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REVIEW COVID-19 Pandemic is a War Crime Against Humanity

Article · November 2021


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1 author:

Peter K Law
Cell Therapy Institute , Wuhan, CHINA


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Convalescent serum therapy for COVID-19 View project

Cell Therapies for Human Diseases View project

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COVID-19 Pandemic is a War Crime Against Humanity

Peter K. Law, Ph.D.
Professor, Founder & Chairman
Cell Therapy Institute, Wuhan, China

This review presents direct, unequivocal evidence to indicate that
the US Government under Donald Trump had used genetically
engineered bioweapon of coronavirus and HIV recombinant to plunder
the lives of over 5 million innocent people and trillions USD worth of equity
and natural resources with more to come. Evidence are based on facts,
events and retrievable records. For example, “In fact, SARS virus in the
20th century was a biological weapon so was the SARS-II popular these
days” was a statement made by US Secretary of State Michael Richard
Pompeo to the 2020 West Point cadets. The goal of this review is to inform
the misled world population of what COVID-19 truly is, and to convince
people joining in to ban bioweapon research and usage to safeguard
the health of mankind for generations to come.

Keywords COVID-19, 2019-nCoV, Pandemic, The Third World War, WWIII,

Natural Etiology, Viral Recombinant, Bioweapon, Donald Trump, WHO, United

Science are innovations, phenomena, facts, events and records, to
be discovered and analyzed with logics to produce evidence for the
deduction of conclusions in problem solving. The science of COVID-19
pandemic extends far beyond the laboratory of virology because it is
contaminated with politics and economics. Evidence can only be
traced from established records of patents, publications, lectures, facts
and events. Findings of laboratory visits are unreliable because
laboratories can be renovated with records of studies deleted or
modified. COVID-19 is an international murder case into millions of lives,
targeting to plunder trillions of USD worth of global equity. No one should
mistake it as a deadly influenza transmitted from bats or otherwise.

As of Nov. 08, 2021, 2019-nCoV has infected 250,801,963 people

worldwide and killed 5,067,953 since the Wuhan inception on Dec. 8,
2019. Full understanding of COVID-19 is the only redemption against the
silent yet ongoing destruction of mankind and human health using
genetically engineered viral recombinant bioweapons. It is the goal of
this review to provide the critical evidence to its readers, each analyzing
like a scientist, to reach the life-saving conclusion of banning all
bioweapons and acting together to save the magnificent human
civilization we once enjoyed.

Below is an account of my continuous scientific pursuit of the subject

matter [1] [2] [3], now at 23 months after the Wuhan inception.

Competing Economy Since 9/11/2001

China’s rise in economic, political and military power in the last two
decades has threatened American political leaders who are faced with
a steady decline in American economy and loss of political influence. A
large population of what they consider as being non-productive, elderly,
sick, weak, poor, uneducated and unemployed citizens, especially
among immigrants from Africa, Central and South Americas, lives on
Welfare, Medicaid and Medicare. For decades, this drainage of
American resources could not be curbed because discrimination
against race, color, age and sex are prohibited. Legal corruption in
support of the lavish and grossly wasteful lives of the rich all contribute to
American decline unto recession.

Since the First World War, the lavish American life has been supported
by foreign trusts of American economic and military supremacy. Foreign
investments on American bonds and dollars are no longer backed up
with gold bullion and profiting enterprises since 9/11. Significant
advances of China’s economic, military and political influence,
exemplified by Chairman Xi Jinping’s Belt Road Project, threatened to
replace the American dollar with China’s RMB. Raising wars in Iran, Iraq,
Syria and Afghanistan costed American lives and money. The brutality in
these robberies were demoralizing. Foreign investments in finance,
intellect and alliance have turned to China expediting significant
advances in scientific research and development. American political
leaders believed that the lavish American life will soon become history if
no action was taken to stop the deteriorating economy.

American Conspiracy
In the early 2000’s when the development of genetic engineering
and viral recombinant technologies in the USA had culminated into SARS
bioweapon manufacture a reality, the rich and powerful conspired in a
eugenic program for world population control and restoration of
American Supremacy. Using NIH funding earmarked for human health
research, they genetically engineered the terrorizing 2019-nCoV to be
deliberately or non-deliberately (lab-leak) released from some 200
BSL3/4 laboratories strategically established worldwide to fabricate the
COVID-19 pandemic. Investing into American pharmaceutical
companies, Bill Gates and others championed production of mRNA
vaccines to be approved with FDA emergency authorization.
Government mandates were passed on WHO’s and CDCs’
recommendations to addict adults and children to the pan coronavirus
vaccines, ending with the world population sending money to buy
vaccines from the USA. If everything worked out as planned, a new
world order would be in reign which deployed deadly viruses and sold
vaccines with questionable safety and efficacy. American imperialism
would prevail once again with the rich men getting richer, and
American politicians in control.

Mastermind and Masterplan

The intricacy of the masterplan is nothing shy of the mastermind of
the former head of CIA, who later became the U.S. Secretary of State.
On June 13, 2020, Secretary Michael Richard Pompeo summarized the
conspiracy in his Internal Speech [Figure 1 B, C, D] as part of his online
lecture for the cadets of the US Military Academy at West Point, NY, thus
providing my readers with a pivotal direct evidence.
Figure 1. (A) Memorandum and (B, C, D) internal speech on June 13, 2020 online
lecture of U.S. Secretary of State
Michael Richard Pompeo for the cadets of the US Military Academy at
West Point, NY.
Speech Record from the Office of the Dean of the Academy.

Key excerpts are as follows.

