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Sh. S. N.

Sidheshwar Public School

Class 5
Subject English
Topic : Paragraph writing
Theme : Environment
Q2. Write a short paragraph on the topic ‘Global Warming '. You can develop a
paragraph with the help of following clues.
Clues: Write down the heading.
1.What is global warming?
2. Causes of global warming.
3 . Effects of global warming.
4. Steps to reduce it.
5. Closing line.
Ans. Global Warming
Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the Earth. Human
activities like burning of fossil fuels like coal and petroleum , deforestation, etc
are increasing the green house gases like carbon dioxide in the atmosphere ,
thus causing global warming. If the global warming continues, the average
temperature of the Earth will keep rising . This will harm life on the Earth. The
effects of global warming are melting of polar ice caps, rise in water levels of
oceans, irregular weather changes and so on. To reduce the effects of global
warming , we should reduce the use of fossil fuels, use public transport, follow
the three Rs , plant more and more trees and use clean energy sources like
solar energy and wind energy. We all should join our hands together to reduce
global warming to prevent our planet from destruction.

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