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Transmission 52

8. Transmission

8.1 Introduction

The classical approach for calculations of structure-borne sound and vibration

transmission is based on the assumption of a source performing rigid body motions. A multi-
point coupling between the source and the receiving structure may thereby be reduced to a
single contact point case merely by taking into account the actual number of contact points and
their respective motional phase relations. These phase relations in turn, are given by the
component or components of motion considered.

Although it is possible to handle all six degrees of freedom as well as the potential
coupling them in between, the unwieldiness of the classical approach grows rapidly as the
number of degrees of freedom included increases [1]. It is therefore customary to simplify the
transmission problem to only one degree of freedom.

The rigid body motion underlying this approach is generally a most dubious condition.
Instead it is usually necessary to treat both the source and the receiving structure as continuous
systems (flexible) even for low frequencies. Such a description of linear source and receiver
systems is conveniently obtained by means of the concept of mobility which, most often, is
preferred to mechanical impedance when dealing with structure-borne sound and vibration
transmission problems.

The source and receiver structures are commonly coupled to each other at several
discrete points. The word point is herein used in a somewhat extended meaning, denoting an
area with its dimensions smaller than a fraction of the governing wavelength. The physical
coupling of the structural subsystems is often constituted by relatively small elastic elements
(chocks, isolators, etc.) called transmission elements.

For a general system, the subsystems are thus divided into the source (including possible
footings), the transmission elements and the receiver. If no transmission elements are present
the interface between the source and the receiver is located below the footings. Of course, there
are other divisions possible but the one described facilitates a unified treatment of rigid and
resilient installations.

In the general case, the interaction between the different contact points as well as
between the different components of motion must be taken into account. A thorough survey of
the different approaches to treat the general case can be found in [2]. For the wide frequency
band of interest, the handling of the general matrix formulation [3] results in an excessive task
8. Transmission 53
since not only can the contact points between the source and the receiver be quite numerous but
also the six components of motion and excitation must be taken into account.

In this chapter the analysis of the transmission process will be developed. On our route
to the treatment of the general case we will consider first the single point interface, i.e. where
the source and receiver is connected in one point, in order to throw some light on the
fundamentals of the transmission of (complex) power. The next step will be the demonstration
of the general matrix formulation for a multi-point, multi-component case. Finally, the concept
of effective point mobility will be introduced to give a formalism similar to that of the single
point case.

It is not intended herein to fully cover all the details of the transmission process but
rather to give an understanding for the basic principles. Moreover, as indicated above, the
discussion is concentrated to point-like connection since one- or two-dimensional interfaces
mathematically become more cumbersome.

8.2 Complex Power

For the study of transmission, two quantities generally are of interest. The first is the
amplitude of the vibration at the contact point and the second is the active power fed to the
receiver. The amplitude of the vibration is interesting because sensitive equipment or structural
parts may be damaged or disturbed in the operation by excessive oscillations. Examples of
damages and disturbances are fatigue problems and reliability conditions respectively. The
active power transmitted to the receiver builds up waves which propagate and radiate to ambient
systems such as fluid spaces with e.g. audible noise as an example of consequences.

Both these descriptors, the vibration amplitude and the active power transmitted, can be
obtained from the same quantity namely the complex power

Q = Q ei φ Q = W + iV (8.1a)

In eqn. (8.1) W denotes the active part of the power transmitted whereas V stands for the
reactive part. Alternatively, the complex power can be written as

Q = Qe (8.1b)

where it is represented by its magnitude and phase, see Figure (8.1).

8. Transmission 54

U=Im(Q) |Q|

Figure 8.1 The concept of complex power

In order to determine the complex power, the field variables at the excitation point (the
contact point between the source and the receiver) must be known.

1 *
Q = F v (8.2)

From eqn. (8.2) it is seen that the real part of Q, the active power, is that part of the product,
force times velocity, where these variables act in phase and the imaginary part, the reactive
power, is the part where the force and the velocity are 90˚ out of phase, see Figure 8.2.

The reactive part of the complex power created at the contact point is put into "nearfield"
kinetic energy. Over alternative quarter cycles of the oscillation kinetic energy is consumed by
the receiver and over the two other quarter cycles the same energy is returned to the source so
that no net energy flow is obtained. This part of the power therefore only affects the excitation
region. The active part, on the other hand, stands for a net energy flow from the contact point,
out in the receiver. Therefore, as discussed in conjunction with statistical energy analysis, the
active part of the power affects the dynamic state at remote positions of the receiver also.