“Hello officers:
Congratulations again! Now all the speech will be shrouded in
secrecy. ‘Don’t frighten the kids’, President Trump told me particularly
before I came here. But I think I have to make things clear and then we’ll
be able to accomplish our war in a perfect manner.”
“I convinced President Trump earlier to avoid a military
intervention ......which would start nuclear world war terminating human
being and flattening the earth.”
“......we have to choose to take a smart way to destroy our potential
enemies including China, Russia, Iran and others, and ensure none of our
people will be hurt.”
“Officers, you now may have an idea of the secret weapon
mentioned by President Trump which is never a bomblet but the current
coronavirus popular all over the world! Some of the theories widespread
around the internet are actually true. DOD has enlisted it as the top
secret and the final goal of GOF is to develop biological weapons......”
“......First of all, we have to preset the basic features of the virus which
could attack based on DNA of different races, and whether the
consequences of whose attack is a quick death like that caused by
Ebola or wide spread or heredity to the next generation like those
caused by AIDS. We preferred quick death since it seems rather
practical, however, virologists offer a distinct opinion that quick death
will counteract the virus transmission. And DOD made some compromise
so as to enhance transmission of virus and increase the total death toll
by lowering the quick death rate.”
“Then DOD broke down the job in order to legitimate all the parts
under the federal law. More than a few companies and research
institutions shared the job on different parts: some are responsible for the
natural virus collection, some for R&D of research equipment, some for
modifying genes, some for studying differences of races, some for tests
in sentinel labs, some for pharmaceutical R&D, some for handling
negative news, which means the total job is still confidential. Even if
someone could make connections, they will be just taken as lunatic
without revealing our real plan.”
“In fact, SARS virus in the 20th century was a biological weapon so
was the SARS-II popular these days. Some dumb scientists didn’t know
the harms and transmission routes of the virus samples in their hands in
the first place, and unprofessional protection measures caused the leak
of the virus.” “CIA hold more than 50 leaks including viruses, bacterial
and radiant have been detected since 2010.”
“Though the leak of the virus was accidental, the result was doing
our country a favor. When coronavirus was studied, it has preset its target
including Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and Italian whose ACE2 protein in
lung is quite high and who therefore easily get infected. The ACE2
protein of Caucasian and African Americans is relatively low, leaving
them rather safe in front of coronavirus. As for Italian American like me,
we could immunize from SARS-II by getting a vaccination.”
“To acquire resources is the final goal of starting this war mainly from
two aspects:
Firstly, resources are limited and shouldn’t be wasted by lower class
whose rapid population growth and living standard uplift will lead to
environmental deterioration and negatively influence our life
improvement. Historically wars have been proved to be the best way to
decrease population, and the earth would have exploded without WWI
and WWII. So, we can see the leak of coronavirus was actually a great
success killing hundreds of thousands of lives from the third world and will
keep killing more, making the world a better place to live.
Furthermore, we are going to deprive resources from our rivals and
enemies including financial and natural resources. People have to
purchase Remdesivir to treat SARS-II or get a vaccination so as to
immune from it. All these manufacturers are suppliers of DOD, meaning
the whole world is sending money to our States. From my perspective,
this is a much wiser means to collect resources than violently robbing,
indemnity or sale of weapons.
Therefore, the leak has made our life better and made America
great again! Gentlemen, your mission has greatly changed with the
advancement of high technology. You have to understand you will be
faced with smokeless wars when deployed to different parts of the world.
Maintaining the order of the world, and ensuring America’s priority is your
Now, the third world war has begun and far from over with more
leaks of virus on going.

Michael Richard Pompeo

U.S. Secretary of State

The meticulous design, the train of thoughts, the over-bearing tones,

the use of the American language, abbreviations and typographic
presentation all typify Former Secretary Pompeo’s and President Trump’s
statutes and personalities. These characteristics support the authenticity
of the letters circulated on the internet. Through the Acts of Freedom of
Information, it should not be difficult to confirm the authenticity of the
Internal Speech. In getting the information to the world, someone had
risked his or her life trying to save our lives, health, resources and loss of

Additional direct scientific evidence in support of the conspiracy are

listed below.


Militarism has long been and will surely remain at the center
of US foreign policy and economic development. American
Military has withdrawn from the International Criminal Court,
refused to sign a new international protocol to the 1972 biological
warfare treaty and seek to develop new genetic weapons. It has
adopted a new “first-strike” strategic doctrine, replacing
decades of US policies based on “deterrence” and

1. EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) and Peter Daszak

Since its inception in the 1970’s, the New York based EcoHealth
Alliance (EHA) and its President Peter Daszak have formed a
world alliance collecting bacteria and viruses that were brought
back to the USA. Among others, these pathogens included those
that were responsible for COVID-19, H1N1, SARS, H7N1, H7N9,
MERS, AIDS and Ebola. In Pompeo’s words, “some are responsible
for the natural virus collection.”

These pathogens have been in existence for hundreds of million

years, and a pandemic had never occurred before Gain-of-
Function (GOF) was fully developed by virologists within the last
20 years.

Alexis Baden-Mayer of the Organic Consumers Association

posted on the EDITOR’S NOTE of September 3, 2020,
“Daszak works with dozens of high-containment laboratories
around the world that collect pathogens and use genetic
engineering and synthetic biology to make them more
infectious, contagious, lethal or drug-resistant. These include labs
controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), in
countries in the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, Australia,
South East Asia and Africa.” “Many of these labs are staffed by
former biological weapons scientists.”

Gain-of-Function (GOF), an American Bioweapon Technology and

2019-nCoV, an American Bioweapon
2. Some of the harmful coronaviruses collected from around the
world through EHA were cloned or “turbo-charged” with reverse
genetics system to produce a gain-of-function, an increase in
efficiency and potency to directly infect targeted groups of
people such as in SARS and MERS, or indirectly through livestock
animals such as in H1N1, H7N1 or H7N9. The above contention is
confirmed with Pompeo’s statement, “DOD has enlisted it as the
top secret and the final goal of GOF is to develop biological

On Apr. 20, 2001, the bioweapon research laboratory of Dr.

Ralph S. Baric in the University of North Carolina (UNC) filed a
provisional patent on “Methods of Producing Recombinant
Coronavirus” (Figure 2). Unlike a conventional patent which
shares information to promote scientific development of the
inventions, a provisional patent keeps secret of its inventions
crediting the inventor(s) and the priority date until it turns
conventional at the discretion of the inventor(s). Between Feb.
11 and Jul. 16, 2003, SARS CoV infected over 8,000 and killed 774
people mainly Chinese. The success of GOF in replicating SARS
CoV capable of causing epidemic or pandemic was
communicated in August and published in October 2003 in
PNAS [4]. The patent, the NAS presentation and the PNAS
publication are all direct evidence of bioweapon research.

Prof. Francis Boyle of the University of Indiana who drafted the

1989 Biological Weapons Act and oversaw biologic warfare in
the USA considered GOF a DNA genetic engineering
technology of “turbo-charging” dangerous biological warfare
substances or pathogens such as SARS-CoV and 2019-nCoV [3].

U.S. government mandated pause on GOF studies on risky viral

studies. A moratorium was called to end risky virology studies at
14 American institutions, but such effort was in vain [5]. Without
such genetic engineering of GOF, natural infection with these
pathogens or zoonoses could not have reached pandemic or
even epidemic caliber.

Patents Are Archived Records of Direct Evidence

David E. Martin of the M-CAM International who is responsible for
monitoring biological and chemical weapons treaty violations
through financing of intellectual properties, testified at the
German Coronavirus Inquiry Committee on July 9th, 2021. His
testimony provided direct evidence as excerpted below.

“...... in 1999, Anthony Fauci funded research at the University of

North Carolina, Chapel Hill, specifically to create.......” The
invention was patented as U.S. patent 7,279,327 (Figure 2) which
stated, “The National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
(NIAID) built an infectious, replication defective coronavirus.
They were specifically targeted for human lung epithelium.”

Pompeo mentioned, “Then DOD broke down the job in order to

legitimate all the parts under the federal law.......some for
modifying genes, some for studying differences of races, some
for tests in sentinel labs, some for pharmaceutical R&D......”

Martin continued, “In other words. We made SARS, and we

patented it on April 19, 2002 before there was ever any alleged
outbreak in Asia, which, as you know, followed that for several
US 7,279,327 B2 patent provides direct evidence of successful
genetic engineering of recombinant coronavirus as early as Apr.
20, 2001, the filing date of the provisional patent.

Figure 2. Genetic engineering of chimeric viral recombinants to

produce bioweapons and antidotes was filed as provisional patent
unknown to the public as early as April 20, 2001 to protect private
interests of the inventors and assignees. Inventors and Assignee were
Americans. They are the benefiters.

