Sources in King Lear and The Tempest: Holinshed's Chronicles

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Sources in King Lear and The Tempest

a) King Lear: Besides the legend for king Lear, Shakespeare's most important sources for this
play are probably Holinshed's Chronicles and the anonymous play King Leir; Edmund Spenser's
Faerie Queene contains a character named Cordelia who dies from hanging; and A Declaration
of egregious Popish Impostures by Samuel Harsnett (1603) provided some of the language used
by Edgar while he feigns madness. The subplot comes from a tale by Philip Sidney.
b) The Tempest: There is no obvious single source for The Tempest so far found; however,
enough is borrowed from William Strachey's True Repertary and Sylvester Jourdan's Discovery
of the Bermudas; less important but definite sources are Michel Montaigne's essay Of the
Cannibals and Ovid's Metamorphoses.

2. Two editors of Shakespeare and their importance:

a) Nicholas Rowe - first editor of Shakeseare in modern sense of the term: provided a complete
list of dramatis personae for each play, marked entrances and exits, modernized spelling and
b) Edward Capell - first editor to base his text on the original Folio and quartos.

3. Transmission
(За ова не се сеќавам на што се мислеше: дали на Oral - што значи Pronunciation - или на
Written - што може да значи или на промени во Grammar или Rhetoric или на промени при
препишувањето Bad Quarto - Good Quarto - Prompt Book etc.)

4. Thomas Combe
Thomas and William Combe were brothers and Shakespeare's friends: the first one being
mentioned in Shakespeare's will as an inheritor to his sword, and the second one being a
character in Bond's play Bingo - a wealthy landowner scheming to enclose the common lands for
his own profit.
5. Bad Quarto
A Bad Quarto is a quarto that features some obvious problems and mistakes in the text, probably
because it was an unauthorized copy of the original text made either by a reporter who made
notes during the performance so that he could pirate the play or by a minor actor who was paid
by another company to reconstruct the play from memory.

6.Harrison's Classification of Shakespeare's Works

Early - by 1593; Mature - 1593 -1600; Concentrated - 1600-1609; and Late - 1609-1611.
Prasanja od septemvriska sesija:

1. preveduvanje na sekspir na makedonski... trite fazi od materijalite od Nikola

2. bad quatros
3. imase nekolku likovi od dramite... se sekjavam na BOY od Lear, da napisis koj e so e
4. Enclosure

5. Shakespeare’s vocabulary
1. esejot od onoj Drakakis
2. Bingo - delot kade sto Sekspir si odi doma po snegot, posle sedenjeto vo tavernata so Ben
3. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead - ne se sekjavam tocno na delot, i onaka se lici isto vo
taa kniga 
4. golemiot del bese od The Tempest, kade sto Prospero se otkazuva od svoite mokji

Opisuvanje na tatkovskata ljubov vo King Lear i The Tempest (ili taka nesto)

1. Transmission
2. Kinds of evidence for establishing the Shakespeare Canon
a)________________ external
b)________________ internal
c)________________ style
3. Translation with collaboration
4. Three editors of Shakespeare's works in chronological order
5. Theatre of the Absurd
1. Edward Bond - Lear (pg. 80 - "What can I do?...I am nothing.")
2. Jan Kott - Shakespeare Cruel and True (the first 4-5 sentences)
3. W. Shakespeare - King Lear (act 2, scene 4; lines: 265-275)
1. Edward Bond - Bingo (scene 5, pg 53 - "My house...the snow and the moon.")
1. The use of violence in "King Lear", "Bingo" and "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead"
2. "The Tempest" in some way is seen as a tragicomedy. Duscuss!

Natali Brajković
 1. Sources in King Lear and The Tempest
a) King Lear: Besides the legend for king Lear, Shakespeare's most important sources for this play are
probably Holinshed's Chronicles and the anonymous play King Leir; Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene
contains a character named Cordelia who dies from hanging; and A Declaration of egregious Popish
Impostures by Samuel Harsnett (1603) provided some of the language used by Edgar while he feigns
madness. The subplot comes from a tale by Philip Sidney.
b) The Tempest: There is no obvious single source for The Tempest so far found; however, enough is
borrowed from William Strachey's True Repertary and Sylvester Jourdan's Discovery of the Bermudas;
less important but definite sources are Michel Montaigne's essay Of the Cannibals and Ovid's

2. Two editors of Shakespeare and their importance:

a) Nicholas Rowe - first editor of Shakeseare in modern sense of the term: provided a complete list of
dramatis personae for each play, marked entrances and exits, modernized spelling and punctuation
b) Edward Capell - first editor to base his text on the original Folio and quartos. 

3. Transmission
(За ова Садик, не се сеќавам на што се мислеше: дали на Oral - што значи Pronunciation - или на
Written - што може да значи или на промени во Grammar или Rhetoric или на промени при
препишувањето Bad Quarto - Good Quarto - Prompt Book etc.)
4. Thomas Combe
Thomas and William Combe were brothers and Shakespeare's friends: the first one being mentioned in
Shakespeare's will as an inheritor to his sword, and the second one being a character in Bond's play
Bingo - a wealthy landowner scheming to enclose the common lands for his own profit.

5. Bad Quarto
A Bad Quarto is a quarto that features some obvious problems and mistakes in the text, probably
because it was an unauthorized copy of the original text made either by a reporter who made notes
during the performance so that he could pirate the play or by a minor actor who was paid by another
company to reconstruct the play from memory.

6.Harrison's Classification of Shakespeare's Works

(Не можам да ја најдам поделбава кај Харисон, Садик, но по сеќавање не би требало да грешам):
Early - by 1593; Mature - 1593 -1600; Concentrated - 1600-1609; and Late - 1609-1611.

