Vocabulary: Environmental Problems

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Module 3

 Environmental problems

A Match the words to form collocations.

1 exhaust a layer
2 greenhouse b species
3 industrial c fuels
4 oil d spill
5 endangered e warming
6 ozone f fumes
7 global g waste
8 fossil h effect

B Fill in: deforestation, conditions, gases, overfishing, temperatures, transport.

1 Scientists are baffled by recent extreme 4 Using public ............................................

weather ............................................. . or cycling could help reduce air pollution.
2 ............................................. is destroying 5 Carbon dioxide is one of a number of
wildlife habitats. greenhouse ........................................... .
3 The scarcity of many marine species is 6 The cause of rising ..................................
largely due to ............................................. . is still not fully understood.

 Natural disasters

C Choose the correct word to make the headlines.



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Module 3
 Social issues

D Complete the sentences with words from the list.

 bullying  crime  exploitation  labour  famine  poverty  illiteracy  living

1 Child ........................................... is illegal in 5 Denis got expelled from school

developed countries. for .................................... younger
2 Millions of people worldwide are living children.
in ........................................… . 6 People’s standard of ...............................
3 The government plans to has generally improved around the
eradicate .............................................. by world.
developing education programmes. 7 People are dying of hunger due to
4 The new chief of police has a new plan to a ......................................... in the
fight ........................................................... . country.
8 ....................................... of children is a
big problem in the developing world.

E Choose the correct item.

1 Millions of people still live without ......... 4 The villagers have only recently .........
sanitation. access to fresh drinking water.
A basic B key C primary A earned B gained C won

2 We are paying the ......... for the reckless 5 War always ......... in destruction and
activities of others. human suffering.
A bill B money C price A ends B finishes C stops

3 Numerous buildings were ......... by the 6 Some claim the gas emissions from the
hurricane. factory is ......... people’s health.
A hurt B injured A affecting B influencing
C damaged C upsetting

 The weather

1 A: Do you know what the 4 A: What’s the weather like where you are?
weather ................................. is for B: Nasty! It’s ..................................
tomorrow? 5 degrees Centigrade.
B: Yeah! It’s going to be hot and sunny. 5 A: We’d better hurry up.
2 A: You must be frozen. Come in. B: Right! It looks like there’s going to be
B: Thanks! It’s ................................. cold a ................................. .
out there. 6 A: They say there will be ...........................
3 A: Did you hear about the missing rain tomorrow.
mountaineers? B: I guess that means we won’t be going
B: Yes, it seems they got caught in hiking.
a ................................... .

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Module 3
F Complete the exchanges with bitterly, blizzard, downpour, forecast, minus, torrential.

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Module 3
 Word formation

G Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in bold.

1 There are a variety of sporting ........................................... we can do in the ACTIVITY

2 You shouldn’t leave the ........................................... on all the time. HEAT
3 ........................................... we all have to make an effort to reduce waste. BASIC
4 Household detergents are ........................................... to marine life. HARM
5 ........................................... groups are campaigning for stricter laws. ENVIRONMENT
6 Each of us is ........................................... responsible for keeping our PERSONAL
country clean.
7 Today’s seminar is on climate change and ........................................... GLOBE
8 ........................................... of disposable plastic bags have to pay a MANUFACTURE
special tax.

 Phrasal verbs

H Choose the correct particle.

1 A local youth club will be cleaning out/up 4 A man got arrested for trying to chop
the beach this weekend. off/down a rare tree.
2 You should turn out/off lights when you 5 You shouldn’t throw up/away electronic
leave a room. goods. They can be recycled.
3 Fire fighters managed to put out/off the 6 The mayor put up/forward an innovative
blaze after 12 hours. recycling scheme.

 Prepositions

I Fill in: from, of, on, in, to.

1 Europe is aiming for a decrease ................. 4 She suggested some interesting solutions
carbon emissions. ................. the problem of deforestation.
2 Greenpeace is trying to prevent 5 Make sure you dispose ................. your
countries ................. hunting whales. waste properly.
3 I don’t buy products developed through 6 We need to make people more
experiments ................. animals. aware ................. environmental issues.