Since the dynamic state at an excitation point is governed by the strength of the excitation
and the dynamic characteristics of the excited structure, the complex power given by eqn. (8.2)
may be written as

1 2
Q = F Y (8.3a)

or equivalently
1 v
Q = Y (8.3b)
2 Y2

where the point mobility of the structure has been introduced.

8. Transmission 55

Field v

power + + + + + + + +
- - - - - - - - t

Field F
v t

power + + + + + + + +

Figure 8.2 Illustration of the complex power, (a) reactive, and (b) active

The two quantities of primary interest in conjunction with transmission problem - the
vibration amplitude

v = 2Q Y (8.4)

and the active power

W = Re Q [] (8.5)

both can be determined from the complex power. Therefore one may conclude that in order to
have a complete description of the transmission process the complex power is sought.
8. Transmission 56

8.3 Single Point Case

Consider the situation illustrated in Figure 8.3 where a machine - a structural acoustic
source - is connected in one point to a plate - a receiving structure.

Figure 8.3 Ideal, single point interface between a source and a receiver

The source is presumed to give only a translatory excitation component (vertical). Thus, no
lateral (horizontal) forces and moments (rocking, twisting) components are present. This
situation constitutes the fundamental model for both rigid and resilient installations.

In order to determine the power transmitted to the receiver both the actual force and
velocity at the interface must be known. It is reasonable to believe that both the source and the
receiver will influence the dynamic state but let us begin with two extremes.

8.3.1 Constant Velocity Source

If the source is disconnected from the receiver and put into operation we will be able to
register the velocity (at the contact point) of the free source. Now, if upon a subsequent
connection with the receiver we register the same velocity at the contact point it would be
tempting to use the velocity of the free source as a measure of the source strength. But what
about replacing the receiver by another, more rigid plate? If the velocity "survives" also for this
receiver we are on our way towards a reliable characterisation of the source.

If, for all receivers, the velocity registered at the contact point with the source and the
receiver connected, is found to be equal to that registered when the source was free, the source
is a constant velocity source. Intuitively, such a source is rather rare in practice but its
theoretical counterpart is helpful for the understanding of the transmission process.
8. Transmission 57

In mathematical terms we may state the conditions for a constant velocity source as

Y S << Y Ri ; all i (8.6)

where indices S and R denote source and receiver respectively.

The field variables at the interface are shown in Figure 8.4.


Figure 8.4 Notations for the variables at a source-receiver interface

When the source and receiver are connected the following conditions must be valid if the
two subsystems are to be rigidly joined

vS = vR

FS = − F R

Moreover, the force and the velocity at the receiver are related through the point mobility as

vR = Y RFR .

Since the source in this case is a constant velocity source we may immediately write

v R = v0
8. Transmission 58

and hence

FR =

Finally, the complex power sought is obtained by substitution in eqn. (8.2)

* 2
1 ⎛ v0 ⎞ 1 v0
Q = ⎜ ⎟ v0 = Y (8.7a)
2 ⎝ YR ⎠ 2 YR 2 R

Very often, the amplitude of the vibration is characterised by its RMS-value (root mean square)
defined by

1 T
∫ ( x(t)) dt
x˜ = (8.8)
T 0

which, in the case of a harmonic signal, can be found to be

x˜ = (8.9)

Therefore eqn. (8.7a) can be trimmed up as

(v˜0 )
Q = 2 YR (8.7b)

Interpreting the result we find that for an idealised constant velocity source the power
transmitted is independent of the source mobility. The magnitude of the complex power
increases with the mean square velocity but decreases with the magnitude of the mobility
squared. The phase of the complex power is equal to the phase of the receiver mobility.

Taking the real part of Q yields

(v˜0 )2
W = 2 Re[Y R ]
8. Transmission 59
and it is seen that the active power transmission increases with an increased real part of the
receiver mobility and decreases with the magnitude squared. Hence, in order to reduce the
active power transmitted the imaginary (reactive) part of the receiver mobility should be as
large as possible.

A further discussion concerning the vibration amplitude clearly is meaningless when the
source is of constant velocity type.

8.3.2 Constant Force Source

Similarly, the situation where the force exerted on the receiver does not change by varying
the receiver is theoretically acceptable. If, for all receivers, the same force is registered at the
contact point as that registered when the source is operating on a perfectly rigid, immobile
foundation, the source is termed a constant force source.

