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Two-Point Determinations of

Permeability and PV vs.

Net Confining Stress
Stanley c. Jones,* SPE, Marathon Oil Co.

Summary. Empirical equations are presented that accurately fit permeability, PV, or porosity data vs. net confining stress. Each
of these equations has four adjustable parameters. With little loss of accuracy, however, two of the coefficients can be preset.
Consequently, permeability, PV, or porosity measurements need to be made at only two confining stresses-e.g., at 1,500 and
5,000 psi [10.3 and 34'.5 MPa] to define the stress dependence within close tolerances completely.
With the techniques described, economical measurements of these stress-dependent properties can be made on a routine basis.
The results can be used to calculate PV compressibility and to estimate productivity declines resulting from permeability reduction
as deep, high-pressure reservoirs are drawn down.

Many workers l - 29 have shown that the permeability, PV, and sandstone and conglomerate core plugs ranging in length from 1.6
porosity of a rock sample decrease with increasing confining or to 3 in. [4.0 to 7.6 cm]. The operation principle ofthis instrument
"overburden" stress. The decrease is most rapid at low stresses is similar to that described in Ref. 34. However, this instrument
and becomes progressively more gentle at higher stresses. Fig. 1 has been modified in several respects from the one described. First
shows three curves of the permeability ratio at a given stress to of all, the capability of making PV measurements has been added
permeability at zero net stress vs. net stress. Net stress in this case by incorporating an internal valve to the outlet end of the core
and throughout this paper is defined as the difference between holder. When this valve is open, gas (helium) can exit from the
isostatic (or hydrostatic) confining stress and the average pore plug for a Klinkenberg permeability measurement. When the valve
pressure. is closed, it seals the effluent end of the core plug, and helium is
Isostatic stresses rarely apply in an actual reservoir environment expanded from a chamber of accurately known volume into the core
because the vertical stress is generally greater than lateral stresses. plug, which was initially filled with helium at atmospheric pres-
It is difficult to justify using triaxial or even biaxial stresses in the sure. The PV of the plug is calculated from the ratio of the gas
laboratory, however, unless measurements are being made on pressure initially in the reservoir before expansion to the pressure
whole-core samples. The principal stress can be applied along the in the reservoir plus core plug after expansion, from a Boyle's law
axis of a whole-core sample by a hydraulic ram, and the two or- calculation.
thogonallateral stresses (approximated as being equal) can be ap- The second change was to increase the strength of the core holder
plied by pressure on a rubber sleeve. Core plugs, on the other hand, so that it can accommodate 10,000 psig [69 MPa] sleeve pressure.
are generally cut perpendicular to the vertical axis, and it is not Additionally, it has been provided with a pneumatically driven ram
easy to simulate reservoir stresses for plugs cut in this orientation. that applies an axial stress to the plug equal to the sleeve pressure.
Two different stresses cannot easily be applied to the rubber sleeve Sleeve pressures up to 10,000 psig [69 MPa] are applied through
unless a mechanical stress is superimposed on the hydraulic a pressure intensifier.
pressure. The third major modification was to automate the instrument fully.
Only core plugs were measured in this study, and because of the Up to 18 core plugs can be loaded into a carousel. The length, di-
difficulty of applying appropriate triaxial stresses, only isostatic ameter, and core plug identification are typed into a microcomputer
stresses were used. Teeuw 30 has shown how to translate hydrostat- that controls the instrument. The confining stresses, up to a maxi-
ic compaction data into uniaxial formation compactions if the Pois- mum of eight, are then entered. After all the plugs have been load-
son ratio of the rock is known or can be estimated accurately. ed and the information entered, the operation is completely
Andersen 31 and Andersen and Jones 32 have presented experimen- automatic. The final output includes the Klinkenberg permeabili-
tal data comparing the two stress modes. ty, Klinkenberg slip factor, Forchheimer inertial coefficient, PV,
The main difficulty with obtaining compaction data and and porosity for each confining stress selected. If two or more stress-
permeability-stress data is that mea~urements must be made at sever- es have been selected to be run on a particular plug, then
al stresses to define the curves adequately. Furthermore, in the past, permeability-vs.-stress and PV -vs.-stress curve fits are made au-
each ofthese measurements has been a tedious undertaking; hence, tomatically. In the instrument described earlier, the starting pres-
they have been expensive. This paper will demonstrate how these sure for permeability measurements was 100 psig [689 kPa]. In
curves can be generated from measurements at only two stresses the new instrument, the starting pressure has been increased to 250
and will explore the magnitude of errors that may be generated. psig [1.7 MPa]. The main reasons for the increase were to improve
Jones and Owens 25 developed a permeability-stress correlation that the accuracy of PV measurements, to increase the accuracy of the
permits a two-point fit, modified by Ostensen. 33 The equations inertial term, and to increase speed in the permeability measure-
presented in this paper should be more applicable over a wider stress ments. The minimum upstream pressure for the permeability meas-
range than the previous correlations. urements has been increased from 1 to 20 psig [7 to 138 kPa].
Another change was to provide three helium reservoirs instead
Experimental Measurements of one. The three reservoirs consist of a manifold, which has a rela-
All measurements in this study were made with an unsteady-state tively small volume, and a small tank and a large tank that can be
Klinkenberg permeameter-porosimeter on I-in. [2.5-cm] -diameter selectively connected to the manifold through valves. The manifold
alone is used as the reservoir for the Boyle's law expansion for
PVand for permeability measurements with tight core plugs. The
'Now with Core Laboratories (Division of Western Atlas Intl.).
. small tank is connected to the manifold for permeability measure-
Copyright 1988 Society of Petroleum Engineers ments on somewhat higher-permeability plugs. The largest tank is
SPE Formation Evaluation, March 1988 235