 Ova se temite na esei za 1:

1. King Richard and the importance of the female characters in the play...znam trebase ubavo da znajs za
zenskite likovi vo dramata...i
2. Hamlet as the ambassador of Death in the play, e sega ti da si odlucis dali smetas deka toj e vinoven
t.e. nositel na smrtta vo dramata ili ne!!!

Sh 2
Shakespeare Cruel and True- Jan Kott znam vo koj del, ama mi padnalo neshto za ova.
2. Blank verse od kaj onaa tabelata za dramite (e, zaradi ova ti trebashe skriptata...ako ne najdish ke mi
3. The Fool
4. Who commits crime against nature in King Lear?-ova beshe tema za pishuvanje, a odgovorot go
diskutiravme, treba da se pishuva za Lear himself.
5. Whether nature is presented as benigle or malign?...vo svojstvo na nakloneta ili ne kon covekovata
sudbina...pak za Lear, ama za celoto delo, i ova e vo sostavite 
6. Nihilism: "Like flies to wanton boys are we to gods, they kill us for their sport" Glocester...prashanje
7. Did he die of heart-broken or sth that brought him out of joy? Cordelia, he believes is alive (Lear
question possible :))
8. Nature vs. Nurture ...tema za esej
9. Go ima citatot so demi-puppets od The Tempest-za objasnuvanje
10. Prashanje: foul and fair paper? od editing Shakespeare...

Knizh 7 - prv del:

Section A: 1. Name the 4 major theatres/playhouses and the years of their construction (staveni linii,
samo pishuvash kratko)
2. Give the title, author and year of composition of the critical texts about W.S. that we have studied
(dadeni linii, samo naveduvash)

Section B: 3 excerpts, give the title, author, speaker and with ONE sentence, the thematic importance:
1. Prvite 10 reda od Richard's opening soliloquy (Now is the winter...)
2. Epilogue - if I were a woman
3. Delche od sredina na ''to be or not to be'' speech

Section C: date (i.e. title, author, speaker, year of composition), paraphrase and interpret the excerpt:
the "tomorrow" speech by Macbeth

And section D: Write an essay on 2 pages:

1. Discuss Richard III as a play that studies issues of politics and gender. (Be specific!)
2. For all his daring, boldness, wit and charm, Hotspur is a threat to the country and we see he is
vanquished by a better man. (Be specific!)

Knizh 8 - vtor del:

Section A: Define/identify (be specific!):

1. Bad quarto
2. Thomas Combe
3. Internal evidence
4. D. Fischlin and M. Fortier
5. How are Shakespeare's plays classified according to Harrison
6. Name 2 editors of Shakespeare and their significance
7. Transmission (ova prashanje se odnesuva na oral and written transmission, i.e. pronunciation and
spelling od lekcijata Shakespeare's English)

Section B: excerpts:
1. Pochetokot od Jan Kott's Shakespeare Our Contemporary
2. Od "Lear" (modernata), delot kon krajot, Lear vika "I can do nothing, I am nothing"
3. "King Lear" - izvadokot so "Hear, Nature, hear dear goddess, hear..."
4. excerpt grande: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Have Given Up the Ghost (pardon my intervention:) -
neshto po pochetokot, prviot golem speech na Guil, so un, sub and supernatural forces and laws of
probability (ne cel, do ''relief'')

Section C, ili D, ne znam ni jas vekje: 2-page essay on ONE topic (ne sfativ oti beshe naznacheno deka
treba na edna tema da se pishuva   
1. Prospero is in some ways like a god. Yet in some ways he is not. Discuss the ways in which he is and
is not like a god. (temava beshe maaaalkucka poslozheno formulirana, mozhebi mesto ''is'' stoeshe ''acts''
2. Discuss the enclosure and social background in Edward Bond's play "Bingo"

Stationer's Guild-prasanje
2. The Globe Theatre, spored Harrison (eden handout)
3. The First Folio-obavezno godina 1623!!!
4. A woman on the stage-ova vo tetratka, ama ne padna...
5. Citat "Now is the winter of our discontent" R III
6. Tema-The female roles in Richard III-mnogu e glupa i teshka...NIKAKO, a se paga
7. Stichomythia-kratko prashanje
8. Morality vs. Miracle plays-prashanje
9. The Elizabethan World Picture...spored types of characters...kratko
10. Micro vs. Macrocosm...kratko
11. Falstaff...imashe i nekoja tema so nego, vazen lik e...go saka Koshka i go dava
12. Universality in Shakespeare's temi sto gi obrabotuva se everlasting truths 
13. Pagaat kako kratko prashanje the basic concepts: pathos...
14. Why is the knowledge of the source important for us?-vo handout An earlier version of Hamlet
15. Sources for the plays: especially the tragedies and historical plays...kratko prashanje
16. Nesto tema imashe za disguise vo As you like it
17. What makes love subversive...ova e prashanje od na cas, ama ne na ispit
18. HAMLET: "The readiness is all", "The rest is silence" and "The time is out of joint"...imashe temi
povrzani so ovie citati od Hamlet
19. quintessence of dust...ktakto prashanje
20. Henslowe's Diary...kratko
21. MAGBETH: Compression of time-tema...ama beshe nesto pospecificno

22. Equivocation...kratko prashanje

tri prasanja: imashe za sekspir vo makedonija (za tie trite nacini na preveduvanje), imashe
prasanje za enclosures, prvoto prasanje imashe kako nekoi podprasanja (imase da se napise
ulogata na The Player od Ros and G. i uste dve tri so kratki odgovor). Za raspoznavanje imase
od handouts, a za esei imase tema od Lear(da pisuvas dali haousot preovladuva vo dramata ili
ljubovta) a drugata tema ne mi teknuva sto bese, nesto za Bond ama ne bese za enclosures.

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