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2013 3rd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, Yildiz Teclmical University, Istanbul, Turkey,

October 2-4,2013

A Novel Fuzzy Cause-and-Effect-Networks Based

Methodology for a Distribution System's
Fault Diagnosis
Muhammad Mustafa Walid EI-Khattam Yasser Galal
Arab academy for science and technology Ain Shams University Arab academy for science and technology
Cairo, Egypt Cairo, Egypt Cairo, Egypt

Abstract- Distribution systems gained importance due to their utilizing data of power angles, voltage, and current waveforms
proximity to huge numbers of consumers. Power distribution recorded in detecting devices [1]. Unfortunately, these devices
system operation is essential for consumers and equipment are costly, thus, not available at all substations. On the other
safety. In case of abnormal events, accurate and fast fault
hand, the most widely used techniques were based on the
diagnosis (identifying fault's location and type) is a vital issue to
Expert System approach (ES) as in [2-3]. These ES rule-based
retrieve a sound distribution system's operation. Thus, in this
paper, a novel on-line distribution systems fault diagnosis
techniques suffer from slow response time due to conventional
methodology using fuzzy-cause-and-effect-networks (FCE-Nets) knowledge representation and inference mechanisms. In [4-5],
is presented. Both, a fault's location and type are identified using the Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) were presented. They
simple matrix operations, Fuzzy logic data base, and if-then­ do not require the defining of the system schemes and
rules. Two case studies are carried out to evaluate the proposed configurations and have quick response and short diagnosis
methodology. The obtained results are compared with two process time. However, ANN needs additional training for
different methods: Expert System (ES) with Artificial Neural every modification in the system besides the initial training
Networks (ANNs) and cause-and-effect-network (CE-NETs) to
which takes a long time to derive the required network
evaluate the proposed method. The comparison outcomes are
weights. These drawbacks are enlarged as the network
discussed and conclusions are reported.
becomes more complicated. The Fuzzy logic technique was
IndexTerms-Fault diagnosis, Fault location, Fault type, implemented in [6-7]. Results showed that the fuzzy logic
Fuzzy-cause-and-effect-networks, Fuzzy logic. technique is able to express incomplete or uncertain
information. In [8-9], cause-and-effect-network (CE-NETs)
I. INTRODUCTION and Boolean matrix were used for fault diagnosis methodology
The main objective of power systems is to provide a to overcome the common drawbacks in the ES and ANN
reliable and continuous supply for their consumers. In the systems. However, CE-NETs methodology still suffers when
event of fault occurrence, the operator/dispatcher aims to dealing with any inaccurate situation to provide accurate
minimize the damages to equipment in faulted areas, isolate results.
faulted equipment and components, and restore the system as In this paper, a novel fault diagnosis methodology is
soon as possible. However, the operators/dispatchers may find investigated based on a fuzzy-cause-and-effect-networks
it difficult and time consuming to provide the right decisions. (FCE-Nets) technique to assist the operator/dispatcher when
This mission becomes more complex if multiple faults have he faces alarm attacks due to faults in distribution systems'
occurred or some equipment have malfunctioned. Therefore, a substations. It is based on mixing the cause-and-effect
successful decision will be achieved after recognizing and networks, Boolean matrix operations, and fuzzy logic
identifying the fault's location, characteristics, and type, which techniques. This methodology is concerned with fault
are the basic tasks of the fault diagnosis in power systems. The diagnosis using the status of protective devices as it is
accuracy of fault diagnosis depends on the completeness of the commonly available in existing SCADA systems. Two case
event's messages, i.e. how much information can be obtained studies were carried out on two systems to evaluate the speed
from them about the fault case. and accuracy of the proposed methodology. The assessment of
the proposed methodology to identify both a fault's location
Researchers investigating fault diagnosis are concerned and type is identified even when dealing with inaccurate
with the data to be used for fault diagnosis and the situations. The simplicity in construction and ease in
implemented identification methodologies to improve their modification of the developed methodology, with practical
accuracy and speed. With respect to data, the most widely considerations to suite a wide range of distribution systems
used data are the status of Circuit Breakers (CBs) and configurations, are illustrated. In Section II, the proposed
protective relays. Besides, most power systems are equipped methodology of FCE-Nets and fuzzy logic are presented. Two
with Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) case studies are carried out and the obtained results are
systems to improve and facilitate monitoring and operating presented and discussed in Section III. Finally, discussion and
processes. Furthermore, Phase Measurement Units (PMUs) conclusions are provided in Section V.
show promising results to identify the fault's location and type