E 40 Core Plug 8-2
~ -"
"- .S 0
"" s


.3 8

.2 4


o .2 4 .6 1.0
- e- c / c*
a. kpsi
Fig. 2-Straight-line transformation of permeability-stress
Fig. 1-Permeability VS. net stress data with best fit of Eq. 1. data.

connected to the manifold for yet higher permeability plugs, and inlet end of the plug is somewhat less than 250 psig [l. 7 MPa].
both tanks are connected for very permeable plugs. With the avail- At its outlet end, the pore pressure is atmospheric (0 psig). At the
able tank combinations, permeabilities ranging from about 0.01 to termination of the permeability determination, the inlet and outlet
3,000 md can be measured. Lower-permeability plugs « 10 /-td) pore pressures are about 20 psig [138 kPa] and 0, respectively. Be-
can be measured, but the time requirement becomes excessive. The cause these pore pressures are changing with both time and posi-
time required for each permeability and PV measurement varies tion in the plug, the net stress also varies accordingly. With a plug
from about 30 seconds to 5 minutes, except for the lowest- that demonstrates a considerable variation in permeability with net
permeability plugs, which require more time. stress, this means that the plug's permeability is also varying with
For the measurements described in this paper, all plugs were care- time and position. However, the mathematics used in the curve fit
fully cut into square-ended cylinders, then cleaned in a Soxhlet ex- of the pressure-time data generated during a permeability meas-
tractor with toluene and dried in a vacuum oven. The rubber sleeve urement assumes a constant permeability during that measurement.
used to confine the plugs was a 70-durometer Buna-n tube with Thus, if the permeability varies significantly during a single meas-
3/16-in. [0.48-cm] wall thickness. All measurements were made urement (these changes are greatest at the lowest stresses), then
in the order of increasing stress. The PV measurement was made the constant-permeability assumption distorts all of the parameters
first, followed by the permeability measurement without relieving resulting from that curve fit (k, b, and (3). Consequently. the mini-
the stress between the two measurements. The stress was then in- mum recommended confining stress is 1,000 psig [6.9 MPa] (1,500
creased to the next higher level without relieving it, and so on. psig [10.3 MPa] is the preferred minimum value).
We consider the lowest stress measurements to be the least reliable
with this instrument, and in general, routine measurements at con- Empirical Equations
fining stresses less than 1,000 psig [6.9 MPa] are to be avoided. The data of Fig. 1 have been fit by the empirical equation
The low-stress PV measurements suffer because a heavy-walled
rubber sleeve does not completely conform to microscopic irregular-
ities of the core surface at low stresses. Consequently, PV com- k=ko exp{ak[exp(-ala*)-I]}/(1+Ca) . .............. (1)
pressibility measurements at these low stresses tend to be too high.
Low-stress permeability measurements also tend to be less reliable The curves connecting the data points represent a "best fit" for
than the higher-stress measurements because at the start of an each core plug in that all four of the coefficients in Eq. 1 (k o, ak'
unsteady-state permeability measurement, the pore pressure at the a*, and C) were fit using least-squares techniques. Fig. 1 shows

