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Non-Executive Employee Ownership and Corporate Risk

Francesco Bova
Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

Kalin Kolev
Yale School of Management

Jacob Thomas
Yale School of Management

Frank Zhang
Yale School of Management

April 30, 2014

Editor’s note: Accepted by John Harry Evans III.

Submitted December 2012
Accepted June 2014

JEL classification: G30.

Keywords: Employee ownership, employee compensation, executive compensation, risk

We thank Mingming Qiu, Ilona Babenko, and Rik Sen for sharing data, and Joseph Blasi, Robert Bushman, Brian
Cadman, Yiwei Dou, Mary Ellen Carter, John Core, Richard Frankel, Wayne Guay, Rachel Hayes, Gilles Hilary,
Doug Kruse, DJ Nanda, Darius Palia, Robert Verrechia, Terry Warfield, and seminar participants at the 2012 AAA
Annual Meeting, University of Alberta Accounting Research Conference, Colorado Summer Accounting Research
Conference, Concordia University, London Business School, the Louis O. Kelso Fellowship mid-year meeting,
IAFEP Conference, INSEAD, University of Maastricht, University of Miami, the University of Toronto, and
University of Wisconsin for their valuable feedback. Bova and Thomas are grateful for funding from the Louis O.
Kelso Faculty Fellowship for research in employee ownership and Yale School of Management, respectively.
Non-Executive Employee Ownership and Corporate Risk

Abstract. Prior research documents a negative link between risk and executive holding of stock
but a corresponding positive link for options. We find a similar negative relation for non-
executive holding of stock. Our finding is consistent with the view that non-executives not only
face significant incentives to reduce risk when they hold stock, but they are also able to affect
corporate risk. While endogeneity cannot be ruled out fully, the results of a battery of tests
suggest that it plays a limited role. A second robust result is that the documented relation
becomes more negative as option-based executive compensation increases. Overall, corporate
risk is related to the incentives created by stock and options held by both executives and non-
executives, as well as interactions among those incentives.

JEL classification: G30.

Keywords: Employee ownership, employee compensation, executive compensation, risk


An extensive literature considers how different forms of compensation create incentives

for managers to alter the distribution of stock returns. A subset of that research focuses on

incentives to affect corporate risk, which is defined as the volatility of stock returns in an

efficient market, by actions that either increase volatility (e.g., invest in risky projects or increase

leverage) or decrease volatility (e.g., hedge exposure to operating risk). Prior research (Stulz

1984; Smith and Stulz 1985; Guay 1999) predicts a negative relation between stockholding and

stock volatility. The empirical evidence (May 1995) confirms that prediction. However, these

findings are based mainly on compensation paid to senior executives. We investigate whether the

negative relation between stockholding and stock volatility observed in prior research extends to

non-executive employees.

Our motivation is two-fold. First, we identify eight subgroups of research investigating

equity-based compensation, represented by the interaction among how holdings of stocks/options

create incentives for executives/non-executives to affect the first/second moment of returns. Of

the eight subgroups, the incentives created by stock held by non-executives to affect the second

moment of returns have received the least attention. Second, the arguments for a negative

relation between risk and stockholding are weaker for non-executives than for executives,

because of the lower likelihood of satisfying two necessary conditions. The first condition is that

the fraction of an employee’s wealth, including human capital in the form of future

compensation, that is correlated with employer stock price has to be large enough to result in

significant incentives to reduce risk. The second condition is that employees have the ability to

alter risk, either by eliminating risky alternatives from consideration or by taking actions

subsequently to reduce volatility. We analyze why these conditions may or may not hold for non-

executives. Even though our research hypotheses are stated as if the conditions hold, we are

agnostic and “let the data speak.”

Prior research on the relation between corporate risk and managerial stockholding (Stulz

1984; Smith and Stulz 1985; Guay 1999) suggests that the relation will generally be negative.

While higher stock volatility increases the value of compensation that has a convex relation with

stock price, such convexity becomes relevant for stockholding only when firms are close to

financial distress. We believe that the same arguments apply to non-executive employees.

Importantly, higher stock volatility creates greater disutility for employees holding stock, relative

to outside shareholders. Employees are more risk averse because their human capital in the form

of future compensation is tied to the firm’s fortunes, and they are also less able to diversify, and

thus bear both systematic and idiosyncratic risk.

We use two measures of the dependent variable to reflect the extent to which employees

influence corporate behavior that affects stock volatility. Consistent with our definition of risk,

our first risk measure is the standard deviation of daily stock returns over the 12 months
following the disclosure of non-executive stockholding. To the extent that the market may not be
manuscript 1
fully efficient, stock volatility will represent a noisy measure of corporate risk. As an alternative

and potentially less noisy proxy, we use an accounting measure: the standard deviation of

seasonally-differenced quarterly accounting return on assets over the next 20 quarters. Finally,

we also consider other indirect measures of corporate risk, such as the level of R&D


Our main independent variable, employee stockholding, is derived from Form 5500 data

filed with the Department of Labor for defined contribution plans invested in employer stock.

One alternative is to replace observed stock volatility with volatility implied by put and call option prices. We
find similar results for a subsample with available option data. Section V contains robustness analyses that
investigate the extent to which our results are sensitive to alternative proxies for our variables.
These data cover retirement plans, for which employees are eligible to receive benefits at or after

retirement, including employee stock ownership plans and 401(k) plans, but exclude non-

retirement plans, such as restricted stock and stock purchase plans (see Frye 2004 for a

discussion of this taxonomy). Thus, while our measure does not encompass all employer stock

held by non-executive employees, it captures a significant portion of all involuntary holdings.

Non-voluntary holdings, which can be sold at any time, should create lower incentives to reduce


Recent studies such as Guay (1999) and Coles, Daniel, and Naveen (2006) use the vega

of executive wealth (options plus stock plus human capital) as the explanatory variable, while

controlling for delta. Vega and delta represent the sensitivity of managerial wealth to changes in

return variance and share price, respectively. Because the available data do not allow estimation

of delta and vega for non-executive wealth, we use the level of employee shareholding, stated as

a percentage of total shares outstanding. preprint

We consider a number of control variables including market capitalization, book-to-
market ratio, leverage, presence of tax loss carryforwards, and effective tax rates. To control for
the incentives of senior executives to influence risk, we include the percentage of total shares

held by those executives and option awards as a percent of total compensation. While our main

results do not include controls for non-executive optionholdings because these data are not

available in Compustat before 2004, we include those controls for the subperiod with available

data to confirm that our inferences are not sensitive to this omission.

Because we cannot control for all relevant effects and the variables we use are likely

measured with error, we consider possible ways in which the omission of controls and

measurement error might negatively bias our estimated coefficient on non-executive

stockholding. We conduct extensive sensitivity analyses and conclude that any bias created by

the research design should work against our predictions.2

We find two robust relations. First, employee stockholding is strongly negatively related

to risk measures that are linked to increases in stock volatility. Second, this relation becomes

more negative as the level of executive optionholding increases. Taken together, our results

suggest that corporate risk is affected by both executive and non-executive stockholdings and

options, as well as by interactions among these holdings.3

With respect to causality, our first result is consistent with the view that higher

stockholding for non-executives significantly increases their incentives to reduce stock volatility,

and that these employees have the ability to take the necessary risk-reducing actions. This latter

inference is new to compensation research in accounting and finance. However, work in labor

economics and organizational behavior suggests that non-executives are directly and indirectly

able to influence corporate behavior, and that this influence increases with employee ownership.

In essence, employee ownership is most effective when combined with increased employee
participation, which results in increased cooperation, delegation, and responsibility sharing
(Kamil, Pendleton, and Poutsma 2005; Foss 2003; Pendleton, McDonald, and Robinson 1995;

Blasi, Kruse, and Park 2010). Further, if higher executive optionholding creates incentives for

executives to increase risk, our second result is consistent with the view that the incentives for

non-executives to reduce stock volatility are heightened in cases where executives have greater

incentives to increase stock volatility.

For example, we should consider executive holdings, not annual grants, of options and should deflate stock and
option holdings by total wealth. Without data on senior executive wealth, we considered different combinations
of stock and option holdings and grants in the robustness analyses in Section V and different scaling variables.
The reported results reflect the two measures with the most significant coefficients on the control variables, to
reduce any potential negative bias associated with the coefficient on our measure of non-executive stockholding.
We assume that senior executives within the same firm face similar incentives to affect risk. Some prior
research, however, suggests that there are differences (e.g., between CEOs and CFOs in Chava and
Purnanandam 2010).
Prior research raises significant concerns regarding endogeneity affecting the associations

we document, as well as any causal inferences we draw. We focus on three common sources of

endogeneity (Roberts and Whited 2012): simultaneity, correlated omitted variables, and

measurement error. There are few exogenous variables in our analysis, and many variables are

determined jointly.4 Alternative explanations of the results include reverse causality and omitted

correlated variables. Finally, our coefficient estimates might be biased because the above-

mentioned measurement errors associated with regressors are related to either measurement error

associated with other regressors or the regression error.

We consider different approaches to address these concerns, both when we seek to

establish association and when we infer causal relationships. First, we use an instrumental

variables approach, where we model employee ownership in the first-stage regression. Second,

to control for potential omitted variables, we include lagged values of the dependent variables as

an additional explanatory variable. Surviving this hurdle should substantially increase the

robustness of our findings because it addresses many alternative explanations, including omitted
correlated variables and reverse causality. Finally, we examine cross-sectional variation in the
relation between non-executive stockholding and risk along dimensions that might help us

eliminate alternative explanations for our results. We observe similar results for several

relatively independent approaches which increases the reliability of our inferences.

We believe we are the first to examine the link between non-executive employees and

corporate risk. Our main contribution is to document the two robust patterns we observe, and to

alert researchers that incentives created by equity-based compensation for non-executive

employees might also play an important role in corporate behavior. Consideration of non-

To the extent that actual compensation deviates from optimal compensation, for idiosyncratic reasons the
explanatory variables considered in our analyses are more likely to be exogenously determined. These
idiosyncratic reasons include unexpected changes in the factors that determine optimal compensation (Core and
Guay, 1999) and managers who override weak boards.
executive employees may be relevant even for studies focused on senior executives if, as our

results suggest, there are interaction effects between the two sets of incentives. Our results may

spur future work that develops a better understanding of causal relationships.

