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- 2000 AND BEYOND -

by Nick Karakasch*

*Nick Karakasch is the principal of Total Corrosion Consultants, metallic zinc than solvent based materials and or-
Melbourne Australia and specializes in services to the corrosion
prevention and structural fire protection industries. He has spent 35
ganic zinc rich paints.
years in these industries and has considerable experience with
galvanizing and inorganic zinc silicate coatings. He provides technical
The three systems are quite different in their indi-
consulting services to the Galvanizers Association of Australia in the vidual make up and in particular, zinc content. In
preparation of specifications and technical detailing. some circumstances a combination of systems is
used. The ultimate choice will depend on numerous
Many articles have been written covering the merits
factors such as; the properties of a particular system,
of hot dip galvanizing, inorganic and organic zinc
rich coatings. Much of the continuing discussion re- size and structural configuration of the article to be
volves around misunderstandings and anecdotal sto- protected, where, when and how, severity of envi-
ries associated with each type. Although some ref- ronmental conditions and economic factors related
erence to topcoating is made, this article basically to expected performance.
addresses untopcoated systems only. A typical example is bridge protection where inor-
All three systems in discussion are in competition ganic zinc silicate coatings and galvanizing are of-
and are somewhat complementary, each having ten used in combination. Double end dipping tech-
strengths, limitations and selected properties. Each niques for galvanizing can accommodate steel mem-
system has its merits for specific applications bers up to 23 metres in length. However many bridge
The one common ground in the protective mecha- spans exceed this length or the construction configu-
nism is the use of zinc as the means of providing the ration is such that inorganic zinc becomes the only
corrosion resistance, in particular metallic zinc. It is material for consideration. Handrails, guardrails and
the volume and rate of zinc consumption that ulti- smaller components, on the other hand, are virtually
mately determines performance together with envi- all galvanized.
ronmental exposure and how the zinc is fixed within
Concrete reinforcement bars where used can also be
the system.
galvanized whereas inorganic zinc coatings are not
With inorganic zinc silicate coatings, zinc particles recommended for this application. Case studies pub-
are surrounded by an inert silicate matrix binder that lished by NACE International have reported the suc-
slows down zinc dissolution. Likewise, galvanizing cessful use of hot dip galvanizing under cement fire-
has a similar mechanism in that the corrosion rate of proofing materials in the petrochemical industry for
zinc slows considerably when the alloy layers are periods up to 50 years with little or no zinc loss.
reached. It is often assumed that hot dip galvanizing
is all zinc, when in fact it consists of four distinct Inevitably, comparisons are made between systems
layers, three of which are zinc / iron alloys. that appear to be selective or unbalanced. For exam-
ple, it is often stated that inorganic zinc coatings pro-
The corrosion rate for a given volume of metallic vide better protection in severe marine environments.
zinc regardless of application method is internation- In conditions of constant splash, spillage or immer-
ally documented. It is frequently stated that perform- sion, such as the sea deck on offshore platforms,
ance is equal to a given thickness, however all things galvanizing is not recommended unless topcoated.
are not equal within each individual system.
Inorganics do perform better but they also require
It must be strongly emphasised that not only are there topcoating. Life expectancy is approximately 18
wide variations in zinc content but also variations in months for galvanizing and 24 months for inorganic
thickness, uniformity and hardness between coating zinc. In other environments the reverse is the case.
types, hence the reason for the differences in per- Severe marine conditions, such as the offshore oil
formance. For instance, the volume of metallic zinc industry, is the one most commonly quoted for
in hot dip galvanizing is typically three times greater comparative purposes. Galvanizing is confined to
than the average zinc filled paint. Likewise water gratings where the life expectancy on the main deck
based inorganic zincs on average carry 30% more is 5-8 years, the remaining steel is coated with high

