Tortures of Congress Ministries

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| | | combined ministries were formed, T) “pNDUREACTIONS Hindus were ot ‘I hay y Caste Hin PPy on pat LOW NTS Us ar Hin he Awards, Gq -)MMED they shoung hot b Hindus coulg NOt tolen gtims and the British yore ie Tlaxation 9; Nigsation IVE LO Myshinye Hindus Were motivo the Muslims, It made clear on la! IM that Award ne Mt having good intention. Anyhow, the “S confirmed in the Indian Act of 1935. * x / TORTURES oF cone,” nahi went on hunger strike. He said t °e given separate electorate. \ RESS Minigy STRIRS A\ 37 yoSGROUND ELECTIONS ND 1036 “The Government . Of India Bin» . ary 1935. After the approval py <8 BESented before the British Parliament in Hig of Bneland on 14 August 1935.0 p'Hish parliament the Bill was signed by the sina Act 1935 was formed. 19° 8g it a Shape. With this the Government jovernment of India . om of the constinuhe = TOT ed of two pans, centealand provincial. The oration in the Provinces were annoynery 4 UPON, Acting on the provincial part, fhe results of these elections were anno — Which were held in the winters of 1936-37. 6-37 elect; nced in March 1937, The 1934 el ections were held On the basis of 5 the election results Muslim League took Only 108 seats o collectively: Muslim League succe, 5 and Bengal where combined Muslim ‘eparate electorate, According to eded Partially in only succeeded in 5 provinces completely and j Ut OF 492 reserved Muslim seats. three provinces i.e, Punjab, Sind Were formed, Whereas, Congress S Partially where its complete and Tess ministries started torturing the MINISTRIES BUC Ministries 13 province: C his way the ‘ongt Muslims in these provinces, 1 RERU TO FORM COMBINED It was clear from the Agenda and behaviour of Congress and Muslim League hefore the elections that they would Collectively Tun the system of government. But the election results made certain Prejudiced Congress members change their mind. They start formng combined government with other minorities instead of Muslim League, This was to prevent Muslim League from gaining power, 2 PLANNING AGAINST MUSL LEAGUE On the basis of election results Muslims League could only form combined ministnes in three provinces that is in Punjab, Sind and Bengal. These ministries also became a target of Congress Conspiracies, Therefor) Muslira League ministries kept on forming and breaking. : . x ECTIONS Scanned with CamScanner eet EF = aor the guidance Of Maulang Apr er myttee HN a H Manlany Aby jv atin nation, The all of ti eomnigg at eosin oAl® tthe Muslinns that the sloatont a proved or ih x ersten arte panty, Thevefore they should join Con preg ang heir repre i" be interest’, a ee eee TARY AND ADMINISERATION geen wh . ' yninistries: formed in eight provinces of bub, bin ration that they should respect the feelings of ¢ ‘oy Mi Aministration and judiciary became helpless yes ross leaders aturted influencing thejp design” i, MOK ‘of Congress ic Lit and aceite eae, The otficers in a » abe Congress, The Cong ONS! R Cong Mimsine e Congress MIN sons formed in 1883 and saghtered a cow the workers ol ON “ ne ON, / Congress workers did not hesitate 1m interfering in Muslim religious PYayen time of ‘Namaz when Muslims called for prayer or offered Namaz then local ri L ees started to play their musical instruments, right outside the mosque, rth bow Muslims were disturbed in their prayers, his 1, 1 WORSH Congress hanged the picture of their leader Gandhi in all the Bovernmen sdecational institutes, it was made compulsory for every person who went to y, offices or educational institutes tor his personal work {0 solute the picture of Gandhi. tng 7 Meu S Ne TRESS FY a ; The Flag of All India National Congress consisted of three 8 i D 8 colo i ‘identity of Congress. After the formation of Congress mminittod? ee 7 co to raise the flag on all the educational institutes and ae oe a i ea under the provinces and Judiciary, In addition to that it tha . y ¢ persons coming j 2 ANTE pe ming in those offices to salute the flag. The song Band-i-Matar Song Band-i-Mataram was -, other Minorities were rebuked in rom nan Bengt Language. Musina i. em. Muslims were badly hurt through that | Semen declared it, its pet 3 once again revived the "Gao Rakshy ' practically banned the slaughter of cows, When : diy or ti, Gao Raksha Sabha attacked and killed the vA While exploitn i 8 Muslims ¢, Precious estates, Conomically, Con VY taxes on ier bah and non. transferable pro et connsotied tt aed onl fhe Muslin, Pe dom of ecu government on them, WI i of technical en Partiments, the doors of new et be Misi employees {rom t 80 closed on them, Scanned with CamScanner EE. HAPTER #3 . eo Au NAL POLICIES OF CONGRESS after supers and tmionniee ee wer, Congress took certain steps to colour ed anton policies are aa ange MEHT OWN. Muslims were badly ict WARDHA EDUCATIONAL SCHEME The Congress started the W, , conpalsory for all children betwee & oguced which neither would allo jim students. Nor they could kn 5 pak STUDIES he Indian @ ‘ardha educational scheme and made education nthe ages of 7 to 14 years. Such syllabus we intr Ww the awareness of Islamic nationality to develop in Mus! ow about their heroes and religious scholars. ) Wala MADIR EDUCATIONAL SCHEME According to this educational scheme schools were given the name of Wadia Mandir. The medium of instruction was Hindi and Urdu schools were ended. _XDING OF CONGRESS MINISTRIES i Congress demanded the British government to announce the freedom of India as goon 08 possible at the start of World War-II in September 1939. It also demanded that ess should be given the status of only representative party and rule should be given The British government rejected this demand of congress. On that Congress sries put their resignations from 31“ October to 15" November 1939. MUSLIM’S DAY OF DELIVERANCE ON THE RESIGNATION OF CONGRESS MINISTRIES The Quaid-i-Azam appealed to the Indian Muslims on the resignation of Congress ministries to observe the day of December 22, 1939 as the “Day of Deliverance” fromthe gneities of Congress ministries. Muslims appreciated it so much that the day of 22 December, 1939 became very important day in the history of India. All the Muslims in ndia offered thanks: giving prayers. Besides they staged demonstrations and observed strikes. s COMMENTS > The British made the lives of Muslims difficult by leaving the Congress ministries of 1937 without leash. Under the Congress rule thousands of Muslims houses were gestroyed. Hundreds of Muslims were killed, many people lost their jobs and property, thousand Muslims mothers, sisters and daughters lost their respect. After all these atrocities and sacrifices the result which was brought in the shape of creation of Pakistan is in the world history generally and Indian history specially a memorable chapter. It could not be wrong to say that the atrocities of Congress ministries paved the way of creation of Pakistan. ~ LN Scanned with CamScanner

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