Thus the conditions to be fulfilled for characterising the source as a constant force source is

Y S >> Y Ri ; all i (8.10)

Adopting the notation introduced in Figure 8.4 we may immediately write

FR = − F0

where F0 is the force produced by the constant force source. Using the receiver mobility one
obtains by substitution in eqn. (8.2) that

1 2
Q = F0 Y R (8.11a)

or by means of the RMS-force

( )
Q = F˜0 YR (8.11b)

Thus, for a given force the power transmission is reduced by a decreased receiver mobility. The
phase of the complex power, in this case also, is that of the receiver mobility.

With respect to the vibration amplitude at the contact point, eqn. (8.4) implies

v = F0 Y R
8. Transmission 60

which is rather obvious from the definition of the point mobility. Therefore, a reduction of the
magnitude of the mobility in the case of a constant force source decreases the vibration

Equally simple, the active power is found to be

( )
W = F˜0 Re[Y] .

In this case it is seen that only the real part of the mobility is interesting. Hereby, the more
reactive the receiver mobility, the less active power is transmitted.

8.3.3 Non-idealised Source

The two extremes penetrated above, as pointed out, are rarely found in practice. Instead the
source mobility is often of the same order of magnitude as the receiver mobility. The
transmission is strongly influenced by the characteristics of both subsystems.

Let us again assume that the source can be hung freely and operates under normal
conditions. From Figure 8.4 we then find

v S = v FS

where v FS is the velocity of the source free of all connections.

As soon as it is connected, the receiver gives rise to a reaction force, which acts on the
source. With the convention introduced in Figure 8.4 the velocity at the contact point of the
source becomes

v S = v FS + Y S F S .

Analogously, the velocity at the contact point of the receiver is

vR = Y RFR .

With the interface conditions that velocities are to be equal and that the forces must be equal in
magnitude but opposing each other one finds that

FR =
(Y S + Y R )
8. Transmission 61

Physically this means that the velocity of the free source has to move both subsystems in the
connected state.

By means of the receiver mobility the velocity of the receiver can be found to be

v SF
vR = Y
(Y S + Y R ) R

Therefore, upon substitution in eqn. (8.2), the two latter relations give

(v˜ FS )
Q = YR (8.12)
Y S + YR

This result means that for the non-idealised source both the source and receiver mobilities
govern the power transmission. The phase of the complex power, however, has not been
changed but is still equal to that of the receiver mobility.

The vibration amplitude at the contact point is obtained from

v FS Y R
vR =
YS + Y R

which states that a reduction is achieved principally by an increase of the source mobility
simultaneously as the receiver mobility is decreased. The word principally is introduced since
not only the magnitudes of the mobilities are involved but also the phases which affect the

The active power transmitted to the receiver is obtained as before by taking the real part of
Q. Thereby,

W =
(v˜ FS )2 Re[Y R ]
YS + Y R

and it is seen that apart from the real part of the receiver mobility the interaction between the
source and the receiver is important. If e.g. both mobilities are essentially reactive and, in
addition, of opposite sign then the denominator becomes fairly small and the active power
transmitted grows drastically. It is thus demonstrated that as soon as the source and receiver
mobilities are of the same order of magnitude the interaction between them will be significant.
8. Transmission 62

In the chapter on generation it was stated that a combination of one or more generating
mechanisms and a passive, structural enclosure constituted a structural acoustic source if it was
operating on a structural receiving system.

Assume that the generating mechanisms can be characterised by internal forces. If so, the
dynamic state at the contact point of the source connected is given by

v S = ∑ Y ij F j + Y S F S
In the above expression, all the Fj are internal forces and Yij denotes the transfer mobility from
the point of generation to the contact point with the receiver. By comparing this expression
with the corresponding one previously given it is seen that the velocity of the free source, v FS ,
is made up by all the contributions from the generating mechanisms. It is therefore appropriate
to here emphasize that the use of the velocity of the free source as a source parameter is relevant
if and only if neither the internal forces nor the internal transmission paths represented by the
transfer mobilities, Yij, are altered when the source is connected to a receiver. Fortunately,
experimental work indicates that this is the case but a general proof is lacking,

8.3.4 Source Descriptor and Coupling Function

In order to systemise the findings in the three preceeding subsections and gain some
additional insight into the principles of transmission, two new quantities can be introduced [4].