236 SPE Formation Evaluation, March 1988




a. kpSi

Fig. 3-Best fit of PV-stress data.


9 6-2

O. kpoi

Fig. 5-Sensitivity of curve with high ak to a*.


6 a typical spectrum of permeability reduction vs. increasing stress--a

rather minor permeability reduction occurs for Core Plug 6-2,
whereas a significant one is shown for Core Plug 11-2. In general,
5 8-2 greater reductions occur with lower-permeability samples. In tight-
gas reservoirs, a ten-fold permeability reduction is not un-
common. 25
Eq. 1 may be rewritten in an equivalent form:
.., In[k(l + Co)] =In ko -ak[l-exp( -0/0*)] . .............. (2)

. A semilogarithmic plot ofEq. 2 results in a straight line with inter-
cept ko and a slope of (-ak)' Fig. 2 shows such a plot. These are
+ 3
the same data shown in Fig. 1. Notice that the abscissa ranges from
zero to one. The zero corresponds to a net stress of zero, and
,..a. one corresponds to infinite stress. Note that the right point on each
line corresponds to a net stress of nearly 10,000 psi [69 MPa]
(see Fig. 1).
PV reduction with increasing stress exhibits the same general be-
havior as the permeability reduction. Fig. 3 shows the ratio of the
stressed PV to that at zero stress as a function of net stress for the
same three core plugs. The curves connecting the data points
represent least-square fits by use of Eq. 3:

Vp = Vpvoexp {av[exp( -0/ 0*)-1]}/(1 + Co) . ........... (3)

Eq. 3 is identical in form to Eq. 1. The four adjustable parameters,

of course, have different values from those for permeability data.
Comparing Figs. 3 and I, notice that the PV reduction is much
less than the permeability reduction for corresponding plugs.
Fig. 4 shows the linear transformation of the data shown in Fig.
3 according to Eq. 4:
-0/0* In[Vp(l+Co)]=ln Vpvo -a v [1-exp(-%*)] . .......... (4)
1 - e

Fig. 4-Straight-line transformation of PV-stress data. Permeability and PV data from a number of core plugs were fit
by use of Eqs. 1 and 3. For a majority of the cases, the decay cons-

SPE Fonnation Evaluation, March 1988 237

1000 I I
800 t- -
700 ~

- 6-2


600 t-

500 -- 9-1
-- --.-
400 - 7-1
">iE ". .....\ ~

- ..-
~'~ ......

