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A) Production from aquaculture has risen significantly from 1995 to 2010

B) 1960 all the way to about 2000, basically all seafood was wild caught in Chile
C) In 2005, the fish population had likely been worn out in wild waters to a point where the
catches were outweighing the amount of fish actually being produced, leading to a huge
decrease in fish population.
D) Buying shrimp, a secondary consumer, from a farmed source as opposed to scallops, a
primary consumer, is less environmentally friendly, as the shrimp almost takes 10x more
energy to raise the same amount of food compared to a primary consumer.
E) Buying wild caught salmon over farmed salmon will cause the wild salmon population to
decrease further, potentially leading to an extinction of fish in the area.
F) One way to prevent this is to have protected zones where salmon can reproduce safely
and not be killed by fisherman before being able to reproduce.
G) One unintentional consequence of this could be more overfishing in the areas that are
allowing salmon fishing.
H) Public ownership of fish populations means that the government is very limited on how
many regulations they are allowed to put on fishing. Limited regulations means that
fishers can overfish without getting in trouble, leading to populations of fish dropping

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