978-1-4799-0688-8/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE

2013 3rd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, Yildiz Teclmical University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2-4,2013

II. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY B. Fuzzy Cause-Effect Networks (FCE-Nets)

Fault diagnosis is mainly concerned with identifying a The Cause-Effect Networks (CE-Nets) and FCE-Nets are
fault's location and type. [n the proposed methodology: graphical tools for database representation which make it
• Fault location identification is carried out using FCE-Nets. easier for operators/dispatchers to understand and be able to
Various conditions are evaluated such as occurrence of maintain the database for any system. However, the proposed
single/multiple faults and with/without failure equipment. FCE-Nets are preferably used as they have the ability to
• Fault type identification is carried out by implementing the express the degree of certainty of any information as a real
Fuzzy-Data-Base and If-Then rules. Four fault types are number between 0 and 1 which will not be achieved by the
applied; Single-Line-to-Ground (SLG), Double-Line (DL), classical CE-Nets. Furthermore, FCE-Nets can easily represent
Double-Line-to-Ground (DLG) and Symmetric-Three­ causality between faults, actions of protective relays and CBs
Phase (30). by three kinds of nodes and arcs as shown in Figure 2.

The following subsections explain mathematically in details the

proposed methodology:
A. Data Base and Rule Base of the Fuzzy Logic
Fault Section node Relay Node CB node Relay node
Fuzzy sets provide a mathematical way based on the
concept of possibility to define an element x in the universe X Fig.2 Basic node-arc relations in FCE-Nets
giving it various degrees of belonging between 1 and o.
1) Membership Function: The membership function The following matrix, vectors and operations are defined to
develop the inference procedures:
describes the degree that the element x belongs to the fuzzy
set A. A higher value of flA(X) means a greater degree of 1) Rule Matrix of FCE-Nets: This matrix (ll) describes the
membership. An element of a fuzzy set is an ordered pair relations between the nodes and arcs of the FCE-Nets. Its
construction is n by n, where n is nmnber of conditions.
{ 0fli',
containing a set element and the degree of membership in the
fuzzy set. if Cj implies conditio � Ci
11: x --> [0,1]
R [i,j] =
(1) otherwise

A fuzzy set A can be defined as follows: 2) Reasoning with Fuzzy Rule Matrices: [n [[ 0], some
A = {(x .IlA(X)) II x EX} (2) vectors were defined to transform string based conditions into
nmnerical form for reasoning and computation as following:
The trapezoidal fuzzy Membership M was used in the
proposed method. It is characterized by four points (a, b, c, d), a) Truth State Vector (T): It represents the fault symptom
where (bc) denotes the core in which the membership value is with the status of protective devices.
equal to 1 and (ab and cd) indicate the left and right b) Fault Node Vector (F): It represents the fault section

{ 1, ,
boundaries of the trapezoidal distribution. Figure 1 shows a nodes of the FCE-Net.
trapezoidal fuzzy membership function M parameterized by if Cj E fault section node
F[i] =
(a, b, c, d). o otherwise
c) Backup Node Vector (B): [t represents the backup relay

nodes of the FCE Net.
if Cj E backup relay node
B[i] =
o otherwise
d) Transformation vector (TV): It is responsible for
inferring from the truth state of given fault symptoms to the
fault cause.
TV= iF<8>T (4)
E :>
Where "<8>" is the fuzzy multiplication operator.
Fig.l Trapezoidal fuzzy membership function
e) The updated transformation vector T*: The updated
2) If-Then Rules: A rule consists of prior parts describing transformation vector is used to remove the status of backup
causes and the resultant parts describing effects. The general relays from fault section candidates.
formulation of a fuzzy implication rule can be denoted as: T* == TV - [IF <8>(B 1\ T) ] (5)
(3) Where "!\"is the fuzzy min-operator.

This infers that the truth of condition Cj implies the truth of j) Estimated Fault Section (EFS): By the following
condition Ci with a certainty factor CF = Pi. So the larger the equation the faulted section can be identified:
value of a certainty factor is, the more reliable the rule is. EFS = T* 1\ F (6)
2013 3rd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, Yildiz Teclmical University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2-4,2013