Martin testified, “That patent (US 7,279,327 B2) clearly lays out in
very specific gene sequencing the fact that we knew the ACE2
receptor, the ACE2 binding domain, the S spike protein and
other elements of what we have come to know as this scourge
pathogen; was not only engineered but could be synthetically
modified in the laboratory, using nothing more than gene
sequencing technologies taking computer code, and turning it
into a pathogen or an intermediate of the pathogen, and that
technology was funded exclusively in the early days, as a means
by which we could actually harness coronavirus, as a vector to
distribute HIV vaccine.”
Martin continued, “Our concern was that coronavirus was being
seen as not only a potential manipulatable agent for use as a
vaccine vector, also very clearly being considered as a
biological weapon candidate.” Death that occurred soon after
taking non-inactivated mRNA vaccines could have been
derived from this line of vaccine development.
“There is no question that by 2005, it was unquestionably a
weapon of choice.” Martin asserted.

Martin continued, “Three day after CDC filed the patent on SARS
coronavirus in 2003 (US 7,220,852 B1), ......Sequoia
Pharmaceuticals, a company that was set up in Maryland, ......
filed a patent on antiviral agents of treatment and control of
infections by coronavirus (US 7,151,163 B2). CDC filed 3 days
earlier. And then, the treatment was available 3 days later.”
(Figure 3)
Figure 3. Natural entity cannot be patented for lack of novelty and
inventive steps. Therefore, the SARS virus described in the US 7,220,852
patent and assigned to the USA-HHS-CDC must not be natural but
human invention engineered. For the protection of the interests of the
American inventors and assignees, provisional rather than
conventional patents were filed so that outsiders would not know of
the inventions. Benefiters are all Americans.

Martin continued, “How would one have a patent on a

treatment for a thing that had been invented three days
earlier? ...... 7151163 issued to Sequoia Pharmaceuticals......was
issued and published (on Dec. 19, 2006) before the CDC patent
on coronavirus was actually allowed (on May 22, 2007) so that
the degree to which information could be known by any means
other than insider information between those parties is zero. It is
not possible for you to patent to treat a thing that had not been
published, because CDC had paid to keep it secret.
This, my friend, is the definition of criminal conspiracy,
racketeering and collusion. This is not a theory, this is evidence.
[6] You cannot have information in the future inform a treatment
for a thing that did not exist.”. He continued,
“The regal pattern which was established in April of 2003 for the
first coronavirus was played out to exactly the same schedule
when we see SARS CoV2 show up.......How do you treat a thing
before you actually have the thing?” (Figure 3)

3. “......the 5th of June 2008, actually around the time when
DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Program in the United
States, actively took an interest in Coronavirus as a biological
weapon.......Ablynx which ...... is now part of Sanofi filed a series
of patents that specifically targeted what we’ve been told is the
novel feature of the SARS CoV2 ......targeted what was called
the polybasic cleavage site for SARS CoV2, the novel spike
protein and the ACE2 receptor binding domain, which is
allegedly novel to SARS Cov2. ......And those patents in
sequence were issued on November 24th of 2015, which was
U.S. patent 9,193,780 (Figure 4). So, that one came out after the
GOF moratorium. That one came after the MERS outbreak in the
middle east.”
Figure 4. A treatment provisional patent filed on Jun. 5, 2008 by European
inventors before MERS outbreak in 2015.
How do you treat a thing before you actually have the thing?

Martin continued, “ 2016, 2017, and 2019, a series of patents

all covering not only the RNA strands, but also the
subcomponents of the gene strands were all issued to Ablynx and
Sanofi…”“If you actually take what they reported to be novel,
you find 73 patents issued between 2008 and 2019, which have
the elements that were allegedly novel in the SARS CoV2
specifically as it relates to the polybasic cleavage site, ACE2
receptor binding domain and the spike protein, so the clinically
novel components of the clinically unique, clinically
contagious...... There was no outbreak of SARS because we had
engineered all of the elements of that. And by 2016, the paper
that was funded during the GOF moratorium that said that the
SARS coronavirus was poised for human emergence, written by
none other than Ralph Baric [7], was not only poised for human
emergence, but it was patented for commercial exploitation 73
times.” “Seventy-three patents on everything clinically novel, 73
all issued before 2019.”

These were inventions to produce a more transmissible and more

deadly bioweapon. They were granted on the basis of being
novel with inventive steps, and their applications would have
been denied if the 2019-nCoV is of nature.

Through analyses of international patents and licenses of

coronavirus in the last 20 years, David Martin of M-Com
International provided irrevocable evidence that 2019-nCoV is a
bioweapon of American design, and manufactured with
patented American technologies. Competitive patenting of its
treatment’s compositions and methods for profits revealed the
malicious plot behind plundering of human lives, financial and
natural resources. Thus, as stated by Pompeo, “To acquire
resources is the final goal of starting this war......”.

Fort Detrick Lab-Leak Caused Death in Maryland

4. The BSL3/4 laboratory of the Fort Detrick military base had its
license revoked by the Center of Disease Control (CDC) in July
2019 after an outbreak in May similar to COVID-19, killing about
20,000 people with 75% of nearby citizens in Maryland infected
(the First Epicenter). That was allegedly a lab-leak as a result of
malfunctional wastewater treatment system. Pompeo did
mention, “Some dumb scientists didn’t know the harms and
transmission routes of the virus samples in their hands in the first
place, and unprofessional protection measures caused the leak
of the virus.” Also, “CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) hold more
than 50 leaks including viruses, bacterial and radiant have been
detected since 2010.”

Dr. Francis Boyle of the University of Illinois said in the Alex Jones
Show that he had condemned Fort Detrick and the UNC for
violating the 1989 Biological Weapons Act that he drafted, for
“turbo-charging” every pathogen including SARS-CoV and
MERS- CoV that he proclaimed were bioweapons from Fort
Detrick. He insisted that Fort Detrick should be shut down and
their investigators be fully investigated. Pompeo did confirm, “In
fact, SARS virus in the 20th century was a biological weapon so
was the SARS-II popular these days.”

Fort Detrick underwent vigorous renovation since March 2020 as

revealed by satellite. Any physical evidence of lab-leak of
bioweapons can no longer be discerned. All that transpired,
including research and production of bioweapons, can only be
obtained from classified reports of the CDC, the DOD and the
CIA, if they have not been deleted.

Deployed American Soldiers Infected Lombardy of Italy

5. COVID-19 became widespread causing death in Italy (the
Second Epicenter) after American soldiers arrived with
transplant sera in Sep. 2019. Historically, Lombardy region is well-
known for being an important political, cultural and economic
center in Europe. Ever since Marco Polo, Italy and China have
been friends in needs and in deeds. Milan and Bologna
represent a key stop for world fashion and business on the Belt
Road from Europe. Italy was among the G7 to have allied with
China on the project. According to Pompeo, “......Italian whose
ACE2 protein in lung is quite high and who therefore easily get
infected...... As for Italian American like me, we could immunize
from SARS-II by getting a vaccination.”

