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Process Biochemistry 35 (1999) 485 – 490

An integrated fermentation–separation process for the production

of red pigment by Serratia sp. KH-95
Chang-Ho Kim, Seung-Wook Kim, Suk-In Hong *
Department of Chemical Engineering, Korea Uni6ersity, Anam-dong, Sungbuk-ku, Seoul 136 -701, South Korea

Received 22 February 1999; received in revised form 3 May 1999; accepted 10 July 1999


Integrated fermentation–separation processes using a polymeric adsorbent were investigated to increase the productivity of red
pigment. Resin HP-20 was chosen for polymeric adsorbent, taking into consideration the adsorption capacity and the desorption
ability. The maximal production of total pigment was obtained when the HP-20 resin was added after 10 h. As the amount of
resin was increased from 5 to 20% (v/v), cell growth gradually decreased. The maximal production of pigment was obtained when
10% (v/v) HP-20 was added and the concentration of pigment contained in the resin was 5.92 g/l. The extractive fermentation was
carried out in bioreactors equipped with extractive columns packed with 5, 10 and 20% (v/v) HP-20. Cell growth decreased
inversely in proportion to the concentration of HP-20 packed into the extractive column. The maximal production of pigment
(6.92 g/l) was obtained with 10% (v/v) HP-20. The bioreactor equipped with an extractive column packed with HP-20 adsorbent
resin showed higher productivity than the conventional batch bioreactor. A 31% increment of pigment production was obtained
in extractive fermentation, compared with the simple batch culture. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Serratia sp.; Pigment production; Integrated fermentation – separation process

1. Introduction tion of product in the fermentation broth inhibits fur-

ther production [11–14]. Recently, integrated
Many synthetic colours, which were popular in the fermentation–separation systems have been used suc-
past because of their stability, low cost and ease of cessfully to reduce end-product inhibition and thus, to
application, have had their usage drastically curtailed improve overall process efficiency [15–24]. The product
for reasons of safety. Nevertheless, natural colours, can be removed by a membrane filtration process, by
notwithstanding limitations of choice, adequacy and extraction, by evaporation or by adsorption [15].
stability, are often considered to be safer than synthetic Among these techniques, solid adsorbents have been
colours and will be used widely in foods, cosmetics and used by some researchers [20–24]. A potential advan-
pharmaceutics [1,2]. tage of solid sorbents over organic solvents as extrac-
There are a number of natural colours, but only a tants is the low risk of toxicity when using polymeric
few are available in a sufficient quantity to be useful for material as sorbents. A wide range of polymeric adsor-
the industry because they are directly extracted from bents have been designed for the removal of organic
plant flowers, fruits, leaves and roots [1]. It is therefore material. Diaion HP–20 resin has been used for the
advantageous to produce natural colours from microor- production of esperamicin A1 during the fermentation
ganisms, and it has been shown that some pigments are of Actinomadura 6errucosospora [22], and amberlite
produced from Monascus [3 – 5], Streptomyces [6] and XAD resins are used to remove anthraquinone pro-
Serratia [7–10]. duced by suspension cultures of Chichona ledgeriana
A wide range of chemicals can be produced by [23].
microorganisms. In some cases, however, the accumula- In previous studies, strain KH-95 producing a high
concentration of prodigiosin-like red pigment was iso-
* Corresponding author. lated and identified as Serratia sp. based on morpho-

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486 C.-H. Kim et al. / Process Biochemistry 35 (1999) 485–490

logical and physiological characteristics [25]. Optimal from the top and returned to the storage vessel. The
media and culture condition for the production of concentration of pigment in the storage vessel was
prodigiosin-like red pigment were also established using checked and the binding capacity and the adsorption
this strain [26]. In this study, an integrated fermenta- rate of pigment to resin were calculated.
tion –separation process using a polymeric adsorbent
was investigated to increase the productivity of red 2.5. Desorption of pigment from polymeric adsorbents
pigment. The integrated system equipped with an ex-
tractive column packed with adsorbent resin was intro- Desorption ability was determined by elusion with
duced, and optimal conditions for the process were acidified methanol (pH 2.5), acidified with 0.1 M HCl.
investigated. Resins with pigment adsorbed were packed into a fixed
bed column and eluent of volume equivalent to 1–10
volumes of resin was passed through the column. The
2. Materials and methods concentration of pigment desorbed from the adsorbent
was calculated by measuring the concentration of pig-
2.1. Microorganism and culture medium ment in the eluent.