ratio inorganic zinc, that to date has a successful track in these examples is between 70 to 90 microns.
record of 10 years.
Galvanizing is not only long lasting but is also pre-
The reason galvanized gratings are used is that they dictable in performance to any given microclimate.
are impractical to paint with high ratio inorganic zinc
because of their geometrical shape. The galvanizing process basically involves the dip-
ping of steel into molten zinc (450oC) that results in
Fresh water environments are generally considered the creation of a new metal. Zinc silicates and or-
benign. Inorganic zinc is not recommended for this ganic zinc rich paints are often misleadingly referred
application as failure occurs within 12 months, to and marketed as cold galvanizing. Hot dip galva-
whereas galvanizing has a record exceeding 20 years. nizing is synonymous with the protection of steel by
Another example is the behaviour of zinc coated steel dipping into molten zinc creating a zinc/iron alloy.
in buried conditions. Inorganic or organic zinc is not The secret of galvanizing is in the volume of zinc
recommended. Hot dip galvanizing varies in per- that alloys to the surface and the corresponding hard-
formance. Best results are obtained in alkaline or oxi- ness. The zinc is actually alloyed to the steel there-
dising soils where the life expectancy can be as high fore contact between zinc and steel is at the “atomic
as 15 years. level”. Even when the steel has been damaged it is
impossible to separate zinc from steel. One reason
Promotional literature comparing inorganic and or-
for this is that hardness ranges from 70dpn (diamond
ganic zinc coatings is also often clouded. A case in
pyramid number) for the top zinc layer to 240dpn.
point is the zinc component. A typical claim is that
The so-called delta layer at 240dpn is considerably
organic materials contain 90% zinc compared to 77%
harder than 250 grade steel that is typically 160dpn.
or 85% for inorganic. Closer scrutiny shows that this
can be easily misunderstood or misleading as it re- The hardness means that galvanizing provides abra-
fers to weight and not the critical component of vol- sion resistance superior to any known zinc paint coat-
ume of metallic zinc. While not as user friendly as ing. Regardless of the type of zinc paint, they still
organic materials, inorganic zinc silicate coatings, remain surface coatings only and are not integrally
particularly water based products, are clearly supe- alloyed to the steel substrate. Taber abrasion tests
rior in corrosion protection. They contain more me- by the eminent Dutch corrosion authority Jan Van
tallic zinc, have better abrasion, temperature and UV Eijhsbergen revealed that epoxy zinc-rich primer
resistance. taken as unity showed that polystyrene zinc-rich are
5 times better, zinc silicate 50 times better and hot
When top coated the differences are less pronounced. dip galvanizing 500 times better.
Like galvanizing, both systems have strengths and
limitations. Nevertheless the overall technical fun- The thickness or zinc mass achieved depends largely
damentals clearly favour inorganic materials. on surface condition, composition, zinc temperature,
immersion time, mass and thickness of the steel be-
The difference between hot dip galvanizing and zinc ing galvanized. As steel sections increase in mass /
paints is in their different nature and their respective thickness so accordingly does the end result in terms
compositions. A brief description of the major points of zinc/alloy thickness. The Australian Standard AS/
for each process and the respective characteristics NZS 4680:1999 nominates ‘minimum’ thickness for
of the product formed follows. steel sections. For example above 6mm, 85 microns
HOT DIP GALVANIZING (Covered by AS/ is quoted, however in practice it is considerably
NZS4680:1999) higher due to the nature of the process. Actual film
thicknesses will range between 95-200 microns, well
Due to galvanizing’s 160 year history, it is the one above the nominated minimum.(Fig 2).
system that has established an unbroken and unprec-
Another major advantage of galvanizing is the extra
edented case history record with virtually no funda-
growth on all edges and corners that occurs during
mental change since conception. It is, without doubt,
the process. It can be said with confidence that the
one of the oldest and best documented anti-corro-
majority of failures with paint systems invariably
sive material in the world. Recorded Australian case
start on corners and sharp edges.
histories in a variety of environmental conditions
from mild rural, to tropical marine now exceed 110 Another benefit with galvanizing is that all surfaces
years. Other environments such as marine/petro- are treated, whereas by contrast, control of manual
chemical exceed 60 years. Retained zinc thickness painting is difficult. Even experienced paint appli-

