Electromagnetic Induction: The Experiments of Faraday and Henry

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if Electromagnetic Induction

The phenomenon in which electric current is generated by varying magnetic fields in called Electromagnetic

The experiments of Faraday and Henry


Experiment 1
Consider a coil C1 connected to a galvanometer as shown in the figure. When the north pole of a bar magnet is
pushed towards the coil, there is a deflection in the galvanometer indicating the presence of electric current in the
- The current flows for as long as the magnet is in motion, there is no deflection when magnet is stationary.
- When the north pole is pulled away from the coil, there is a deflection in the opposite direction i.e. current flows in
the opposite direction
- When the south pole of the magnet is pushed/pulled, the deflection is opposite to that when the north pole was
being moved.
- The deflection is larger when the magnet is pushed/pulled faster
- Even when the magnet is fixed and the coil C1 is moved, there is a deflection.

Conclusion: Relative motion between the coil and magnet is responsible for generation (induction) of current in the

Experiment 2
The bar magnet in experiment 1 is replaced by a coil C2 connected to a battery. Steady current in the coil C2 sets up a
steady magnetic field. when C2 is moved towards C1, the galvanometer records a deflection. This indicates current is
induced in C1
- When C2 is moved away, there is a deflection in the opposite direction
- The deflection lasts as long as the coil C2 is in motion
- When C2 is fixed and C1 is moved, the same effects are recorded

Conclusion: Relative motion between the two coils is responsible for inducing electric current

Experiment 3
Consider the two coils C1 and C2 but this time C2 is connected to the battery through a key. When the key is closed
the galvanometer records a momentary deflection. After closing the key for a long time, there is no deflection. When

. .
the key is opened, there is again a momentary deflection but in the opposite direction. The deflection increases by
many folds when an iron rod is inserted into the coils along their axis

Note: Uniform field – field constant w.r.t. position | Steady field- field constant w.r.t. time

Magnetic Flux (φB)

It gives a measure of the number of magnetic field lines intersecting a given area. The magnetic flux through area A
due to field B can be written as-

Where θ is the angle between B and area vector A

SI unit – weber (Wb) or tesla meter squared (Tm2) | scalar quantity

÷i÷¥ Faraday’s law of Induction

1st Law- If the flux linked with a coil varies with time, an EMF is induced across the coil

2nd Law- The magnitude of induced EMF is directly proportional to the rate of change of flux linked with coil

The negative sign indicates the direction of ε and the direction of current in the loop
For a coil of N turns-

Note: Flux can be varied by varying B, A or θ. Therefore, emf can be induced by-
1. Changing B (e.g. time varying field)
2. Changing the shape of the coil (area changes)
3. Rotating coil in a magnetic field so that angle θ between B and A changes
Ann #
' 1

# c ,
Lenz’ Law and conservation of Energy (PYQ 2017, 2013, 2012, 2011)
The polarity of induced emf is such that it tends to produce a current which opposes the change in magnetic flux that
produced it. This is a consequence of conservation of Energy.
The negative sign in the expression for flux in Faraday’s law represents this effect.

Consider the following two cases- (PYQ 2013)

v u

Mahatmas Bent

Biafra I

As the north pole of the magnet is pushed towards If the north pole of the magnet is pulled away
The coil, the flux through the coil increases. Hence, from the coil , the flux through the coil will
Current is induced in the coil such that it opposes the decrease so current will be induced such that
Increase in flux. For the observer, this will happen when flux through coil increases. For the observer,
Current is induced in the anticlockwise direction. This will happen when current flows in the
This will result in a north pole being formed facing the clockwise direction which will result in an
Magnet which will repel the magnet and oppose the attractive force which opposes the decrease
Increase in flux. In flux.

Note: If an open circuit is used instead of a closed loop, an emf is still generated with polarity according to Lenz’ law.

Correctness of Lenz’s Law-

Suppose that the current induced was in the direction which supported the change in flux. Then in the first case, the
induced south pole of the coil would face the north pole of the magnet. This means that the magnet will
continuously be accelerated towards the coil. A gentle push will initiate the acceleration of the magnet and its
velocity and K.E will go on increasing without any expenditure of energy (perpetual motion) but this violates the law
of conservation of energy and hence can’t happen.