From eqn. (8.12) it is seen that v FS andY S are quantities related to the source. By
multiplying both the numerator and the denominator by Y *S the complex power can be rewritten

(v˜ FS )
Y *S Y R
Q =

Expanding the magnitude of the sum of the mobilities we obtain

(v˜ FS )2 Y*S Y R
Q =
Y *S 2 2
Y S + Y R + Y *R Y S + Y*S Y R

8. Transmission 63

(v˜ FS )2 e jΔ φ
Q = (8.13)
+ + 2cosΔ φ

which with

(v˜ FS )
S = (8.14)

e jΔ φ
Cf = 1 (8.15)
α + 2cos Δφ +


α = , Δ φ = ∠YR − ∠YS (8.16a,b)


Qo = S . C f (8.17)

In eqn. (8.17), S is termed the source descriptor since it involves the characteristics of the
source only. The quantity Cf expresses the similarity in dynamic characteristics of both
subsystems and thereby how well "coupled" (interactive) they are.

In Figure 8.5 the magnitude of the coupling function, i.e. the magnitude of the complex
power normalised by the magnitude of the source descriptor, is given for different phase
differences Δ φ . Included in this diagram for comparison are also the coupling functions for the
two idealisations, constant velocity source and constant force source. Clearly, it is seen that
those two idealisations are only applicable for very small or very large mobility magnitude
ratios α. One may therefore state that the two idealisations are only asymptotically valid.
Moreover, the diagram illustrates the influence of the phase difference. Note that for an α close
to unity the phase difference becomes a critical parameter. The singular case of α equals unity
and a phase difference of π is hardly realistic in practice. Theoretically we may imagine a
mass-governed source placed on a stiffness-governed receiver, both systems being loss-free but
with equal mobility magnitudes. For such a hypothetical case the power transmitted would tend
to infinity as would the vibration amplitude. Naturally, on its way to infinity the system would
experience a brake down. Physically we may rule out the above-mentioned situation since all
8. Transmission 64
real systems possess losses and accordingly the mobilities cannot become purely imaginary.
Nevertheless, the hypothetical example demonstrates a warning with respect to source-receiver

Magnitude of coupling function, |C



0.1 1 10

Mobility ratio, α

Complex ratio of the receiver to the source mobility

Magnitude: α Phase difference: ∆ϕ

function plotted for phase differences equal to (from the bottom curve upwards):
0, π/3. π/2, 3π/4, 5π/6 and π

CVS: Constant velocity source idealisation

CFS: Constant force source idealisation

Figure 8.5 The magnitude of the coupling function

It is at this point justified to ask what is the benefit of the introduction of the source
descriptor and the coupling function. The question is rather comprehensive but the main
advantage is that the source descriptor realises a possibility to assess the significance of
components with respect to transmission and to some extent also to compare source systems
within a certain category whereas the coupling function markedly facilitates the selection of
appropriate installation positions.

8.3.5 Transmission elements

Very often, in practice, different elastic elements must be introduced between the source
and the receiver. This can be chocks (blocks of steel, carefully grinded, for an exact adjustment
of a machine), isolators (spring-like elements), pipes and cables (the transmission process
includes all connections with the receiver). Perhaps the most intuitive transmission element still
8. Transmission 65
is the isolator (rubber-, foam- or steel spring). As will be demonstrated the introduction of
resilient transmission elements should not be considered as a first step on the route towards a
reduced transmission.

Consider again the variables at the interface of the source and receiver, this time with a
linearly elastic transmission element introduced, see Figure 8.6.

F2 v2

Figure 8.6 Notations for the variables at a source-receiver interface involving a

transmission element

Using the previously derived relations for the dynamic state at the contact point of the
source and receiver we may immediately write

v S = v FS + F S Y S


vR = Y RFR

In the same manner we can apply

8. Transmission 66

v1 = F 1 Y11 + F 2 Y12


v2 = F 2 Y22 + F1 Y 21

for the transmission element. In these equations Y ii are the point mobilities where both the
excitation and the force are registered at the same end of the transmission element and Y ij are
the transfer mobilities relating the excitation at one end with the response at the other. Hence,
the transmission element is completely characterised (unidirectional motion) by its mobility

⎡Y 11 Y 12 ⎤
[Y ]
T = ⎢⎢ ⎥
⎥ (8.18)
⎢⎣Y 21 Y 22 ⎥⎦

For a passive, linear element the reciprocity principle applies which states that

v1 v2
F2 F1

Accordingly, the transfer mobilities Y12 and Y 21 are equal. If, in addition, the transmission
element is symmetric, the two point mobilities are equal.