Serratia sp. KH-95 was maintained on an agar slant 2.6. Analyses and measurements
containing 0.2% dextrose, 1.0% bacto peptone, 1.0%
yeast extract, 0.2% K2HPO4 and 1.5% agar [25]. The Cell growth was monitored by measuring the optical
basic culture medium consisted of 3.0% casein, 0.1% density (O.D.) of the culture broth at 600 nm. After
K2HPO4, 0.1% MgSO4.7H2O and 0.1% NaCl. The ini- centrifuging the culture broth, the concentrations of red
tial pH of the medium was adjusted to 7.0 before pigment attached and not attached to cells were mea-
sterilization. sured separately. The red pigment attached to cells was
extracted with acidified methanol and determined by
2.2. Culture conditions measuring the absorbance using a spectrophotometer at
535 nm. The red pigment in the supernatant was diluted
Fermentations were carried out in 500 ml Erlenmeyer with acidified methanol and the absorbance measured.
flasks, each containing 50 ml of the culture medium and The concentration of pigment was calculated from the
in a 5 l bioreactor (working volume; 3 l), operating at standard curve obtained using purified pigment [25].
28°C, for 20–24 h. Bioreactors were agitated from 400 The casein concentration was analysed by a modified
to 800 rpm to maintain a proper dissolved oxygen level Biuret method [27].
and the pH was not controlled. 2.7. Extracti6e fermentation
2.3. Adsorbent An integrated fermentation–separation system
equipped with a fixed bed column packed with resin
Resins HP-20 (Mitsubishi Chemical Corp., Japan), was designed to remove pigment continuously from
SP-850 (Mitsubishi Chemical Corp., Japan) and XAD- culture broth (Fig. 1). In order to extract pigment
16 (Rohm and Hass) having different characteristics as during the fermentation, the culture broth in a bioreac-
adsorbent were used in this study. Prior to use, these tor was passed through the column from the bottom
resins were soaked in iso-propyl alcohol and then and then returned to the bioreactor. The recycle rate of
washed with several volumes of water. The volume of culture broth was 3 l/h.
resin was measured after complete drying and resin was
added to shake flasks and columns to perform an
integrated fermentation – separation system. For extrac- 3. Results and discussion
tive fermentation, resin was sterilized at 121°C for 40
min. 3.1. Product inhibition

2.4. Adsorption of pigment to polymeric adsorbents Ju et al. [24] have reported that pigment production
by microoganisms was inhibited by the final products.
The binding capacity and adsorption rate of pigment Product inhibition was tested by addition of purified
to each resin were measured with a fixed bed column pigment in shake-flask culture. When pigment was
containing 20 ml adsorbent. Purified pigment was added at concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 g/l in
added to culture media up to final concentration of 2 shake-flask culture, the concentration of pigment pro-
g/l and 400 mg/l for the measurement of binding capac- duced decreased to 3.95, 3.5, 3.05, 2.65, respectively
ity and adsorption rate, respectively. The culture media (Fig. 2). These data indicate that the pigment produced
containing pigment was passed through the column by Serratia sp. KH-95 inhibited its further production.
C.-H. Kim et al. / Process Biochemistry 35 (1999) 485–490 487

Table 1
Capacity of adsorbent and adsorption rate of pigment on different
adsorbent resins

Resin Capacity of adsorbent

(g pigment/l adsorbent)