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Module 3

 Reported statements

A Underline the correct item.

1 The rescuers said/told that they had found 4 Laura said that she wanted/wants to
two survivors. join WWF.
2 The mayor said/told the workers that the 5 Chris said that there was an article about
factory wouldn’t be closed down. the earthquake survivors in today’s/that
3 “I will donate some money to charity,” day’s paper.
Darren said/told to me.

B Rewrite the statements in reported speech.

1 “Unemployment has increased by 10% 4 “I took part in a clean-up event a week

since last year,” said the charity ago,” Lucy said to me.
spokesperson. ................................................................
................................................................ ................................................................
................................................................ 5 “We saved the whale,” they said.
2 “The temperatures are continuing to rise,” ................................................................
the scientist said. ................................................................
................................................................ 6 “It will be difficult to end this war,” said
................................................................ the politician.
3 “We have been developing literacy ................................................................
programs for many years,” said the aid ................................................................

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Module 3
C Rewrite the sentences in direct speech.

1 She told me that she would go to the tree- 5 Liz told her mum she wanted to help the
planting day. homeless.
.................................................................... ....................................................................
.................................................................... ....................................................................
2 He told the teacher that he hadn’t finished 6 She told the lady that she would like to
his project on global warming yet. thank her for all her help.
.................................................................... ....................................................................
.................................................................... ....................................................................
3 The weather announcer said there would 7 Ken said that Caroline had been bullied
be rain later. at school.
.................................................................... ....................................................................
.................................................................... ....................................................................
4 Nigel told me it had been freezing for the 8 Norma said she was going to conserve
past few days. energy in the house.
.................................................................... ....................................................................
.................................................................... ....................................................................

 Reported questions

D Write the questions and commands in reported speech.

1 “Are sea levels going to continue to rise?” 5 “How long have you been helping the
asked Danny. homeless?” Jim asked the man.
................................................................. .................................................................
................................................................. .................................................................
2 “Turn off the lights before you go out,” she 6 “Have you ever worked for a charity?”
said to me. Tonia asked Michael.
................................................................. .................................................................
................................................................. .................................................................
3 “Don’t drop litter in the park,” the man said 7 “Did you see the documentary on white
to the children. wolves last night?” she asked me.
................................................................. .................................................................
................................................................. .................................................................
4 “What is the weather forecast for the 8 “Don’t waste so much water,” Mum said
weekend?” asked Tom. to me.
................................................................. .................................................................
................................................................. ................................................................

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Module 3
 Introductory verbs

E Write the sentences in reported speech using the verbs from the list.

 apologise  agree  beg  encourage  promise  forbid  invite  suggest

1 “You can’t go out today,” said Mum to Paul. 5 “I’ll definitely help you learn how to
Mum ........................................................... read,” said Fiona to the boy.
2 “Please, please, help me clean up the Fiona ......................................................
mess,” said Mark to Mona. ................................................................
Mark ........................................................... 6 “I’m sorry I didn’t help you earlier,” said
.................................................................... Barry’s friend.
3 “You’re welcome to join the group if you Barry’s friend ..........................................
like,” said the boy to the lady. ................................................................
The boy ...................................................... 7 “How about using public transport more
.................................................................... often?” said Mary.
4 “Yes, I also believe recycling is a good Mary .......................................................
thing,” said Bob. ................................................................
Bob............................................................. 8 “I really think you should create an
.................................................................... environmental group,” said Jenny to Alan.
Jenny .....................................................

 Reporting modal verbs

F Rewrite the following in reported speech.

1 “You should take an umbrella with you,” my 4 “I’ll help you clean up the beach,” said
mum said. Julie.
.................................................................... ................................................................
.................................................................... ................................................................
2 “I must take these bottles to the recycling 5 “It may be due to pollution,” said Sharon.
bin,” said John. ................................................................
.................................................................... ................................................................
.................................................................... 6 “I can’t meet you today because I’m very
3 “I could play the guitar when I was seven,” busy,” said Emily.
he said. ................................................................
.................................................................... ................................................................

