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1 How does Faith in God contribute to happy life ?

Failt Is way Is of living your life. I would even say more :faith is a way of conceiving life by taking
into account what God declares in his is by walking in faith that our christian life takes on
its full meaning.Walking by faiht means waiting on God in everything and ling more and more
dependent on his provisions. Walking with God is a firm assurance of the things we hope for a
demonstration of those we do not see. (Hebrews 11 :1)

Let us understand that faith is the essence of all grace. Without faith our prayers are
meaningless. Because it is she who triggers the impossible it is she who triggers all miracles.

And even when we read the Bible and especially the whole New Testament we notice that
Jesus kept repeating a phase : Go your faith has saved you .

He kept reminding people of the importance of having faith and presevering in the faith.

Our faith must be above our reason . our faith must be above our logic our faith must be above
all intuition.
2 Integrity : without it noyhing works . discuss and support your answer

The majority of men and women who have had tremendous success in their life as a result in
business have a keen sense of righteousness and transparency which is above normal . when it
comes to being successful in business how we look at things is crucial .indeed in this area as in
the others life is a mirror which only accurately reflects whatactivitie we are and what we think .
this is why more and more people in the business community believe that honestuy integrity and
trusting relationshhips are essential values for true success. Thus if the results of income-
generating activities are not satisfactory the nit is very likely that increasing the level of integrity
and honesty to achieve better results. Honesty and interity are essential values for the success
of a business. In other words these are key element for business success. The fundamental
question to be asked is : what is integrity and what is its contribution to the realms of business ?


Integrity is the state of that which has not been altered damaged or diminished. According to
Jeasmine beausoleil a person is honest when He is a state of absolute probity (i.e. a straight
man and scrupulously honest who respect his heart his values and his inner wisdom no matter
what is happening around him .

And this in the life as in business. According to a definition of Encarta integrity is also the quality
consisting in conforming or being in conformity with what command the duty and the moral

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