Section II next discusses prior research and develops our hypotheses. Section III

discusses the data and provides descriptive statistics. Section IV presents the main results and

Section V contains robustness checks. Section VI concludes.


Executive stock and option holdings and risk: theory

Smith and Stulz (1985) and Stulz (1984) identify two opposing incentives in assessing

the impact of stock and option holdings on a manager’s desire to affect risk. The two incentives

relate to the two steps that link managerial utility to stock volatility. The first step connects

managerial utility to volatility in managerial wealth, and the second step connects managerial
wealth to stock volatility. The first incentive, which motivates managers to reduce risk, relates to

the first step above and reflects managerial risk aversion. Because risk-averse managers exhibit a

concave relation between utility and wealth,manuscript

volatility in the portion of wealth that is positively

related to stock price results in a risk premium, where the certainty equivalent amount of wealth

is discounted relative to mean or expected values of wealth. The portion of managerial wealth

that is positively related to stock price includes stockholding, optionholding, and any human

capital that is employer-specific.5

The second incentive, which causes managers to increase risk, arises when the second

relation between stock volatility and the portion of stock price-sensitive wealth is convex. Such

Incentives to reduce risk are also created by a different component of managerial wealth referred to as “inside
debt” (Anderson and Core 2012 and Cassell, Huang, Sanchez, and Stuart 2012), which includes unsecured
deferred compensation. Given the absence of data on inside debt for non-executives, we ignore incentives related
to such claims.
convexity in the second step operates counter to the first-step concavity created by risk aversion,

and can dominate the concavity effect if it is sufficiently strong. Convexity in the second step is

created by option-like features of equity-based wealth. Specifically, options that are close to or

below the exercise price and stocks that are close to financial distress when asset values

approach levels of debt exhibit convexity in the second step. In contrast, options that are deep-in-

the-money and stocks that are not close to financial distress exhibit little convexity.

Whether stockholding and optionholding create net incentives to increase or decrease risk

depends on the relative magnitudes of the two incentives. Given that the incentives to increase

risk are generally weak for managerial stockholding in firms not in financial distress, the

incentives to reduce risk are expected to dominate. For managerial optionholding, however, the

incentive to increase risk becomes more relevant, and the net effect varies from case to case

depending on the relative strengths of the two opposing incentives.6

Note that total stock volatility, both idiosyncratic and systematic, is relevant here.

Managers can reduce the impact of both types of risk on their holdings by judicious asset
allocation when investing their remaining wealth or by purchasing collars that eliminate both
upside and downside risk. However, the maintained assumption in the literature is that a

substantial portion of the underlying exposure of managerial wealth to stock price volatility

remains unhedged at the personal level.7

Evidence on executive stock and option holdings and risk

Lambert, Larcker, and Verrecchia (1991), Carpenter (2000), and Lewellen (2006) illustrate why higher
optionholding might increase managers’ incentives to reduce stock price volatility, especially if the probability
of having options finish in-the-money is sufficiently high.
Empirical evidence provides support for this assumption. As an example, Hirshleifer, Low, and Teoh (2012)
document that firms with overconfident CEOs have higher return volatility and these CEOs are likely to continue
holding options past the vesting period.
Prior evidence supports the predicted negative relation between managerial stockholding

and incentives to take on more risk. For example, Tufano (1996) investigates a sample of

publicly-traded gold mines and finds that executives compensated with stock are more likely to

hedge gold price risk. Similarly, the findings in May (1995) suggest that executives with very

large stock holdings undertake risk-reducing acquisitions to better diversify assets.

The evidence on options-based compensation is mixed. While the early evidence suggests

that options generally create incentives to increase risk, more recent evidence suggests that

options do not create net incentives to increase risk. The early evidence includes Rajgopal and

Shevlin (2002), who show that the sensitivity of a CEO’s option-based pay to stock return

volatility for a sample of oil and gas producers is positively linked to the variability of future

cash flows from exploration activities. The more recent evidence includes Hayes, Lemmon, and

Qiu (2012), who show that the substantial reduction in option grants after 2006, when the

expensing of options becomes mandatory under SFAS 123R, is not associated with efforts by

managers to decrease risk.

More recent research combines stock and optionholding and estimates the sensitivity of
managerial wealth to stock volatility. Guay (1999) measures the convexity of CEO compensation

by estimating the convexity contributed by a stock option or share of common stock as the

change in the security’s value for a one percent change in the annualized standard deviation of

stock returns. Guay (1999) finds that this measure of convexity, vega, is more meaningful for

firms with growth options, reflected by higher investments in R&D and capital expenditures.

Coles et al. (2006) and Low (2009) use the Guay (1999) measure and show that a higher

sensitivity leads to riskier policy choices, more investment in R&D, and increased total,

systematic, and idiosyncratic risk. Similarly, Armstrong and Vashishtha (2012) also document a

positive relationship between vega and a firm’s systematic risk.

Non-executive stock holdings and risk

Are the preceding results observed for executive stockholding also likely to be observed

for non-executive stockholding? As discussed earlier, even though stockholding should in theory

create incentives for all employees to reduce risk, there are a priori reasons to believe that the

same negative relation might not hold for non-executive employees. Levels of stockholding

might be low relative to non-executive employee wealth, resulting in low incentives to reduce

risk. Even if such incentives are strong, the rights to investment, financing, and operational

decisions may be retained by senior executives, leaving non-executives with limited ability to

reduce risk. Although we do not have strong prior beliefs about the actual incentives of

employees to reduce risk and their ability to do so, we present arguments below for why a

negative relation between non-executive stockholding and risk might be observed.

Regarding the question of whether non-executive stockholding is large enough to create

meaningful incentives to reduce risk, we note that about two-thirds of our sample firms have zero

employee stockholding, based on the Form 5500 data on retirement plans. For the remaining
firms with positive employee stockholding, we report two estimates below for levels of
stockholding for the typical employee. We divide the value of stock held in retirement plans

from Form 5500 reports by the total number of employees from Compustat and obtain a mean

(median) stockholding per employee of $10,214 ($3,245). We obtain an alternative estimate by

dividing plan assets by plan participants for ESOP plans which results in a mean (median) of

$82,000 ($32,000). The first estimate is likely to be a lower bound for employee stockholdings

because many employees hold company stock outside of retirement plans (e.g., restricted stock

plans). The alternate estimate is likely to be an upper bound for employee stockholdings because

plan participants include retirees. Thus the average plan assets likely overstate the stock held by

active employees

We are unable to find reliable savings data for typical employees in our sample against

which to compare the preceding estimates of employee stockholding. However, more general

evidence (Browning and Lusardi 1996; Lusardi, Schneider, and Tufano 2011) suggests that

median savings levels are low.8 While savings levels increase with income, they are negative for

the first two quintiles of income and become high only for the highest quintile of earners. If so,

typical savings levels, particularly wealth held as financial assets, for employees in our sample

firms during our sample period are also probably quite low. We assume that total savings are of

the same order of magnitude as annual pay. Moving from total savings to the portion held as

employer stock, estimates in Blasi et al. (2010) for a sample of firms with positive employee

stockholding suggest that the average value of employer stock held is 65 percent of annual pay.

If so, the typical holding of stock may indeed be large enough, as a proportion of total savings, to

make employees sensitive to risk.9

Turning to the second question of whether non-executive employees are able to alter

corporate risk, we conclude that there is a sufficient basis to believe that corporate risk reflects
the preferences of non-executives. Specifically, we envision two non-mutually-exclusive
mechanisms through which non-executives may affect corporate risk. 10
The first potential

mechanism assumes that a board seeking optimal contracts takes into account the different types

of corporate risk managed by executives and non-executives, respectively. Specifically,

executives determine strategic investment risk, such as selecting which project to invest in,

For example, Lusardi et al. (2011) examine households’ financial fragility by looking at their capacity to raise
$2,000 in 30 days. Using data from the 2009 TNS Global Economic Crisis survey, they document widespread
financial weakness in the United States because approximately one quarter of Americans report that they could
not raise $2,000 in the allotted time. The results suggest that, for the average American, even a $10,000
investment in company stock represents a large portion of their overall wealth.
Arguments could also be made for why non-executives are likely to be more sensitive to risk, relative to
executives. For example, the human capital of non-executive employees might be tied more closely to firm
performance, and non-executives might diversify less than executives because they are less sophisticated
investors and are likely to have less access to financial advisors.
We take no position on which mechanism is likely to dominate, as this is an issue outside the scope of the
present study.
whereas non-executive employees manage operational risk via careful implementation and

execution of executives’ decisions. Thus, consistent with prior research, the board grants

executives an ex ante optimal compensation package where stock options induce risk-taking in

search of higher returns. At the same time, the board grants non-executive employees stock to

mitigate operational risk, suggesting a negative correlation between employee stockholding and

corporate risk. Taken together, the employees’ careful execution of executive decisions reduces

overall corporate risk without sacrificing the mean payoff, leading to a higher reward-to-risk

ratio. Importantly, this structure also implies that, as executives take on more strategic risk, non-

executive employees have stronger incentives to mitigate operational risk, suggesting that the

negative association between employee stockholding and corporate risk increases in executive

risk-taking behavior.

The second potential mechanism reflects the idea that non-executive employees can

actually influence the firm’s strategic decisions. Specifically, non-executives may have the

capacity to filter or influence the menu of projects chosen by management. Thus, the seemingly
contradictory incentives induced by executive options and non-executive stock compensation
translate into a decision-making process that mitigates the potential for excessive risk-taking.

This mechanism also suggests that non-executives’ incentives to reduce risk increase with

executives’ risk-taking behavior.

Consistent with both mechanisms, the labor economics and organizational behavior

literatures document evidence that firms often adopt employee ownership plans and increase

employee decision rights jointly. For example, Blasi et al. (2010) assesses data from the 2002

and 2006 General Social Surveys and the 2001 and 2006 NBER Company Surveys. That study

concludes that employees compensated with company stock are more likely to: a) be involved in

making decisions on the job and setting department goals; b) operate with minimal supervision;

c) have an increased say about what happens on the job; and d) make decisions cooperatively.11

Moreover, further evidence suggests that increased stockholding and optionholding results not

only in higher levels of cooperation, but also in more stringent monitoring of employees by

fellow employees (e.g., Fitzroy and Kraft 1986 and Hochberg and Lindsey 2010).