According to Lenz’ law, the magnet experiences a repulsive force. So, to keep the magnet in motion, work has to be
done by an external agent on the magnet. This work done is seen as the heat produced due to circulating current in
the coil in accordance with Joule’s law of heating effect of current.

Important PYQs t÷E7

Ques: Predict the polarity of the capacitor in the following case (PYQ 2017, 2011) [1M]

Ans: according to Lenz’s law, the induced current opposes the change in magnetic flux which causes it so on the
right-side current will flow clockwise so as to form south pole and, on the left, anti-clockwise so as to form north
pole. Therefore, the polarity will be as shown-

# c ,
Ques: Predict the directions of induced currents in metal rings 1 and 2 lying in the same plane where current I is
increasing steadily (PYQ 2012) [1M]

Ans: The magnetic field on the sides of the wire is as shown in the figure. As current is increasing, the field and hence
flux through the rings will also increase. So, to oppose the increase the change in flux, current will be induced
according to Lenz law-

•• B

N Tt

Methods of generating EMF-

1. B as a function of time (t)
Consider a solenoid with a time varying current i= I˳sinωt, no of turns per unit length n and radius a. A loop of N
turns and radius b (b>a) is placed as shown. Let’s find the emf ε induced in the loop.

(Not.Fib as field only /ll a)

n n

Case 2: θ as a function of time (PYQ 2011)

Consider a coil of radius a and N turns kept in a uniform magnetic field B with its plane perpendicular to the field. It
is rotated about an axis perpendicular to the field, in the plane of the loop with an angular velocity ω. The flux
through the loop at a time t is-


Thirst . .
Motional EMF (PYQ 2020,2018, 2011)
The emf generated by moving a conductor in a magnetic field i.e. by changing the flux in the circuit is called motional

In the figure, there is a rectangular conductor PQRS kept in a magnetic field B, in which arm PQ of length L is free to
move. The rod PQ is moved towards left with a constant velocity v. Assume that there is no loss of energy due to
Explanation 1: Using Faraday’s Law
As PQ is moved, the area enclosed by PQRS keeps on changing. At time t let RQ= x, then the flux associated with

Since x is changing w.r.t. time, the flux through PQRS will also vary with time and hence due to Faraday’s law, an EMF
will be induced which can be written as-

(Where dx/dt = -v as x is
Decreasing with time)

Explanation 2: Using Lorentz force

Consider a charge q in the conductor PQ. As PQ moves towards the left with velocity v, the charge will also move
with same velocity. As the charge is moving in a magnetic field, it will experience a force F = qvB towards Q. All like
charges will experience the same force in the same direction. The work done in moving a charge from P to Q-

EMF is the work done per unit charge-

- Direction of positive polarity of motional emf is given by direction of v × B.

- The magnitude of motional emf is the product of B, L, v in mutually perpendicular directions. For e.g.-


t) t
v Gino B

Direc/on of emf

l K
Y z

Ii) v
e vcosgo B

B ( i.e. if any 2 of B,l,v are parallel, e=0)
e= 0

# c ,
Note: General formula-

emf induced in a stationary conductor kept in a varying magnetic field-

In case of stationary conductor, the force on its charges will be-

Since v=0, the force must be due to E. therefore, to explain the induction of current we must assume that a time
varying magnetic field generates an Electric field. but, the electric field due to static charges and that due to varying
magnetic field have different properties.

