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Adds all the numbers in a range of cells.

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Value Sum
Calculate the sum for the list
4 of values.

-You can use a range of numbers
-Empty cells and text values are ignored
-Alt + = is the shortcut to enter the SUM function

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Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of its arguments, which can be number or
names, arrays, or references that contain numbers.

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Value Average Calculate the average for the

4 list of values.

-You can use a range of numbers
-Empty cells and text values are ignored

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Returns the smallest value in a set of values. Ignores logical values and text.
Returns the largest value in a set of values. Ignores logical values and text.

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Value Max Calculate the highest and

4 lowest value in the list.
9 Min

-You can use a range of numbers
-Empty cells and text values are ignored

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More Office Help MAX
Absolute Cell Referencing

Sale Discount 10%

Item ID Item Type Number Sold Cost Per Item Sale Discount Sale Price Total Income
DF456 Shoe 3 £ 19.99 £ 19.99 £ 59.97

JK876 Shoe 5 £ 25.00 £ 25.00 £ 125.00

RE911 Boot 2 £ 44.99 £ 44.99 £ 89.98
CF665 Sandal 6 £ 12.99 £ 12.99 £ 77.94
DT789 Slipper 7 £ 8.99 £ 8.99 £ 62.93
WE321 Shoe 2 £ 29.99 £ 29.99 £ 59.98
UJ383 Boot 5 £ 55.00 £ 55.00 £ 275.00
RE245 Shoe 1 £ 19.50 £ 19.50 £ 19.50
MK682 Slipper 3 £ 7.50 £ 7.50 £ 22.50
JS944 Shoe 6 £ 39.99 £ 39.99 £ 239.94
KK446 Boot 2 £ 49.99 £ 49.99 £ 99.98

Mobile Phones
Phone (Ex Price Sale Sale
Model VAT) VAT (inc VAT) discount Price
BlackBerr £169.00
HTC Wildf £88.00
Sony Eric £35.00
Rio Black £30.00
LG GS290 £40.00
Samsung £89.00
Nokia E5 £90.00

Ice Creams
1. In cell L11, write a formula
to calculate the cost of vanilla
Number Cost of Price of ice creams sold.
of ice ice
Ice Cream Students creams cream 2. Drag the formula down to
Vanilla 5 £1.25 cells L11:L18
Strawberry 9
3. Make sure that the formula
Chocolate 5 is working correctly in all
Banana 2 cells
Coffee 4
4. in cell L19, write a
Rum and Raisin 1
forumula to calculate the total
Black cherry 6 cost of ice cream sales
total cost

1. In cell D26 calculate the VAT to be paid on the Blackberry Curve
VAT 20.0%
You MUST include an absolute cell reference in your formula. Replicate this
formula for the other phones

Sale 2. In cell E26 calculate the price including VAT. Replicate this formula.
discount 10%
3. The Summer Sale is about to begin. In cell J25 calculate the discount to be
given on the Blackberry Curve.
Replicate this formula

4. In column G calculate the sales price of all of the phone models.

e a formula
ost of vanilla

la down to

the formula
ly in all

late the total

ckberry Curve
formula. Replicate this

icate this formula.

lculate the discount to be

phone models.
Returns the specified number of characters from the start of a text string.
Returns the specified number of characters from the end of a text string.

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Value Left Return the first two letters

This is a test from the left of the sentence,
and the first two letters from
Right the right.

-LEFT and RIGHT is often used in conjuntion with TRIM and MID to modify text
-Use MID if you need to start in the middle of text

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More Office Help RIGHT
Rounds a number to a specified number of digits.

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Value Round Round each value by a

123.6 different amount. Include a
123.3 negative amount.
23.847 20

-You can use a negative number for num_digits e.g. -1 rounds number to left of the point
-Check out the functions ROUNDDOWN (Round towards zero) and ROUNDUP (Round away from zero)

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Counts the number of cells within a range that meet the given condition.

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Value 1 Value 2 Criteria Countif Use the criteria with the

Red 10 Blue countif function to return a
Blue 8 <>Blue value.
Green 2 >8
Black 14 <10
Green 7 B*
8 *
Blue 14

-The criteria must be in quotes
-The criteria ignores upper and lower case
-Use a named range to make it easier copying formulas
-Use wildcard characters of * or ?

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Use count and countA
functions to count the list of

Value 1 Count CountA


Adds the cells specified by a given condition or criteria.

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Value 1 Value 2 Criteria Sumif Use the criteria with the sumif
Red 10 Green function to return a value.
Blue 8 <>Green
Green 2 <8
Black 14 >10
Green 7
Blue 14

-The criteria must be in quotes
-The criteria ignores upper and lower case
-Use a named range to make it easier copying formulas
-The range and sum_range do not have to be the same size

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Sumif Function

Sales of the month

Date Product QTY Price Total Qty
8/1/2011 Pen 75 £ 1.50 £ 112.50 Pen
8/3/2011 Post-it 15 £ 4.00 £ 60.00 Post-it
8/5/2011 Paper 200 £ 10.00 £ 2,000.00 Paper
8/7/2011 Pen 50 £ 1.50 £ 75.00 Glue
8/9/2011 Glue 30 £ 3.00 £ 90.00
8/11/2011 Pen 100 £ 1.50 £ 150.00
8/13/2011 Post-it 30 £ 4.00 £ 120.00
8/15/2011 Glue 40 £ 3.00 £ 120.00
8/17/2011 Paper 50 £ 10.00 £ 500.00
8/19/2011 Pen 20 £ 1.50 £ 30.00

Checks whether a condition is met, and returns one value if TRUE, and another value if FALSE.

