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Embassy of the United States of America

African Growth and Opportunity Act

Fabrics like these enjoy duty-free access to U.S. markets, leaving distance and transportation costs as the primary limiting factors. ©

he African Growth and Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, 10-11, preceding the two-day min-
Opportunity Act (AGOA), Nigeria, Rwanda, São Tomé and isterial in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
enacted in 2000, allows Príncipe, Senegal, Seychelles, August 12-13.
39 eligible African countries to Sierra Leone, South Africa, South
AGOA promotes economic devel-
export most products duty-free to Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania,
opment and expedites the inte-
the United States. The 39 African Togo, Uganda and Zambia.
gration of African economies
countries are: Angola, Benin,
Trade has proven to be a power- into the world trading system. It
Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi,
ful engine of growth, and the provides a framework for govern-
Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad,
theme of the 2013 AGOA Forum ments, the private sector and civil
Comoros, Côte d’Ivoire, Republic
is Sustainable Transformation society to work together to build
of Congo, Djibouti, Ethiopia,
through Trade and Technology. trade capacity and expand busi-
Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana,
Private sector and civil society ness links between the United
Guinea, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia,
programs will take place August States and Africa.
Malawi, Mauritania, Mauritius,
African Growth and Opportunity Act

Increasing trade capacity involves technical assistance trading under AGOA can be found in Ghana, Cameroon,
on world trade rules, customs reform and moderniza- Kenya, Ethiopia, Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire, Mauritania,
tion, development of industry standards and regula- South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, and Zambia in
tions, intellectual property rights (IPR) enforcement agribusiness, textiles, home décor, food processing
and infrastructure modernization. and other sectors. AWEP entrepreneurs have played
a critical role to ensure that gender issues are consid-
In 2012, eligible countries exported nearly $35 bil-
ered under AGOA.
lion in products to the United States under AGOA and
its related General System of Preferences (GSP) pro- AGOA also supports regional economic integration and
visions. Total exports under AGOA have risen more provides incentives for African countries to improve
than 300 percent since the program’s start. Although their investment climates, reduce corruption, respect
petroleum products accounted for 84 percent of AGOA human rights and the rule of law, improve infrastruc-
imports to the United States in 2012, the program has ture and harmonize trade standards to help them
helped promote other, value-added exports such as become more competitive in the global marketplace.
vehicles, apparel, footwear, processed agricultural
products and manufactured goods. Non-oil exports Empowering Trade
to the United States from sub-Saharan Africa totaled
During his recent trip to Africa, President Obama
$4.7 billion in 2012, rising more than 250 percent since
announced “Power Africa” and “Trade Africa,” two
AGOA’s inception.
initiatives to support the continent’s economic growth,
AGOA has helped many African countries — Lesotho, increase trade and “unleash the power of entrepre-
Swaziland and Kenya, for example — to create tens of neurship and markets to create opportunity here in
thousands of new jobs and boost their international Africa.”
With more than two-thirds of the population of sub-
Lesotho is a good example of how AGOA makes a Saharan Africa’s population without electricity, lack
difference. In Lesotho, AGOA has spurred a vibrant of accessible and affordable energy is a key constraint
textile and apparel industry that is the nation’s larg- to economic growth. The president’s Power Africa ini-
est private sector employer. The sector has generated tiative seeks to double access to power in sub-Saha-
more than 36,000 jobs, mainly for women. Lesotho is ran Africa. Power Africa will bring to bear a wide
now sub-Saharan Africa’s largest exporter of garments range of U.S. government tools to support investment
to the United States, with more than $300 million in in Africa’s energy sector, from policy and regulatory
clothing exports to the U.S. in 2012 under AGOA. best practices, to pre-feasibility support and capacity
building, to long-term financing and technical assis-
Since AGOA’s adoption, Mauritius’ exports to the U.S.
tance. The initiative will also leverage private sector
have grown more than 400 percent. The textiles and
investments, beginning with more than $9 billion
apparel sector has grown annually at a rate of 5 per-
in initial private sector commitments to support the
cent and leading nonapparel exports have grown at an
development of more than 8,000 megawatts of new
overall rate of 12 percent since 2001, AGOA has con-
electricity generation in sub-Saharan Africa.
tributed to an expansion of the apparel industry in
Mauritius on a scale that the country likely would not Trade Africa is a new partnership to increase internal
have achieved otherwise. and regional trade within Africa and expand trade and
economic ties between Africa, the United States, and
Women are key beneficiaries of AGOA. The African
other global markets. Trade Africa will initially focus
Women Entrepreneurship Program (AWEP), started
on the member states of the East African Community
by the U.S. State Department in 2010, is a network of
(EAC), with the goals of doubling intra-regional trade
women-led businesses that has been exporting to the
in the EAC and increasing EAC exports to the United
United States under AGOA since 2010. There are cur-
States by 40 percent. It also will support EAC regional
rently 152 members in 48 countries. AWEP companies
integration and increasing EAC trade competitiveness.
African Growth and Opportunity Act

President Barack Obama, during a visit to the continent in late June and early July 2013, affirmed the U.S. commitment to supporting expanded trade with African nations. ©AP Images

The United States will also form to governments, private sector Extending AGOA
public-private partnerships with and civil society organizations to
The Obama administration will
East African and U.S. industries enhance their competitiveness in
work with Congress to extend
and trade associations to stimu- global markets and help African
AGOA beyond the current 2015
late trade in goods under AGOA. businesses use trade opportuni-
expiration. The 2013 AGOA
The United States also hopes to ties available under AGOA. The
Forum will celebrate the progress
expand its collaboration with other trade hubs also support African
achieved through AGOA since its
regional economic communities in businesses and entrepreneurs in
inception in 2000 and will help
Africa, including in cooperation writing business plans, raising
pave the way to AGOA’s renewal
with other partner nations. capital, increasing productivity
so that more Africans can take
and improving production pro-
The U.S. Agency for International advantage of the opportunity to
cesses so that they can meet U.S.
Development (USAID) currently export to the United States. The
and world export standards. In
supports private sector engagement forum will engage ministers from
support of AGOA and Trade Africa,
and investment in Africa through AGOA countries and senior U.S.
USAID will seek to strengthen the
three regional trade hubs in officials in a dialogue on the future
trade hubs and build their capac-
Accra, Ghana; Nairobi, Kenya; and of U.S.-African trade and economic
ity for effectively supporting trade
Gaborone, Botswana. These trade cooperation.
and investment in Africa.
hubs provide technical assistance

Revised July 2013 B U R E A U O F I N T E R N AT I O N A L I N F O R M AT I O N P R O G R A M S

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