"'<~.~.~ -----
9-2 ..-
- --
200 ~

..... -c
"" ...... ~..
70 b
0 ,
a,kpsi M 100 t- -
+ 90
Fig. 6'"-Sensitivity of curve with low a k to c:r*. 80~ -

60r- -- 10-2

10 50

-- 8-2

30 --
201- -

.2 .4 .6 8 1.0
1_e- a !3000

Fig. 8-Two-point fits of permeability-stress data-high per-


severe case-i.e., one that has a significant permeability reduction

with increasing stress. In Fig. 5, C has been set to 3 x 10 -6 psi- I
[0.44 x 10 -6 kPa -I]. Now suppose that permeabilities were meas-
" ured at confining stresses of 1,500 and 5,000 psi [10.3 and 34.5
O. kpal MPa]. If the correct value of a* were 2,000 psi [13.8 MPa], then
this curve in Fig. 5 would be the correct one. Suppose, however,
Fig. 7-Sensitivity of curve with high a k to C. that we tried to fit these data using a decay constant of 3,000 psi
[20.7 MPa]. The difference between these two curves would
represent the error generated. The error is 0 at 1,500 and 5,000
tant, a*, had values fairly closely clustered about 3,000 psi [20.7 psi [10.3 and 34.5 MPa] because these ar~ the two points used to
MPa]. The coefficient C varied from 0 to about 10 x 10 -6 psi- I fit the data. The maximum interpolation error between these two
[1.45 x 10 -6 kPa -I] and averaged about 3 x 10 -6 psi -I [0.44 x points occurs at a stress of about 3,000 psi [20.7 MPa], where it
10- 6 kPa -I]. If these two coefficients could be fixed a priori, is 1. 2 %. The maximum extrapolation errors occur at stresses of
then the linear form of the equations as shown in Figs. 2 and 4 o and 9,000 psi [0 and 62 MPa] in Fig. 5. The error at 9,000 psi
suggests that the entire permeability-stress or PV -stress curve could [62 MPa] is 3.5%, and it is 5.7% at zero stress. However, the con-
be approximated from measurements at only two stress levels. Be- dition of zero net stress in an actual reservoir situation would prob-
cause stresses lower than about 1,500 psi [10.3 MPa] are to be avoid- ably never apply. Therefore, the errors illustrated for this case are
ed for the reasons given earlier, and because stresses much higher probably within the experimental accuracy of most permeability
than 5,000 psi [34.5 MPa] result in reduced sleeve life in a Hassler- measurements. Fig. 5 also illustrates another comparison. Suppose
type core holder, the two stresses of choice would be about 1,500 that the true a* for this case were 5,000 psi [34.5 MPa]. The er-
and 5,000 psi [10.3 and 34.5 MPa]. rors generated by assuming a value of 3,000 psi [20.7 MPa] are
1.4% at this net stress and 3.7% at 9,000 psi [62 MPa].
Sensitivity to Fixed Parameters Fig. 6 illustrates a more frequently encountered situation in that
Before arbitrarily setting fixed values for a* and C, it is important the permeability reductions are less severe than those shown in Fig.
to gain an understanding of the sensitivity of the curves to these 5. The coefficient ak' which is the negative of the slope of a semi-
parameters so that an estimate of the error generated in using them logarithmic plot (see Fig. 2), is about 0.2 ill Fig. 6 compared with
may be made. Fig. 5 illustrates a hypothetical example for a fairly 0.5 in Fig. 5. If the curves in Fig. 6 represented by a* values of
238 SPE Formation Evaluation, March 1988

8~--~~~~~-.~ __j
8 ..
.. -

1.0 t>

.8 ......

-0 .6

E ~

t> .4


---- .....
.4 .6 .8 1.0
1 _ e- a /3000

Fig. 10-Two-polnt fits of PV-stress data .