cators have difficulties in maintaining uniform thick- One class is called inorganic. These use binders that
ness and applying paint materials to hard-to-get-ar- are substances of inorganic nature i.e. based on ma-
eas. Two sided protection is also an important con- terials other than carbon chemistry.
sideration. Manual application techniques are not The other type is called organic zinc rich primer.
suitable and cannot coat the internal surface of hol- These products have binder/resin systems that are of
low sections that would in turn give rise to inside- organic nature i.e. based on compounds of carbon.
out corrosion. Whilst there is some technical similarity, the major
The greatest advantage of hot dip galvanizing is that difference is that inorganic binders do not suffer
on removal from the zinc bath the process is fin- normal degradation as with organic binders, are con-
ished and components can be handled through to siderably harder and have greater volumes of zinc.
erection without the risk of damage. By contrast all Industry promotional activity has tendered to be gen-
zinc paint alternatives require specific curing eral, suggesting that all inorganic zinc paints are
conditions and sustain damage to varying degrees, equal in performance regardless of type. Experience
that regularly translates to construction delays and has shown there are distinct differences in perform-
site repair costs. Site repair of paint coatings ance between types. The heat and chemically cured
frequently becomes evident late in construction as materials were without doubt the best performers.
an added variation expense to the end client. No site However these products are obsolete and have been
touch up of galvanizing is necessary unless welding superseded by materials that do not have the same
or drilling takes place. performance characteristics and are somewhat infe-
rior in comparison.
The process of galvanizing is basically mechanical
handling. It is inherently simple and has changed lit- There is no doubt that inorganic zinc silicate coat-
tle since first described in 1837. The use of galva- ings in the paint industry are excellent products and
nizing does require attention to detail during the are the acknowledged leader in combating corrosion
design and specification stage to ensure favourable as single coat applications, or as primers for high
design criteria. Distortion of fabricated sections can performance topcoats. Their use has been wide and
occur if basic design guidelines are not followed. varied with outstanding results. The application of
top coats is usually only necessary in areas of ex-
The inspection process is fast, simple and requires
treme chemical fallout, immersion conditions such
minimal labour. The fundamentals of the process are
as fresh or salt water, concrete encasement or to im-
such that galvanizing will not occur if the steel has
prove the aesthetic appeal.
not been properly cleaned. That is immediately evi-
dent. Therefore, the opportunity to conceal inad- Adhesion of zinc paints to the substrate is predomi-
equate surface preparation is non existent. nantly mechanical, that is determined and influenced
The application of topcoats to galvanized surfaces is by the degree of surface preparation and roughness
usually for identity, aesthetics or added chemical or obtained. Minimum surface preparation necessary
corrosion resistance in extreme service. is class 2.5 or 3 (near or white metal) AS1627.4 1989.


There is an extensive range of zinc rich paints
available, all based on individual formulations. Per- There are numerous types of inorganic coatings each
formance varies widely due to varying zinc content with advantages and disadvantages that would make
and binder type. Zinc depletion is not easy to them the first choice for a particular application.
determine and can only be calculated by the use of Inorganic zinc silicate coatings consist of zinc dust
zinc coupons or by laboratory techniques. in finely divided particle size form dispersed in a
Performance predictability to any given microclimate variety of mediums bound in a matrix of silica. There
is difficult to assess. Accelerated testing of zinc paints are four basic types: heat and chemically cured, and
only provides a guide to performance. Correlation two self curing materials based on either water or
to real service exposure is not easy to determine and solvent. The heat and chemical cured materials are
remains a challenge to the paint industry. now obsolete, and have been superseded by the self-
Zinc coatings are divided into two broad classes by curing water and solvent based materials.
the type of resin or binders used. Whilst the binder systems may be either water or

