Lower Costs and Higher Flexibility For Your Marketing Efforts

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 Lower costs and higher flexibility for your marketing efforts

 Access to consumers who rely on their mobile phones or do all their shopping online
 The ability to speak with authority on topics related to your product or industry
 A chance to engage with influencers, earn their respect and get them to endorse your company
 Opportunities to incorporate multiple types of media into your marketing
 The ability to track customers’ purchase journeys
2. Digital marketing refers to advertising delivered through digital channels such as search engines
websites, social media, email and mobile apps. Using these online media channels, digital marketing
is the method by which companies endorse goods, services and brands.
3. • Affiliate marketing – Rewarding a site or individual for each sale/lead it generates as a result of
promoting your business.
• Display advertising – Advertising online in a variety of formats. Display advertising includes
banner, text, image, and video ads on a webpage.
• Content marketing – Creating and sharing useful, relevant and quality content to achieve
marketing goals.
• Search engine marketing (SEM) – Increasing website traffic and visibility in search engine
results pages through paid and unpaid (organic) methods.
• Mobile marketing – Reaching consumers through their mobile phone, smartphones and tablets.
• E-mail marketing – Reaching consumers directly via e-mail using text and rich media formats.
• Social media marketing – Reaching consumers through social media sites, such as Facebook,
Twitter, and LinkedIn, to raise brand awareness, generate sales and website traffic.
4. Increased brand awareness – Increasing brand awareness among current and potential customers.
• Lead generation – Generating ‘leads’: generating customer interest in your product or service
and creating contact lists of those users who have expressed interest.
• Sales generation – Generating sales of your products or services – probably the ultimate
marketing goal.
• Informing customers – Keeping customers up-to-date by sharing news and special offers with
your target audience.
• Improved customer service – Strengthening your relationship with your customers by
improving customer service and assistance.
• Direct customer engagement – Engaging with customers directly.
• Generating Traffic – Increasing the number of visitors to your website
5. A goal is an objective or target that someone is trying to reach or achieve. Goal is also the end point
of a race or something that a player is trying to put an object into as part of a game. Goal has other
senses as a noun. A goal is an aim or objective that you work toward with effort and determination.
6. More cost effective
Easier to track and measure progress
Larger demographic reach
Higher engagement compared to traditional marketing
Catering to mobile customer

7. Demographics is the study of the traits of different groups for the purpose of targeting marketing
messages. Demographic groups include people of different races, political beliefs or age groups. A
thorough understanding of customer demographics is essential to successful marketing efforts,
because no product will appeal to everyone. If you have a clear idea of the type of person most
likely to use your products and services, then you can tailor your marketing message, as well as
your marketing medium, to appeal to precisely that type of customer.
Identifying Target Demographics
Marketing campaigns that appeal to specific demographics start by identifying a target market. Your
product may be specifically designed with a particular demographic in mind, or you may learn from
trial and error that it holds special appeal for a clearly defined age or ethnic group. Whether your
product's demographic appeal is intentional or accidental, gathering detailed information about who is
buying your products will help you to attract similar customers in the future; customers who will likely
purchase your offerings for many of the same reasons.
Crafting Your Message
Different demographic groups respond to different types of messages. If your product appeals to a
specific cultural or ethnic group, it is important to work with people who are familiar with the
assumptions, language and preferences of that group. Avoid social and cultural stereotypes, and pay
close attention to body language and idiomatic language quirks in order to prevent unwitting insults,
missteps or mistranslations. Being sensitive and knowledgeable about your target demographic enables
you to craft an effective and appealing marketing message.
Using Appropriate Media
Developing a marketing plan that appeals to your core demographic enables you to spend your
marketing budget most effectively, purchasing advertising through the types of media that your target
market uses. Teens and young adults get most of their information online, so Internet advertising is a
smart way to reach them. If you offer a product that appeals to an intellectual audience, you are more
likely to reach them by sponsoring public radio than by advertising on a pop music station.
Although using demographics to focus your marketing efforts offers the advantage of understanding
and appealing to your target customers, demographic marketing has limitations. If you sell a product
with a potentially broad appeal but limit your marketing message to attract a single demographic, you
may alienate other potential customers. A car company that uses rap music to sell cars to young adults
may risk losing the business of older customers who stereotype rap music as violent and angry.

8. Lack of face-to-face interaction

Can be obtrusive
Time commitment to manage it professionally
May not be suitable for your product
Prepare your website content
Make sure your content says something meaningful
Map your content
Optimize your content for SEO

Design and build your website

Come up with a layout
Select appropriate typography
Create a user experience
Develop a consistent and usable user interface

Find web hosting


Do a quality assurance audit

Proofread the content
Check the spelling
Do a grammar check
Check all the text
Follow proper semantic structure
Test links and integrations

10. Search results refer to the list created by search engines in response to a query. Search results can be
broken down as follows: Natural search results (usually on the left-hand side of search engine’s
results page) Here you will see all the websites in a search engine’s index which are relevant to the
11. Social media is any web platform or mobile application that allows users to network, share
information, photos, or ideas with other users who share their social network or online community.
The use of social media technology requires an array of different supporting activities, including blog
curation, professional social networking, customers sharing reviews, and many social media sites that
enable you to share photos and videos with friends and family.

Royal Q

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