HP-20 35.7
SP-850 39.9
XAD-16 28.9

rity in the purification process. In the case of resin

HP-20 and XAD-16, about 80% of pigment was des-
orbed in both cases when an eluent of eight resin
volumes was passed into the column (Fig. 3). The
desorption ability of SP-850 was 15–20% lower than
that of HP-20 and XAD-16 (Fig. 3). Even though resin
SP-850 has a good adsorption capacity, the desorption
ability was much lower than that of HP-20 and XAD-
16. Moreover, the adsorption capacity of HP-20 was
Fig. 1. A schematic diagram of the extractive bioreactor system.
about 20% higher than that of XAD-16. Resin HP-20
was chosen for further studies, considering the adsorp-
3.2. Selection of adsorbent
tion capacity and desorption ability.
The adsorption rate of pigment for HP-20 was esti-
Three adsorbents, HP-20, SP-850 and XAD-16 were
mated in order to determine the operating conditions
tested to reduce the inhibition effect by binding the
for extractive fermentation. The adsorption rate was
pigment efficiently. These were widely used as adsor-
2.73 g pigment/l adsorbent/h, which was calculated
bents in the biotechnological industry and were also
from the slope of Fig. 4. This value was about 40%
cheap and reusable. Several factors must be taken into
higher than that of the red pigment from Monascus sp.,
account when choosing an efficient adsorbent including
reported by Ju et al. [24], when XAD-7 was used as a
the adsorption capacity and the desorption ability of
the pigment. The adsorption capacities of adsorbents,
HP-20, SP-850, and XAD-16 to the pigment were 35.7,
39.9 and 28.9 g pigment/l adsorbent, respectively (Table 3.3. Effect of the addition time of adsorbent on
1). Resin SP-850 exhibited the highest capacity, but the producti6ity
capacity of XAD-16 was 10 – 15% lower than that of
HP-20 and SP-850. Ten percent sterilized HP-20 was added to culture
Desorption of pigment from polymeric adsorbents is broth at 0, 5, 10 and 15 h after inoculation, and all
also an important factor and in general the volume of cultures were carried out for a further 20 h. Fig. 5
eluent required affects recovery yield and product pu- shows the effect of addition time of HP-20 on produc-

Fig. 2. Effect of the addition of pigment on the production of Fig. 3. Desorption of pigment from different adsorbent resins by
pigment in shake flask culture. elution.
488 C.-H. Kim et al. / Process Biochemistry 35 (1999) 485–490

Fig. 4. Estimation of adsorption rate of pigment for HP-20 resin. Fig. 6. Effect of HP-20 resin content on cell growth and pigment

tivity. The addition of adsorbent caused the inhibition

of cell growth. The degree of growth inhibition was 3.4. Effect of the amount of adsorbent on producti6ity
dependent on the addition time of the resin. When resin
Fig. 6 shows the effect of amount of adsorbent on
HP-20 was added immediately after inoculation, the cell
cell growth and pigment production. Resin was added
concentration was about 75% of the control without
at 10 h after inoculation. As the amount of resin was
resin. As the addition time of the resin was slower, the
increased from 5 to 20% (v/v), cell growth gradually
cell concentration increased up to 95% of the control.
decreased. When 20% (v/v) HP-20 was added, 76% cell
Each pigment concentration in broth and cell and the
growth was obtained compared to the culture without
total pigment production that adsorbed in the resin
resin. Maximal pigment production was obtained when
were measured. The maximal production of total pig- 10% (v/v) HP20 was added and the amount of pigment
ment (5.85 g/l) was obtained when the resin was added contained in resin was 5.92 g/l. More casein was ad-
at 10 h, the total amount of pigment increasing to more sorbed to the resin when the amount of resin added was
than 40% compared to that of the control. increased (Fig. 6). In the case of 10% (v/v) HP-20 resin,
Fig. 5 also shows that a considerable concentration although the cell concentration was lower when com-
of casein was adsorbed to the resin. The earlier the pared to 5% (v/v) HP-20, pigment production in-
resin was added after inoculation, the more casein creased, presumably by removal of the pigment
adsorbed to the resin. The decrease of cell growth produced. This is caused by the reduction of product
according to the addition time might be due to the inhibition, thus increasing the production of red
adsorption of casein onto the resin, thus decreasing the pigment.
concentration of amino acids available to the cells.
3.5. Pigment production in a batch culture