Event 201
6. In October 2019 the clinical trial conducted by CDC and CIA
was presided with Anthony Fauci and other U.S. government
officials. 2019-nCoV investor Bill Gate’s lawyer Dr. Elias was on
site with pharmaceutical sales, and potential buyer Fu Gao of
China. Results demonstrated that 2019-nCoV was as deadly for
Caucasians in Wisconsin (the Third Epicenter)on the West Coast
as for others in Maryland and New York, and that the vaccine
GS-5734 (Remdesevir) developed by Dr. Baric with Gilead
Sciences Inc. was ineffective in preventing or saving the
critically-ill patients.

Vaping E-cigarettes was blamed to cover up bioweapon

warfare. U.S. Military stopped selling vaping products to
soldiers. The Army and the Air Force pulled the products from
their base shops on Sept. 30, while the Navy followed suit on
Oct. 1. According to CDC, the country had 1,299 injury cases
and 26 deaths confirmed associated with vaping as of Oct. 8.

2019-nCoV has its unique design for killing Asians and dark
Indians to be described below. In USA, dark Indians were
considered as Asians. However, evolution has it that the
genomics of Caucasians and Indians are similar. Allotting two
Indian HIV inserts for the 2019-nCoV Spike was not only killing
Indians but Caucasians as well.

The 7th CISM Military World Games, Wuhan, October 18-27, 2019
7. According to the COVID-19 timeline, Wuhan is at best the Fourth
This “Games” is a perfect opportunity to infect, inside China,
human beings from around the world. There were 9,308
competing athletes of military background from 109 countries
with more than 300 American participants. Five of them had
COVID-19-like symptoms, hospitalized in Wuhan, taken hurriedly
on an American Army airplane and left China ahead of
schedule without further information. Considering that the
incubation period of COVID-19 is between 5 to 14 days, direct
human transmission could have occurred initiating from
American athletes infected previously in USA from vaping or
other means. Several early publications by Chinese scientists
suggested that the Wuhan inception could have occurred

Pompeo told the 2020 cadets, “Gentlemen, your mission has

greatly changed with the advancement of high technology.
You have to understand you will be faced with smokeless wars
when deployed to different parts of the world. ......Now, the third
world war has begun and far from over with more leaks of virus
on going.” Ongoing leaks of viruses by deployed American
soldiers is what COVID-19 is all about.

Setting up China as the Scapegoat

8. In 2014, EHA began funding Dr. Zhengli Shi of the Wuhan Institute
of Virology (WIV) CAS from the U.S. National Institutes of Health
(NIH). By now, Baric had long developed and patented
recombinant coronavirus and treatment. Using the EHA excuse
of “identifying dangerous coronaviruses before they emerge,”
Baric’s team including Daszak were “creating more transmissible
and deadly coronaviruses”. Previously, Baric had coached Shi’s
team into developing the SHC-014 plasmid, a prototype of the
2019-nCoV [7] [8]. The SHC-014 plasmid [9] transformed to
become the plasmid of the WIV-1 CoV spike protein in Baric’s
2016 publication [10], with Shi appearing in the
Acknowledgements but not in the Author list, indicating that Shi
was not a key member of the final transformed product of 2019-
nCoV; neither was any Chinese.

In 2015, Menachery et al. reported in Nature Medicine that a

genetically engineered SARS-CoV/ HIV chimeric recombinant
targeting human ACE2 receptors and turbo-charged with GOF
could kill without remedy [9]. Like a key unlocking ACE2 to allow
viral entry, the chimeric spike glycoproteins were genetically
engineered for cellular receptor recognition [7] [8], cell tropism
[11][12], and host specificity [11] [12].

Menachery et al concluded, “The potential to prepare for and

mitigate future outbreaks must be weighed against the risk of
creating more dangerous pathogens, because SHC014-MA15
showed a gain in pathogenesis. The synthetic recombinant bat
SARS-like coronavirus is infectious in cultured human cells and in
mice” [9]. Also, “Because of the ability of chimeric SHC014 viruses
to replicate in human airway cultures, cause pathogenesis in vivo
and escape current therapeutics, there is a need for both
surveillance and improved therapeutics against circulating SARS-
like viruses.”

For the first time, the chimeric virus was transformed to become
the world’s most power biological weapon of pandemic caliber.
This is the origin of the 2019-nCoV. There is no legitimate reason to
create such a chimeric virus and empower it with GOF except
creating more dangerous pathogens in the production of
bioweapon for a pandemic.

In its ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, wordings of genetic engineering

were used to describe, “Experiments with the full-length and
chimeric SHC014 recombinant viruses were initiated and
performed before the GOF research funding pause and have
since been reviewed and approved for continued study by the
NIH.” Francis Collins denied in a recent CNN Special on the Origins
of COVD-19, saying, “There is no evidence that NIH supported any
GOF studies to enhance the transmission of virulence.”

With SARS-1 allegedly originated from China, Shi’s team

seemingly championing the development and publication of
SARS/HIV-pseudo-type chimeric recombinant of SHC014 plasmid
[7][8], proving its epidemic killing capability without remedy [9],
even incriminating WIV by publishing SHC014 plasmid as WIV-1
plasmid in 2016 [10], WIV appeared as good as the prime suspect
in the criminal case. Shi’s BSL4 laboratory was not operational until
2018. She holds no patent on recombinant coronavirus. She
proclaimed that she did not use GOF in her studies, and her
publications confirm her assertion [13-26].

Shi received approximately $600,000- from NIAID, remotely

echoing Judas’ 30 pieces of silver from the high priests.
Menachery’s AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS documented, “Z.-L.S. (Shi)
provided SHC014 spike sequences and plasmids.” Her exchange
student, “X.-Y.G. performed pseudotyping experiments” [9]. At
best, Shi was set-up for Trump to blame China for man slaughter
and world damage of COVID-19. At worst, Shi was collaborating
to make the bioweapon of 2019-nCoV. Innocent and naïve might
Shi and Daszak appear, no scientist in his or her proper
conscience would have attempted the SARS/HIV-1 chimeric
recombinant genetic constructs without questioning or
understanding their potential risks and motives. As virologists, they
must have known that the chance of natural formation of the
SARS/HIV-1 chimera is nil. Yet, they have kept publishing and
proclaiming the natural etiology to mislead the world population.

I often wonder if the 14th batch of plasmid construct of SARS/HIV-

1 chimera is what “SHC014” represents. It is a product of genetic
engineering by itself. HIV-1 pseudo-typing clearly denoted that
the amino acid sequence was conserved and tested, potentially
for future genuine HIV-1 insertions. As one of the senior Chinese
virologists, Shi must have understood that such chimeric plasmid
was non-existent in nature. The only way that it might appear “as
reservoirs” or “circulating” in bats or any other animals is that these
animals were artificially injected or infected with 2019-nCoV.
While working with Baric and Menachery, Shi must also be aware
that her American collaborators and Fort Detrick were renowned
for bioweapon research and manufacture [9][10][27-36]. In fact,
Shi was developing SHC014 under instruction of Baric in WIV,
China with funding from EHA.