solvent, the final chemical structure is similar on full for road and rail bridges. The offshore industry, in
curing. Water based materials on average carry 30% particular, has demonstrated the advantages of water
more metallic zinc, and have better abrasion and based materials over solvent based materials, that
temperature resistance. Nevertheless these are totally excluded from this application
characteristics are being ignored by sections of the environment.
corrosion industry that now claim or suggest that
solvent borne zinc is equal. SOLVENT BORNE (ETHYL SILICATE)
For the purposes of this article, four commercial in- These materials are available as either two or sin-
organic zinc products were selected at random and gle-pack and have been the dominant materials used
evaluated by independent authorities for metallic in the paint industry. They are characterised by tol-
zinc. The evaluation showed that only one material erance to high humidity and low temperature appli-
appeared to meet the criteria outlined in the Austral- cation but are slower to develop handling resistance
ian Standard. and do not fully reach the ultimate hardness of the
The evaluation for metallic zinc showed clearly that water borne type.
there are a variety of formulations available, some They are best suited for site application under diffi-
of which do not comply with the pigment constituents cult weather conditions. Metallic zinc content and
specified for zinc dust in AS/NZS 3750.15:1998, abrasion resistance is lower than water based mate-
although it must be emphasized that not all products rials. It is for technical reasons that the same high
are marketed as conforming to this standard. The non- loading of metallic zinc cannot be incorporated as in
conforming materials with variations are shown in the water borne type without some loss of film build
Fig 3. properties, abrasion resistance and ultimate life. This
loss ranges from marginal to substantial when com-
Fig 3 paring some lower cost materials available. In addi-
C h emical C om p o sitio n of Z in c D ust S a m ples w t % tion, they are solvent based and therefore are not as
environmentally friendly as their water based coun-
P rod u ct T y pe Z inc Z inc Z inc PB FE CD
ter parts.
(T o tal) (M etal) (O x id e)

T y p e 4 S olven t 94 .5 80 .3 14 .2 0.04 < 0.01 < 0.01

T y p e 4 S olven t 93 .8 82 .9 10 .9 0.04 < 0.01 < 0.01
(Covered by AS/NZS3750.9:1994)
T y pe 6 98 .7 80 .1 18 .6 0 .0 10 < 0.01 < 0.01
H igh R a tio Most types of organic resins have at one time or other
W a ter been used as zinc rich primer binders. Organic
Z in c D ust as p er A S/N Z S 3 7 5 0.15 . 1 9 98 binders are film formers and have the tendency to
encapsulate and insulate individual particles of zinc.
Zinc Dust 9 8.0 m in 9 4.0 m in 5* 0 .2 max 0.05 max 0 .1 max
Binders used have been such resins as; epoxy,
Note: AS/NZS 3750.15:1998 “The zinc oxide content may be chlorinated rubber, phenoxy, epoxy ester, urethane
calculated as the difference between total zinc content and the alkyd and polyester, to name a few.
metallic zinc content multiplied by 1.25”.
Main advantages are greater tolerance to poorer sur-
WATER BASED face preparation, ease of application, better flow
characteristics, greater film flexibility, ease of top
This coating type is without doubt the best of the coating as they contain no voids, slightly better curing
zinc coatings available. It is characterised by fast in low humidity conditions and some chemical
hardening, good damage resistances, and higher me- resistance.
tallic zinc content in the dry film. It is sensitive to
The down side is they generally cost more. The trade
high humidity and low temperatures during the
off is that surface preparation and application labour
application stage.
cost is less, they contain less zinc, are lower in UV,
The curing time is two to three hours but is dependant temperature and abrasion resistance, generate more
on climate conditions. It has non-toxic, non-flam- welding fumes and performance expectations are
mable properties and early hardness permits rapid considerably less. These materials usually provide
handling of coated steel. Being water based, it has some initial galvanic protection because the high
no EPA restrictions. While its usage has been varied, weight loading of zinc affords some zinc to zinc con-
its main use has been in the offshore oil industry and tact. With time they tend to behave and function more