when the points at 1,500 and 5,000 psi [10.3 and 34.5 MPa] are
fit: Fig. 8 shows typical results for plugs ranging in permeabilities
from about 40 to nearly 700 md. In every case, the points chosen
.01L-~ __ ~__-L__-L__ __ __
~ ~ ~ __L-~~~
for the fit are the third and fifth points from the left side. These
o .2.4 .8 1.0 correspond to confining stresses of 1,500 and 5,000 psi [10.3 and
1_e- a /3000 34.5 MPa] and the corresponding net stresses of approximately
1,390 and 4,890 psi [9.6 and 33.7 MPa], respectively. For the
Fig. 9-Two-point fits of permeability-stress data-lower per- majority of the points, the fits are quite acceptable.
meabilities. Fig. 9 shows two-point fits for lower-permeability plugs. Lines
M-2 and M-3 were calculated from data presented by McLatchie
et at. II Note that, in general, the slopes of these lines tend to be-
come more negative with decreasing permeability.
2,000 and 5,000 psi [13.8 and 34.5 MPa] are the "true curves"
Fig. 10 demonstrates that PV data can also be successfully fit
which we are trying to approximate by using a u* of 3,000 psi [20.7
from data taken at two confining stresses, 1,500 and 5,000 psi [10.3
MPa] as discussed for Fig. 5, then the errors generated at a net
and 34.5 MPa]. The same arbitrary constants, 3,000 psi [20.7 MPa]
stress of 3,000 psi [20.7 MPa] are only 0.5%. This is the maxi-
for u* and 3 x 10 -6 psi -I [0.44 x 10 -6 kPa -I ] for C, were used
mum interpolation error between the measured stresses of 1,500
for these fits. Note that in Fig. 10, the point farthest to the left on
and 5,000 psi [10.3 and 34.5 MPa]. The maximum extrapolation
each line seems to lie slightly above the line. We believe that this
error at 9,000 psi [62.0 MPa] is 1.7%.
is a result of an experimental error rather than a flaw in the two-
Because u* values of 2,000 and 5,000 psi [13.8 and 34.5 MPa]
point technique. As discussed previously, this is probably a result
generally represent the extremes for the "best fit" curves for perme-
of incomplete conformance of the rubber sleeve to microscopic ir-
ability and PV data, we can conclude from the examples shown
regularities on the surface of the core at the lowest net stress, which
in Figs. 5 and 6 that interpolation errors are well within experimental
is approximately 390 psi [2.7 MPa].
accuracy, and extrapolated values are also quite accurate provided
The decrease in porosity with increasing stress can also be han-
that the extrapolation is not too big.
dled by this technique. First of all, porosity is related to PV by
We will now investigate the sensitivity of the curves to C. Fig.
the following relationship:
7 shows three curves in which u* is held constant at 3,000 psi [20.7
MPa], but C is varied from 0 to 10 x 10 -6 psi -I [0 to 1.45 x 10- 6
</>= Vp/(Vp + VG), .................................. (5)
kPa -I]. Fig. 7 shows that Chas an appreciable effect only at high
stresses. The deviation of the two outer curves from the center one
at 9,000 psi [62.0 MPa] is about ±1.3%. or, if rearranged,

Two·Polnt Fits </>1(1-</»= VpIVG' ................................. (6)

Now that the permeability- and PV-stress curves have been shown
to be fairly insensitive to the values of u* and C, we should expect Because grain-volume compressibility is much lower than PV com-
to get fairly good fits of the data by a priori setting u* to 3,000 pressibility, for practical purposes, grain volume can be considered
psi [20.7 MPa] and Cto 3xlO- 6 psi- I [0.44xlO- 6 kPa- I ], constant for any given core plug. Therefore, </>/(I-</» is propor-
SPE Formation Evaluation, March 1988 239
.50 I I T

.40f- 5

.3Ot- --- 6-1

- .......


- 9-2


.., ... ... - W-1

+ >
c .10 - 0

... -- -


- W-2

.04 00
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 2 4 6 8 10
-0"/3000 a. kpsi
Fig. 11-Two-point fits of porosity-stress data. Fig. 12-PV-compressibillty curves.

tional to PV. Thus, this group must replace Vp in the previous Eq. 4 may be differentiated with respect to stress to yield PV
treatment. This results in compressibility:

