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1. is the principle that deals with the need to tell the truth.
A. Beneficence
B. Veracity
C. Confidentiality
D. Role fidelity

Veracity is being truthful. This binds health practitioner and the patient. The patient must tell the truth
so that appropriate care can be provided. The practitioner needs to disclose information so that the
patient can exercise personal autonomy.

2. The legal principle of a right to privacy is matched to the ethical principle of .

A. Confidentiality
B. Justice
C. Veracity
D. Nonmaleficence

All patient has their right to privacy, we cannot disclose their information to the public as part of
ethical principle of confidentiality. With this important aspect the patient places his or her trust to the
health care professional.

3. The use of placebos is most problematic when you are considering the principle of .
A. Veracity
B. Beneficence
C. Role fidelity
D. Maleficence

We you make use of a placebo you are engaging yourself in a nondisclosure and deception for your
practice of work even if it is for therapeutic purposes, you are still deceiving the patient or lying to the
patient which makes it a conflict with one of the universal principle which is veracity.

4. The famous admonition “If you can’t do the patient good, at least avoid harm,” speaks of the two
important principles of beneficence and .
A. Confidentiality
B. Justice
C. Veracity
D. Non maleficence

Non maleficence means ought not to inflict evil or harm to one person

5. “Nurses should practice nursing and allied health specialist should only practice within their
specialty areas” is an application of the basic principle of .
A. Veracity
B. Beneficence

C. Role fidelity
D. Maleficence


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Role fidelity is to do your role within your scope of practice. E.g. Role of nurse is to provide competent
care to patients and to do in a way that is honest, responsible and fair.

6. When one person has a right, others have obligations to either refrain from hindrance or provide
the required goods and services associated with the right. What type of obligation is this?
A. Imperfect obligation
B. Perfect obligation
C. Correlative obligation
D. Personal obligation

It is commonly held view that rights imply correlative obligations. That is, if someone has a right to x,
then someone else (some person, group of people, institutions, etc.) bears some obligation, or duty
with respect to that right. Sorting out the nature of obligations implied by rights, however, turns out to
be a contentious matter.

7. Perhaps the most famous moralized contractarian theory of rights that includes the concept of an
original position comes from the work of .
A. John Locke
B. John Stuart Mill
C. John Rawls
D. Thomas Aquinas

Perhaps a more useful contractarian model for the development of justified claims for individual rights
is the moralized initial situation as described by John Rawls. Rawls offers a kinder and gentler
arrangement the context for the social contract and envisions an initial situation known as the original

8. What rights are generally equated to the law of God?

A. Artificial Rights
B. Natural Rights
C. Legal Rights
D. Moral Rights

Natural rights were generally equated to the law of God and found their most succinct expressions in
forms such as the Golden Rule.

9. We have different Golden rule across religions, what religion has its golden rule which says “Hurt
not others which you would find hurtful?”
A. Buddhism
B. Brahmanism
C. Islam
D. Taoism

Answer: A
Golden Rule across Religion
Islam-No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires
for himself. Judaism- What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow man.
Buddhism- Hurt not others which you would find hurtful.
Brahmanism- Do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done
to you. Confucianism- Do not unto others that which you would not have
them unto you.
Taoism- Regard your neighbor’s gain as your gain, and your neighbor’s loss as your
own loss. Christianity- All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do
ye even to them.

10. He is an English philosopher where in his model he assumes that the state of nature was a state of
social chaos, and that the origins of law, which are simultaneous with those of morality, are in
social contract.
A. John Rawls

B. John Locke
C. Thomas Aquinas
D. Thomas Hobbes

Thomas Hobbes is known for his Hobbesian model, For Hobbes, nature did not teach lessons to innate
human rights, but rather that human nature itself created the need for something with sufficient power
to crush individual will and bring about acceptable behavior of chaos.


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