Vocab Priorities Extra Communication 4 CLIL Mountain Rescue

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Eyes Open 3 Mountain rescue Unit 2 CLIL Video 2.

Name Class Date

Before you watch

1 Find three words in the wordsearch to describe
mountain biking.

f a s t z m e p
v e o g f v j g
c l u q x u k l
e x c i t i n g

2 Now complete the text with the words from the

Last weekend I went on a mountain bike trip in Scotland with my friend. We cycled for two days and
had a lot of 1 . We went really 2 down the hills. It was very 3 .

While you watch

3 You are going to watch a video about a mountain biking accident. Watch the first part of the
video (up to 00:31). Complete the phrases.
1 space
2 air
3 and games

4 Watch the second part of the video (from 00:31 to 01:38). Are the sentences true (T) or
false (F)? Correct the false sentences.
1 Bear first checks Jesse’s back and head.
2 Bear calls for help on his mobile phone.
3 Jesse has a broken arm.

5 Watch the final part of the video (from 01:38) and complete the sentences with the correct verbs.
1 Bear has some rope from his survival kit. He it around Jesse.
2 Bear decides to the bike tyres to pull Jesse up the mountainside.
3 He the bike to a tree.
4 He has to hard.

After you watch

6 Write a description of what happened on Bear and Jesse’s mountain bike trip. Compare your
description with your partner’s. Who has remembered the most details?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015 Mountain rescue Unit 2 CLIL Video 2.4

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