~ =(~)exp{av[exp( -u/u*)-I]}/(l+Cu), ..... (7) CPV=

ave- U / U* C
+ - - ........................... (10)
I-!/> l-!/>o u* 1 +Cu

or equivalently, Fig. 12 shows PV compressibilities for three of the core plugs

fit by the two-point method.
In[(-!/>-)o +CU)]=ln (~)-av[l-exp( -u/u*)]. A note of caution should be added. When the derivative of ex-
perimental data is required, these data generally need to be about
I-!/> I-!/>o
one order of magnitude better quality than when the derivative is
..................................... (8) not required. Because PV compressibility is essentially a deriva-
Fig. 11 shows two-point fits of porosity-stress data according to tive of PV -stress data, several precautions need to be observed to
Eq. 8. Data for Lines W-I, W-2, and W-3 are courtesy of Walls. * ensure adequate data quality. For example, a core plug must be
The question arises about what happens if the yield strength of cut (or ground) so that it is free from surface irregularities, its ends
the sample is exceeded-in between the two stresses measured. This are square and do not have chips missing, etc. Otherwise, these
can and occasionally does happen, especially with friable, poorly flaws will cause low-stress compressibilities to be too high. Also,
cemented samples. There are two classes of failure. The first is more than two stresses are generally recommended for these meas-
catastrophic-the sample is crushed. Other than the cleanup mess, urements. As an example, the constant C, which is fairly unimpor-
there is no problem in interpretation. The second type of failure tant for describing PV-stress data in Eq. 4, controls the value of
is much more subtle. When the yield strength of the rock is ex- PV compressibility (see Eq. 10) at high stresses. With good-quality
ceeded, fracturing, slippage of grains, and irreversible compaction data, however, Eq. 10 does a good job of describing PV compres-
can cause changes in the permeability-stress and PV-stress curves. sibility and provides appropriate data smoothing.
Experience has shown that semilogarithinic plots; such as Fig. 2
or 4, exhibit two straight-line portions for these rockS instead of Conclusions
the single, straight line. The intersection of the two segments oc- 1. The equations fit all data tested very w!!ll-and through a broad-
curs at the compressive yield strength of the rock. The second por- er net stress range (0 to 10,000 psi [0 to 69.0 MPa]) than others
tion has a steeper slope than the first segment. This change in slope that are available.
usually does not happen at hydrostatic stresses less than about 4,000 2. If permeability and PV (or porosity) are measured at confin-
psi [27.6 MPa]. An intermediate point at 3,000 psi [20.7 MPa] ing stresses of 1,500 and 5,000 psi [10.3 and 34.4 MPa], interpo-
should be run every few samples if irreversible compaction is sus- lated values are fairly insensitive to u* and a value of 3,000 psi
pected. lethe three points do not lie on the same line (Fig. 2), then [20.7 MPa] may be used instead of the "best-fit" value, with little
the yield strength probably has been exceeded and further resolu- loss of accuracy.
tion is needed. 3. Extrapolations may also be made with good reliability, provided
they are not too large.
PY Compressibility 4. The fits are appreciably affected by the parameter C only at
PV compressibility is defined as higher stresses, above 6,000 psi [41.4 MPa]. A value of 3 x 10- 6
psi -1 [0.44 x 10 -6 kPa -1] may be used reliably for extrapola-
tions to 10,000 psi [69.0 MPa].
-iWp -a In(Vp) 5. Because of the relative insensitivity of the fits to u* and C,
Cpv= - - = ......................... (9)
Vpaa au meaurements may be made that accurately define the entire
permeability-stress and PV- (or porosity-) stress curves in the range
'Personal communication; J.D. Walls, Core Research, Mountain View, CA (t986). of interest. However, multiple-point (5 to 8) measurements on a