Given that Shi’s SHC014 plasmids were lacking the genuine HIV-1
insertions, and were not turbocharged with GOF, these plasmids
were not bioweapons by themselves. A search in Shi and WIV
publications indicated that they have not conducted or
published genuine HIV insertion or GOF [13-26], mostly because of
national/international regulatory compliance, and may be due
to lack of motive, knowledge, and technology. One would have
entirely overestimated the scientific capability of Shi and WIV to
have produced a bioweapon like 2019-nCoV. The SHC014
plasmids, produced under Baric directions, however, do provide
the prototype to develop and eventually become the most
powerful bioweapon in existence today. Baric and his
laboratories exile in DNA insertion and GOF turbocharging in
bioweapon development and manufacture. These were
scientifically documented in publications [9][10] [27-36] and
patents and thus provide the critical evidence of American
bioweapon development.

Thus, 2019-nCoV is an American design, using foreign DNAs for

targeting and for blame (see next section), but manufactured
with American technologies by Americans on American soil.
Infatuated for being an American academician in 2019, and
enriched with EHA funding, Shi and WIV were essentially set-up as
scapegoats by Daszak and EHA for Trump Cohort to plot against
the blooming Chinese economy, derailing Chairman Xi Jinping’s
Belt Road project and setting up alliance in Great Britain,
Australia, India and others to demand financial benefits from
China. Trump condemned China to have initiated COVID-19 and
failed to contain the pandemic spread of 2019-nCoV outbreak
from WIV.

In the CNN Special “The Origins of COVID-19” aired on Sunday

Jul.19, 2021, Baric said that his team has always worked “on
enhanced conditions”. He mentioned that Shi’s BSL3/4
laboratory “became operational in 2018” and that, “The
condition under which they (meaning Shi’s team) do their studies
were dangerous.” Baric condemned Shi’s team of creating SARS-
CoV-2 and the pandemic, but when Gupta asked if WIV had the
capability to produce the new coronavirus, Collins’ answer was
most assuring, “Not SARS-CoV-2.” By now, Baric could have
million-dollar bank accounts through licensing and technology
transfer. Records of these can be subpoenaed, especially with
M-CAM International and David Martin. Martin testified that Baric
was very much enriched by his 2019-nCoV work.

The Unique Genetic Make-ups of 2019-nCoV

2019-nCoV uses the same human cell entry receptor—
angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2)—as SARS-CoV. Just as
ACE2 is a lock, the spike (S) glycoproteins making up the
receptor binding domain (RBD) is the key for the viruses to enter
any human cells with ACE2 receptors, with the latter being
perhaps the most prevalent receptors in the human body.

The spike glycoprotein (S) of coronavirus is cleaved into two

subunits (S1 and S2). The S1 subunit helps in receptor binding and
the S2 subunit facilitates membrane fusion. The spike
glycoproteins of coronavirus are highly specific in tissue tropism
and host range.

Soon after COVID-19 onset on December 8, 2019 in Wuhan,

Pradhan et al [37], a bioRxiv preprint was posted online on Jan.
31, 2020. It was soon withdrawn under peer pressure but has
been reposted until now. It documented one of the earliest
genetic make-up of 2019-nCoV, and thus the original design of
2019-nCoV, without incorporating mutational features that were
acquired after infecting various human beings from different
genetic backgrounds.

1. The Spike Glycoproteins (NCBI Reference Sequence:


Pradhan et al described, “We found 4 insertions in the spike

glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not
present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues
in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the Human
Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1) gp120 or HIV-1 Gag.
Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the
primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV
suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding
site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which
have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural
proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.”
“The novel inserts are part of the receptor binding site of 2019-
“......all the 4 insertions were absolutely (100%) conserved in all
the available 2019-nCoV sequences analyzed.”
“......these inserts are present in all Wuhan 2019-nCoV
“...... each of the four inserts aligned with short segments of the
Human immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1) proteins.”
“...... it is unlikely that all 4 inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike
glycoprotein fortuitously match with 2 key structural proteins of
an unrelated virus (HIV-1).
The amino acid residues of inserts 1, 2 and 3 of 2019-nCoV spike
glycoprotein that mapped to HIV-1 were a part of the V4, V5
and V1 domains respectively in gp120. Since the 2019-nCoV
inserts mapped to variable regions of HIV-1, they were not
ubiquitous in HIV-1 gp120, but were limited to selected
sequences of HIV-1 primarily from Asia and Africa.”

Table 1 of Pradhan et al documented that motif alignment of

Insert 1 was sourced to the Thailand HIV genome; Insert 2, Kenya;
Insert 3, India; and Insert 4, India. This signifies that 2019-nCoV has
a multi-national or multi-ethnic genetic background. No report
was found documenting migration of bats between Thailand,
Kenya, India, and China to provide the rarest opportunity for the
coronaviruses to mingle and mutate with the intercontinental HIV,
producing the man-killing 2019-nCoV. Daszak could have
recorded collecting HIV and coronaviruses directly from these
countries as credited by Pompeo, “......some are responsible for
the natural virus collection, ......”. The only logical explanation for
their co-existence in 2019-nCoV is that these foreign HIV-1 amino
acid residues were genetically engineered to be a viral
recombinant bioweapon.

Baric did not erred in his design of 2019-nCoV targeting to kill

Asians and Africans. Pompeo confirmed, “When coronavirus was
studied, it has preset its target including Indian, Chinese,
Japanese, and Italian whose ACE2 protein in lung is quite high
and who therefore easily get infected. The ACE2 protein of
Caucasian and African Americans is relatively low, leaving them
rather safe in front of coronavirus.” Although the U.S. census
classifies people from India as Asians, most Indians carry more
Caucasian genes than Asians when the latter two ethnic groups
diverged from Black Africans during evolution. With subsequent
population migration and inter-racial marriage, most Indians are,
in fact, Caucasians. Thus, when Boris Johnson announced that
the British could acquire herd immunity against COVID-19 without
the need of masking and social distancing, he was misinformed
like Trump, and they in turn misled their countrymen and
countrywomen. Caucasians are not immune to HIV-1 inserts of the
Indian origin, and SARS GZ02, at high concentration, will infect all
human beings. Prime Minister Johnson set an example that we all
need to respect 2019-nCoV, as much as respecting the large and
growing population in Great Britain. To date, USA and India rank
tops in COVID-19 infection of 47,336,577 and 34,366,614, with
death tolls of 775,218 and 461,043 respectively.

2. The Spike Backbone

Pradhan et al continued, “Since the S protein of 2019-nCoV
shares closest ancestry with SARS GZ02 (GenBank:AAS00003.1),
the sequence coding for spike proteins of these two viruses were
“To our surprise, these sequence insertions were not only absent
in S protein of SARS but were also not observed in any other
member of the Coronaviridae family. This is startling as it is quite
unlikely for a virus to have acquired such unique insertions
naturally in a short duration of time.”

It was the Guangzhou (GZ) SARS virus backbone that prompted

Trump to called 2019-nCoV the Chinese virus and/or Wuhan
virus, claiming that he knew this virus better than others. He
could easily support his claim with publications by renowned
scientists in reputed scientific journals, publicized in various news
media with his allegations on Wuhan and China. However, none
of these publications described the HIV-1 insertions or the
SARS/HIV-1 chimeric recombinant. The HIV-1 insertions that
constitute the polybasic furin cleavage portion (or multi-basic
cleavage site, MBS) of the Spike broke up like gunpowder once
cell entry occurred, leaving the SARS virus backbone to infect
the respiratory system. These scientists reported the bombshell
without the gunpowder, thus did not provide the actual genetic
make-up of the 2019-nCoV. The HIV-1 proteins work like
gunpowder to devastate the patient’s immune system affecting
all organs. A very high percentage of COVID-19 patients died
with AIDS symptoms. Publications of 2019-nCoV genetics
without trace mention of HIV were incomplete endeavors
describing coronavirus gene fragments to support the natural
etiology, like the blind men describing the elephant.