To assess whether there is anecdotal support for the notion that non-executives can

impact both operational and strategic risks, we interviewed several executives of publicly-traded

companies where non-executives have substantial stockholdings. We highlight the comments

from Steven Fisher, Senior VP and Treasurer of SAIC, a private company that was majority-

owned by its employees. 12 After SAIC went public (NYSE: SAI), employees divested most of

their holdings. As such, Mr. Fisher has observed variation in employee ownership over time and

is able to comment on the effect of that variation on firm outcomes. Mr. Fisher feels that an

equity stake for employees can impact corporate risk in two ways.

First, equity stakes for non-executive employees increase the level of effort and

commitment to implementing and executing the strategic decisions of executives. For example,
SAIC’s employee-owners worked hard to cross-fertilize cultures and integrate management
following the acquisition of a target firm. By putting in extra effort to implement executives’

strategies, employee-owners at SAIC not only reduced integration risk, but also reduced the

volatility of SAIC’s subsequent returns. Second, equity stakes for non-executives increased the

breadth of participation in the firm’s strategic decision-making. For example, SAIC solicited

input from non-executive employees when contemplating which targets to acquire.

The General Social Survey assesses a national area probability sample of non-institutionalized adults. The survey
was conducted by the National Opinion Research Center of the University of Chicago in 2002 and 2006. The
NBER Company survey assesses data from employee surveys across 14 companies and 323 worksites in 2001
and 2006.
The transcript of the interview is available from the authors upon request. SAIC is only one of many anecdotal
examples of firms where employees directly affect corporate risk. For example, survey evidence finds that 41
percent of employees in employee-owned firms feel that they have an influence over the company’s strategic
decisions (
Similar outcomes have been documented at other firms where non-executives own large

stakes in the company. United Airlines became majority-owned by its employees in the mid-90s

when the firm’s owners gave non-executive employees 55 percent of the firm’s equity.

Consistent with our conjectures, not only did the new employee-owners influence United’s

strategic decision-making, but being employee-owned appears to have diminished United’s

appetite for corporate risk. For example, United Airlines aborted its acquisition of US Air in

1995, specifically because of employee opposition to the acquisition (Faleye, Mehrotra, and

Morck 2006). Similarly, New Belgium Brewing, a firm majority-owned by its employees and the

focus of a recent documentary on employee ownership, solicited feedback from all of its non-

executive employee-owners while contemplating an expansion to North Carolina.13 Besides

providing non-executives with an opportunity to inform the firm’s strategic decisions, having an

equity stake in the firm apparently had a significant impact on the employees’ risk-taking

preferences. Specifically, employees appeared cautious about the prospect of expansion, with

several employees voicing concerns.

Overall, increased stockholding by non-executive employees can potentially both create
incentives to reduce corporate risk and lead to greater decision rights for non-executives. The

mechanisms discussed above also suggest that non-executive employees have stronger incentives

to mitigate risk when executives are likely to take more risk. Thus, we state our research

hypotheses, in their alternative forms, as follows:

H1: Cross-sectionally, higher levels of non-executive employee stock ownership are related
to lower corporate risk.

H2: The negative correlation between employee stockholding and corporate risk increases
in the executives’ propensity to take on risk.

We the Owners, directed by David Romero, and produced by the Foundation for Enterprise Development, 2013.

To obtain employee stock ownership data, we search the U.S. Department of Labor Form

5500 filings for defined contribution plans that allow direct investment in employer stock. As

described in Bova, Dou, and Hope (2013), we include “employee stock ownership plans

(ESOPs), 401(k) plans that allow an investment in employer stock as an option, deferred profit

sharing plans invested in employer stock, and employer stock bonus plans.” When there are

discontinuities in the data series for a firm, we impute the missing observation for year t as the

average of values obtained for years t-1 and t+1. To merge these data with Compustat, we

aggregate stockholdings across plan sponsors with the same Employee Identification Number


In concept, employee stockholdings should be measured as a fraction of employee

wealth. In the absence of data on employee wealth, we scale employee stockholding (EMPSTK)

by the number of shares outstanding as detailed in the Appendix. While this deflator could cause

considerable measurement error, we believe the error would bias the estimated coefficient on

EMPSTK toward zero if other variables are measured correctly in the regression (Roberts and

Whited 2012). To verify that the choice of deflator does not drive our results, we explore

alternate proxies of EMPSTK in Section V. In particular, as an alternative to scaling EMPSTK by

outstanding shares, we consider the dollar value of stock holdings per employee. The sign and

significance levels for the coefficient on EMPSTK are unchanged when using this alternate


Bova et al. (2013) describe the fractions of different types of plans, as well as the fraction

of total stock value held by those plan categories included in and excluded from EMPSTK. For

example, 29.7 percent of firms have ESOP plans while 83.4 percent of firms have non-ESOP
plans. However, ESOP plans account for 71.4 percent of the common stock held across all plans

in the sample while non-ESOP plans account for 28.6 percent of the common stock held across

all plans.14

While EMPSTK includes employee stock held in various retirement plans, it excludes

stock held in non-retirement plans, such as restricted stock and employee stock purchase plans.

For some firms, such as Apple, the fraction of total employee stockholding excluded from

EMPSTK is substantial. However, the exclusion of some employee stockholdings from EMPSTK

does not bias our findings in favor of H1. If the excluded holdings are unrelated to holdings

included in EMPSTK, the associated measurement error biases the coefficient on EMPSTK

toward zero. Even if the excluded and included stockholdings are positively related, the

magnitude of the negative coefficient on EMPSTK would be biased upward, but the magnitude

of the associated t-statistic should not be.

We next discuss the implication for our tests of stockholdings that are excluded from

EMPSTK. Omitting stock held voluntarily, as in employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs), is less
of a concern because employees could elect to sell those shares at any time.15 Employee holding
of restricted stock, on the other hand, should create incentives similar to those created by plans

included in EMPSTK that require employees to hold stock. To investigate potential bias in the

estimate of EMPSTK, we examine the correlation between EMPSTK and restricted stock grants

(not holdings) for a 2005 sample obtained from Mingming Qiu at the University of Utah. The

correlation is 0.058, which we view as low. Additional empirical analysis suggests that the
In untabulated analysis we assess whether having an ESOP or non-ESOP plan affects our inferences. We
partition the sample of firms where EMPSTK>0 into sub-samples for firms with ESOP plans and firms with non-
ESOP plans. We continue to find a negative relationship between EMPSTK and risk-taking in both sub-samples.
Nevertheless, in untabulated analyses, we include stockholding held in ESPPs and find that the coefficient on
EMPSTK continues to be negative and significant in all models. We thank Ilona Babenko and Rick Sen for
allowing us to use the ESPP data hand collected for Babenko and Sen (2011). We do not include ESPP data in
our main EMPSTK variable for the tabulated analysis because fair market values for the stock held in ESPPs are
only available when they are voluntarily disclosed by firms. As a result, there are comparatively few firm-years
with data in the ESPP sample.
coefficients on EMPSTK are virtually unchanged when we include grants of restricted stock as

an additional variable in the regressions for year 2005. Overall, while EMPSTK likely measures

non-executive stockholding with error, we believe those errors bias the magnitude of the

coefficient on EMPSTK toward zero.

Our sample reveals few obvious patterns of industry clustering based on levels of

EMPSTK. For example, most technology firms have low levels of EMPSTK, where restricted

stock is not included in EMPSTK. Most industries have both firms with zero and with high levels

of EMPSTK. In particular, firms in the top 10 percent of EMPSTK, which include DuPont,

Guidant, Exxon, Abbott Labs, GE, AT&T, Kroger, Southwest Airlines, and Proctor & Gamble,

belong to a broad range of industries.

Even though our focus is on non-executive stockholdings, their optionholdings are also

likely to affect incentives to alter risk and should be controlled for. However, we are unable to

obtain option data for the earlier part of our sample period, as Compustat only provides data for

option variables beginning in 2004. Therefore while our main results exclude non-executive
optionholdings, we confirm that the negative relation between EMPSTK and the various risk
proxies is robust to including estimates of option grants (EMPOPT), for the subperiod beginning

in 2004.

Because prior research documents a significant relationship between executive

compensation and risk, we also control for executive holdings of options and stocks using data

from Execucomp and Thomson Reuters, respectively. We scale shares held by executives

(EXESTK) and options granted to executives (EXEOPT) by total shares outstanding and total

executive compensation, respectively.

As alternative measures of EXEOPT based on options held by executives, we also

considered the number of options held, scaled by total shares outstanding; and the fair value of

options held, scaled by market value of equity. While option holdings should be more relevant

here than option grants, we find that the coefficient on EXEOPT is closer to zero for these

alternative measures of EXEOPT. To reduce the likelihood that the magnitude of the coefficient

on EMPSTK is overstated because the impact of EXEOPT is suppressed when we use these

alternative measures, we use the grant-based measure of EXEOPT. We see no reason why this

approach should inflate the magnitude of the estimated coefficient on EMPSTK.

After matching the Form 5500 data with Compustat, our sample contains 60,235

observations for 9,677 individual firms for the period 1999-2009. We next merge the data set

with Thomson Reuters Insider Filing data to gather information on executive stockholding,

EXESTK, which decreases the sample size to 18,417 observations for 5,371 individual

companies. Our sample size decreases further to 8,702 firm-years when we require information

on executive options EXEOPT from Execucomp, which generally covers only current and past

members of the S&P 1500. We obtain additional financial and market data from Compustat

Annual and CRSP, respectively. Because we use all available observations for each of our tests,
sample size varies across tests depending on the specific variables included. To mitigate the
potential disproportionate influence of outliers, we Winsorize all continuous variables, other than

the three market-based variables (MV, SD_RET, and RET), at 1 and 99 percent of each year’s

cross-sectional distributions.

Risk proxies

The dependent variable should ideally be the portion of expected stock volatility that

reflects employee efforts to reduce risk. The first empirical proxy we use is observed future stock

volatility. We measure stock volatility as the standard deviation of daily stock returns (SD_RET)

over the 12-month period starting from the fifth month after fiscal year-end.16 Because prior

research calculates stock volatility in different ways (Chen, Steiner, and Whyte 2006; Core and

Guay 1999), we conduct robustness tests to confirm that our results are not sensitive to the

specific stock volatility measure used. For example, in Section V, we obtain similar results when

we repeat the analyses using idiosyncratic volatility, measured as the standard deviation of

market-model residuals over the same window, or implied stock volatility based on put and call

option prices, as of six months after the year-end.