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Module 3

Read the text and choose the best answer, A, B, C or D.

A pricey meal

Sharks have long been the ultimate predators of the sea and have dominated the oceans
since before the time of the dinosaurs. However, their long reign as masters of the sea may be
coming to an end. Industrial fishing has drastically depleted shark populations over the past half-
century and at least thirty percent are now threatened with extinction. Shark finning, the practice of
capturing sharks, cutting off their fins and then throwing them back into the water to die, is illegal in
most western countries but has increased in parts of Asia in recent years due to the demand for
shark fin soup and traditional medicines made from shark fins. Shark fin is one of the most
expensive seafoods on the market and a bowl of shark fin soup can cost up to $150 in the United
States, where finning is banned. The fins of whale sharks and basking sharks are also considered
trophies and can sell for as much as $20,000. It is estimated that 100 million sharks are killed each
year, with almost three quarters of them dying solely for their fins. As demand increases, many
shark populations have plummeted by as much as ninety percent over the past few decades.
According to many experts, if the overfishing of sharks continues at the current rate, they
will become extinct before the end of the century. Shark finning also has a devastating domino
effect on the food chain and the environment as a whole. For example, without tiger sharks to
control dugong and green sea turtle populations, the sea grass they feed on, an important habitat
for many other species, would become scarce. Also, with fewer sharks to feed on carnivorous fish
such as grouper, the increase in the number of these fish and their ability to prey on species such
as parrotfish results in a decrease in the number of plant-eating fish. This can in turn lead to an
increase in algae on coral reefs. Therefore, overfishing of sharks contributes to the deterioration of
coral reefs, a vital part of the ocean’s eco-system.
Shark fishing takes place all over the world, but Hong Kong is the hub for the trade in their
fins. In fact, the island handles between 50 and 80 percent of the world’s shark fins and distributes
them to mainland China and other countries including Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand where the
cruelty of finning is not as well publicised. Hong Kong itself consumes a large amount of shark fins.
Shark fin dishes are considered a delicacy and it is customary to serve them at weddings and
business banquets. A recent survey showed that only 5% of couples choose shark-free menus at
their wedding. Awareness, however, seems to be on the rise and demand for shark fin is dropping
slightly in the city. A number of groups opposed to shark finning have been created and as Hong
Kong tends to be a trendsetter for China, it is hoped that attitudes might begin to change on the
mainland too.

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Module 3
1 According to the text, shark populations are decreasing because
A their fins are in demand as a luxury food.
B the practice of finning has been legalised.
C they are being hunted by other marine animals.
D their food supplies are under threat.

2 The number of sharks killed due to finning is

A more than 30% of the entire population.
B close to 100 million annually.
C almost 90% of the entire population.
D about 75% of the total killed annually.

3 In the second paragraph, the writer emphasises how

A an increase in other fish populations can affect sharks.
B a decrease in shark population can affect the environment.
C sharks habitats are being lost.
D shark fins have become so popular.

4 According to the writer, in Hong Kong shark fin dishes

A account for 5% of all seafood dishes.
B are more popular than ever before.
C are losing popularity.
D will always be in demand.

5 The main purpose of the article is to

A present the history of an illegal practice.
B highlight the importance of a particular species.
C raise awareness about a problem.
D explain the growing popularity of a type of food.

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Module 3

Listen to a talk about bullying and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer,
A, B or C.

1 The speaker is a
A charity worker.
B police officer.
C school teacher.

2 According to the speaker, last year

A 20% of children reported being bullied.
B a high percentage of children confessed to being a bully.
C more children reported seeing bullying than being bullied.

3 The speaker says boys that bully often

A miss school because of bullying.
B don’t finish school.
C end up with a police record.

4 The ‘FutureYou’ programme

A won an award.
B is based on an older programme.
C has advisors that can only be contacted online.

5 The speaker says that last year his organisation

A had a very difficult time.
B did better than in previous years.
C withdrew a lot of their programmes.

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