History recorded that SARS infected 8,096 people and killed 774
in 26 countries between November 2002 to July 2003. As of Nov.
08, 2021, 2019-nCoV has infected 250,801,963 people worldwide
and killed 5,067,953 since the Wuhan inception on Dec. 08,
2019, and it is going on strong. SARS alone could not have
accounted for the impact of COVID-19. In an interview with the
French medical news media on 4/16/2020, Professor Luc
Montagnier, the discoverer of HIV-1 virus, told the world that
2019-nCoV definitely had an element and manifestation of
AIDS. He confirmed the 2019-nCoV genomics as described by
Pradhan et al with his independent genomic modeling. He also
confirmed Shi was conducting chimeric viral recombinant
studies on contract, with financial support and technical

As with 2019-nCoV design, SARS-GZ02 backbone had

demonstrated its fatal infection of the respiratory system, and
multiple insertional HIV-1 plasmids and proteins had
demonstrated devastation of the patients’ immune and
vascular circulatory systems supplying all organs. The levels of
CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19, and CD16 were all decreased in two
patients according to Zhang et al [15]. At the end, it was the
GOF (Gain-of-Function), a DNA engineering technology which
cloned the 2019-nCoV to effectively high quantity and potency
that propelled the efficiency of 2019-nCoV transmission among
the human population to the pandemic level.

The 2019-nCoV is a recombinant chimera genetically engineered

with Guangzhou SARS-CoV as wildtype backbone for efficient
transmission, and four HIV inserts to devastate the immune system
of the patient [37]. The two species of viruses had distinct and
distance pedigrees, and because of the different space and time
of their existence, their recombinant had never appeared in a
natural setting. Therefore, 2019-nCoV could not be a product of
nature, but rather a product of human genetic engineering [3].

The HIV-1 insertions that constitute the polybasic furin cleavage

portion (or multibasic cleavage site, MBS) of the Spike broke up
like gunpowder once cell entry occurred to provide GOF [38] [39].
The HIV-1 proteins work like gunpowder to devastate the patient’s
immune system affecting all organs, leaving the SARS virus
backbone to infect the respiratory system. Most scientists
reported viral genomics derived from patients where viral entry
had already occurred at the ACE2 receptor binding domain
(RBD). They reported the bombshell without the gunpowder, thus
did not provide the actual genetic make-up of the 2019-nCoV
like Pradhan et al who obtained their 2019-nCoV specimens
directly from NIH of USA.

American Connections of World Scientists and WHO through Daszak

9. There is no shortage of publications in prestigious journals by
renowned scientists, all in support of the natural etiology of the
2019-nCoV. The only shortage is the scientific supportive

Through the international alliance of EHA, its President Peter

Daszak became an important member of the WHO Team
investigating WIV for lab-leak of pandemic viruses. “There wasn't
a lab-leak.” Martin testified, “… every study that ever has been
launched to try to verify a lab-leak is a red herring.”

Martin emphasized the actual statement of the actual perpetrator

Peter Daszak made in 2015 ,
“We need to increase public understanding of the need for
medical counter measures, such as a pan Coronavirus vaccine.
A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype.
We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real
issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the
process” was most telling on the key motive that “it was all about

According to Martin, the “real issues” that Daszak referred to

were as follows: “This was an intentional bio-weaponization of
spike proteins to inject into people to get them addicted to a pan
Coronavirus vaccine. This has nothing to do with the pathogen
that was released …which is in fact the injection of a synthetic
recombinant chimeric protein developed off the computer

The WHO-EHA alliance conveys unobvious but great significance.

It allows American participation as an authoritative WHO
member through Daszak, and because USA is no longer a paying
member of the WHO, WHO would have good reason not to
investigate American bioweapon sites for deliberate or non-
deliberate viral release. Although Daszak appeared to be
supportive of China, the fact remained that WIV did not have an
undeliberate or a deliberate release of 2019-nCoV.

American Strategy
Pompeo proclaimed, “To acquire resources is the final goal of
starting this war”. A campaign of coercion and terror, COVID-19
has been the Third World War launched by Trump cohorts to
plunder human lives and financial resources using 2019-nCoV.
Genomic publications in prestigious journals by groups of
renowned scientists [40-56] were propagated in daily news
media with Trump’s condemnation of Shi’s lab-leak to drown the
truth that 2019-nCoV is an American bioweapon used by Trump’s
administration to genocide the elderly, the weak and the poor.
None of the publications identified the species of bats or
intermediates that could have initiated the transmission of 2019-
nCoV. Without this information, no one can scientifically
conclude, or believe, that COVID-19 has a natural etiology.
These proclamation and publications were set-ups to mislead the
world, setting the stage for American allies to blame China for
loss of lives and human resources, for discriminatory aggression
and for financial penalty of 10 trillion USD.

In addition, the real issues that Daszak referred to were,

according to Martin’s testimony, “an intentional bio-
weaponization of spike proteins to inject into people to get them
addicted to a pan Coronavirus vaccine. They needed the media
to create the hype and investors would follow where they see

Daszak’s remark echoes Pompeo saying, “Furthermore, we are

going to deprive resources from our rivals and enemies including
financial and natural resources. People have to purchase
Remdesivir to treat SARS-II or get a vaccination so as to immune
from it. All these manufacturers are suppliers of DOD, meaning
the whole world is sending money to our States. From my
perspective, this is a much wiser means to collect resources than
violently robbing, indemnity or sale of weapons.”

Natural Origin of COVID-19 Defies All Scientific Logics

A glaring evidence against the natural etiology of COVID-19 is
that the 2019-nCoV has infected none of the WIV researchers
who had been exposed to bat excreta for over 16 years of viral
collection. However, as of today, 2019-nCoV has killed over 5.0
million and infected over 250 million subjects worldwide, in 227
territories across all continents in 23 months, including American
marines in submarines, masked tourists on cruises, Presidents, First
Ladies and Prime Ministers in “palaces”.

The natural transmission of viral infection through bat exposure in

wildlife is a continual process until the transmitting bats are
eliminated. History has not recorded bat slaughter to prevent or
to revenge for COVID-19. One would expect that as COVID-19
spread from the epicenter of Wuhan, many more Chinese would
be infected and died than Europeans and Americans because
of the longer period and higher concentration of virulence
exposure. Whereas COVID-19 essentially expired in China by
3/20/2020 except imported cases, it is still killing Europeans and
Americans by the thousands each day. What stopped the bats
from continuing to transmit 2019-nCoV in China? Which are the
2019-nCoV transmitting bats?