Because stock volatility is affected by factors other than employees’ intent to influence

stock market volatility, such as unexpected revisions in discount rates and forecasts of future

cash flows, we consider the volatility of accounting rates of return (e.g., Beaver, Kettler, and

Scholes 1970) as an alternative empirical proxy. The risk measure we construct (SD_∆ROA) is

the standard deviation of seasonally differenced quarterly accounting return on assets over the

subsequent five years, where return on assets is income before extraordinary items, scaled by

average total assets for the quarter.

Prior literature also uses research and development expense (R&D) and capital
expenditure (CAPEX) as proxies for risk. Whereas the incentive to increase risk is expected to be

positively related to R&D levels, arguments have been made for both positive and negative links

with CAPEX. The evidence confirms the positive relation expected for R&D, but both positive

(Guay 1999; Bargeron, Lehn, and Zutter 2010; Cohen, Dey, and Lys 2013) and negative (e.g.,

Coles et al. 2006; Hayes et al. 2012) relations have been observed for CAPEX. The negative

relation between non-executive stock ownership and our two primary risk measures, volatility of

stock returns and ROA changes, are also observed for R&D and CAPEX.

The five month lag allows the market to learn about a firm’s financial information. We obtain similar results
when using a four- or six-month lag.
Descriptive statistics

Table 1, Panel A, reports that the average (median) company in our sample has a market

capitalization of $4.2 billion ($484 million), consistent with our requirement for executive

compensation data skewing our sample toward larger companies. Employees hold on average 0.8

percent of the employer’s outstanding stock in retirement plans, reflecting the two-thirds of the

firm-years in our sample with zero EMPSTK. Company stock held by the top four executives is

on average higher (3.5 percent of shares outstanding) than for the stock held by non-executive

employees (0.8 percent of shares outstanding). For firms with positive EMPSTK, employees and

executives, on average, hold 2.7 and 2.3 percent of shares outstanding, respectively.17 Stock

option grants account on average for 31.4 percent of total executive compensation. As with

employee stockholding, there is considerable variation across the sample in both executive

stockholding and option grants.

Turning to the two primary risk measures, the mean (median) values for the standard

deviation of stock returns is 3.9 (3.1) percent, and 5.1 (2.1) percent for the standard deviation of
seasonally-differenced quarterly ROA. The remaining columns in Panel A, which describe the
distributions for these two variables, suggest considerable cross-sectional variation.

<Insert Table 1 approximately here>

Table 1, Panel B, reports the Pearson and Spearman correlations between pairs of the

main variables of interest. Even though these correlations reflect the effects of other correlated

variables, they provide preliminary evidence on the relation between compensation and corporate

risk. Consistent with the conjecture that corporate risk decreases in non-executive stock

ownership, the Pearson and Spearman correlations between EMPSTK and the two risk measures

are significantly negative. Specifically, the Pearson (Spearman) correlations between EMPSTK
The result that the average executive stockholding is lower when EMPSTK is positive than for the full sample, is
consistent with the negative correlation we observe between EXESTK and EMPSTK in Table 1, Panel B.
and SD_ΔROA and SD_RET are −0.121 and −0.123 (−0.244 and −0.251), respectively.

Consistent with the results of some prior research (Rajgopal and Shevlin 2002), the proportion of

executive compensation attributable to option grants, EXEOPT, is positively related to both risk

measures. However, the proportion of shares outstanding held by executives, EXESTK, is also

positively correlated with SD_∆ROA and SD_RET, which is at odds with the negative relation

predicted by theory and documented in prior evidence (Tufano 1996; May 1995).


We present our main results in this Section, and in Section V we explore a variety of

analyses designed to test alternative explanations for these results.

Employee ownership and corporate risk

To investigate whether non-executive employee stock ownership is associated with

reduced risk, we test for the conjectured negative relation predicted by H1 between future risk

measures (RISKt+1) and our measure of non-executive stockholding for year t (EMPSTK), using

the following regression model: accepted

RISKt +1 = β + β EMPSTK + β EXESTK + βmanuscript
0 1 2 EXEOPT + β Ln(MV ) + β BM
3 4 5
+β6CF + β7 NOL + β8 RET + Industry Fixed Effects + Year Fixed Effects + e

RISK represents the two primary measures of corporate risk, SD_∆ROA and SD_RET, as well as

the two additional measures we consider, R&D and CAPEX.18 We estimate the models using

ordinary least squares with errors clustered by firm (Petersen 2009).

Our main control variables are executive stock ownership (EXESTK) and option-based

compensation (EXEOPT). We include six additional variables identified in extant research as

important controls in analyzing the relationship between risk and compensation (Tufano 1996;
We consider both R&D and CAPEX in our primary regression model (Tables 2 and 7), but exclude them from
subsequent analyses. However, we confirm that the results hold for both variables in the additional analyses in
Tables 3-5.
Core and Guay 1999; Chen et al. 2006; Coles et al. 2006). Specifically, we include the log of

market value of equity (MV) at the end of year t, to control for potential economies of scale and

the cost of external financing.19 To account for growth and investment opportunities, we include

the book-to-market ratio (BM) for equity at the end of year t. We also consider leverage (LEV)

and free cash flows (CF) as measures of financial distress and capital availability, respectively.20

We define LEV as the three-year average of short-term and long-term debt, and CF as cash flow

from operations minus cash flow from investing and cash dividends (Core and Guay 2001). Both

variables are scaled by total assets and three-year averages are computed over years t−2 through

t. To control for the impact of the employer’s tax rate on compensation, we include an indicator

variable set to one if the company has a positive net operating loss carry-forward (NOL) in year t,

zero otherwise. Last, we control for the company’s stock return (RET) over year t. In untabulated

analysis, we further control for past ten-year stock returns (Benartzi 2001) and find our results

are virtually unchanged. preprint

To control for industry-specific and macro-economic factors, we include industry and
year fixed effects, where the industry classification is based on Fama and French (1997).21 The
industry fixed effects act as additional controls, as the association between non-executive

employee ownership and corporate risk may vary across industries. For example, certain

industries require higher levels of non-transferrable, firm-specific human capital, while other

Because the market value of equity may not fully control for firm size, in untabulated analysis, we use sales
(Ln(S)) and the number of employees (Ln(EMP)) as additional control variables. In addition, to address potential
non-linear effects related to size, we include the square of Ln(MV), Ln(S), and Ln(EMP) in the regression. The
coefficients on EMPSTK remain significantly negative after including the additional size and non-linearity
We consider alternative proxies for financial distress and capital availability. For example, to capture cash flow
availability, we use interest burden, defined as the three-year average of interest expense scaled by operating
income before depreciation. We also consider alternative measures of financial flexibility including cash payout,
excess cash, and the cash flow measure including cash used for repurchase, where cash payout is defined as cash
dividend plus cash used for stock repurchases scaled by total assets, and excess cash is defined as cash and its
equivalents minus debt scaled by total assets. The main results remain qualitatively similar.
In untabulated analysis, we examine the effect of defining the industry fixed effects at the 2-, 3- and 4-digit SIC
levels. The coefficient on EMPSTK continues to be negative and significant for each risk measure.
industries are characterized by firms where employees perform non-routine tasks (Kotter 2013)

which may lead them to have more opportunity to affect corporate risk.22

Table 2 presents coefficient estimates for model (1). Consistent with Hypothesis H1,

EMPSTK exhibits a significant (at the 1 percent level) negative association with all four future

risk measures. These relationships are economically significant as well. Based on the Model (1)

results reported in column 1 of Table 2, the coefficient estimates imply that a one standard

deviation increase in EMPSTK in the current period is associated with a (0.077*0.023) / 0.051 =

3.47 percent decrease in SD_∆ROA during the next five years, expressed as a percent of mean

levels of SD_∆ROA. Similar calculations based on the results reported in column 2 imply that a

one standard deviation increase in EMPSTK decreases SD_RET, the volatility in the company’s

stock return in year t+1, by (0.027*0.023) / 0.039 = 1.59 percent of the mean levels of SD_RET.

<Insert Table 2 approximately here>

Turning to the control variables, the coefficients on stock option grants for executives

(EXEOPT) are all significantly positive, suggesting that increased option grants for executives
are associated with higher corporate risk, ceteris paribus. The evidence regarding executive
stockholding is mixed, however. The coefficient on EXESTK is negative and significant for

SD_∆ROA, positive and marginally significant for SD_RET and insignificant for the remaining

two risk measures. Untabulated analysis shows that, if we exclude EXEOPT from the

regressions, the coefficients on EXESTK are either significantly negative or statistically


This conjecture would be supported if the negative relation between RISKt+1 and EMPSTK were to become
stronger when industry fixed effects are dropped from equation (1). In untabulated analyses, we find that the
coefficients on EMPSTK are indeed more negative in the absence of industry fixed effects. We also find that
manufacturing and technology firms tend to have more negative coefficients on EMPSTK than agriculture,
financial, and service firms.
We confirm that the negative relation between EMPSTK and our two primary risk

measures is monotonic and not driven by a few observations with extreme values of EMPSTK.

Specifically, in untabulated analyses we compare the mean levels of the two risk measures for

low, medium, and high terciles, based on the distribution of EMPSTK each year, and note that

the differences in risk between the low and medium subgroups equal those between the medium

and high.23 We also repeat the analysis reported in columns 1 and 2 of Table 2 after replacing

EMPSTK with indicator variables that allow us to capture the mean risk for the three terciles,

after controlling for year and firm fixed effects. Again, the results suggest that mean levels of

risk increase monotonically in EMPSTK.

The interaction between non-executive and executive incentives

Our analysis so far assumes that the effects of stockholding for non-executive employees

and stock and optionholding for executives are independent. We consider next the possibility that
the relation between risk and EMPSTK varies with the level of EXEOPT as posited by

Hypothesis H2. Specifically, the discussion in Section II suggests that the relation between risk

and EMPSTK is stronger for higher levels of EXEOPT. If the executive and non-executive

compensation packages are set optimally to induce more cooperation and a better system of

checks and balances, then as executives take more risk, non-executive employees have stronger

incentives to limit those risks, which suggests a negative coefficient on EMPSTK*EXEOPT. For

completeness, we also include the interaction between EMPSTK and EXESTK although we do

not have an ex ante expectation for the sign of this coefficient. The regression model we use to

test Hypothesis H2 adds these two interactions to equation (1):

We create terciles by including all firm-years with a value for EMPSTK equal to zero in the first tercile. We then
divide all firm-years with strictly positive values for EMPSTK equally between the second and third terciles.

