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Good morning all.

On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction about who I am. My name is Fian Panekenan. I
am the second child of two siblings. I was born in Amurang, 17 february 1998. Currently, I live in
Tateli. Minahasa.

Speaking of hobby, I have a musical hobby. I can play guitar since 4th grade and now I have created 4
songs. Because of my love of music, I have a dream to make a band and will share stage with
Coldplay. Hopefully my dream can come true.

I have 2 siblings who are still in elementary school. My sisters’ name is Nini and Nina. They’re twins.
As a first child, I have to guide my siblings to grow well. My father works for a prominent contractor
that made him too busy, and my mother works in the hospital that also made her busy enough to
take care of us. So, as the eldest brother, I have to keep them well.

Mmm … I guess that’s all I can say about this introduction. Thank you very much for your attention. I
would like to express my gratitude.

Ireguler gerb

be was, were been adalah, to be

bear bore boorn, borne menopang, menderita

beat beat beaten mengalahkan


befall befell befallen menimpa

begin began begun mulai

begird begirt, begirdedbegirt mengelilingi

behold beheld beheld melihat

belay belaid, belayed belaid, belayed berhenti

bend bent bent menekuk

beseech besought, beseeched besought, beseeched memohon

Reguler ferb

Bless Blessed Blessed Memberkati

Blind Blinded Blinded Membutakan

Blink Blinked Blinked Berkedip

Blot Blotted Blotted Mengotori, Menodai

Blush BlushedBlushedTersipu

Boast Boasted Boasted Membual, Membanggakan Diri

Boil Boiled Boiled Mendidih, Merebus

Borrow Borrowed Borrowed Meminjam

Bounce Bounced Bounced Melambung, Melompat

Bow Bowed Bowed Tunduk, Membungkuk

Branch Branched Branched Bercabang

Bump Bumped Bumped Menabrak

Burn Burned Burned Membakar

Bury Buried Buried Mengubur

Calculate Calculated Calculated Menghitung

Call Called Called Memanggil, Menelpon

Carry Carried Carried Membawa

5 nouns


John buys a new car. (John membeli sebuah mobil baru)

Patrick has an English book. (Patrick mempunyai sebuah buku bahasa Inggris)

Television is an information media. (Televisi adalah sebuah media informasi)

2. Proper Nouns

Kata benda dalam bahasa inggris ini memiliki sifat bahwa nama-nama orang, tempat dan lainnya
adalah khusus bagi dirinya sendiri. Dengan kata lain, proper noun menjelaskan penggolongan nama
orang, tempat, dan benda secara spesifik. Proper yang berarti patut menjadikan kunci bahwa noun
ini eksklusif. Contoh dari Proper Nouns adalah:

Contoh Proper Nouns


MichaelNama seseorang
New York Nama sebuah kota

Asia Nama sebuah benua

Dog Nama seekor hewan

Ball point Nama sebuah alat tulis

T shirt Nama jenis pakaian

Indonesia Nama sebuah Negara

Contoh kalimat:

My friend’s name is Joana. (nama temenku adalah Joana)

Indonesia is one of Country in South East Asia. (Indonesia adalah salah satu negara di Asia Tenggara)

I have a cat in my house. (saya mempunyai seekor kucing di rumahku)

The expensive things don’t always represent good works. (Terjemahan: Barang yang mahal tidak
selalu menunjukkan karya yang baik.)

I live with my big family. (Terjemahan: Saya tinggal bersama keluarga besar.)

We go to school by the old green motorbike. (Terjemahan: Kami pergi ke sekolah dengan sepeda
motor tua berwarna hijau.)

My uncle is a handsome and busy man. (Terjemahan: Om saya adalah seorang pria yang ganteng dan

My granny loves to sit on this wooden armchair. (Terjemahan: Nenek saya suka duduk di kursi kayu

My young brother is taller than me. (Terjemahan: Adik laki-laki saya lebih tinggi daripada saya.)

1. She speaks Spanish.

2. My friends read newspaper everyday.

3. The boss came late today.

4. I loved him very much.

5. Nia has lost her bag.

6. Let’s hang out together.

7. How are you doing?

8. Don’t be angry.

9. There were two cats in his house..

10. There is someone at the second floor.

11. John, please behave well.

12. Can you help my mom?

13. Thomas yelled.

14. The visitors have gone away.

15. The old man usually walks around the garden.

16. I sent a book for you two days ago.

17. That game bored me.

18. They have eaten all the bread.

19. My mom sells her dress with low price.

20. I am a teacher.

21. He is getting ready.

22. This sweater is stain.

23. He compose a great music.

24. The examination is tomorrow.

25. We work hard.

26. The meetings will be held every month.

27. My friend got a free ticket to One Direction’s concert.

28. A boy gave her flowers.

29. he gave the children chocolate.

30. We should send her some foods..

31. Ara sent me a text message this morning.

32. Sarah sent some money to her parents in the village.

33. She is a very clever student in the class room.

34. The event makes us very busy everyday.

35. The song becomes a big hit in this month.

36. He made me cry.

37. She cooks grilled fish every day.

38. She took my money from my wallet without permission.

39. My father sleeps in living room every night.

40. I do not know about the latest gossip of many celebrities.

41. Dodo is studying English now.

42. Chandra has already eaten her breakfast.

43. Tisa has been listening to music for an hour.

44. She wants to go to her village with her family.

45. My mother and I need a refreshing treatment this week.

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