COVID-19 Recurrence in China

Terrorizing predictions were widely distributed soon after the
Wuhan inception in China that COVID-19 would come back to
haunt the Chinese population in the Fall, and it did. Since July
2020, customs of more than 10 Chinese cities have detected
2019-nCoV from wrappings of frozen salmons, shrimps and meat
products imported from Latin American and Northern European
countries. These events echoed Secretary Pompeo’s ending
remark of, “Now, the third world war has begun and far from over
with more leaks of virus on going.”

Shi and WIV have nothing to do with frozen food wrappings at

different Chinese customs. The world should be mindful of the
approximately 200 US biosafety laboratories having been
strategically placed around the world, including but not limited
to Latin American and Northern European countries. Until these
some 200 U.S. biosafety laboratories and the 12 U.S. based ones
are put out of commission, the world will be guaranteed of a
constant supply of deadly pathogens delivered through the
frozen food chains. Recently, the Chinese Government has
determined that a shipment of Maine lobsters did carry the 2019-
nCoV, arriving Wuhan at about one month before the 2019
Military World Games.

The Genetically Modified Bomb

In his speech, Pompeo said, “Officers, you now may have an
idea of the secret weapon mentioned by President Trump which
is never a bomblet but the current coronavirus popular all over
the world! ......DOD broke down the job in order to legitimate all
the parts under the federal law. More than a few companies and
research institutions shared the job on different parts: ......some for
R&D of research equipment ......”

An intrinsic characteristic in the design of viral recombinants as

fatal bioweapons is their non-noticeability in their delivery. This
has been achieved through human to human and pet to human
transmission. In addition, miniature bomblets using materials that
defy conventional detection falling from the sky or placed
strategically to be activated must be circumvented to reduce
infection and death.

Universal Vaccine Mandate and Concerns

David Martin testified, “In September 2019, the WHO global
preparedness monitoring boards unified statement says that we
need to have a coordinated global experience of pathogen
release which by September 2020 must be put in place: a
universal capacity of public relations management crowd
control and the acceptance of the universal vaccine mandate.”
“ intentional release of a respiratory pathogen was written
into the scenario.”

According to a Lytton physician Dr. Charles Hoffe, m-RNA based

vaccine effectively causes microscopic clots in capillaries,
leading to pulmonary hypertension and heart failure within three
years, in addition to brain and spinal cord damages.

Sean Brooks, PhD. of Oxford, made a very succinct comment in

a recent VEED.10 conference on the school vaccination
mandate issue,
“Dr. Robert Moron who created the m-RNA vaccine had said no
one should ever take these jabs ever...... People who have taken
it are going to die in the next 6 months to 3-5 years for three
reasons....... You dramatically decreased your own immune
system by 35%....... Antibody dependent enhancement … ends
up leading the body into what is called a cytokine storm, which
causes organ failure, and ......death.......Blood clotting at the
microscopic level......Millions have died from the jabs.”

As of 9/25/2021, CDC and FDA recommended booster shots from

Pfizer and Moderna (m-RNA vaccines) for 65+ elderlies, and
reserved recommendation for adults and children.

How Many People Must Die Before Pandemic Monitoring is

Determined to be Unnecessary?
With Shi and Daszak monitoring epidemic/pandemic outbreaks
of bat coronaviruses for 16 years, one would expect that they
could have foretold COVID-19 outbreaks and readily identified
which species of bats was transmitting the 2019-nCoV. Without
this information, no one can scientifically believe less conclude
that COVID-19 has a natural etiology. Furthermore, did they,
WHO or anyone fore-warn the world of COVID-19’s coming? If not,
whatever duties these people claimed that they performed were
misleading if not lies. People were misled to look for bats, minks,
pangolins as the sources of 2019-nCoV when these animals could
have been just as easily be injected experimentally with the
chimeric virus to provide a reservoir of bioweapon, or to incubate
anti-viral vaccine if they could survive the insult.

They found a Rhinolophus coronavirus that was 96.2% identical in

sequence to SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV), “the closest relative yet
found”, but calculations suggest it would take decades for that
bat virus to mutate into the new human pathogen. Any geneticist
could tell that 3.8% genomic difference is gigantic. To put it in the
right perspective, the genomic difference between a man and
a pig is 2%; and between men, <0.5%. Therefore, the 2019-nCoV
could not have derived from a natural zoonotic jump from the
Rhinolophus coronavirus, especially when such natural jumps
were always associated with left-overs of evolutionary mutation
footprints that scientists have observed none with 2019-nCoV.

Haven’t we done enough monitoring, now that over 5.0 million

people have died of COVID-19? Trump made an executive
decision in late April 2020. The 3.7 million-dollar NIH grant in
support of EHA was to be discontinued within a week under
Trump’s command after it was revealed that at least $600,000-
was used in the development of SHC014 plasmids, the 2019-
nCoV prototype [3]. Trump did this to cover-up the track of
misappropriating tax-payers’ health research money entrusted
to NIH into bioweapon development. NIH requested EHA to
provide all 2019-nCoV samples from the WIV for American
examination and to arrange an American investigation of the
WIV, should EHA wish to continue to receive NIH support on the
Daszak-Shi project.

According to the Washington Post, Harold Varmus, former

Director of NIH and 1989 Nobel laureate in Physiology or
Medicine, considered NIH’s list of conditions for EHA “is
outrageous, especially when a grant has already been carefully
evaluated by peer review and addresses one of the most
important problems in the world right now – how viruses from
animals spill over to human beings”. Dr. Varmus is one of the 77
Nobel laureates who requested NIH Director Francis Collins and
Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar on May 21 to
review the NIH’s termination of the grant. Apparently, these
Nobel laureates did not know how 2019-nCoV spill over to human
The GOF study of viral chimeric recombinant of Menachery et al.
[9] [10] was heavily funded by NIH. Its Acknowledgement cited,
“Research in this manuscript was supported by grants from the
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease and the National
Institute of Aging of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH)
under awards U19AI109761 (R.S.B.), U19AI107810 (R.S.B.),
AI085524 (W.A.M.), F32AI102561 (V.D.M.) and K99AG049092
(V.D.M.), …..and by USAID-EPT- PREDICT funding from EcoHealth
Alliance (Z.-L.S.). Human airway epithelial cultures were
supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Disease of the NIH under award NIH DK065988
(S.H.R.)……”. Collins, however, simply denied NIH’s support of
the project, saying,“There is no evidence that NIH supported any

GOF studies to enhance the transmission of virulence.”