RISKt +1 = β0 + β1EMPSTK + β2 EXESTK + β3 EXEOPT + β4 EMPSTK * EXESTK
+ β5 EMPSTK * EXEOPT + β6 Ln(MV ) + β7 BM + β8CF (2)
+ β9 NOL + β10 RET + Industry Fixed Effects + Year Fixed Effects + e

The main inference from the regression results in Table 3, Panel A, is that the coefficient

on β 5 , the EMPSTK*EXEOPT interaction, is negative and significant (at the 1 percent level) for

both risk measures. As conjectured, the relation between non-executive employee stockholding

and risk becomes increasingly negative as the level of options granted to senior executives

increases. The estimate of −0.309 for β 5 in column 1 implies that a one standard deviation

increase in EXEOPT is associated with an increase in the reduction of risk attributable to

employee stockholding of −0.0803 (= −0.309*0.260). That reduction in risk is more negative

than the −0.077 reported in column 1 of Table 2, which represents the average reduction in

SD_∆ROA associated with increases in employee stockholding across all levels of EXEOPT.

Similar calculations for SD_RET from column 2 suggest that the corresponding economic

magnitude is −0.030 (= −0.116*0.260). This value is more negative than the −0.027 reported in
column 2 of Table 2, which represents the average reduction in SD_RET associated with
increases in employee stockholding across all levels of EXEOPT.

The coefficient on the EMPSTK*EXESTK interaction, β4, is also negative, but generally

insignificant. Notably, while allowing for interaction effects with executive compensation causes

the coefficient on EMPSTK to decline substantially from Table 2 to Table 3, the coefficients on

both EXESTK and EXEOPT remain relatively unchanged. Although increases in the level of

executive optionholding increase the negative relation between employee stockholding and risk,

changes in levels of employee stockholding have no effect on the impact of executive

optionholding and stockholding on risk.

To provide a more intuitive interpretation of the interaction between non-executive

stockholding and executive optionholding, Table 3, Panel B, reports the results of estimating the

relation between risk and EMPSTK for low, medium, and high levels of EXEOPT. The two

indicator variables, MEDEXEOPT and HIGHEXEOPT, are set to 1 for the middle and highest terciles

of EXEOPT, respectively, based on the distribution of EXEOPT each year. The negative

coefficients on the interaction between EMPSTK and MEDEXEOPT (EMPSTK and HIGHEXEOPT)

describe the extent to which the coefficient on EMPSTK becomes more negative as the level of

EXEOPT moves from the bottom tercile to the middle (highest) tercile. Turning to the regression

results, the relation between risk and EMPSTK becomes more negative and the associated

statistical significance increases for the low/high EXEOPT comparison, relative to the

low/medium comparison, for both risk measures.24 These results confirm the robustness of the

interaction effect documented in Panel A.

<Insert Table 3 approximately here>

The empirical evidence presented in Tables 2 and 3 is consistent with the predictions of
H1 and H2 that higher levels of non-executive employee ownership of stock increase the
incentives for those employees to take actions that reduce corporate risk and these risk-reducing

incentives increase further when optionholdings of executives are higher. The latter result is also

consistent with the notion that non-executive stockholdings lead to reduced risk primarily in

those settings where executives are incentivized to take on more risk.


We acknowledge that the models we estimate so far rely on a number of assumptions that

may not hold. For example, we assume that the level of non-executive stockholding is

The differences in coefficients between EMPSTK*HIGHEXEOPT and EMPSTK*MEDEXEOPT are marginally
significant, with each value having p-values just below 10 percent for the SD_ΔROA and SD_RET regressions,
exogenously determined. Further, we do not consider reverse causality, where the level of stock

volatility is exogenous and determines levels of stock granted to non-executive employees.

Similarly, we cannot rule out the possibility that omitted variables determine both the level of

non-executive stockholding and stock volatility. For example, firms with more loyal employees

and longer tenure could have higher employee stock ownership and more stable performance.

We next consider a variety of analyses that investigate these alternative explanations.25 After

presenting our results, we review the extent to which the different alternative explanations are

supported or rejected.

The instrumental variables approach

To relax the assumption that EMPSTK is determined exogenously, we re-run the analysis

in a Two Stage Least Square (2SLS) framework. Specifically, we search for instrumental

variables that are related to EMPSTK in the first stage and then use the predicted value of
EMPSTK in the second stage, where we estimate the model of risk measures described by

equation (1). Successful implementation of the 2SLS estimator depends critically on the

identification of instrumental variables correlated with EMPSTK, but not correlated with the

error term in the second-stage model (Greene 2003).

Theory suggests that firms grant employees stock for tax and employee retention

considerations. In particular, the effective tax rate has been shown to be an important driver for

the adoption of employee stock ownership plans (Beatty 1994, 1995). Following Dyreng,

Hanlon, and Maydew (2008), we use the five-year cash outlay for tax, scaled by pre-tax income

excluding special items (CASHETR).

In this Section, we consider multiple approaches to address the potential endogeneity of EMPSTK, which is our
main variable of interest. While EXESTK and EXEOPT are also likely to be endogenous, these variables enter
our analyses only as controls; hence, we do not attempt to model them. To the extent that the same underlying
factor determines EMPSTK, EXESTK, and EXEOPT, the inclusion of EXESTK and EXEOPT as controls in the
regression models helps to address the potential endogeneity of EMPSTK.
To incorporate employee retention, we consider two region-specific factors: the firm’s

“local beta” (LOCBETA) and enforceability of non-competition agreements (NCOMPENF). The

use of LOCBETA is motivated by arguments that a company’s stock price is correlated with the

employees’ outside opportunities. Thus, as equity compensation serves as an employee-retention

tool, the propensity to use an employee stock ownership plan to compensate employees might be

related to the comovement of the employer’s share price with that of competing employers in the

area (Kedia and Rajgopal 2009; Oyer 2004; Oyer and Schaefer 2005; Pirinsky and Wang 2006).

NCOMPENF reflects the idea that non-competition agreements limit the employees’ job

mobility, effectively serving as a retention device. Following Kedia and Rajgopal (2009), we

measure NCOMPENF as the non-competition enforceability index in Garmaise (2011). Our

maintained assumption is that these tax and employee retention consideration proxies do not

directly affect corporate risk other than through the employee channel. 26

The first stage of the 2SLS model takes the form:

EMPSTK = θ 0 + θ1CASHETR + θ 2 LOCBETA + θ 3 NCOMPENF + e (3)

Using estimated coefficients from equation (3), we calculate P_EMPSTK, which is the predicted

value of EMPSTK, and substitute it in equation (1) to get the following second stage model:

RISKt +1 = β0 + β1P _ EMPSTK + β2 EXESTK + β3 EXEOPT + β4 Ln(MV ) + β5 BM

+β6CF + β7 NOL + β8 RET + Industry Fixed Effects + Year Fixed Effects + e

We report results for the first and second stages of the 2SLS analysis in Panels A and B,

respectively, of Table 4. All three instruments in Panel A are significantly related to EMPSTK.

Specifically, firms with higher levels of stockholding for their non-executive employees are

associated with higher effective tax rates and higher co-movement of stock prices with those of

CASHETR may not be a good instrumental variable if it directly affects corporate risk via channels other than
employee stock ownership. In untabulated analysis, we exclude CASHETR from the first stage regression and
find qualitatively similar results. F-value is 32.74, which is larger than the benchmark of 11.59, suggesting that
LOCBETA and NCOMPENF do not impose a weak-instrument problem (Larcker and Rusticus 2010).
local competitors, and are domiciled in states where non-competition agreements are less likely

to be enforced. The F-value from the first stage regression is 63.68, which is higher than the

benchmark of 12.83 with three instrumental variables, suggesting that the model does not suffer

from a weak-instrument problem (Larcker and Rusticus 2010). Results for the second stage,

reported in Panel B, are qualitatively similar to the OLS results reported in Table 2: consistent

with H1, the level of non-executive stock ownership is significantly negatively associated with

both risk measures.27

<Insert Table 4 approximately here>

Controlling for lagged dependent variables

Another technique used to address endogeneity issues, especially omitted correlated

variables and reverse causality, is to include the lagged value of the dependent variable as an

additional control. The underlying logic of this methodology is that the lagged dependent
variable absorbs the effects of omitted correlated variables and reverse causality, provided they

remain relatively stable. We note that this approach biases against finding support for H1,

because the lagged dependent variable suppresses the contribution of EMPSTK, if it is also

relatively stable over time. Overall, observing significant coefficients on EMPSTK in the

presence of controls for lagged values of the dependent variable, increases considerably the

likelihood that our main result is due to the factors underlying H1 rather than the many

alternative explanations we consider, especially those based on omitted correlated variables or

reverse causality.

In Table 5 we present the regression for equation (1) after including the lagged value of

RISK as an additional control. Lagged SD_ROA is computed over the prior five years, t-4 to t,

whereas lagged SD_RET is computed for year t. As expected, the coefficients on the lagged

P_EMPSTK has a mean of 0.012 and standard deviation of 0.005.
dependent variable are positive and have large t-statistics. The deviation of those coefficient

estimates from one is likely due to underlying mean reversion in the risk measures. More

relevant to H1, the coefficient on EMPSTK remains negative and significant (at the 1 percent

level) in both specifications. Thus, even though including lagged risk measures, which reflect the

effects of lagged values of both included and excluded regressors, reduces the estimated

coefficients on EMPSTK (relative to those reported in columns 1 and 2 of Table 2), the

remaining effect is statistically and economically significant. Also, we continue to observe

significant positive coefficients on EXEOPT across both risk measures.

<Insert Table 5 approximately here>

Cross-sectional variation in the impact of non-executive employee ownership

Another approach we consider to address endogeneity concerns is to investigate cross-

sectional variation in the estimated coefficient on EMPSTK, β1 from equation (1), in settings
where β1 should vary predictably. In Table 3, we already document that β1 becomes more

negative with increases in the level of option-based compensation paid to executives. We

consider next the extent to which β1

varies with the fraction of independent directors, a proxy

used in prior research for the quality of governance (e.g., Klein 2002; Rosenstein and Wyatt

1990). Specifically, we conjecture that strong boards, with more independent directors, provide

an alternative mechanism to protect non-executive stakeholders.28 We also conjecture (and

confirm below for our sample) that compensation for such executives is likely to be tilted more

toward options, relative to stock-based compensation. As a result, the incentives for non-

executive employees to reduce risk as their stockholding increases (captured by the coefficient

β1) should be even greater for firms with weak boards.