Important PYQs ¥iE¥÷

Ques: A rectangular frame of wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field directed outwards, normal to the paper. Ab is
connected to a spring which is stretched to A’B’ and then released at time t=0. Explain qualitatively how induced emf
in the coil would vary with time (neglect damping of oscillations of spring) (PYQ 2018) [2M]

Ans: As AB is pulled to A’B’, it experiences a force due to the spring

which causes it to perform simple harmonic mo/on about AB.
As it performs SHM, the area and hence the flux through the
loop also varies and hence an emf is induced. The arm AB
doesn’t move with constant velocity hence the emf produced
is also not constant. It varies with /me periodically in both
magnitude and direc/on. Its frequency is same as that of SHM
of the arm AB.

i÷¥÷⇐ Motional EMF in rotation (PYQ 2012)

Consider a rod OP of length R rotating with an angular velocity ω as shown in the figure-

Method 1:
As the rod is rotated, the charges in the rod experience a force and move towards O. At a certain value of emf there
is no more flow of electrons and steady state is reached. Consider a differential element of length dx at a distance x
from O. As the rod moves perpendicular to the field, the magnitude of emf across dx will be-

' 1

# c ,
Method 2:
Consider a closed loop OPQ with rod OP rotating with ω. As OP rotates, the area and hence flux linked with the loop
changes and an emf is induced across the loop. At time t, let angle between OP and OQ be θ. Area OPQ is-

Hence flux linked with loop is-

• •

Energy Conservation

Let resistance of PQ be R and resistance of all other arms is negligible. Therefore, the net resistance is R and doesn’t
change as PQ moves. The current I in the circuit can be written as-

As current flows through the arm PQ, it will experience a force due to the magnetic field which can be written as-

The direction of this force will be towards right, opposite to that of its velocity.
To keep the rod moving with constant velocity v, an equal force in the opposite direction is needed. The power
required for this will be-

The power spent is dissipated as Joule’s heat and is given by-

Therefore, the mechanical energy required to move PQ is converted to electrical energy and then thermal energy.

' 1

# c ,
Charge circulated



(From 1,2)

i÷¥÷ Eddy Currents

When conductors are subjected to changing magnetic flux induced currents are produced in them. Their flow
patterns resemble swirling eddies in water hence they are called eddy currents.

Consider a copper a plate which allowed two swing like a pendulum

Between the pole pieces of strong magnets. We see that the motion
Of the plate is damped and that it comes to rest after a while. This is
Because the flux linked with the plate keeps on changing a sit moves
In and out of the region between the plates. This induces eddy currents
in the plate which opposes the motion of the plate. The direction of
eddy current is opposite when the plate swings in and out of the region.

Disadvantages of eddy currents

Eddy currents are undesirable as they heat up the core and dissipate electrical energy in the form of heat.

Methods of reducing eddy currents

1. Holes or slits made in the plate reduces the area available for eddy currents to flow

2. Laminations – laminations of a metal are used to make a core. The laminations are separated by an insulating
layer like lacquer. The plane of the laminations must be parallel to the magnetic field so that they cut across the
eddy current paths. This reduces the strength of eddy currents and hence the loss of energy as heat (P=I2R)

Advantages/ Uses of Eddy currents

1. Magnetic breaking in trains – Strong electromagnets are situated above the rails. When activated, they produce
eddy currents which oppose the motion of the train. As there is no mechanical contact, breaking is smooth
2. Electromagnetic damping- certain galvanometers have a fixed core made of nonmagnetic metallic material.
When the coil oscillates, the eddy currents generated in the coil oppose its motion and quickly bring the coil to
3. Induction furnace- they are used to produce high temperatures to make alloys by melting the constituent
metals. Ahigh frequency A/C is passed through a coil which surrounds the metal to be melted. The eddy currents
induced in the metals produce high temperatures sufficient to melt it
4. Electric power meters- The shiny metal discs in the electric power meter rotates due to eddy currents. Electric
currents are induced in the disc by magnetic fields produced by sinusoidally varying currents in a coil

i÷¥÷ Electromagnetic damping (PYQ 2014)

Take two cylindrical pipes of equal diameters, one of aluminum and the other of PVC. Drop a cylindrical magnet
through the pipes such that it does not touch the sides of the pipes. We observe that the magnet dropped through
the PVC pipe falls faster than the one dropped through the aluminum pipe. This is because as the magnet falls
through the aluminum pipe, the flux associated with it changes which generates eddy currents in the pipe that
oppose the motion of the magnet. Eddy currents are not generated in the PVC pipe as it is an insulator.