like conventional type primers, rather than providing lic” zinc contents as; 77% for solvent borne inor-
true galvanic protection as with inorganic zinc paints. ganic, and 85% for water based inorganic. Organic
For these reasons they are generally used in ‘systems’ primers are nominated as total zinc mass of 85-94%.
rather than being left un-topcoated. When total zinc is quoted it includes non-metallic
components such as zinc oxide. Only metallic zinc
Inorganic zinc primers provide much better protec-
is capable of providing galvanic protection. Inorganic
tion, particularly water based materials. They have a
zincs clearly carry more zinc by “volume” due to
greater ability to carry a higher volume of zinc in the
the differences in binder densities. Metallic zinc by
dried film. The reason for this is the higher density
volume should be the major consideration in any
of the silicate binder. The average organic zinc with
evaluation process.
90% zinc by weight only translates to approximately
60% by volume, due to the different densities be- The current wave of marketing appears to favour
tween silicate binder and epoxy resin. epoxy zinc rich primers over inorganics, particularly
in comparison to solvent borne types that are clearly
To illustrate the point the following typical example
superior in performance as single-coat materials.
compares total zinc loading of 90% by weight of or-
Water based materials are rarely mentioned in any
ganic to inorganic in a direct comparison. In prac-
comparison although they are superior to both of the
tice the weight of zinc varies in accordance with the
other two. It would appear that formulated charac-
respective standard.
teristics of organic materials favour application tech-
Fig 1 niques and speed rather than higher corrosion resist-
O R G A N IC V S IN O R G A N IC The movement amongst some manufacturers in pro-
O r ga n ic In or ga n ic moting organic zinc rich primers has clear manufac-
turing cost advantages. This can be evidenced by the
W e ig h t V olu me W e ig h t V olu me
processing of 100 kilos of base raw materials for both
B in d e r (e poxy) 9 8 .1 8 10 (S ilic ate ) 3 .8 5 products. The end result in manufactured volume
A d d itive s 1 0 .5 0 clearly favours organic materials.
Z in c D u st 90 12 .6 0 90 12 .6 0
10 0 21 .2 8 10 0 16 .4 5

Z in c C o n te n t 90% 5 9% * 90% 7 7% * Inspection of paint systems is somewhat complex,

D e nsity used to c onve rt to vo lum e: Epoxy B ind er 1.1, A dd itive s 0.5, Inorga nic S ilic a te s
AS/NZS2312:1994 (Guide to protection of iron and
B inde r 2 .6 , Zinc D ust 7 .1 4 steel against exterior atmospheric corrosion) sets out
the requirements and practices needed to ensure
Water based inorganic paints have the highest vol- proper application. Inspection costs are often over
ume loading of metallic zinc of any applied zinc paint looked. It is generally accepted that inspection costs
coating. of 2-8% of the total job should be viewed as a pre-
Note that both have 90% by weight in the dry film, mium on insurance against the cost of rectifying pre-
however the inorganic has 77% zinc by volume mature coating failures. Many coating failures can
(12.60 divided by 16.45) whereas the organic coat- be traced back to questionable practices during sur-
ing has only 59% (12.60 divided by 21.28) zinc by face preparation and application.
volume, a variance of 23% in this example favour- The main areas of coating inspection for all steel
ing the inorganic zinc. Again the difference arises projects are:
from variations in density, giving inorganic coatings
higher volumes of zinc in the dry film. The key point · Specification enforcement and job control
in any comparison between coating types is metallic maintenance
volume of zinc, not weight. · Job process monitoring and regulation
Higher zinc by volume allows for more intimate zinc · Interfacing with engineer and contractor’s rep-
to zinc, and zinc to steel contact. Because of the rela-
tively higher amount of binder present in the organic
version, the zinc is more insulated and inhibited from · Responding to extraordinary conditions
providing cathodic protection to the steel. · Surface preparation (pre-blast washing, before
The respective Australian Standards quote “metal- and during operations)