It is also possible that employees seek greater risk reduction when senior executives ignore weak boards, because
the behavior of senior executives is less predictable.
We partition our sample at the median level of independent directors each year, and

assume that firms above (below) the median, labeled as high (low) corporate governance

partitions, are associated with strong (weak) corporate governance. We first check whether firms

with strong governance have lower mean and median levels of option-based compensation for

senior executives. Consistent with our conjecture, the mean value of EXEOPT for the strong

(weak) governance partition is 34.01 (36.35) percent of total compensation for senior executives,

and the corresponding median value is 31.43 (34.34) percent. The results on cross-sectional

variation in the coefficient on EMPSTK (Table 6) are consistent with H1: the estimate of β1 is

substantially more negative for firms with fewer independent directors, relative to that for the

high governance partition, for both risk measures.

<Insert Table 6 approximately here>

In a second cross-sectional analysis we test whether the relation between EMPSTK and

risk varies with the degree of employee sophistication. The intuition underlying this analysis is

that “Google engineers” should have greater ability to affect corporate risk than “Home Depot
sales associates.” We use SG&A per employee as a proxy for wage per employee, relying on the

premise that “Google engineers” have higher wages than “Home Depot sales associates.”

Although SG&A includes items other than wages, we believe that SG&A per employee is a

reasonable proxy for the level of employee wages and sophistication. We define an indicator

variable, SGAdummy, which takes a value of 1 if SG&A per employee is above the sample

median value and 0 otherwise. Finally, we interact SGAdummy with EMPSTK in Equation (1).

Estimated coefficients on the EMPSTK*SGAdummy interaction term are −0.135 and −0.021

(which are significant at the 1 and 20 percent levels) for the SD_ΔROA and SD_RET regressions,

respectively. These results, suggest that the negative correlation between EMPSTK and risk

increases with employee sophistication.

Robustness analysis

We consider a number of analyses to determine whether our results are robust to

alternative ways of measuring our dependent and independent variables, as well as alternative

regression specifications.29 The results of some of those analyses are summarized below.

Our main independent variable, EMPSTK is measured as employee stockholding, scaled

by the number of shares outstanding. As an alternative specification motivated by the analysis in

Bova et al. (2013), we consider the logarithm of one plus the dollar value of employer stock held

per employee. Untabulated results show that our findings continue to hold with this alternative

specification. For example, focusing on the SD_ΔROA implementation of equation (1), the

coefficient on EMPSTK is −0.700 (p-value less than 1 percent), which is comparable to the

estimate of −0.077 (p-value less than 1 percent) reported in column 1 of Table 2, based on the

original measure of EMPSTK.30

For EXEOPT, we also consider total options held by senior executives, scaled by

outstanding shares, and the dollar value of total options held, scaled by market value of equity.
Whereas theory calls for optionholdings, rather than option grants, our results suggest that the

alternative variables based on optionholdings are associated with greater measurement error. We

find that the magnitude and significance of the coefficients on EXEOPT in Table 2 and Table 3

decline when we use these alternative measures of EXEOPT. We interpret this decline as

suggesting that the greater measurement error associated with these alternative measures biases
As another robustness check, we examine if the EMPSTK effect changes post the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)
legislation. If firms generally lower their risk in response to SOX, then there is lower incentive for employees to
reduce risk, suggesting the relationship between EMPSTK and corporate risk should diminish in the post-SOX
period. We find partial support for this argument. Specifically, the coefficient on the interaction term between
SOX and EMPSTK is significantly positive in the SD_RET regression and statistically insignificant in the other
three models. In another robustness check, we control for institutional ownership and find that our inferences
remain unchanged. Compared with the results in Table 2, the coefficients on EMPSTK are slightly stronger in the
SD_∆ROA and SD_RET regressions and largely unchanged in the R&D and CAPEX regressions after controlling
for institutional ownership.
Whereas the magnitudes of the coefficients are not comparable, as the variables are defined differently,
comparison of the t-statistics and p-values is meaningful.
the otherwise strong positive relation between risk and EXEOPT towards zero.31 Consistent with

our view that increased error weakens our ability to capture the effect of executive

optionholdings, we observe a stronger effect for non-executive employee stockholdings,

reflected in higher magnitude and significance of the coefficients on EMPSTK. It is possible that

the greater measurement error we observe for alternative measures of EXEOPT is due to a

mismatched scaling variable. Theory calls for optionholdings to be scaled by total executive

wealth, which is not easy to estimate. Therefore, our robustness analyses should not be

interpreted as suggesting that option grants are preferable to optionholdings in compensation

research. Our results suggest instead that, for the scaling variables available to us, option grants

appear to measure the underlying variable of interest with lower error.

We also consider alternative measures for our dependent variable that are based on

expected, rather than observed, stock volatility. In particular, we estimate the average implied

volatility from put and call options on contracts with the same strike price. We use data as of six

months after the fiscal year-end and limit our sample to contracts with a six-month expiration
and the smallest amount of in-the- and out-of-the-moneyness. When we replicate the analyses in
Table 2 and Table 3, we find estimated coefficients similar to those observed for SD_RET.

In addition to considering the impact of measurement error associated with our variables,

we also conduct other analyses designed to confirm the robustness of our two main results. For

example, we separately examine the subsample of observations with positive employee

ownership to address the concern that our main results are unduly influenced by the large

fraction of our sample with zero employee ownership. Table 7 presents the results from

estimating equation (1) on the subsample of 4,204 firm-years with positive EMPSTK. Similar to

It is possible that option grants, which are typically at-the-money, better reflect convexity in the relation between
employee wealth and stock price volatility, relative to option holdings, which may include substantial amounts of
options that are deep-in-the-money.
our Table 2 results, we find that the coefficients on EMPSTK are significantly negative across all

four risk measures.32

<Insert Table 7 approximately here>

To investigate the robustness of our finding that non-executive employees have the

ability to influence stock volatility, we consider a case where we expect non-executive

employees to take actions to alter risk in response to exogenous shocks. Specifically, we consider

shocks to housing prices. Assuming that non-executive employees are risk averse on average, the

intuition underlying H1 predicts that a decrease in housing prices increases the incentives for

non-executive employees to reduce risk because of an increase in the fraction of total wealth that

is positively correlated with stock prices. Symmetrically, we expect the opposite effect when

housing prices increase. One reason for the increase in the fraction of stock-price-sensitive

employee wealth is that a decline in home values increases the relative fraction of total wealth

held in equity-based compensation. Another reason is our conjecture that employees become less

mobile after housing price declines, which then increases the positive correlation between human
capital and the employer’s stock price, thereby increasing the sensitivity of total employee

wealth to stock price volatility.

To study the impact of housing-price changes, we replace EMPSTK in equation (1) with

changes in the residential housing price index (∆HPI). We measure changes in housing prices by

computing the annual percentage change in the residential house price index for the state where

the firm is headquartered. To capture the impact of changes in housing prices, the dependent

variable should reflect changes in the incentives to reduce risk, and models of risk changes

We also examine whether the relationship between EMPSTK and our risk taking proxies are non-linear by
including a squared EMPSTK term in the model. We find very limited evidence of non-linearities (the square
term loads with a weak positive coefficient for only two of the risk-taking proxies – SD_∆ROA and R&D). We
also note that, while the relationship between EMPSTK and both SD_∆ROA and R&D is convex, this convexity
never results in a positive relationship between EMPSTK and SD_∆ROA.
should include changes in all the independent variables in equation (1). As some of our variables

are measured over extended periods that will overlap when we take first differences, we include

the lagged value of risk measures as an additional regressor, rather than transforming equation

(1) to replace levels with first differences. Specifically, we estimate the following model:

RISKt +1 = β0 + β1RISKt + β2 ΔHPI + β3 EXESTK + β4 EXEOPT + β5 Ln(MV ) + β6 BM

+β7CF + β8 NOL + β9 RET + Industry Fixed Effects + Year Fixed Effects + e

We report the regression results in Table 8. The coefficient on ∆HPI in columns 1 and 3

is positive but insignificant for both risk measures, providing only weak support for H1. We next

investigate whether the relation between changes in risk and housing price changes varies over

time depending on the level of housing prices. Specifically, we repeat the analysis allowing for a

different relationship during the housing boom period: 2004 – 2007. Our motivation for this test

is to incorporate the possibility that employee risk aversion is lower during the housing boom, as

evidenced by lower down-payments and riskier mortgages.33 If the conjectured relationship

holds, we expect the coefficient on housing price changes to imply a smaller impact on the
employee incentives to reduce risk during the boom period. To test this relationship, we modify
equation (5) to include an interactive variable (=ΔHPI*BOOM), where BOOM is an indicator

variable that is set to 1 for years 2004 through 2007. The results in columns 2 and 4 suggest that

the coefficients on ∆HPI are close to zero during the 2004-2007 housing boom period (indicated

by the sum of the coefficients on ΔHPI and ΔHPI*BOOM), but significantly positive during the

remaining years of the sample period. We view these results as supportive of H1.34

The desire to avoid risk could decline for a number of reasons during this period, as housing prices increased
steadily. For example, employees might underestimate subjective probabilities of downside scenarios. It is also
possible that corporate risk was deemed less important, as the relative fraction of employee wealth related to
housing (employer stock price) increased (declined).
In untabulated analysis, we include EMPSTK and the interaction between EMPSTK and BOOM in the regression.
We find that the coefficient on EMPSTK*BOOM is positive and marginally significant in the SD_RET
<Insert Table 8 approximately here>

To summarize, the analyses described in Section V, which represent our best efforts to

investigate the three sources of endogeneity described in Roberts and Whited (2012) -- omitted

variables, simultaneity, and measurement error -- do not reveal reasons to invalidate our

conclusions relating to H1. Although such concerns cannot be eliminated fully, we believe that

the portfolio of tests we present reduces the likelihood that our results are spurious, as any

validity threats should have surfaced somewhere in the large number of supporting analyses we


Simultaneity, and reverse causality in particular, are important concerns for us. We

believe, however, that finding significant results when we include lagged values of the dependent

variable as an additional regressor allays much of those concerns. If stock volatility determined

levels of employee stockholding, why would employee stockholding continue to explain future

stock volatility even after controlling for contemporaneous stock volatility? Also, it seems

unlikely that reverse causality from stock volatility to employee stockholding would explain the

results for volatility of accounting rates ofmanuscript

return, the other primary dependent variable we

consider. Similarly, we believe that our Two Stage Least Squares implementation offers

independent supporting evidence that simultaneity is less likely to be the driving force here.