' 1

# c ,
Important PYQ t.EE?
Ques: Two spherical bobs of one metallic, and the other of glass of the same size are allowed to fall freely from the
same height above the ground. Which of the two will reach early and why? (PYQ 2014) [1M]

Ans: As the metal ball falls, it experiences a force due to gravity downwards. But, as it falls, the flux through it due to
earth’s magnetic field is changing due to which eddy currents are induced in the metal sphere such that they oppose
its motion. So, it experiences a retarding force upwards. However, since glass is an insulator, no eddy currents are
induced and it experiences only a force due to gravity. Therefore, the glass sphere reaches before the metal sphere.

Glass sphere
Metal sphere
g g

i÷t÷÷ Inductance
An electric current can be induced in a coil by flux change produced by another coil nearby or flux change produced
by the same coil. In both cases the flux produced is directly proportional to the current.

If geometry of coil remains constant with time then-

For a coil of N turns, the magnetic flux is linked with each turn therefore the net flux will be N times of the flux
associated with a single turn i.e.-

Where L is a constant of proportionality which is called inductance. Inductance only depends on the geometry of the
coil and intrinsic material properties.

- Inductance- scalar| SI unit- henry (H)

How to calculate inductance of a coil of a certain geometry?

Step 1: Pass current I through the coil, calculate the field and hence the expression for flux through the coil
Step 2: Compare this expression with φ = LI to find out L

÷÷t÷ Mutual inductance (PYQ 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015)

The phenomenon due to which an emf is induced in a coil due to a varying flux produced by a coil kept nearby is called
mutual induction.
Consider two long coaxial solenoids each of length l. Let radius of inner solenoid S1 be r1 and number of turns per unit
length be n1 and for outer solenoid S2 be r2 and n2. Let total turns be N1 and N2
When a current I2 is set up in S2, it links a magnetic flux through S1. Let the flux through S1 be φ1-


Where M12 is mutual inductance/ coefficient of mutual induction of S1 w.r.t. S2

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# c ,
We now consider the reverse case. A current I1 is flown through S1. The flux linked with S2-

Where M21 is mutual inductance/ coefficient of mutual induction of S2 w.r.t. S1


From 3,4.

Therefore, we see that M12= M21 = M.

If there was a medium of relative permeability µR in the solenoids then,

Note: The mutual inductance of a pair of solenoids also depends on their separation and their relative orientation

If current through one of the coils is varied with time, an emf is set up in the other coil which is calculated as-


Also, -

(From 1,2)

Important PYQs ¥÷¥i÷7

Ques: A pair of adjacent coils have a mutual inductance of 1.5 H. if the current in one coil changes from 0 to 20 A in
0.5s, what is the change influx linkage of the other coil? (PYQ 2016) [2M]



Self inductance (PYQ 2019, 2017, 2013, 2012, 2010)

The phenomenon due to which an emf is induced in a coil due to varying current through the same coil is called self
induction. In this case, the flux through a coil of N turns is directly proportion to the current in the coil-

Where L is a proportionality constant knows as self inductance/ coefficient of self induction

' 1

# C ,
Inductance of solenoid
Consider a solenoid of no of turns per unit length n, radius a, current I. we know-



From 1,2

For a solenoid with a core of relative permeability µR -

if current through the coil is varied with time an emf is induced-


(From 1,2)

Note: Self induced emf is also called back emf as it opposes any change in the current in a circuit. Physically, self
inductance plays the role of inertia. It is the electromagnetic analogue of mass in mechanics.

Important PYQs ¥E÷÷7


Ques: A plot of magnetic flux versus current is shown in the figure for two inductors A and B. which of the two has a
larger self-inductance (PYQ 2010) [1M]

Ans: We know-

Therefore, greater the slope, greater is the self inductance.

i.e. A has greater self-inductance than B

Ques: If number of turns of solenoid is doubled without changing the length and area of cross-section. The self-
inductance of the solenoid will become___________? (PYQ 2020) [1M]

Ans: It will be doubled (Since,


(PYQ 2013) [3M]

4. ii) E

ok I
Thirst . .
iii) U


U = LI

Energy stored in inductor (PYQ 2012)

As back emf opposes any change of current in a circuit, some work needs to be done against it to setup steady current
in the circuit. This work done is stored as magnetic potential energy-

This expression can be compared with the kinetic energy of a body in mechanics . this shows that L is
analogous to m (i.e. L is electrical inertia and it opposes growth and decay of current in the circuit).