· Priming and pretreatment coats (before and schedule is undertaken.

during operations)
To examine and illustrate final installed costs, the
· Intermediate, mid or tie coats (before and dur- following costs are expressed in square metres and
ing operations) detail first cost, inspection, and estimate site repair
· Finish coats (before and during operations) cost. These were obtained from the market place and
are typical only. These extra costs are conservative
· Record keeping estimates and don’t take into consideration extra stag-
ing required, delay to other trades or site penalty rates
In summary, inorganic materials should be consid-
that may be applicable.
ered where high performance is required. In less se-
vere environments or where adequate surface prepa-
ration is not achievable, organic zinc rich paints Fig 4
would be more appropriate. Organic zinc materials H o t D ip G a lva n izin g
are outstanding products as touch-up(site) materials Averag e p rice $ 4 5 5 / to nn e
$ 1 8 .7 5 m 2
Ass um ed ligh t, me d , a nd heav y stee l
for inorganic coatings or galvanizing. They make a a verage s urface a re a p er to n ne 2 4 m2
good compromise although thickness needs to be in-
creased to compensate for the lower zinc content.
Ino rgan ic Z inc (Type 3 /6 w ate r b as ed ) 1 2 5 - 5 0
As single coat applications, inorganic materials are $ 2 0 .0 0 m 2
clearly superior, particularly when water based. How- Initia l ap p lic atio n in sp e ction (2 -8 % ) say 5 % $ 1 .00
ever where top-coats are necessary the distinction is
less and in many circumstances will actually favour S ite re p airs 5 % $ 1 .00

organic zincs. S ite ins p ectio n $ 1 .00

$ 2 3 .0 0 m 2
SONS Plus ap p licab le site p e nalty rate s sc affo ld ing o r s tagin g

The cost comparisons between systems are gener- TYPIC AL TOTAL COST COMPARISON
ally not well understood. Confusion arises from the Long-term Protection
different pricing methods used. Galvanizing is typi-
The Premise: 5000 Tonne Steel (24m2 surface area /tonne) 120000 m2
cally charged by weight whereas zinc rich coating
are calculated on surface area. System 1 System 2
Hot Dip Galvanizing Inorganic Zinc Silicate
(type 3 or 6)
Whilst there are always exceptions, average prices
are often extrapolated in an over simplified way on Radius / Chamfer Edges NIL $600,000

assumptions that unit prices would remain the same Initial cost of Application $2,275,000 $2,400,000
despite being applied to a vast range of sizes and Initial Inspection 5% NIL $120,000
Site Repairs 5% NIL $120,000
Because of the current demand for productivity and
site time efficiency, primary installation costs need Plus Site Penalty -
Required / Cost
scaffolding or staging unknown
to account for such items as:
Site Inspection - $120,000
· Radius or chamfered edges
TOTAL INITIAL COST $2,275,000 $3,360,000
· Repairing transport damage
· Quality controlled inspection Notes:
· Erection damage repair
System 1
· Total effect on site occupation
Hot dip galvanizing average price $455 / tonne
Site repair, inspection and radius or chamfering of (Assume steel sizes of light – medium, heavy – average 24 m2 / tonne)
edges where necessary have a significant impact on $18.75 m2
a project and therefore should always be part of any System 2
evaluation process. Unfortunately this is not always Radius / Chamfer Edges
the case and they are seldom costed. There is also a $120 / Tonne
cumulative effect with regard to much greater costs (Assume 25 lm / Tonne)
in future maintenance unless a disciplined repair Price quoted is conservative and includes extra handling.