C. Inference of the Proposed Fault Diagnosis Method used in practice. In the meanwhile, more accurate results can
1. Fault section estimation by FeE-Nets be obtained if the system was a special equipped with PMUs
that are based on phase angle beside the current and voltage
The step-by-step procedure to identify the fault location is as
values. However, implementing the proposed method is more
economic than using PMUs.
a) From SCADA data, identify the relations between The step-by-step procedure to identify the fault type is as
protection devices to set the nodes and arcs, Figure 2. They are follows:
used to construct the relations diagraph network of the system a) SCADA system provides measurements of the feeder
and create the rule matrix of the system R [i,j] , the fault currents and bus voltages.
vector F[i] , and the backup vector B[i]. Historical records of b) These values are converted into fuzzy terms then these
relays and CBs behaviors when dealing with fault situations tenns are specified by the membership functions of the fuzzy
were used to identify the limits of the sets of the membership
sets. All measurements, in root mean square value, are
functions of the system's rule matrix.
described as three fuzzy sets: Low (L), Nonnal (N) and High
b) Get the truth state vector entries by detecting fault
(H). The related membership functions are defined in fuzzy
symptoms from SCADA systems.
data base.
c) Calculate entries of the TV vector.
c) These sets are then used in the evaluation of the fuzzy
d) Compare the vectors T and TV. If they equal, then
rules. In [11], Table I shows the summary of rules for
T*will equal TV. But if they are not equal, equation (5) will be
identifying fault types suitable for any earthing or grounding
used to get the value of T*. system.
e) Determine the fault section from the EFS vector. d) The maximum membership grade (degree of
belonging) stands for the dominant rule and is selected to be
Figure 3 shows the flow chart of fault location estimation. the final result. This step shows the main advantage of the
fuzzy logic by which identifying of the fault type process will
cover several cases even if there are common characteristics
between any type of fault and another. Figure 4 shows the
flow chart of fault location estimation.
Get Truth state
vector (T) Table I. Summary ofmles for identifying fault types
Rule # IA IB Ie IN VA VB Ve Type
Perform fuzlY truth R4 H H N N L L N DLAB
.tate tran.formatlon R5 N H H N N L L DLBC
(TV "RT ®T)
Updated trensformetion vector
(T' .. TV - [nT ®(B " T)) )

SC.ADA System

Asslan TV value to T'


IA� IH� Ie � IIV� V A�

VB and Vc
Calculate Estimated of fault sections

fault .ectlon
EFS .. T' "F

Translate-Crisp values
in"to FuzzV terlTls

Cornpute membership

Fig.3 The fl ow chart of fault location estimation Evaluate dominate


2. Fault Type identification

Select:ed fault tvpe \Nith

In this paper the membership functions and the fuzzy high belonging grade

rules used in the proposed methodology are based on the

values of the voltage and the current during the fault
implemented using default equipped systems that are widely Fig.4 The fl ow chart of fault type identifi cation
2013 3rd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, Yildiz Teclmical University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2-4,2013

III. CASES UNDER STUDY Table II. Set of node conditions

To verity the proposed methodology, various case studies Node Description Node Description
are carried out. The obtained results were compared with those CI A fault occurs at feeder Fl CI5 A fault occurs at feeder F4
reported in literatures. The proposed methodology was C2 Relay COl operates CI6 Relay C04 operates
C3 CB CBI tripped CI7 CB CB4 tripped
modeled mathematically using Mat-lab fuzzy tool-box and
C4 COI operates but CBI fails CIS C04 operates but CB4 fails
carried out on two actual distribution systems. C5 Relay COMI operates CI9 A fault occurs at feeder F5
A. CASE 1 C6 CB CBMI tripped C20 Relay C05 operates
[n [12], a method based on Expert System (ES) with C7 A fault occurs at feeder F2 C21 CB CB5 tripped
CS Relay C02 operates C22 C05 operates but CB5 fails
connection with ANN was used for online power substations'
C9 CB CB2 tripped C23 A fault occurs at feeder CI
fault diagnosis. An actual system, Figure 5, was used assuming CIO C02 operates but CB2 fails C24 Relay COCI operates
no transmission errors. The scenario under study is as follows; Cl l A fault occurs at feeder F3 C25 CB CBCI tripped
a single LG fault occurs at phase A of feeder 1. CO relay CI2 Relay C03 operates C26 COCI operates but CBCI fails
"C03A" operates and trips breaker "CB3", however, the LCO Cl 3 CB CB3 tripped C27 A fault occurs at section BUSI
relay "LC03" fails. The steps of the implementation of the CI4 C03 operates but CB3 fails

proposed methodology are as follows: Table III. Nonzero Entries of Rule Matrix
Rli,jJ Rli,jl Rli,.iJ Rli,jJ Rli,jl
R [1,1] R[5,IS] R[9,9] R[17,16] R[24,23]
R[2,1] R[5,22] R[I0,I0] R[17,17] R[24,24]
R[2,2] R[5,26] R[l l ,l l ] R[IS,1S] R[25,24]
R[3,2] R[5,27] R[12,1I] R[19,19] R[25,25]
R[3,3] R[6,5] R[13,12] R[20,19] R[26,26]
R[4,4] R[6,6] R[l 3,l 3] R[20,20]
R[5,4] R[7,7] R[14,14] R[21,20]
R[5,5] R[S,7] R[15,15] R[21,21]
R[5,1O] R[S,S] R[16,15] R[22,22]
R[5,14] R[9,S] R[16,16] R[23,23]

