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1.The bill of rights has been applied to the states through incorporation in the 14th amendment.

4.2 The first amendment protects religious rights byt the establishment rule which prevents the
government from establishing or endorsing a religion and the free exercise rule gives you the
right to practice any religious practices unless there is a compelling state interest in prohibiting
4.3 Free expression is protected by the first amendment although obscenity, slander, and liber
are not protected.
4.4 THe first amendment gives you the right to assemble although you may not assemble
without a permit or if you incite immediate violence.
4.5 the second amendment protects your right to own firearms with limitations based on
qualifications and weapon type
4.6 Defendants have rights that let them have a trial by jury and due process, prevents them
from self incrimination, entrapment, and cruel and unusual punishment
4.7 THe right to privacy is applied to abortion as it is a woman’s right to privacy that lets her
have a abortijon
Civil liberties ensure the government can not prohibit unalienable rights from its citizens thus
limiting its power.
Civil liberties: protections against the government which are listen in the bill of rights
Bill of Rights : first ten amendments that protect your protections against the government.
First amendment: protects freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly
Barron v Baltimore: Bill of rights only affected the national government
Fourteenth amendment: Ensures that states and local governments can not violate the bill of

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