Most hot dip galvanizing is accomplished with GALVANIZING

fabricated components prior to erection. Small
components are much easier to galvanize, particularly THICKNESS STANDARD AVERAGE DRY ZINC
intricate items. (MICRONS) (MICRONS) (gm/m 2)

Zinc paints were originally developed to overcome 3mm plate 55 99 707

the limits of galvanizing bath sizes. They offer flex- 4mm plate 70 110 785
ibility in use, particularly for large and complex 5mm angle 70 110 785
items. They are generally suited for in situ applica- 6mm plate 70 130 1000
tions or where complexity of steel structures is such
12mm plate 85 150 1070
that it suits painting. The shipping and maintenance
industry, together with large storage vessels are good 200 UB 85 140 1000

examples of where zinc paints are highly suited. 310-410 UB 85 150 1071

Heavy Structural
This article has attempted to offer a comparison in Steel
85 180-200 1285-1428

the use of un-topcoated zinc coatings and galvaniz- 180-200 PFC 85 120 857
ing and to give basic guidance as to the merits of 125-150 PFC 85 110 785
each process. Choosing one system over another or
RHS/SHS (light) 85 85-95 607-678
in combination is not always simple, but not neces-
sarily difficult providing the evaluating authority is ZINC SILICATE PAINT SY STEMS
aware of the differences involved. Steel Thickness
Thickness for all steel sections is constant. Metallic zinc is data from governmental
G test.

AS/NZS Standard Metallic Zinc

Zinc Content Thickness Content gm/m2
77% of Dry Film (metallic) 75 microns 185
• Australian / New Zealand Standards:
- AS/NZS 3750.9:1994 Organic Zinc Primers Inorganic (Water) 85% of Dry film (metallic) 75 microns 289
- AS/NZS 3750.15:1998 Inorganic Zinc Silicate Paint
- AS/NZS 2312:1994 Guide to Protection of Iron and Steel 150 microns 578
Against Exterior Atmospheric Corrosion Organic Zinc Rich
- AS/NZS 4680:1999 Hot Dip Galvanized (zinc) Coatings 90% Zinc Content 75 microns 185 *
on Fabricated Ferrous Articles
- AS1627.4:1989 Abrasive Blast Cleaning TYPICAL COMPARISON CHART
• Corrosion Resistance Galvanized Coatings Retrospective
Evaluation: - A.J Vazquez & J J DeDamborenea, Centro APPLICATION SOLVENT BORNE WATERBASED
Nacional De Investigaci - ones metallurgical (cenim / csic), Inspection Minimal (self Reqs Continuous Inspection
Spain inspection)

• Coating Guide for New Steel Bridges, Szokolik Consulting Dry Film Thickness Excellent Needs Care Edges & Corners
Control (including edges) No
Pty Ltd, November 1999
• L Vincent, Corrpro Companies Inc USA, PMC Article Coating Thickness 85 microns 75 microns 150 um
180 microns
September 1999
Zinc Mass /m2 (average) 600 gms/m2 185 gms/m2 560 gms/m2
• Hot Dip Galvanizing Journal, Dr M Burcher, 1993
Adhesion Fusion Bonded Surface Coating Surface Coating
• Facts About Inorganic Zinc Coatings, N Karakasch, March
1999 Hardness 8 x Harder Than - -
Zinc Paint
• Nace International, Corrosion 94, Paper 521 Site Touch After Erection No Yes Yes

Weather / Curing Delay No Yes Yes

Temperature Resistance 200oC 300oC 400oC

Chemical Resistance ph 6 - 12.5 6 - 10 6 - 10

Salt Water Immersion No No No

Environmental Cleanliness Yes No - Contains Volatile Yes


Site Application No Yes Yes

Fresh Water Immersion Yes No No

Buried Conditions Yes No No

Concrete Reinforcement Yes No No

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