From the conditions at, now, the two interfaces

v S = v1 ; FS = − F1


v R = v2 ; FR = − F2

the force exerted on the receiver is found to be

v FS Y 21
FR = .
[(Y S )
+ Y11 (Y R + Y 22 )− Y12 Y 21 ]
The complex power transmitted to the receiver therefore becomes
8. Transmission 67

Q =
(v˜FS )2 Y 21 2 YR (8.19)
(Y S + Y11 )(Y R + Y 22 ) − Y12 Y 21

By introducing the complex power transmitted without any transmission element as stated
in eqn. (8.12) one may write eqn. (8.19) as

2 2
Y S + YR Y 21
Q = Qo
(Y S + Y 11)(Y R + Y 22 ) − Y12 Y 21

Furthermore, by using the source descriptor and the coupling function, the transmission in the
case of a general transmission element is obtained as

Q = S . Cf . t (8.20)

where the transmission efficiency, t, is given by

2 2
YS + YR Y 21
t =
(Y S + Y11 )(Y R + Y 22 ) − Y12 Y 21

The transmission efficiency clearly demonstrates the fact that a vibration isolation must be
considered as a late step in reducing the power transmission since generally the interaction
(coupling) between the source and receiver mobilities is involved in the efficiency.

A special case of interest in conjunction with vibration isolation with resilient element is
the case where a proper selection of installation points has been made on the assumption of a
rigid installation. If then the introduction of resilient elements is considered, often it is possible
to select a transmission element where all the mobilities are larger than those of the source and
the receiver. In such a case the transmission efficiency may be approximated by

2 Y 21
t' = Y S + Y R 2
Y 11Y12 − Y12 Y 21

where the second factor is equal to the magnitude of the transfer impedance squared of the
transmission element (the ratio of force at a blocked end to the velocity at the excited end).
This transfer impedance, in turn, will be mainly governed by the stiffness of the (resilient)
transmission element. It is however important to note that judgements based on such
approximations may become very hazardous.
8. Transmission 68

In some instances also, it may be very difficult to use resilient elements "springy" enough
to ensure a small power transmission. This is, for example, the situation where the stability
requirements or transient shock regulations are firm. Naturally, a too springy transmission
element will create serious problems if internal or external excitation components appear close
in frequency to that of the mounted resonance.

So far only one component of motion has been considered and it is worth emphasizing that
in conjunction with stability questions the other components as well as coupled motion should
be taken into account.

Much can be said about installations involving transmission elements and no attempt will
be made here to cover all the details. Instead reference is made to a few handbooks on the topic,
[5] and [6], in order not to obscure the basic principles discussed herein.

8.4 Matrix Formulation of the General Transmission Problem

As stated in the introduction, the general transmission problem in structural acoustics

concerns the description of power transmission between a source system and a receiving system
via all connections (interfaces). Basically, these connections can be point-, line- or surface-like.
For the present treatise we have and will focus on point-like connections where the assignment
of discrete velocities and forces is appropriate.

In the preceding section the presumption of a single connection (contact point) and a single
component of excitation and motion was made. It was pointed out, however, that such a
condition is rarely found in practice. Rather, it is reasonable to believe that at a point, the
general situation is that of Figure 8.7.


Figure 8.7. Point excitation, general case

This means that there will be 6 point mobilities required at each point.
8. Transmission 69
In addition, the general case comprises N contact points and it is reasonable to expect that
what happens in one point is not unaffected by the process in the others. Thus, we must take an
interaction into account, see Figure 8.8.


vk Fk
vn y

Figure 8.8 Illustration of the interaction between different points

Accordingly there will be several transfer mobilities to take into account, N for each
component. Moreover, as indicated in Figure 8.8, an interaction between different components
at different points may also take place and on top of all there is a possibility that the different
components at the same point will interact. Hence, the two subsystems, the source and the
receiver, structurally are characterised by two, 6N × 6N mobility matrices.

For passive, linear structures that are the case under study the reciprocity principle applies.
This implies that not only the matrices are square matrices but also symmetric about the main
diagonal, i.e.

