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Strand Mismatched (STEM) and It’s Effect on Student Academic


A Research
Presented to the Faculty of
Malinta National High School (Senior High School)

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

John Carlo Aragon

John Paul Bañas

Francis Bombay

Ronalyn Albania

Carla Joyce L. Baay

February 2020

The Problem and Its Background


Mismatches are characterized as the difference between a

student's position in the continuum of abilities based on testing

according to (Max Niser. 2013). According to (Rey Gamboa, 2017) The

kto12 program starts in kinderfarten and 12 years of basic education.

The first 6 years is the primary education, 4 years in junior high school

and 2 years in senior high school. This is to help students to have a

sufficient time to master or develope their skills.

Also kto 12 helps student to improve and to educate students.

After graduating junior high school they need to choose track its either

academic or technical vocational. Under academic track it has a 4

Strand. Choosing the right strand is one of the hardest decision that

student is facing. That why many student are confused in selecting the

right strand. And some of the student follow their ability in choosing

strand that lead for the wrong strand.

Student having a wrong decision of their strand can be the reason of

having a lower academic performance.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Outputs

The Subject
are selected
based on the
conducted by
the Researcher
The Researcher
give survey to
Academic Grade
the Msmatched
of Mismatched
Mismatched Student’s and
Student’s Matched
comparing to Student’s

Figure 1:Research Paradigm

the conceptual framework shows the sequence of the study.

The point of the figure is even in a short period of time,readers will

have an idea on the entire paper.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find out on how does affect of strand

mismatched of students in academic performance,Also it amis to find

out if there is significant difference between the academic performance

of matched and mismatched student in academic performance.

1. What is the level of interests of the Mismatched students and

Matched in terms of STEM Competencies?

2. What is the average of the mismatched students For the past 3

consecutive semister in Stem Strand?

3. What is the significant difference in the academic performance of

mismatched and Matched students?

4. What is the effect of strand mismatched to the academic


Null Hypothesis

With 0.05 level of significance the researcher will test the given Null


There is no significant difference in the Average of Mismatched

student and Matched Student.
Significance of the Study

Students This study will help the students to know the effects of

having a mismatched strand and how it affect their tertiary course.

Teachers Teachers will be able to help in guiding the students

having a mismatched strand and also guide them on what they might

take in college.

Future Researchers The researchers will be able to understand

how strand mismatched affect the student's interest in studying.

Scope & Delimitation

The main purpose of this study is to know how the strand

mismatched affects the academic grade 12 stem students The study

aims to know the academic grade of a student in their strand

mismatched. The researchers limited they study to is match and

mismatched from grade 12 stem students in malinta national high

school-senior highscool. The first sem of the school year 2019-2020.

Each respondents will be chosen from four(4) different section to avoid

Bias and get the main objective of the study.

Definition of Terms

Mismatch it is the term use to determine that they are not in

line with the said strand that they are taking now in senior high.

Match is the opposite of mismatch where something is in line

with the strand that they are taking in senior high.

Academic Performance is the range of how a student

achieved their educational goals.

Grade 12 STEM Students is the students who take Science,

Technology, Engeneering, nd Mathematics as their strand in senior

high school.

Reseach Methodology

Research Design

This reseach is a comparative research which will compare two

subjects, the mismatch students and the match students to determin if

the strand mismatch can affect the students academic perfrmances.

This kind of research will hwlp the reseachers to gather valid and

appropriate data.

Population and Sampling Technique

The researchers will bw using purposive sampling technique to

choose the respondents of the study. The researchers will choose the

respondents who can give data and information that will match to the

study. The respondents of the stud will be 15 students from the

Science, Technology, Engeneering,and Mathematics strand that is

match to their strand and another 15 students from the same strand

who are mismatch to their strand from Malinta National High School-

Senior High. A total of 30 students will be selected to be respondents

of the study.
Reseach Locale

The area of where the study will be conducted will be limited

only to schools in Valenzuela City specially in Nalinta Ntional High

School – Senior High for easy and convinient gathering of data. The

reseachers narrowed down the research locale to the science,

Technology, Engeneering,and Mathematics strand of grade 12 students

at Malinta National HighSchool – Senior High. The narrowed research

locale will help the researchers to comprehend the research topic.

