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Strategic Management

1. Strategic matter taken care mostly by the _____ management

Top Middle Lower Office
2. _____ steps involve in process of strategic management
4, 3, 5, 6
3. High growth – High market share means ______
Stars, Cash cows Dogs Question mark,
4. Strategy implementation is the _____ step in the process of strategic
Last First Second Third
5. Weight and measures Act, Consumer credit Act, Sale of Goods Act, is cover
under the _____ low.
Consumer Employee Protection Competition Legal
6. Business Manager is involved in _____ level of strategy
Top Middle Lower Business
7. FDI stands for ___________.
Fixed Deposit Investment Foreign Direct Investment
Fixed Deposit Interest Fixed Direct Investment
8. The new economic policy ________ has open door for many private players to
enter the market.
1990 1991 1992 1993
9. PIN stands for _________
Personal Identification Number
Permanent Identification Number
Personal Ideal Number
Personal Identification Nature
10. The Factory Act passed in __________
1947 1948 1949 1950
11. Reduce carbon emissions, provide recycling facilities involve in ______
Business Ecological Social Technological
12. CEO Stands for ________
Center Electronic officer
Chief Executive officer
Central Executive officer
Chief Electronic officer
13. _______means broadening or enlarging the company’s product range by
introducing new products or by extending the range of existing products.
Diversification Diversion Definition Disturbing
14. ________Analysis can be done at two levels- business level and the corporate
Strategic Business Environmental SWOT
15. _________ management is more dynamic than functional management as it is a
combination of all the other structures.
Matrix SBU Divisional Functional
16. _______ is the process of bringing forth the best efforts of subordinates in
accomplishing group assignments.
Motivation Evaluator Collaborator Developer
17. ______ are the criteria that enable managers to evaluate future, current, or past
Standard Motivation Evaluator Collaborator
18. Determining benchmark focus, Planning& research, gathering data, analysis,
recommendation, Implementation is a _____ of bench marking.
Types Importance Process advantages
19. Strategic evaluation & ______ is a process of determining the effectiveness of
a given strategy in achieving the organizational objectives.
Control Formulation Implementation Planning
20. The _____ of strategic evaluation provide information & experience to the
strategic required to prepare new plan.
Feedback Planning Process Control
21. ________ benchmarking means performances metrics give numerical standard
to a key process or product.
Internal External Performance Process
22. Gap analysis is a widely accepted business tool that is used today by nearly
every type of ______
Business Environment Scanning World
23. ________ control is designed to check methodically and constantly whether the
premises on which a strategy is based are still valid or not.
Operational Strategic Premise Implementation
24. MBO stands for ________
Management by objective
Management by obligation
Marketing by objective
Marketing by obligation
25. Strategic _________ is the ability to lead a n organization towards the
achievement of its objective.
Leadership Behavior planning Matrix

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