Y ij = Y ji .

One may therefore state that each matrix consists of (6N + 1)3N , generally unknown mobility

In the assembled state the field variables at the contact points may be said to be given by
{v} and {F}, i.e. the complex velocity and force vectors. Therefore, the total complex power in
the general case is given by

1 T
Q = {v} {F}* (8.22)

Using the mobility matrices for the source and receiver, [Y S ], [Y R ], one obtains
8. Transmission 70

{v S } = {v FS } + [Y S ] {F S},
{v R} = [Y R] {F R}

which demonstrate similar forms as those of the single point case.

The conditions at the interface (multi-point) become

{v S } = {v R}


{F S } = − {F R }

respectively. Accordingly we may solve for the velocity and force vectors describing the field
at the receiver. Hereby

{F R } = {[Y S ] + [Y R]}−1 {v FS }


{v R} = [Y R] ([Y S ] + [Y R ]) {v FS }

which means that the total complex power is found to be

Q =
2 ({v } [Y R ]([Y S ] + [Y R ]) ([Y S ] + [Y R ]) {v FS } )
T −1 −1* *

The matrix expression given above requires large computer facilities and is seen to involve
a matrix inversion. In principle, the handling of eqn. (8.23) is straight forward but bearing in
mind that the matrix elements are all complex functions of frequency, the time and space
requirements on the computer increases rapidly with the number of contact points. In particular,
it must be emphasized that the point and transfer mobilities involved generally are not well-
behaved functions of frequency.

Based on the discussion above it may be argued that the matrix formulation of the general
case as a rule is not manageable. Moreover, it is evident that no information is revealed as to
what transmission paths are the most problematic.
8. Transmission 71

8.5 The Concept of Effective Mobility

8.5.1 Basic Definitions

As was seen from the matrix formulation of the general case most of the insight into the
physics of the transmission process was lost. In order to simplify the matrix formulation and at
the same time gain a most valuable insight into the transmission the concept of effective
mobility is introduced [7]. This concept is based upon the fact that each point can be considered
individually if the contributions from all other points are taken into account.

For the general case the effective point mobility can be written

N 6
∑ ∑ Y nk k
ij F j
Σ k =1 j =1 v ni
Y nn
ii = = (8.24)
F ni Fin

In eqn. (8.24) the super-indices refer to the points whereas the sub-indices denotes the
different components. Hence, the numerator is equal to the actual velocity in point n,
component i, with all the contributions from the excitations taken into account. The actual
velocity is then divided by the actual force applied to the point under study.

This implies an essential difference between the ordinary point mobility and the effective
one, namely that the effective generally is not solely a structural quantity but is also influenced
by the force distribution among the points. At a first sight one is hence tempted to say that
nothing is gained. Instead, a number of unknown forces are introduced. The advantages
however are twofold.

Firstly, the single point formulation can be retained and secondly, simplifying
approximations can be made concerning force ratios. By rewriting eqn. (8.24) as

N 6 F kj 6 F nj N
Y nn
= Yiinn + ∑∑ Y nk
+ ∑ Y nn
F ni
+ ∑ Y nkii Fin
k =1 j =1 j =1 k =1
k ≠ n j≠ i j ≠i k ≠n

where, besides the direct, the transmission is split up in three path categories. The first term
describes the direct path by means of the point mobility. The second represents the coupling
between the different components at different points - cross-transfer mobilities. The third term
represents the coupling between the different components at the point under study - point cross
mobilities - and the fourth, the coupling between points for the component of interest - transfer
8. Transmission 72
mobilities. Thereby the lucidity is improved as compared with the matrix formulation and
correct approximations may be applied.

It is of interest here to point out that three fourths of the mobility elements involve rotations
and/or moments and only one fourth relates translatory motion to forces. For elementary
structural elements such as beams and plates point and transfer mobility data can be derived
analytically but normally measurements are required to establish a full matrix. Very often
however, there are only a limited number of significant mobility elements, which means that
simplifications are possible and meaningful.

