino culture present our work on developing a rule
may have a more flexible concept of based translator for Beki speak a well
gender because kasarian, the known sociolect in the country used
Tagalog word for gender, is defined in primarily by gays (Ponce, 2011).
less binary terms than the
English word gender. Knowledge with Gay Lingo
Kasarian means "kind, species, or
A gay lingo has no actual past
present, present and future tenses for
Language and Gay Lingo verbs, comparatives and superlative
Language, more than anything forms for adjectives and it doesn’t
else, is what makes us human. The follow subject-verb agreement.
unique power of language to represent (Gianan, 2012). Gayspeak or
and share unbounded thoughts is critical “swardspeak” uses elements from
to all human societies, and has played a Tagalog, English, Spanish, and some
central role in the rise of our species in from Japanese, as well as celebrities'
the last million years from a minor and names and trademark brands, giving
peripheral member of the sub-Saharan them new meanings in different
African ecological community to the contexts. It is largely localized within
dominant species on the planet today (W. gay communities, making use of words
Tecumseh Fitch, 2010). The evolution of derived from the local languages or
human language is one of the most dialects, including Cebuano,

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Hiligaynon, Waray, Bicolano, and other today. For this reason, gay language
places (Hudson, 2010: Badingtionary, functions as a form of “defense
2010) and by using swardspeak, mechanism” against homophobic
Filipino gays are able to resist the society (Baytan, 2014, p. 260)
dominant culture of their area and
create a space of their own. The According to Remoto (2008), since
language is constantly changing, with 1960’s Taglish reached the masses,
old phrases becoming obsolete and new many gay words have been inserted and
phrases frequently entering everyday spoken by common people. In 1970s,
usage, reflecting changes in their gay language has even become a
culture and also maintaining mediator among the languages in the
exclusivity. (Garcia, 2014) Philippines. Gay words of the 1970s
still exist, but are continuously updated
– in beauty parlors and offices,
Extent of Utilization and universities and streets, media and
Influence of Gay Lingo boutiques. When 1980’s came, the gays
started to use names of people in show
Gayspeak, like any other business and entertainment, geography
language, is constantly changing. But and the sciences, media and politics,
unlike other languages, wordsand terms culture and the arts.
in this colorful tongue undergo change
so quickly that it would be impossible METHODOLOGY
to come up with a dictionary of the This study can be much more
language that wouldn’t become related to George Herbert Meade theory
obsolete within a matter of months, of symbolic interactionism to analyze
weeks,or even days. In spite of this, the influence of gay lingo among
there is a thread that holds this language millennials. Meade’s theory of
together, and that is freedom,freedom symbolic interactionism attempts to
from the rules and dictates of society account for the origins and development
(Suguitan, 2012). Any language has of human mind – or intelligence – by
developed since it has a function or a locating it within the process of
number of functions. For example, evolution, by showing that the origins
Halliday (2013, cited in Marasigan, of human mind lie in human society.
1983, p.58) suggests some functions of Symbolic interacionism tends to focus
language in general in oral conversation on the language and symbols that help
that language serves to express social us give meaning to the experiences in
and personal relations (interpersonal), our life. They notice that as we give
to represent an experience, to impart social interactions. We spend time
factual information, to control the thinking about what we will do next and
behavior of others (regulatory), to get adjust our approach depending on how
involved in fantasies, and to show one we believe others perceive us.
one’s identity (personal).
According to (Blumer, 1969)
However, homosexuals still Symbolic interactionists are often less
receive discrimination and concerned with the objectives structure
condemnation in several countries in than the subjective meaning- how
the world although people have a more repeated, meaningful interactions
open-minded attitude towards them

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among individuals come to define the answering the questionnaires in order to

makeup of ‘society’. Summarized gather other related sufficient
succinctly, there are 3 core principles of information.
this theory of symbolic interactionism
these are the Meaning, Language and RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Thought. ( Blumer, 1969) said that
meaning suggests that people act and . Most of the respondents are female
behave towards the other people and with 64.1 % it only shows that female
things based upon the meaning that they are more engaged with gay people
have given to them, and according to compared to male. As for age, the
him language makes the symbols and respondents are age around 13 to 21 and
interactions comprehensible to the the majority of them are around 17 to 18
mind. And which helps in formulating years old this means that the
assumptions and he also said that respondents begin to learn the gay lingo
Thought implies the interpretations that around 13 years old. Roman Catholic
we have assigned to the symbols which dominated the religion with 73.7%
have the power to provide an idea even since Roman Catholicism is leading
about an unknown thing based on religion in the Philippines it only
known knowledge. shows that it is leading in Umingan
The researcher used simple Pangasinan. In, addition to socio-
random sampling design in determining demographic profile the language used
the samples of the study. Samples are by the respondents as a way of
chosen randomly and entirely by communication is tagalog with 93.6%
chance, such that each individual has since tagalog is the national language
the same probability of being chosen at of the Philippines. Aside from that more
any stage during the sampling process. than half of respondents also answered that
The researcher select 357 respondents they used Iloco since it is their native
randomly from the total population of language in Umingan Pangasinan.
4970 from three schools in Umingan
Pangasinan which are the Umingan As for the communication
National High School, Immaculate characteristics. It shows that the
Conception Catholic School and the majority of the respondents preferred to
Quezon Memorial Academy. get information about gay lingo to their
friends 68.2% followed by internet
On the procedure, the respondents were 58%, since gay lingo can be thought
ask if they are willing to participate on anywhere, friends is the most frequent
the study. The researcher asked consent to get information about gay lingo
to the respondents if it’s okay to answer because they can easily give
the given questionnaire to them. After
gathering the data needed, the
researcher politely thanked the
The researcher used questionnaires
in collection of data among 357
respondents who are using gay lingo as
a way of communication. The
researcher guided the respondents in