In general-
Consider the case of current flowing simultaneously in two nearby coils. The flux through one coil will be the sum of
the two fluxes –

Where M11 is the inductance due to the same coil. Using faraday’s law-

M11 is self inductance and is written as L1-

i÷¥ AC Generator (PYQ 2013, 2011, 2010)

Use: It converts mechanical energy to electrical energy

Principle: if flux linked with a coil varies with time, an EMF is induced in the coil

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# c ,
Construction: - it consists of a coil mounted on a rotor shaft kept in a strong magnetic field. The axis of rotation of the
coil is perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field.
- The coil is connected to external circuit with the help of slip rings and brushes

- The coil of area A is rotated in field B, the flux through the loop will be BAcosθ where θ is the angle between field and
area vector.
- As the coil rotates, θ and hence the flux through the coil changes which sets up an induced emf in the coil
- Let the coil rotate with a constant angular velocity ω. The angle between A and B at a time t is θ = ωt, assuming θ= 0°
at t=0, the flux at any time t can be written as -

Since value of sine function varies between +1 and – 1, the polarity of the emf also varies. Hence, direction of current
also varies periodically with time therefore, current is called alternating current.

Types of commercial generators-

1. Hydro-electric generators- mechanical energy required to rotate armature is provided by water falling from a
2. Thermal generators- water is heated using coal to produce high pressure steam to rotate the armature
3. Nuclear generators- instead of coal, nuclear fuel is used.

Note: Frequency of rotation of armature/ electromagnets – India = 50Hz | USA= 60Hz

Important PYQs
Ques: For an A/C generator, show a plot of variation of-
1. Magnetic flux
2. Alternating emf versus time generated by a loop of wire rotating in a magnetic field (PYQ 2013) [2M]

Ans: For a coil rotaGng in a magneGc field with constant angular velocity

Titian A
# C ,

Eo 11 11 11

544 T
174 The



thongs HE


(PYQ 2017) [2M]


The situaGon is as shown in the figure e
Since all three , B, L, and v are in mutually perpendicular
direcGons, the induced EMF-

DirecGon of emf is given by v X B-

Thirst. .

DEfInItIoNs aNd dErIvAtIoNs aSkEd aS pYqs

Ques: Define mutual inductance (PYQ 2016) [1M]

Ques: a) Define mutual inductance and write its SI unit

b) Derive an expression for the mutual inductance of two long co-axial solenoids of same length wound over one
c) In an experiment, two coils C1 and C2 are placed close to each other find out the expression for the induced emf in
coil C1 due to change in current through C2. (PYQ 2015) [5M]

Ques: State Lenz law (PYQ 2013) [1M]

Ques: Define self inductance of a coil. Show that magnetic potential energy required to build up current I in the coil
of self conductance L is given by LI2/2 (PYQ 2012) [2M]

Ques: A metallic rod of ‘L’ length is rotated with angular frequency ω with one end hinged at the center and the
other end at the circumference of a circular metallic ring of radius L about an axis passing through the center and
perpendicular to the plane of the ring. A constant and uniform magnetic field B parallel to the axis is present
everywhere. Deduce the expression for emf between the center and the metallic ring (PYQ 2012) [2M]

Ques: State the working of an AC generator having N turns each of area A, is rotated with constant angular velocity
ω. Deduce the expression for alternating emf generated in the coil. (PYQ 2011) [5M]

Ques: Describe briefly, with the help of a well labelled diagram, the basic elements of an AC generator. State its
underlying principle. Show diagrammatically, how an alternating emf is generated by a loop of wire rotating in a
magnetic field. write the value for the instantaneous value of the emf in the coil. (PYQ 2010) [5M]

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