240 SPE Formation Evaluation, March 1988

few samples are recommended for a new reservoir or sand type. 15. Dobrynin, V.M.: "Effect of Overburden Pressure on Some Properties
Also, checks should be made to ensure that irreversible compac- of Sandstones," SPEJ (Dec. 1962) 360-66.
tion is not occurring. 16. Knutson, C.F. and Bohor, B.F.: "Reservoir Rock Behavior Under
6. Complete PV compressibility curves can be obtained from two- Moderate Confining Pressure," Proc., Fifth Symposium on Rock
point PV -stress measurements, but more points are recommended. Mechanics, U. of Minnesota (May 1962) 627-59.
17. Geertsma, J.: "Problems of Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Production
7. The two-point measurements made in the apparatus described Engineering," Proc., First IntI. Congo Rock Mech., Lisbon (1966).
permit the permeability- and PV- (or porosity-) stress dependence 18. Wilhelmi, B. and Somerton, W.H.: "Simultaneous Measurement of
to be determined on a routine basis. Pore and Elastic Properties of Rocks Under Triaxial Stress Conditions,"
This paper does not address the further loss of permeability when SPEJ (Sept. 1967) 283-94.
a rock sample is contacted by water or brine, which can be espe- 19. Chierici, G.L., Ciucci, G.M., and Long, F.E.: "Effect of the Over-
cially severe in tight samples. The reader should refer to Ref. 25, burden Pressure on Some Petrophysical Parameters of Reservoir
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20. Brace, W.F., Walsh, J.B., and Frangos, W.T.: "Permeability of Granite
Under High Pressure," J. Geophys. Research, 73, No.6 (March 1968)
Nomenclature 2225-36.
ak = constant in Eqs. 1 and 2, and negative of slope in a 21. Vairogs, J. etal.: "Effect of Rock Stress on Gas Production from Low-
semilog plot, such as Fig. 2 Permeability Reservoirs," JPT(Sept. 1971) 1161-67; Trans., AIME,
av = constant in Eqs. 3,4, 7, 8, and 10, and negative of 251.
22. Thomas, R.D. and Ward, D.C.: "Effect of Overburden Pressure and
slope in semilog plots, such as Figs. 4, 10, or 11 Water on Gas Permeability of Tight Sandstone Cores," JPT (Feb. 1972)
C = constant in equations, which is arbitrarily set to 120-24.
3xlO- 6 psi- I [0.44 x 10-6 kPa- I ] for two- 23. Jones, F.O.: "A Laboratory Study of the Effects of Confining Pres-
point fits, psi -I [kPa -I ] sure on Fracture Flow and Storage Capacity in Carbonate Rocks," JPT
(Jan. 1975) 21-27.
cpv = PV compressibility, psi -1 [kPa -1]
24. Walls, J.D., Nur, A.M., and Bourbie, T.: "Effects of Pressure and
k = slip-corrected (Klinkenberg) permeability at net Partial Water Saturation on Gas Permeability in Tight Sands: Experimen-
stress, a, md tal Results," JPT(Aprii 1982) 930-36.
ko = slip-corrected permeability at zero net stress, md 25. Jones, F.O. and Owens, W.W.: "A Laboratory Study of Low-
Permeability Gas Sands," JPT(Sept. 1980) 1631-40.
VG = grain volume of sample, cm 3
26. Freeman, D.L. and Bush, D.C.: "Low-Permeability Laboratory Meas-
Vp = PV of sample at net stress, a, cm 3 urements by Nonsteady-State and Conventional Methods," SPEJ (Dec.
Vpvo = PV of sample at zero net stress, cm 3 1983) 928-36.
cf> = porosity of sample at net stress, a, fraction 27. Jennings, J.B., Carroll, H.B., and Raible, C.J.: "The Relationship of
cf>o = porosity of sample at zero net stress, fraction Permeability to Confining Pressure in Low-Permeability Rock," paper
SPE 9870 presented at the 1981 SPEIDOE Symposium on Low-
a = net isostatic stress on sample = hydrostatic confining
Permeability Gas Reservoirs, Denver, May 27-29.