In order to investigate the relationship between cell

growth and pigment production, two batch fermenta-
tions in a bioreactor were performed using 2 and 3%
(w/v) casein as substrate (Figs. 7 and 8). When the
initial casein concentration was increased from 20 to 30
g/l, the maximal cell concentration increased to 80%,
but total pigment production only increased by 5%.
About 65% of total pigment produced was present in
the supernatant of the broth and the remainder was
attached to the surface of the cells. Pigment production
increased to 18 h and total pigment concentration
reached 5.15 g/l, although cell growth was ceased at 15
h (Fig. 7). With 3% (w/v) casein (Fig. 8), pigment
production ceased after 18 h and total pigment produc-
Fig. 5. Effect of the addition time of HP-20 resin, after inoculation, tion reached 5.41 g/l. However, cell growth continued
on cell growth and pigment production. until 24 h. The production of pigment did not increase
C.-H. Kim et al. / Process Biochemistry 35 (1999) 485–490 489

Fig. 7. Batch culture of Serratia sp. KH-95 in a medium containing Fig. 8. Batch culture of Serratia sp. KH-95 in a medium containing
2.0 % casein, in a bioreactor. 3.0 % casein, in a bioreactor.

Table 2
Extractive fermentation in a bioreactor equipped with an extractive column packed with HP-20 adsorbent resin

Relative resin Growth (O.D.) Pigment concentration Pigment concentration in Amount of pigment Total amount of pigment
volume (%) in cell (g/l) broth (g/l) in resin (g) produceda (g/l)

None 24.8 1.6 3.7 – 5.3

5 22.3 1.55 2.73 4.65 5.83
10 20.5 1.45 2.5 8.9 6.92
20 16.3 0.48 1.5 12.5 6.14

(Total pigment produced in cell, broth and resin) } medium volume(3 l).

in proportion to cell growth. Figs. 7 and 8 also show run batchwise for 12 h and then switched to extractive
that the production of pigment ceased when the pig- fermentation. The data for the batch and extractive
ment concentration in broth increased above 3.0 g/l, fermentation are summarized in Table 2. Maximal cell
irrespective of the casein concentration in the medium. growth decreased inversely and in proportion to the
These results could be explained by the fact that the amount of HP-20 packed into the extractive column.
accumulation of pigment inhibited its further These results were similar to those of extractive fermen-
production. tation in the shake flask culture with HP-20. Maximal
production of pigment (6.92 g/l) was also obtained with
10% (v/v) of HP20. It was also found that the bioreac-
3.6. Pigment production in extracti6e fermentation tor equipped with an extractive column packed with
HP-20 adsorbent resin showed higher productivity than
In previous work [26], it was reported that much of the conventional batch bioreactor, a 31% increment of
the pigment was attached to the surface of cells when pigment production being obtained in extractive fer-
the pH of culture broth was maintained below 8.0. mentation, compared with the simple batch culture.
However, when the pH of culture broth was increased The pigment concentrations in broth were kept below
above 8.5, about 70% of total pigment was suspended 3.0 g/l when the extractive column was used, but the
in the supernatant of the broth. Therefore, the pH of pigment concentration in broth increased above 3.0 g/l
the culture broth was not controlled so that the pig- without the extractive column. From these results, it
ment was suspended in the supernatant of the broth for was proved that production of pigment increased by the
the extractive fermentation. In shake flask culture, 10% elimination of pigment produced continuously in broth.
(v/v) HP-20 showed the best results for pigment pro-
duction in extractive fermentation. There could be some
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