This study investigates the relation between stock held by non-executive employees and

corporate risk. Prior research finds this relation to be negative for senior executives, which is

consistent with risk-averse executives attempting to reduce the volatility of the portion of their

wealth that is related to stock prices. We investigate whether a similar negative relation is

specification and insignificant in the SD_ΔROA one, partially supporting the idea that employees mitigate risk
less when times are good.
observed for non-executive employees, based on the assumptions that these employees also have

incentives to decrease risk when stockholding increases, as well as the ability to take actions that

reduce corporate risk.

Consistent with that hypothesis, we find that the greater the amount of company stock

owned by non-executive employees, the lower the firm’s subsequent risk. Probing further, we

find that this relationship is more pronounced when senior executives are compensated more

with option-based pay, which appears to increase the incentives for managers to take on risk.

Finally, we find that these two results survive a battery of careful attempts to control for potential

endogeneity. A limitation of our results is in order. While we propose several alternative

mechanisms that may drive the relationship between EMPSTK and corporate risk, we are unable

to conclusively identify which mechanism dominates. Thus, identifying the dominant mechanism

through which employee ownership affects corporate risk represents a path for future research.

The collective evidence suggests that the risk preferences of non-executive employees

have an impact on subsequent corporate risk. As with most studies in this literature, endogeneity
cannot be completely ruled out. Thus, inferences from our evidence about the validity of our
explanation should be viewed as a platform for future analysis. Our main contribution is in

documenting two robust associations that are new to the literature. First, we find a strong

negative relation between non-executive stockholding and corporate risk. Second, we find a

consistent interaction between that negative relation and the level of executive optionholding.

This latter interaction provides some of the first evidence that non-executive stockholding may

mitigate risk-taking in those environments where executives are incentivized to take on greater


Appendix: Variable Definitions

Variable Description*
EMPSTK Employee stock ownership as a percentage of shares outstanding in year t.
Data are obtained from Form 5500 filings for defined contribution
(retirement) plans invested in employer stock. Includes employee stock
ownership plans, 401(k) plans, deferred profit sharing plans, and employer
stock bonus plans. Excludes non-retirement plans, such as restricted stock
plans and employee purchase plans.

EMPOPT The fair value of options outstanding, estimated using the Black-Scholes
model and Compustat data, minus fair values of options held by executives
(from EXECUCOMP), scaled by the market value of equity.

EXESTK Stock ownership of senior executives, as a percentage of the shares

outstanding in year t, where stock ownership includes both the direct and
indirect shares held by the top four managers (Chairman of Board, Chief
Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and President). Data obtained
from Thomson Reuters Insider Filing.
EXEOPT The value of option awards as a percentage of total compensation (TDC1)
from the EXECUCOMP annual compensation table in year t, where both

option awards and total compensation are summed across all executives
covered by EXECUCOMP. Most firms report the top five executives,
although EXECUCOMP collects data for up to nine executives for some

SD_∆ROA accepted
The standard deviation of seasonally differenced quarterly return on assets
over the next five years (t+1 to t+5), where return on assets is measured as
income before extraordinary items (IBQ) scaled by average total assets
((ATQt + ATQt-1)/2).
SD_RET The standard deviation of daily stock returns for the 12-month period
starting from the fifth month after fiscal year-end.

R&D Annual research and development expense (XRD) scaled by sales (SALE)
in year t+1.
CAPEX Annual capital expenditure (CAPX) scaled by net property, plant, and
equipment in year t+1.

MV The market value of equity (CSHO*PRCC_F) at the end of year t.

BM The book-to-market ratio (CEQ/( CSHO*PRCC_F)) at the end of year t.

LEV Leverage, measured as the three-year average of short-term and long-term
debts, scaled by total assets ((DLCt + DLTTt) / ATt) from year t-2 through
NOL Net operating loss, measured as an indicator variable equal to one if the
firm has positive net operating loss carry-forwards (TLCF) in year t.
CF Cash flow, measured as the three-year average of cash flow from
operations minus cash flow from investing and cash dividends, scaled by
total assets ((OANCFt – IVNCFt – DVt) / ATt from year t-2 through t.
RET Return on the firm’s stock in fiscal year t.
CASHETR The long-run cash effective tax rate, computed as the sum of income tax
paid (TXPDt), divided by the sum of a firm’s pre-tax income (PIt), less
special items (SPIt) over the previous five years.
LOCBETA The local beta βLOC is estimated using the following time-series regression
over 1999-2007 for each firm:

ܴ௜௧ ൌ‫ן‬௜ ൅ ߚ௜௅ை஼ ܴ௧௅ை஼ ൅ ߚ௜ெ௄் ܴ௧ெ௄் ൅ ߚ௜ூே஽ ܴ௧ூே஽ ൅ ߝ௜௧

where ܴ௜௧ refers to the monthly return of stock i in month t; ܴ௧௅ை஼ is the
monthly return of other firms headquartered in the same Metropolitan
Statistical Area (MSA) as firm i; ܴ௧ெ௄் is the monthly return of the market

portfolio; and ܴ௧ூே஽ is the monthly industry return (based on 48 Fama-
French industries) corresponding to stock i. All returns are in excess of the
30-day T-bill rates.
Non-competition enforceability index compiled by Garmaise (2011).

Annual COMPUSTAT data items are provided in parentheses.


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Descriptive statistics

Panel A: Univariate statistics

Variable N Mean Stdev Min Q1 Median Q3 Max
SD_∆ROA 17,983 0.051 0.079 0.000 0.009 0.021 0.059 1.039
SD_RET 18,189 0.039 0.029 0.000 0.021 0.031 0.047 1.217
EMPSTK 18,417 0.008 0.023 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.183
EXESTK 18,417 0.035 0.082 0.000 0.001 0.004 0.022 0.571
EXEOPT 8,702 0.314 0.260 0.000 0.084 0.277 0.500 0.974
MV 18,417 4,190 20,054 0 112 484 1,794 508,329
BM 18,320 0.553 0.624 -3.144 0.230 0.417 0.696 6.098
LEV 18,319 0.214 0.208 0.000 0.024 0.173 0.338 1.062
CF 18,314 0.111 0.249 -1.265 0.049 0.142 0.239 0.627
NOL 18,417 0.401 0.490 0 0 0 1 1
RET 18,216 0.256 1.144 -0.994 -0.246 0.065 0.429 28.10

Panel B: Pearson (Spearman) correlations are above (below) the diagonal


SD_∆ROA 1 0.432 -0.121 0.023 0.121 -0.270 -0.043

SD_RET 0.541 1
-0.123 0.103 0.118 -0.389 0.104

EMPSTK -0.244 -0.251 1 -0.062 -0.103 0.101 0.037
EXESTK 0.084 0.185 -0.101 1 -0.009 -0.238 0.041
EXEOPT 0.085 0.075 -0.126 -0.107 1 0.190 -0.182
Log(MV) -0.350 -0.461 0.240 -0.369 0.178 1 -0.346
BM -0.097 -0.010 0.072 0.067 -0.255 -0.332 1

We define all variables in the Appendix. The sample includes 18,417 firm-year observations with non-
missing EMPSTK and EXESTK from 1999 to 2009. Each year, all variables except for MV, SD_RET,
NOL, and RET are Winsorized at 1 and 99 percent. In Panel B, all correlations are significant at the 5
percent level, except for the Pearson correlation between EXESTK and EXEOPT, and the Spearman
correlation between BM and SD_RET.

The relationship between employee stock ownership and corporate risk

Dependent variable: Future corporate risk measures


1 2 3 4
-0.077*** -0.027*** -0.278*** -0.276***
(-3.97) (-4.06) (-4.81) (-3.98)
-0.025** 0.008* -0.040 0.057
(-2.18) (1.85) (-0.81) (0.91)
0.023*** 0.010*** 0.090*** 0.059***
(7.94) (12.60) (7.38) (6.62)
-0.005*** -0.003*** -0.005*** -0.013***
(-8.37) (-17.63) (-2.60) (-7.72)
0.005** 0.001* -0.022*** -0.054***
(2.52) (1.73) (-3.02) (-9.94)
0.001 0.002 -0.041* -0.128***
(0.18) (1.54) (-1.66) (-7.31)
-0.059*** -0.009*** -0.253*** 0.098***
(-6.00) (-5.16) (-6.27) (4.54)

0.003*** 0.002*** -0.002 0.029***
(6.15) (-0.89) (6.69)

Industry FE YES manuscript


R2 0.432 0.850 0.562 0.806

*, **, *** Significantly different from zero at the 0.10, 0.05, and 0.01 level, respectively, using a two-tailed test.

We define all variables in the Appendix. All continuous variables except for MV, SD_RET, NOL, and
RET are Winsorized at 1 percent and 99 percent each year. We estimate the regressions using OLS and
allow the errors to cluster by firm. All regressions include industry and year fixed effects (FE), where
industries are defined using the Fama-French (1997) 48-industry classification. We report t-statistics in
parentheses below the estimated coefficients. The sample includes 8,702 firm-year observations with non-
missing variables from 1999 to 2009.

Incorporating the interaction between executive stock and optionholding and the relation
between employee stockholding and risk

Panel A: Linear specification for the interactions with executive stockholding (EXESTK) and
optionholding (EXEOPT)
Dependent variable: Future corporate risk measures


1 2
0.017 0.007
(0.60) (0.68)
-0.019 0.009**
(-1.57) (2.00)
0.026*** 0.012***
(8.15) (12.88)
-1.173* -0.280
(-1.77) (-1.12)
-0.309*** -0.116***
(-3.54) (-4.53)
-0.005*** -0.003***
(2.58) (1.79)

accepted (1.67)
0.001 0.002*

CF manuscript-0.009***
(-6.02) (-5.23)
0.002 0.001*
(1.39) (1.77)
0.003*** 0.002***
(3.53) (6.16)

Industry FE YES YES


R2 0.433 0.850

Panel B: Discrete variable specification for the interaction with executive optionholding
Dependent variable: Future corporate risk measures

1 2
-0.005 -0.015
(-0.18) (-1.74)
-0.092*** -0.008
(-3.31) (-0.80)
-0.160*** -0.035**
(-3.19) (-2.48)
-0.019 0.010**
(-1.50) (2.01)
0.026*** 0.011***
(8.40) (12.38)
-1.008 -0.187
(-1.43) (-0.75)
-0.005*** -0.003***
(-8.55) (-17.73)
0.005** 0.001*

(2.26) (1.76)
0.002 0.002
(0.35) (1.59)

-0.069*** -0.011***
(-6.33) (-5.35)

NOL manuscript 0.001*

(1.31) (1.73)
0.003*** 0.002***
(3.21) (5.78)
Industry FE YES YES
R2 0.445 0.851
*, **, *** Significantly different from zero at the 0.10, 0.05, and 0.01 level, respectively, using a two-tailed test.