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information about it. Also internet can they use the gay lingo as a way of
be a source of information since social communication their perception to gays
media is used by a lot of people they can were changing slowly with for 60.5%
easily access information. Moreover, and descriptive rating of sometimes.
the respondents preferred Face to face
communication with 53.9%. Also, the In terms of Extent of Utilization
respondents said that they used the of gay lingo. Findings shows that the
message they have gathered in word charot which means joke were one
socializing or interaction with 52.9%. of the gay lingo word they know and
always used in communicating. Also, it
As for the factors influencing showed that the frequency of use of gay
the usage of gay lingo. Findings shows lingo were sometimes 82.35% and upon
that the person who influenced the using the gay lingo the emotion they
respondents to use gay lingo were gays always get were happy since gay people
with 72.8%, friends is also a factor are happy person. Furthermore, majority
since aside from family they are always of them answered that they are getting
with them. In addition, aside from the information about gay lingo from gays
fact that gays are entertaining it showed with 72.8% since it is already given
that majority of the respondents want to because the gay lingo originated from
use the gay lingo because it is gays so the source of information about
entertaining to hear with 70%. Also, gay lingo are with them. Garnering with
most of them answered that they 85.1% both of the respondents ansewered
learned it school 77.6% and more than that gay lingo can be used in conversation
half of them said that no one convinced with other people and talking to gays.
them to use but only their selves.
Furthermore, majority of them are Findings shows that there is a
interested in learning the language since negative significant relationship between
it is popular, trendy and a lot of people the age and the number of
use it. As for the number of gay friends communication characteristics in getting
garnering of 69.7% respondent said that information about gay lingo. This
they have 7 to 9 gayfriends. In terms of indicates that as the age of the student
knowledge about homosexuality, increases, the number of communication
majority of them answered the word characteristics in getting information
gay 81% that it is the first thing that about gay lingo also decreases. However,
comes to their mind when they are it should be noted that the relationship is
hearing the word homosexual. weak. The other socio-demographic
profile (religion, language, sex) posted
no significant relationship with the
Another factor influencing the
number of communication characteristics
usage of gay lingo as a way of
in getting information about gay lingo
communication is the influence of gays
because the more exposed the
69.75% with a descriptive rating of
respondents to homosexuals the more
sometimes. In addition, gay language
knowledge they gain about them and
can help them to communicate to other
when they get older they no longer need
people and it is also shown in the
to gather information about gays.
descriptive rating that the gay language
can be sometimes helpful as way of In addition, Among the socio-
communication. 81.51%. However, as demographic profile of the respondents,

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only sex had a significant weak gay lingo shows a high level and most
correlation or relationship with the of them learned the language in school.
number of gay friends (See Table 1). Moreover, they use gay lingo to have
Furthermore, Table 2 shows that there knowledge and better understanding
was a significant association between sex about it also shows that the level of
and the number of gay friends. This knowledge about homosexuals and
means that the distribution of sex (male gaylingo among millenials is high.
or female) across the different ranges of 4. With regards to Extent of Utilization,
the number of gay friends was different. presented data that gay people can be an
It shows that female tends to have more influence to them sometimes and they
gay friends compared to male claimed that they are happy around
respondents. It also shows that female is them. In addition, it shows that using
more open about homosexuals compared the gaylingo can change a person
to male. perception and sometimes they used it
as a way of communication.
In terms of using the gaylingo 5. Finding shows that there is a negative
does it have a good effects to people who weak significant relationship with
used it. Finding shows that majority of source of information and age while the
the respondents answered that using the language, religion and gender don’t
gay lingo has a good effect to them with have significant relationship with
73%. While 63.6% answered using gay source of information. Also, Sex and
lingo does help them to communicate number of gay friends has a negative
with other people. They also said that weak relationship with each other while
using gay lingo can be beneficial to them the age, language and religion don’t
and as they used gay lingo their personal have.
aspects towards gay were changing. 6. Findings shows that the effects of using
gay lingo is high because the millenials
CONCLUSION AND said that they are happy using it and they
RECOMMENDATION claimed that it has a positive effect on
them. In addition, the millenials said that
1. The presented data showed that the socio- the gaylingo helps them to communicate
demographic profile of the respondents and it changes their personal aspects
has no effects in influencing the towards gay people upon using it.
millenials in using the gay language.
However there is a negative significant For the recommendations,
relationship with the age and number of 1. Based on the gathered information the
communication characteristics in gaylingo can greatly influence one’s
getting information about gay lingo. language and communication. This
2. With regards to communication study can be recommended to all
characteristics it was shown that friends millenials especially to the gay people
has high level in influencing others and who are using the language to be guided
they preferred to engage in face to face and to have proper knowledge about it.
communication and the message they Also this is for the people who have
want to get is news and they use it their concerns about how can gay people be
daily lives. an influence to others and it is for the
3. The findings exhibited that the level of people who consider adopting the gay
influence of the gay people in using the lingo.

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2. Upcoming researchers should gather a philippines. DOI:

formal monitoring and evaluation of the
influence of gay people among other 41979
people to deal with the question or to
know the outcome of whether the Halliday, M. A. K. (2013) "Anti-
influence of gay people can be positive Languages". American
and negative. Anthropologist 78 (3) pp. 570-584.
3. For future researchers who would want Hudson, R.(2010). Sociolinguistics.
to study similar topic, more number of Cambridge: Cambridge University
respondents can be better if the aim is to Press
know the effects of gay lingo among
heterosexuals as a way of Maynard Smith J. and Szathma´ ry E.
communication. (2013). The Major Transitions in
Evolution. Oxford University
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