Table [V. Nonzero entries of fault vector (F)

Flij Valne Description
F[7] I F2
F[l l ] I F3
F[15] I F4
FlO F9 F8 F7 F,6 F2 F3 F4 F5 F[19] I F5
F[23] I CI
Fig.5 Distribution system of Case I F[27] I BUSI

a) Fault section estimation process Table V. Non zero entries of the operating vectors and the results of Case I

Step 1: The relation diagraph of this system is shown in Conditions hold Fanlt sections
Figure 6 to create the node conditions, the rule matrix C2,C3 FI
of the system and the fault vector in Tables II-[V.
Step2, 3: The non-zero entries of T vector and TV vector are b) Fault type estimation process
as shown in Table V. Step1: The membership function ranges were defined.
Step2: The data of current and voltage measurement in this
Step4: Although the T vector and TV vector aren't equal, the
case were considered to be received from SCADA.
T* is equal to TV as there is no backup protection.
Step3: Although the degrees of belonging were very close in
Step 5: The fault section determined from EFS vector is as the case of fault types SLG-A (0.5942) and DLG-AB
shown in Table V. (0.430), the heights degree of the belonging of the
PI Col -- � . - • • COM! --- __ � rules was selected to be the estimated type as shown in
Table VI.
� . "" '/··//i'
� --�
� ''' ''' '.-'''
Table VI. Fault type estimation results of Case I
__ � . .".././/'I
� " . . / I. Fault Degree of
Rule # IA IB Ie IN VA VB Ve Type belon�in�
� '/ / ' c"

506 282 293 25 8.9 9.4 9.8

- - �. I H N N H L N N
[t was found that the obtained results from the proposed
- -+E;I methodology were exactly the same as those reported in [12].
8u. }-------' Therefore, the accuracy, the simplicity of the knowledge base,
and the ability to modity this base were approved. On the
Fig.6 FCE-Net of Casel
other hand, the proposed method has the advantage of no need
2013 3rd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, Yildiz Teclmical University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2-4,2013

to be trained for every modification as in the ES-ANN-based The substation is composed of one sub-transmission line, one
method. Thus, it is very applicable for online diagnosis. main transformer and one auxiliary transformer feeding two
B.Case 2 6.6kV bus bars. BUSI feeds three radial feeders each one of
In Case 2, the accuracy of the fault section estimation them protected by three relays CO and one CB. BUS2 feeds
process of the proposed method when dealing with uncertainty five radial feeders each one of them protected by 3 relays CO
or missing data is evaluated by comparing the results with the and one CB. The protective relays of the 6.6kV buses serve as
crisp CE-Nets based method proposed in [9]. The author the backup protection for their connected feeders.
defined a vector called Elimination vector (E) to identity the The scenario under study is described as follows; a three phase
cause of the fault to get the faulted section as shown in the fault hit feeder (Fl) and protective relay COl operates and
following equation: gives a signal to CB1 to trip. Although CO1 operates, CB1
E� TAB m failed to trip. So the protective Relay of the BUS1 operates as
a backup and CBMI tripped. Also, a single line to ground
Also, the ability of the proposed method when dealing with
fault hit feeder (FS) and protective relay COS operates and
more than failure devices is presented. Furthermore, the
gives a signal to CBS to trip. Although COS operates, CBS
effectiveness of the proposed method in setting an FCE-Net
failed to trip. So the protective Relay of BUS2 operates as a
diagraph and rule matrix for more than backup buses is
backup and CBM2 tripped. A missing signal was considered
to make the studied case more challengeable. The steps of
An existing substation, Figure 7, is employed to illustrate the
implementing the proposed methodology are as follows:
reasoning process of the proposed FCE-Net technique.
a) Fault section estimation process
To lOO kVS\IilchYard Following the same steps mentioned earlier, the FCE-Net
diagraph of this system is shown in Figure 8. The node
conditions, the rule matrix, the vectors F and B are shown in
Tables VII-X. The non-zero entries of the vectors T ' TV " T*
EFS, E and results are as shown in Table XI.

