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Community Garden

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IATF mandated everyone to stay at home,
especially vulnerable adults 60 years and above and minors. As a minor, you need to stay at
home and make your days productive.

One of your neighbors owned an empty land that they would like to let the public use to
plant various vegetables. As one of the youth volunteers, your help is needed. Your task is to
determine the dimensions of each field based on the area required for each type of vegetable.

The vegetable garden will supply the community with fresh vegetables to boost the
immune system of one another. This cause also supports the care for the environment, as
mentioned by Pope Francis in his book Laudato Si.

The land will be divided into five fields, and there will also be a space for a small pond.
Your task is to determine the dimensions of the fields for bell peppers, cucumbers, tomato,
eggplants, and corn using your knowledge in factoring polynomials and the concept of
perimeter and area. To solve the problem, you have to refer to the layout below.


Criteria Characteristic Description

Accuracy of Computation The computations done are accurate, and a detailed
explanation is provided in every calculation made.
Use of Mathematical Concepts Has shown the correct use of the factoring strategies as
evidenced in the output presented. Other mathematical
concepts were utilized.
Solutions and Answers to the The answers are correct, and the solutions are well
Posed Questions provided. The solutions are solved and written in an
orderly manner.
Reflection The answers to the reflection questions are coherent and
showcase an understanding of factoring and other
mathematical concepts in real life.
Vegetable Garden

(b) (e) (h)


(a) 2 x+1

A=20 x −10 x−10
A=20 x −12 x (g)

(c) 2
A=−6 x +55 x +50
A=60 x −90 x+30

A=10 x +19 x−15 (f)


I. Problem Solving
Answer the problems below to complete the layout. Write your complete solutions on the last

1. The area for the bell pepper and cucumber field should be 20 x 2−12 x square meters and
10 x +19 x−15 square meters, respectively. What are the dimensions of the bell pepper and
cucumber field?
Bell Pepper Cucumber
(a) Length: (b) Width: (c) Length: (d) Width:

2. What is the length of the tomato field if the width is 2 x+1 meters and the area is
20 x 2−10 x−10 square meters?
(e) Length:

3. Mang Jeff plans to plant hybrid eggplants and would like to monitor and study their growth
personally. Mang Jeff would like to put a fence around the eggplant field and closely monitor
their growth to make an accurate observation. Before he buys the material for the fence, he
must know the perimeter of the field. What is the perimeter of the eggplant field if its area is
60 x −90 x+ 30 square meters?
(f) Length: (g) Width: Perimeter:

4. On the corner of the vegetable garden, Mrs. Rosario, the landowner, would like to put a
small pond. The size of the pond should depend on the kind of fish that will inhabit the pond.
For the fish that Mrs. Rosario wants to take care of, a pond with a volume of 6 x 3−x 2−2 x
cubic meters is needed. What should be the height of the pond if the area of the base is
3 x −2 x square meters?
(h) Length: (i) Width: Height:

5. The area of the base of the pond combined with the area of a cornfield is −6 x 2+ 55 x +50
square meters. What is the area of the cornfield? What are the possible values of x if
−6 x + 55 x +50=136?
Area of the cornfield Values of x if −6 x 2+ 55 x +50=136

II. Solution
Write your complete solution and provide a short explanation for each solution made.

III. Reflection
1. Why is it important to know the dimensions of each field? How did you use the concept
of factoring in answering the problems?

2. How did you find the task? Was it easy, challenging, or very difficult? Suppose you find
the task challenging or very difficult. What are the challenges that you encountered in
accomplishing the performance task? If you find the task easy, what makes it easy?

2. Ateneans are known for being men and women for others. As a student, how will you
use your knowledge and skills in Mathematics to create positive change in your family and
community and for the environment?

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