8.5.2 Coupling Between Components at Different Points

The interaction between components of motion at different points is represented by the first
term in eqn. (8.25). If this interaction is negligible, i.e. the motion in the ith direction at point n
is not influenced by an excitation at point k when this excitation occurs in another direction,

Yijnk << Yiinn ; for all k ≠ n and j ≠ i (8.26)

Thereby the effective mobility is approximately

6 F nj N
Y nn
= Y nn
ii + ∑ Y nn
F ni
+ ∑ Y nk
j =1 k =1
j ≠i k ≠n

Depending upon the accuracy required for the analysis, different criteria may be set for the
validity of the condition in eqn. (8.26). A reasonable requirement is often that the magnitudes
of the transfer mobilities are less than one third of that of the ordinary point mobility. An
example of such a comparison is given in Figure 8.9.

As is seen from the comparison in Figure 8.9 the interaction varies with frequency. In this
example, the coupling is negligible from about 50 Hz and upwards.
8. Transmission 73

Figure 8.9 Comparison of the magnitudes of transfer and point mobilities for two
positions on the body of a car. (---) point mobility at position 1 and
(____) transfer mobility between positions 2 and 1 and components x and
y. (a) low frequency region, (b) high frequency region. (After [8])

8.5.3 Coupling Between Components at the Same Point

8. Transmission 74
If, in addition to the assumption that different components are uncoupled at different points,
the condition that different components at the same point are uncoupled, i.e.

Yijnn << Yiinn ; for all k and j ≠ i (8.26)

is fulfilled, the effective mobility reduces to

Y nnΣ
ii = Y nn
ii + ∑ Y nkii Fn
; for all i
k =1

This case is then similar to the case discussed at the beginning of this chapter, i.e. we can treat
one component at a time. The main difference is that no assumptionis made as to what
component is the predominant one, nor is it necessary that the complete interface between the
source and the receiver is made up by only one single contact point.

The latter assumption that the components in a specific point can be uncoupled is
exemplified in Figure 8.10 with some results from mobility measurements on beams.

Figure 8.10 Comparison of the magnitudes of a transfer and a point mobility.

Top curve: Y nn nn
xx and bottom curve: Y xy . After [8]

Secondly, the magnitudes of some or all of the transfer mobilities (say N ′ ) are of the same
order as those of the point mobilities but the associated phases (either the phase of the mobilities
or the phase difference of the forces) can be considered randomly distributed between + π and
− π . Under these conditions the magnitude of the effective mobility at a point can be found to

Y nnΣ = N ′ Y nn .

With respect to the real part the statistics of the phases involved leads to the expected value
8. Transmission 75

[ [ ]] = Re[Y ]
E Re Y nnΣ nn

which is quite reasonable since heuristically one may expect that the (random) contributions
from other points will sum up to zero on an average for a large number of points. Hence, the
mobility of a point in a multipoint installation will increase with the number of coupled points.

Thirdly, if the condition stated in eqn. (8.27) is fulfilled but the phase relations between the
different points are deterministic (e.g. either in or out of phase) the magnitude of the effective
mobility will be given by

Y nnΣ = N ′ Y nn

In the expression above, N ′ is the number of points which transfer phases equal to the
phase of the point mobility for the point under study, minus the number with opposite transfer
phases. Further, the real part of the effective mobility can be expected to be

[ nnΣ ] =
Re Y N' Re Y [ nn ].
Schematically, the three cases discussed above are visualised in Figure 8.11.

The uppermost case in Figure 8.11 where the factor K = N is associated with situations
found at low frequencies. In this case also the rigid body motion is included. The middle case
illustrates the random transfer phase situation. It should be emphasized here that the transfer
phase involves both the phase of the transfer mobility and the phase difference between the
forces. This can be seen by rewriting the expression for the effective mobility (for simplicity
the expression for uncoupled components)

F k jϕ
Y nn
= Y nn
ii + ∑ Y nk
e ;
k =1


ϕ = ϕYiink + ϕ Fik − ϕ Fin .

8. Transmission 76
Li Li
1 N

K = N when L < λ B/4 — λ B/2

K = ¦N when L >λ B

K=1 when iL> λ B

Figure 8.11 Illustration of three principal cases for approximations of the effective mobility

Finally, the bottom case in Figure 8.11 realises the situation where each point can be treated
independently since not only the transfer phase is random but also the magnitudes of the
contributions from other points are small.

A lot more can be said about the concept of effective mobilities but it is beyond the scope
here to go into more details wherefore reference is made to the pertinent literature [9-12].