We define all variables in the Appendix. All continuous variables except for MV, SD_RET, NOL, and
RET are Winsorized at 1 percent and 99 percent each year. In Panel B, each year, we sort firms into three
equally-sized groups based on EXEOPT. MEDEXEOPT is an indicator variable set to 1 for the middle
terciles of EXEOPT and 0 otherwise. HIGHEXEOPT is an indicator variable set to 1 for the highest EXEOPT
tercile and 0 otherwise. We estimate the regressions using OLS and cluster the errors by firm. All
regressions include industry and year fixed effects (FE), where industries are defined using the Fama-
French (1997) 48-industry classification. We report t-statistics in parentheses below the estimated
coefficients. The sample includes 8,702 firm-year observations with non-missing variables from 1999 to

Using instrumental variables and a two-stage least squares methodology
Panel A: 1st-stage regressions of employee stock ownership on instrumental variables
0.009*** 0.024*** 0.002*** -0.001***
EMPSTK 0.022
(11.09) (9.85) (6.78) (-7.42)

Panel B: 2nd-stage regressions of corporate risk on predicted employee stock ownership and controls
Dependent variable: Future corporate risk measures

1 2
-1.761*** -0.588***
(-6.84) (-8.17)
-0.024** 0.004
(-1.97) (1.01)
0.014*** 0.008***
(4.74) (8.76)
-0.004*** -0.003***
(-6.05) (-16.45)

0.00** 0.004***
(2.21) (3.45)
0.002 0.004**
(0.31) (2.12)

CF accepted -0.009***

(-5.95) (-4.50)
0.000 -0.000
(0.16) (-0.41)
0.005*** 0.002***
(2.90) (6.07)

Industry FE YES YES

Adj. R2 0.463 0.862
*, **, *** Significantly different from zero at the 0.10, 0.05, and 0.01 level, respectively, using a two-tailed test.

P_EMPSTK is the predicted value obtained from a first-stage regression of EMPSTK on CASHETR,
LOCBETA, and NCOMPENF. We define all other variables in the Appendix. All continuous variables
except for MV, SD_RET, NOL, and RET are Winsorized at 1 percent and 99 percent each year. We
estimate the regressions using OLS and allow the errors to cluster by firm. All regressions include
industry and year fixed effects (FE), where industries are defined using the Fama-French (1997) 48-
industry classification. We report t-statistics in parentheses below the estimated coefficients. The sample
includes 5,211 firm-year observations with non-missing variables from 1999 to 2009.

Including controls for lagged values of the dependent variable

Dependent variable: Future corporate risk measures


1 2
0.252*** 0.539***
Lag(Dep. Var) (10.30) (22.70)
-0.047*** -0.011***
EMPSTK (-2.71) (-2.66)
-0.019* 0.004
(-1.91) (1.52)
0.019*** 0.004***
(6.72) (6.13)
-0.003*** -0.001***
(-6.44) (-9.58)
0.007*** 0.001
(3.21) (0.74)
0.003 0.002**
(0.65) (1.97)

CF preprint
0.001 0.000
(2.10) (1.12)

Industry FE YES YES


R2 0.477 0.880
*, **, *** Significantly different from zero at the 0.10, 0.05, and 0.01 level, respectively, using a two-tailed test.

We define all variables in the Appendix. Lagged dependent variables are measured as follows. Lagged
SD_∆ROA is the standard deviation of seasonally differenced quarterly return on assets over the prior five
years [t-4, t]. Lagged SD_RET is the standard deviation of daily returns in fiscal year t. All continuous
variables except for MV, SD_RET, NOL, and RET are Winsorized at 1 percent and 99 percent each year.
We estimate the regressions using OLS and allow the errors to cluster by firm. All regressions include
industry and year fixed effects (FE), where industries are defined using the Fama-French (1997) 48-
industry classification. We report t-statistics in parentheses below the estimated coefficients. The sample
includes 8,637 firm-year observations with non-missing variables from 1999 to 2009.

Variation in the relation between employee stock ownership and corporate risk across
strong and weak corporate governance

Dependent variable: Future corporate risk measures

Partitions based on the fraction of independent board directors
Low High Low High
1 2 3 4
-0.064** -0.041* -0.022*** -0.007
(-2.50) (-1.89) (-3.18) (-0.71)
0.002 0.003 0.009* 0.020
(0.14) (0.06) (1.91) (1.45)
0.015*** 0.027*** 0.008*** 0.012***
(4.58) (5.28) (7.98) (7.96)
-0.002** -0.005*** -0.002*** -0.003***
(-2.41) (-4.88) (-9.92) (-6.71)
0.010** 0.006 0.001 0.001
(2.43) (1.43) (1.06) (0.26)
0.009 -0.001 0.000 -0.000
(1.35) (-0.20) (0.15) (-0.14)

0.002 0.001 0.002*** 0.001
(0.87) (0.27) (2.79) (1.22)

0.004* 0.008*** 0.003*** 0.002**
(1.78) (2.64) (8.34) (2.03)


R2 0.467 0.470 0.899 0.841

Ratio of EMPSTK (High/Low) 0.64 0.32

*, **, *** Significantly different from zero at the 0.10, 0.05, and 0.01 level, respectively, using a two-tailed test.

Corporate governance is measured as the percentage of independent directors on the board. High and Low
refer to subsamples with below- and above-median corporate governance, respectively. We define all
other variables in the Appendix. All continuous variables except for MV, SD_RET, NOL, and RET are
Winsorized at 1 percent and 99 percent each year. We estimate the regressions using OLS and allow the
errors to cluster by firm. All regressions include industry and year fixed effects (FE), where industries are
defined using the Fama-French (1997) 48-industry classification. We report t-statistics in parentheses
below the estimated coefficients. The sample includes 5,135 firm-year observations with non-missing
variables from 1999 to 2009.

Relationship between employee stock ownership and corporate risk using the subsample of
positive EMPSTK

Dependent variable: Future corporate risk measures


1 2 3 4
-0.040** -0.015** -0.114** -0.207***
(-1.97) (-2.42) (-2.39) (-3.32)
-0.052*** 0.006 -0.010 0.111
(-3.86) (0.95) (-0.11) (1.02)
0.014*** 0.008*** 0.084*** 0.046***
(4.12) (6.79) (3.49) (3.88)
-0.005*** -0.003*** -0.003 -0.007***
(-6.78) (-11.45) (-1.16) (-3.75)
0.001 0.002 -0.024** -0.029***
(0.24) (1.30) (-2.28) (-4.36)
0.008 0.002 -0.022 -0.101***
(1.27) (0.92) (-0.74) (-4.48)
-0.038*** -0.010*** -0.262*** 0.117***
0.000 -0.005
(-3.15) (3.69)
(-0.50) (0.71) (-0.48) (-0.46)

(1.29) accepted

Industry FE YES

R2 0.442 0.851 0.522 0.824

*, **, *** Significantly different from zero at the 0.10, 0.05, and 0.01 level, respectively, using a two-tailed test.

This table is based on the subsample of 4,204 firm-year observations with positive EMPSTK and non-
missing dependent and other control variables. We define all variables in the Appendix. All continuous
variables except for MV, SD_RET, NOL, and RET are Winsorized at 1 percent and 99 percent each year.
We estimate the regressions using OLS and allow the errors to cluster by firm. All regressions include
industry and year fixed effects (FE), where industries are defined using the Fama-French (1997) 48-
industry classification. We report t-statistics in parentheses below the estimated coefficients.

Relation between housing price changes and corporate risk

Dependent variable: Future corporate risk measures

1 2 3 4
0.162*** 0.161*** 0.439*** 0.437***
Lag(Dep. Var) (6.41) (6.41) (18.33) (18.33)
0.016 0.041** 0.004 0.012**
∆HPI (1.59) (2.43) (1.21) (2.21)
-0.043** -0.016**
(-2.09) (-2.49)
-0.012 -0.012 0.007 0.006
(-0.91) (-0.95) (1.61) (1.59)
0.017*** 0.017*** 0.005*** 0.005***
(6.12) (6.09) (6.60) (6.59)
-0.004*** -0.004*** -0.002*** -0.002***
(-7.12) (-7.13) (-9.51) (-9.63)
0.006*** 0.006*** 0.001 0.001
(2.64) (2.64) (1.23) (1.22)
0.003 0.003 0.002* 0.002*
(0.55) (0.60) (1.87) (1.93)

0.002 0.002 0.000 0.000
(1.43) (1.43) (0.59) (0.60)
0.002** 0.002** 0.000 0.000
(2.47) (2.45) (0.68) (0.68)


R2 0.480 0.481 0.865 0.865
*, **, *** Significantly different from zero at the 0.10, 0.05, and 0.01 level, respectively, using a two-tailed test.

Lagged dependent variables are measured as follows. Lagged SD_∆ROA is the standard deviation of
seasonally differenced quarterly return on assets over the prior five years [t-4, t]. Lagged SD_RET is the
standard deviation of daily returns in fiscal year t. ∆HPI is the annual percentage change in house price
index for the state in which the firm is headquartered (
BOOM is an indicator variable set to 1 for the observations during the housing boom period (2004-2007)
and 0 otherwise. We define all other variables in the Appendix. All continuous variables except for MV,
SD_RET, NOL, and RET are Winsorized at 1 percent and 99 percent each year. We estimate the
regressions using OLS and allow the errors to cluster by firm. All regressions include industry and year
fixed effects (FE), where industries are defined using the Fama-French (1997) 48-industry classification.
We report t-statistics in parentheses below the estimated coefficients. The sample includes 8,702 firm-
year observations with non-missing variables from 1999 to 2009.


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