Ratiionalization Sas 1

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1. Which of the following is NOT considered one of the four essential characteristics of a profession?
A. Competence in a specialized body of knowledge and skill
B. The provision of a particular service to society
C. Grounds for administrative actions
D. Standards of education and practice

The four essential characteristics of a profession include:
– Competence in specialized body of knowledge and skill
– Provision of particular service to society
– Standards of education and practice
– Self-regulation

2. Specialty practice acts will vary in emphasis, but the majority will address which of the following?
A. Requirements and qualifications for licensure or certification
B. Penalties and sanctions for unauthorized practice
C. Scope of professional practice
D. All of these apply

In addition to the above Specialty Practice Acts includes:
– Exemptions to basic requirements.
– Grounds for administrative actions

3. In regard to clients and patients, practitioners have a(n) relationship which requires
them to act primarily in the best interest of those they serve.
A. Fiduciary
B. Proper
C. Formal
D. Formulaic

Fiduciary relationship in which one party places special trust, confidence and reliance in and
influenced by another wha has a fiduciary duty to act for the benefit of the other party.

4. It is often the longest part of a lawsuit and, in many instances, ends the case when information is
detrimental to one of the sides.
A. Complaint
B. Answer
C. Discovery
D. Appeal

Discovery often the longest part of the lawsuit and, in many instances ends the case when
information discovered is detrimental to one side. It is also a fact finding phase meant to eliminate
surprises, clarify what the lawsuit is all about and make the parties decide if they should settle or drop
claims and/ or defenses.

5. All but one is the fundamental principles of law?

A. Plasticity and change
B. Concern for justice and fairness
C. Acts are judge on the universal standard of the reasonable person
D. Patient’s Bill of Rights

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In addition to the fundamental principles of law mention above it also includes Doctrine of
Individual Rights and Responsibility.

6. It is one of the sources of modern law that emanates from judicial decisions?
A. Common Law
B. Administrative Law
C. Statutory law
D. All of the above

Common law emanates from judicial decisions. It is a set of principles that have evolved from the
decisions of past court cases and continue to evolve and expand from the judicial decisions that arise
from the new court cases.
Administrative law flows from the rules and regulations and decisions of
administrative agencies. Statutory law arises from legislative bodies

7. This a person who brings an action in a court law?

A. Plaintiff
B. Defendant
C. Complaint
D. Answer

Plaintiff is the one who brings a case against another in a court of law. Defendant is a person against
whom an action is brought. Complaint and Answer is part of the steps of lawsuit.

8. Which of the following is NOT a major element of discovery?

A. Investigation
B. Interrogatory
C. Document request
D. Deposition

The major elements of discovery are: Interrogatory, Deposition and Document request

9. This is the opportunity for each side to question witnesses and parties to a suit to elicit information
about the case?
A. Arbitration
B. Appeal
C. Trial
D. Deposition

Deposition is one of the major elements of Discovery; it is the opportunity for each side to question
witnesses and parties to a suit to elicit information about the case.

10. In the foundation of law, the use of the principle of stare decisis provides the system with needed
stability, and yet it has allowed for the creation of new principles as changing patterns of facts have
emerged. Stare decisis means?
A. Legally sufficient to establish a case
B. Let the decision stand
C. Let the law prevail
D. Legal case

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Stare decisis means “let the decision stand.” Courts use the principles developed in earlier similar
cases and past decisions to inform and decide current decisions.


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