stress-average pore pressure, psi [kPa] 28. Rose, W. and Sampath, K.: "Measurement of Formation Characteris-
a* = decay constant,arbitrarily set to 3,000 psi [20.7 tics for Western Tight Sands-Quarterly Report January I-March 31,
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29. Sampath, K.: "A New Method to Measure Pore Volume Compressi-
bility of Sandstones," JPT (June 1982) 1360-62.
References 30. Teeuw, D.: "Prediction of Formation Compaction from Laboratory
1. Botset, H.G. and Reed, D.W.: "Experiment on Compressibility of Compressibility Data," SPEJ (Sept. 1971) 263-71; Trans., AIME, 251.
Sand," AAPG Bulletin (1935) 19, 1053-60. 31. Andersen, M.A.: "Predicting Reservoir Condition PV Compressibili-
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3. Biot, M.A.: "General Theory of Three-Dimensional Consolidation," 32. Andersen, M.A. and Jones, F.O.: "A Comparison of Hydrostatic-Stress
J. Appl. Phys. (1941) 12, 155-64. and Uniaxial-Strain PV Compressibility Using Nonlinear Elastic The-
4. Heid, J.G. et al.: "Study of the Permeability of Rocks to Homogene- ory," 26th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Rapid City, SD
ous Fluids," Drill. & Prod. Prac., API (1950) 230-46. (1985).
5. Fatt, I. and Davis, D.H.: "Reduction in Permeability with Overbur- 33. Ostensen, R.W.: "The Effect of Stress-Dependent Permeability on Gas
den Pressure," Trans., AIME (1952) 195, 329. Production and Well Testing," SPEFE (June 1986) 227-35.
6. Hall, H.N.: "Compressibility of Reservoir Rocks," Trans., AIME 34. Jones, S.C.: "A Rapid Accurate Unsteady-State Klinkenberg Per-
(1953) 198, 309-11. meameter," SPEJ (Oct. 1972) 383-97; Trans., AIME, 253.
7. Hughes, D.S. and Cooke, C.E.: "The Effect of Pressure on the Reduc- 35. Juhasz, I.: "Conversion of Routine Air-Permeability Data into Stressed
tion of Pore Volume of Consolidated Sandstones, " Geophysics (1953) Brine-Permeability Data," 10th European Formation Evaluation Sym-
18, 298-309. posium, Aberdeen, ApriI22-25, 1986.
8. Geertsma, J.: "The Effect of Fluid Pressure Decline on Volume Changes 36. Swanson, B.F.: "A Simple Correlation Between Permeabilities and Mer-
of Porous Rocks," Trans., AIME (1957) 210, 331-40. cury Capillary Pressures," JPT (Dec. 1981) 2498-2504.
9. Fatt, I.: "Pore Volume Compressibilities of Sandstone Reservoir
Rocks," Trans., AIME (1958) 213, 362-64.
10. Roberts, J.E. and de Sousa, J.M.: "The Compressibility of Sands,"
51 Metric Conversion Factors
Proc., ASTM (1958) 58, 1269-77. in. 3 x 1.638 706 E +01 cm 3
11. McLatchie, A.S., Hemstock, R:A., and Young, J. W.: "The Effective psi x 6.894 757 E+OO kPa
Compressibility of Reservoir Rock and Its Effects on Permeability," psi- I x 1.450377 E-Ol kPa- 1
JPT (June 1958) 49-51; Trans., AIME, 213.
12. Wyble, D.O.: "Effect of Applied Pressure on the Conductivity, Porosi-
ty, and Permeability of Sandstones," Trans., AIME (1958) 213, 430. SPEFE
13. van der Knaap, W.: "Nonlinear Behavior of Elastic Porous Media,"
Trans., AIME (1959) 216, 179-86.
14. Bishop, A.W. and Henkel, D.J.: The Measurement of Soil Propenies Original SPE manuscript received for review Oct. 5, 1986. Paper accepted for publication
in the Triaxial Test, second edition, E.J. Arnold & Son, Ltd., London April 9, 1987. Revised manuscript received July 20, 1987. Paper (SPE 15380) first presented
(1962) 228. at the 1986 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in New Orleans, Oct. 5-8.

SPE Formation Evaluation, March 1988 241

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