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Value 1 Value 2 Criteria If function Use the criteria with an IF

Jones Jones Are the names the same? (y/n) function to return a suitable
Smith Smyth Are the names the same? (y/n) statement.
Value 1 Value 2 Result
4 4 Is Value1 greater than Value2?
4 5 If Value 1 is smaller times by 2
10 7 Is Value 1 greater divide by 2 ?

-If the logical_test is invalid it returns a #VALUE! or #NAME! error

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e criteria with an IF
on to return a suitable
If and nested If Function

Complete an if statement for to show if more that

5 sold target has been met.

Item ID Item Type Number Sold Target Met Staff

DF456 Shoe 1 John
JK876 Shoe 5 Bill
RE911 Boot 2 Sally
CF665 Sandal 6 Amanda
DT789 Slipper 7
WE321 Shoe 3
UJ383 Boot 5
RE245 Shoe 9
MK682 Slipper 8
JS944 Shoe 5
KK446 Boot 2
Total Sales 53
A 'conditional statement' often used within a spreadsheet.
An IF statement checks to see if a statement is true or false and then
does one of two things depending on the result.

Sales Comission Earned Sales per month Commission Rate

12 1 to 10 10%
5 11 to 20 15%
21 Over 20 20%
When you need to evaluate an IF function and want more than two choices.

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Value 1 Value 2 Nested IF Choices Use the three choices given

Tom QAR 11,982 First class with a nested IF function to
Sally QAR 8,655 Business return a suitable statement
Mary QAR 2,399 Economy about ticket prices.
Jim QAR 14,580
John QAR 9,764
Cindy QAR 21,289
George QAR 4,768

-Remember to position the parenthesis in the right location

More Office Help IF

choices given
F function to
le statement
Checks whether all arguments are TRUE, and returns TRUE if all arguments are TRUE.
Checks whether any of the arguments are TRUE, and returns TRUE or FALSE. Returns FALSE
only if all arguments are FALSE.

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Value Criteria AND Use the criteria with the AND

4 Both values are >2 function to return either true
8 Both values are <5 or false.
4 Both values are >2 OR
8 Both values are <5

-Also check out the NOT function

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More Office Help OR

Looks for a value in the leftmost column of a table, and then returns a value in the
same row from a column you specify. By default, the table must be sorted in
ascending order.

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Value Vlookup Name Sales Using Vlookup functions return

Maryam Farida $4,901 the sales figures for each of
Salman $1,987 the employees when their
Jabir $3,214 name is entered.
Maryam $6,167
Temim $8,116

-The lookup value must always be in the leftmost column of your table
-The result with be #N/A if nothing is found
-Use absolute references or name the table in order to copy formulas easily
-Description states that it must be sorted in ascending order. That is only required if you use TRUE in the range_lookup
-If you use a col_index_num beyond the table you selected it will return a #REF! error

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functions return
s for each of
when their

UE in the range_lookup
HLOOKUP Function

Exercise 2 Look Up the marks for Sc

Student Name Andy Dough Steve Glen Mark

Marks in Science 64 75 82 65 65
Marks in Maths 87 52 68 32 72
Marks in English 79 40 61 46 66

LookUP Marks in Science

When finished change the
Steve name to any of the above and
see what happens.
Microsoft Excel lookup is a Microsoft Excel
ion function that searches for values in a column
or row of a spreadsheet list or table. The V in
VLOOKUP stands for vertical (column) while
the H in HLOOKUP stands for horizontal (row).
Look Up the marks for Science

Symon Tim Jack

42 56 78
60 61 49
71 56 89

When finished change the

name to any of the above and
see what happens.
LOOKUP Function

Product Price Description

Boom01 $15.00 Flying Range is 10
Boom08 $110.00 Flying Range is 110
Boom09 $165.00 Flying Range is 160
Boom02 $30.00 Flying Range is 20
Boom03 $40.00 Flying Range is 50
Boom04 $45.00 Flying Range is 60
Boom05 $65.00 Flying Range is 70
Boom06 $69.00 Flying Range is 80
Boom07 $100.00 Flying Range is 85

Description Product
Although LOOKUP was one of the first functions in a spreadsheet, the VLOOKUP
can do almost everything that the LOOKUP does and more. The one thing that the
LOOKUP can do that the VLOOKUP (or HLOOKUP) can't do is retrieve a value to
the left or above a lookup_value column or row; it can also have a column and a
row area. LOOKUP function must have the lookup_vector sorted in ascending
order. LOOKUP looks up the greatest value that does not exceed a specified value
anywhere in a table or range.

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