i aY-l«l'/
�' 'lim
05rolli£il� mRGEDlR
bolaled Pha!e Bn! 1 QlI.I1I+I,IJl


Ilwmi r1 \;=n
JR,IYOlIffi 1:..
1 Fig.8 FCE-Net of Case2
Table VII. Set
, of node conditions of Case 2

[l[1fOO1 �·',GlJ(JWO' lNodl Description Node Description

mWl,GV CI IA fault occurs at feeder FI 20 [Relay COM2 operates

08.1 cal C2 Relay COl operates �21 �B CBM2 tripped
�22 IA fault occurs at feeder F4
111101 !ill.\II. �IUI
C3 B CBI tripped
C4 01 operates - CBI fails 23 Relay C04 operates
t N,Q,
N,C, IlEilOC®
---------------------- 7\ N,. Q, N,C, !illOCIffi
C5 [Relay COMI operates ,"""24 ,"""B CB4 tripped
, t ! C6 B CBMI tripped ,"""25 ,"""04 operates - CB4 fails
C7 IA fault occurs at feeder F2 26 JA fault occurs at feeder F5
C8 Relay C02 operates 27 Relay C05 operates
C9 B CB2 tripped 28 B CB5 tripped

CIO 02 operates - CB2 fails �29 �05 operates - CB5 fails
t} i\ t} CIIA fault occurs at feeder MTRI 30 IA fault occurs at feeder F6

CI2Relay COMTRI operates �31 Relay C06 operates
C13�B CBMTRI tripped ,"""32 ,"""B CB6 tripped
CI4 OMTRI operates-CBMTRI fails 33 06 operates - CB6 fails
CI5IA fault occurs at section BUSI 34 JA fault occurs at feeder MTR2
CI6IA fault occurs at feeder F3 35 Relay COMTR2 operates
CI7[Relay C03 ooerates 36 B CBMTR21 tripped
@ CI8 B CB3 tripped �37 �OMTRI operates-CBMTR2
11 F3 F4 F! IITRl F6
Fig.7 Distribution system of Case 2 CI9 03 operates - CB3 fails �38 JAfault occurs at section
2013 3rd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, Yildiz Teclmical University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2-4,2013

Table VIII Nonzero Entries of Rule Matrix Moreover, it has the ability to define two backup buses in the
Rli,jl Rli,jl Rli,jl Rli,jl Rli,jl Rli,jl Rli,jl same FCE-Net diagraph and in the system rule matrix reflect
R [1,1] R[7,7] R[12,1l ] R[18,18] R[24,23] R[29,29] R[36,35] the capability of the proposed method in dealing with any
R[2,1] R[8,7] R[12,12] R[19,19] R[24,24] R[30,30] R[36,36]
distribution system construction.
R[2,2] R[8,8] R[l3,12] R[20,19] R[2S,2S] R[31,30] R[20,37]
R[3,2] R[9,8] R[l 3,l 3] R[20,20] R[26,26] R[31,31] R[20,38]
R[3,3] R[9,9] R[14,14] R[20,2S] R[27,26] R[32,31] R[37,37]
R[4,4] R[5,10] R[15,15] R[21,20] R[27,27] R[32,32] R[38,38] This paper proposes a novel fault diagnosis methodology to
R[S,4] R[5,14] R[16,16] R[21,21] R[28,27] R[33,33] identify and estimate fault location and fault type. This method
R[S,S] R[S,IS] R[17,16] R[22,22] R[28,28] R[34,34]
is based on utilizing FCE-Nets as graphical tools and matrix­
R[6,S] R[l O,l O R[17,17] R[23,22] R[20,29] R[35,34]
based operations to estimate the fault location. In the
R[6,6] R[II,II R[18,17] R[23,23] R[20,33] R[3S,3S]
meanwhile, Fuzzy Logic database and rule-base are
implemented to identify the fault type. Comparing the results
Table IX. Nonzero entries of fault vector (F)
Flil Value Description
obtained from the proposed methodology with ES-ANN based
F[I] I Fl and CE-Nets techniques, shows the high accuracy, ability to
F[7] I F2 deal with uncertain situations, fast response, suitability for on­
F[l l ] I MTRI line operation, no need for training, and the simplicity for
establishing the model of the proposed methodology.
F[16] I F3
F[22] I F4
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F[26] I FS existing SCADA systems like a tool box with no need for
F[30] I F6 extra devices.
F[34] I MTR2
F[38] I BUS2 References
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