Research Intruments and Techniques

The researchers will be using thegeneral weighted average of the

choosen students. There will be a pre- survey forms to be distributed

to identify the respondents. The researchers will be using the grades

coming from the science, Technology, Engeneering, and Mathematics

students in their grade 11 1st and 2nd semester grade for the school

year 2018-2019 and also the 1st semester grade for the school year

Data Gathering Procedure

Selection Grouping Identifyi

of s of the ng the
respondent responde grade 11
s through nts 1st & 2nd
pre- semester Statistical
survey and
mismatch Analysis
grade 12
-match semester
group GWA

Figure 2:

The respondents of the study will be chosen purposively. The

researchers will first conduct a pre- survey that will determined the

students from STEM of grade 12 with mismatch and match to their

strand. Before conducting the study virtous considerations must be

settled first. A letter to conduct the study must be signed first by the

school’s focal person and the school’s principal for ethical purposes.

Approval from the students is an important factor before making them

a respondent of the study. It only means that the students are aware

that they are going to be a respondent and was given a choice to allow

or deny the right to be a respndent/s of the study and they are not
forced to be part of it, as the consent were given first before anything


After the researchers distinguish the students with match and

mismatch to their strand, the researchers will commence to get the

weighted average of the respondents from their grade 11 1st and 2nd

semester in the school year 2018-2019 and also the grade 12 1st

semester for the school year 2019-2020. A letter will be given to the

class adviser a proof that the researchers are allowed to use the

students grades as data of the study. The researchers will make sure

that the data collected will only be use for researh purposses only.

Treatment of the data

To answer the questions given to this study, the data collected

were statistically treated by using mean, standard deviation, and t-


Mean -it was used to get the average in the previous academic

grades of the two groups.


Figure 3: formula computed for mean


M= mean

f= frequency

x= scores

N= total number of respondents

T-test is used to determin the significant difference between two

groups that are different from one another.

𝑠2 𝑠2

Figure 4: t-test formula


𝑀𝐴 = group A

𝑀𝐵= group B

𝑠 2= estimator of the common varianceof two samples

𝑁𝐴− size of group a

𝑁𝐵= size of group b

Result,Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter will discuss the result of the study.Table will be used to

present the data gathered for more efficient and to understand the

result.The result will be based on the level of mismatched and match

student in terms of STEM competencies

Table 1:

Level of Mismatched and Mismatched Student’s in terms of

STEM competencies

This table shows the result the level of interest of mismatched and

matched student’s in terms of STEM student’s competencies it will

help the researcher.

Mean Verbal Interpretation

Mismatched Students 2.49 Uninterested

Matched Students 3.27 Interested

The figure shows the level of mismatched and matched student in

term of the stem competencies it to divided into 2 categories it is

mismatched student and matched student. The mean of the

mismatched students are falling to 2.49 the verbal interpretation is

uninterested show that mismatched students are uninterested in stem

competencies the mean of while matched students are in 3.27 it shows

that matched student have interest in stem competencies. Therefore

student should be engaged

actively and must be show their interest in class practical work so that

they will achieve the effectiveness of learning(Nayir, 2017)

Teaching strategies of teacher possible to increase student

comprehension and can lead good performance(Richard paul et al.


Table 2

Average of Mismatched And Matched Student’s

This table shows the avereage of mismatched and matched student in

the past 3 consecutive. it show if have interest or uninterest of the

student in STEM strand.

M3 82 Interest MM 3 83 Interest

M4 87 Interest MM 4 77 Uninterest
M5 90 Interest MM 5 85 Interest

M6 83 Interest MM 6 88 Interest

M7 89 Interest MM 7 79 Uninterest

M8 92 Interest MM 8 77 Uninterest

M9 89 Interest MM 9 88 Interest

M10 92 Interest MM 10 89 Interest

M11 88 Interest MM 11 88 Interest

M12 88 Interest MM 12 84 Interest

M13 85 Interest MM 13 87 Interest

M14 89 Interest MM 14 86 Interest

M15 83 Interest MM 15 85 Interest

MEAN 87.60 Interest MEAN 84.20 Interest

Based on the average of the matched students for the past 3

consecutive semester matched students have a higher mean which is

87.60 it only means that they are highly interested in STEM

competency.While mismatched students has 54.20 average mean

which indicates that they are not interested in STEM

competency(Mingsheng Li et al.2002)



This table shows the result of Mean ,Mean difference,Computed, t -

value , Critical value and the null hypothesis if reject or accept. and

shows the study of researcher have significant.