8.6 General Case Revisited

As summarised in the previous section the introduction of the concept of effective mobility
enriches the analysis of the transmission process. In addition to the increased possibilities to
correctly simplify the analysis thanks to the greater lucidity, also, the formalism brought out for
the single point case can be retained.
8. Transmission 77

Applying the concept of effective mobility the dynamic state at one point of a multi-point
interface is described by

Σ n
v Sn ,i = v nFS, i + Y nn
S ,ii F S , i


Σ n
v nR, i = Y nn
R ,ii F S ,i

In the case of rigid connections the conditions

v Sn ,i = v nR ,i


F Sn ,i = − F nR, i

are to be fulfilled which, upon substitution, means that

Qni =
(v˜FSn ,i ) Y nn Σ
Σ Σ 2 R,ii
Y nn
S,ii + Y nn

The expression above shows that the introduction of the effective mobility extends the
applicability of the formalism brought out in the single point, single component case, to the
general case. Hereby insight is gained with respect to the transmission process so that
possibilities open to influence the process by structural modifications.

An even better tool for the designer and engineer may be obtained using the source
description and coupling function. Therefore, if we define, for the general case,

(v˜FSn , i )

S ni Σ =
Y Snn,iiΣ *

Σ* Σ 2
Y nn
S,ii + Y nn
C nF,i = 2
Σ nnΣ
Y nn
S,ii + Y R,ii
8. Transmission 78
or rather

e j Δφ i
C nf ,iΣ = 1
α in Σ + 2 cos ø Δφ inΣ +
α ni Σ

α in Σ = nnΣ
; Δφ in Σ = φY nnΣ − φ Y nnΣ
YS,ii R ,ii S, ii

the complex power transmitted is determined from

Qni Σ = Sni Σ . C nf Σ,i . (8.29)

Again, this formalism means that for a given source, the most suitable contact points for the
installation can be selected or the most appropriate receiver can be designed whereby also the
complex power can be predicted at the design stage. Alternatively, for a given receiver, the best
suited source can be selected (obviously from a given category) or structural modifications can
be suggested for the installation base of the source.

So far, no assumptions have been made concerning the force distribution involved and eqn.
(8.29) hence is to be considered as the theoretical basis for more refined routines. Nevertheless,
the handling of structural acoustic problems in the transmission process hereby has been given a
unified treatment. A further discussion and detailed considerations concerning the handling of
eqn. (8.29) as well as the extension of the transmission efficiency to the general case (the
counterparts of eqns. (8.20) and (8.21) in the general case) can be found in [8].
8. Transmission 79

8.7 References

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Vibration problems in engineering.
[2] Petersson B. , 1990. Institute of Applied Physics, The Netherlands, TPD-SA-RPT-91-017.
Procedures for sound path quantification;definition of state-of-the-art. Part 5: Structure-
borne sound transmission between machinery and foundations revisited; in particular rigid
[3] Sykes A.O., 1968. The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., Dissertation.
Development and appllication of linear multi-termal network theory to vibration
[4] Mondot J-M. and Petersson B., 1987. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 114, 507-518.
Characterization of structure borne sound sources: The source descriptor and the coupling
[5] Harris C.M. and Crede C.E. (Eds.), 1961. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
Shock and vibration handbook.
[6] Göbel E.F., 1969. Springer Verlag, Berlin. Gummifedern.
[7] Petersson B. and Plunt J., 1982. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 82, 517-529. On
effective mobilities in the prediction of structure-borne sound transmission between a
source structure and a receiving structure, Part I.
[8] Mondot J-M., 1987. Department of Engineering Acoustics, Chalmers University of
Technology, Report F87-01. The source descriptor and the coupling function: Tools for
the prediction of structure-borne sound transmission and source characterisation.
[9] Petersson B. and Plunt J., 1982. Journal of Sound and Vibration 82, 531-540. On effective
mobilities for the prediction of structure-borne sound transmission between a source
structure and a receiving structure; Part II: Procedures for the estimation of mobilities.
[10] Petersson B. and Plunt J. ,1983. NORDFORSK, Miljövårdsserien, Publikation 1983:2.
Noise sources in ships; Part II: Diesel Engines. Chapters 2 and 5. (Ed. J. Plunt).
[11] Petersson B., 1988. Journal of the Netherlands Acoustical Society, 95, 15-26. Structural
acoustic source characterisation in terms of the source descriptor and the coupling
[12] Petersson B.A.T. and Nijman E.J.M., 1994. Journal of the Netherlands Acoustical Society,
3-14. Structure-borne sound emission and source characterization.
8. Transmission 80

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