Group Mean Mean Computed Critical Decision Interpretation

Difference T -value T-

Matched 87.60 3.40 2.62 2.05 Reject Significant at

Ho 0.05
Mismatched 84.20

Base on the table shows the t - test result of comparison of the mean

for the unpaired sample namely Group Matched (Matched student's in

STEM strand) and Group Mismatched ( Mismatched Student's in STEM

strand).The resulted

mean of Group Matched is 87.60 while the resulted mean for Group

Mismatched is 84.20. the mean difference of Group Matched and

Group Mismatched are 3.40.the computed t- value is 2.62 while the

critical t - value is 2.05, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected; there

is significant difference in the academic performance student in the

past 3 consecutive semester.

The result explain by the study conducted by Tynjäl( 1999) At the

point when students are progressively intrigued, they perceive

themselves as finding out more and José Luís Abrantes et al.(2006)

this will reflect their general assessment of the learning process.Higher

understudy premium prompts higher saw learning.

Chapter 4

Summary, Conclusions, and Recomendations

This chapter present the summary of the findings, conclusion and

recomendations based on the data analysis in the previous chapter.

base on the interpretation and analysis of the results from the

gathered data, researchers were able to determine the effect of

mismatched strand on the academic performance of Grade 12 student

wrong choice in STEM strand.

Summary of the Findings

The focus of the study is to determine the effect of Strand

mismatched on the academic performance of Grade 12 student wrong

choice in STEM strand. the researchers used the average in the past 3

consecutive semester of students have mismatched choice in STEM

strand compared to the average in the past 3 consecutive semester of

students have matched choice in STEM Strand.

With the use of comparision of mean for unpaired sample t -test, the

researchers were able to determine if there is a significant difference

between the average of MMS and Average of MS.

What is the level of interests of the Mismatched students and

Matched in terms of STEM Competencies?
Based on the finding of the study.The mean of the mismatched

students are falling to 2.49 the verbal interpretation is uninterested

show that mismatched students are uninterested in stem

competencies the mean of while matched students are in 3.27 it shows

that matched student have interest in STEm competencies.

What is the average of the mismatched students For the past 3

consecutive semister in Stem Strand?

Based on the average of the matched students for the past 3

consecutive semester matched students have a higher mean which is

87.60 it only means that they are highly interested in STEM

competency.While mismatched students has 54.20 average mean

which indicates that they are not interested in STEM competency

Is the significant difference in the academic performance of

mismatched and Matched students

Based on the table shows the t - test result of comparison of the

mean for the unpaired sample namely Group Matched (Matched

student's in STEM strand) and Group Mismatched ( Mismatched

Student's in STEM strand).The resulted mean of Group Matched is

87.60 while the resulted mean for Group Mismatched is 84.20. the

mean difference of Group Matched and Group Mismatched are 3.40.the

computed t- value is 2.62 while the critical t - value is 2.05, therefore

the null hypothesis is rejected; there is significant difference in the

academic performance student in the past 3 consecutive semester.

What is the effect of strand mismatched to the academic


based on the result of the study it's have effect the academic

performance of those students have experience of Strand mismatched

in STEM strand it effect their performance in the class possible can

low their grade in STEM strand.


The study focuses in determining the effect of Strand Mismatched

of those Student experience the strand mismatched of Grade 12 STEM

students. the average of students in past 3 consecutive semester of

the mismatched students compare the average of matched

students.Through comparison of the means for unpaired sample t -

test, the researchers were able to determine the significance between

the average of MMS and the average of MS.

The resulted t - test result of comparison of the mean for the

unpaired sample namely Group Matched (Matched student's in STEM

strand) and Group Mismatched ( Mismatched Student's in STEM

strand).The resulted mean of Group Matched is 87.60 while the

resulted mean for Group Mismatched is 84.20. the mean difference of

Group Matched and Group Mismatched are 3.40.the computed t- value

is 2.62 while the critical t - value is 2.05, therefore the null hypothesis

is rejected; there is significant difference in the academic performance

student in the past 3 consecutive semester. The researcher found out

that strand mismatched affect the academic performance of STEM

students in STEM strand.

That is why there should be control the strand mismatched to

prevent the negative effect of Strand mismatched of the Student that

affect the academic performance of STEM students.chose right strand

that suite to your academic performance and to achieve the goal for

better future and good productive individual in society.


Further research about the research topic recommended

by the researchers. the researchers recommend the teachers, school

administrators, parents, family member, and other person involved to

have control strategies in order to prevent the negative effect of

strand mismatched of students. Also, the researchers recommended

the following suggestions for broader and more thorough

understanding on the study:

1. larger number of participant / respondents

2. Use to all strand of this study

3. find more similar study

4. Vary research locale



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Chapter 1

Abrantes et al (2017) cited in (Tynjälä, 1999) Pedagogical

affect, student interest, andChapter 2erformance
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

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