CNN Special “The Origins of COVID-19”

Dr. Sanjay Gupta presented on Sunday Jul.19, 2021, the
viewpoints of renowned scientists, all Americans except Shi who
became an American academician in 2019 like Fu Gao of the
Chinese CDC. The basis by which these Chinese became
American Academicians is a matter of record. The CNN program
had long been advertised with the slogan, “Leave the origin of
COVID-19 to the scientists”. It represents another concerted effort
using selected sound bites of scientists to mislead the world that
2019-nCoV was genetically engineered in Shi’s laboratory of WIV
with a lab-leak, or else the pandemic originated from the South
China Seafood Wholesale Market of Wuhan, China.
Amidst hundreds of RatG13 bats flying in the sky outside a cave,
and pythons, bears and pangolins caged in a market, scientists
were paraded through testifying as follows.
Daszak of EHA began saying that Shi confirmed that SARS-1
came from the bats. Francis Collins of NIH spoke of Rhinolophus
coronavirus that was 96% identical in genetic sequence to SARS-
CoV-2 (2019-nCoV), but the 4% difference would take decades
to mutate into the killing pathogen of 2019-nCoV.
Daszak used an affirmative “NO” to indicate that he did not see
the whole data base on his last visit to China as a WHO member.
He said that the Chinese should be more open.
Baric said that his team has always worked “on enhanced
conditions”. He mentioned that Shi’s BSL4 laboratory “became
operational in 2018” and that, “The condition under which they
do their studies were dangerous.”
Anthony Fauci proclaimed, rather unexpectedly, “I have never
lied, to the Congress.”
Francis Collins stuttered, “There is no evidence that NIH supported
any GOF studies to enhance the transmission of virulence.”
Baric made a condemning statement, “They (meaning Shi’s
team) created the SARS-CoV-2” and the pandemic, but when
Gupta asked if WIV had the capability to produce the new
coronavirus, Collins’ answer was, “Not SARS-CoV-2.”

Shi was portrayed as a bat-swabbing virologist with her Australian

exchange student confirming their BSL4 laboratory was in
compliant to standards. Shi might not have an opportunity to
rebut Baric’s allegations. With Shi and her student representing
WIV in the program and not rebutting Baric’s and Daszak’
condemnations, the world will be misled to believing the
American scientists. This once again, poised China to be blamed
and punished for world loss of lives and businesses.

International Competition in Biological Warfare

USA was built on firearms, plundering life, land, and all resources
from native Indians and other countries. American military is the
true terrorist of all time [57], just second to Genghis Khan’s army
in the 13th century with its tyranny in its conquests yet killing more
people. Bioweapons are easy and cheap to produce and be
dispensed. They kill without a warning, leaving hardly any
physical evidence nor guilt to their dispensers.

This is the price we paid for genetic engineering using viral

vectors. The original intent was using viruses to deliver a fragment
or the whole normal gene into the genetically defective cell to
effect genetic repair. Flawed in its original design, viral genetic
engineering has not developed a HIV therapy, but been misused
to produce bioweapons.

What stops an international competition in biological warfare if

highly educated people can get away with murder, be honored
and get paid for such a pursuit? Afterall, it is not so difficult to learn
from all the patents and publications. If we are concerned about
the Alpha and the delta strands, there will be countless more new
constructs to come just from the USA alone. Pompeo foretold, “So,
we can see the leak of coronavirus was actually a great success
killing hundreds of thousands of lives from the third world and will
keep killing more, making the world a better place to live.”

That is why people needed to be appraised of the reality of

COVID-19, instead of sleeping through the WWIII and waking up
with COVID-19. Human civilization will be destroyed, and the
world will not be inhabitable. That is why the research, production
and dispense of bioweapons must be stopped now.

Human Civilization is Forever Changed

As COVID-19 is blazing over the USA, China economy is reviving
with minimal COVID-19 “import” cases. Much can be said about
the government, the leadership and the people of China and
USA, but differences can only pull the parties apart. World
economy has barely begun benefitting from the last 30 years of
Sino-American cooperation, especially in American
technologies, and Chinese manufacturing / services. China’s rise
to the top in science and technology is oncoming and inevitable.
It is through international cooperation and economic growth
that world peace and prosperity can be achieved. Unfortunately,
Trump and Pompei’s much underhanded political and military
supremacy maneuvers have damaged each one of us as a
member of the human race.

2019-nCoV has proliferated and mutated throughout all this time

of transmission, producing literally millions of mutants that defy
vaccines. They will survive pass the end of the world and will
forever be threatening human health, for their actions are non-
noticeable but progressively fatal. Without knowing which
mutant(s) being dealt with, convalescent serum therapy [1][2][3],
and not the mediocre convalescent plasma therapy, becomes
the only readily available emergent treatment. Besides hand
washing, masking and social distancing, a most sensible
prevention is for people to develop an immensely strong immune
system to cope with whatever mutant(s) that come along. This
will become a new and urgent direction of development for
scientific research. The current vaccination programs aim at
immunotolerance induction which eventually will become

COVID-19 has essentially bankrupted numerous third world

countries. All the stock markets have become unstable. Even the
White House of USA cannot afford to maintain all its staffs. There
will be many millions of people mourning over the million deaths
of family and love ones before COVID-19 will be, if ever, under
control. We no longer enjoy the same degree of freedom in our
actions, much less of the mind, that we took for granted before
For now, conferences and social gatherings are diminished to a
minimal necessity and personal inter-relations of love and trust will
be lost. These include children taking courses at home and not
going to school. Grandchildren will grow up wearing a mask, as
necessary as putting on shoes. Prolonged use of the mask will
reduce their oxygen intake, especially under hot climate.

All these constitute Trump Cohorts’ crime against humanity. Has

anyone not felt violated? As the WHO arrived Wuhan for the
second time with selected panel of experts to search for the
origin of COVID-19, Shi still very timely maintained her former
position of the natural origin of COVID-19 with her latest
publication in Science [58]. Among the 13 WHO experts was
Peter Daszak who has played a key role in the events. These
cohorts have completely ignored the catastrophic destruction of
human race, less COVID-19 origin, for personal gain in money
and power. What other plots do they have in their planned third
visit to WIV?

International Cooperation to Save

Soon after COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, I published [1][2][3] and
patented the composition for use as a medicament for
emergent treatment of sudden attacks of COVID-19 and other
pathogenic epidemics, plasma/sera sets from rehabilitated
patients and methods for identifying and isolating viral antigens
to diagnose and effective antibodies for treatment (Figure 5). On
11/4/2021, CNBG announced that the Sinopharm production
and animal testing of COVID-19 specific immunoglobulin isolated
from rehabilitated patients yielded 100% safety and efficacy,
and that there are sufficient convalescent plasma to produce
the antibody medicine for China. International collaboration
and free licensing are available to qualified parties at
Figure 5. A PCT pioneering patent teaching how to diagnose, prevent
and treat pathogenic attacks.

COVID-19 pandemic is the Third World War using GOF on SARS
and HIV viral recombinant for the American militaries to plunder
human lives and resources worldwide without gunfire. It is pre-
meditated, cold-blood murder aimed at acquisition of money
and natural resources very much like what the Nazi did to the
Jews and what the Japanese did to the Chinese during the
Second World War. Tens of millions human beings will be killed
before the human race become awaken to its terrorism.

The 2019-nCoV is of American design, using foreign DNAs for

targeting and for blame, but manufactured with American
technologies by Americans on American soil. Infatuated for
being an American academician, the “Bat Woman”, and
enriched with NIH and EHA funding, Shi and WIV were essentially
set-up as scapegoats by Daszak and EHA for Trump Cohort to
plot against the blooming Chinese economy, derailing Chairman
Xi Jinping’s Belt Road project and setting up alliance with Great
Britain, Australia, India and Japan to demand 10 trillion USD from
China as in the Opium War. Without any evidence, Trump
condemned China to have initiated COVID-19 and failed to
contain the pandemic spread, hyping his duet with Shi of the
2019-nCoV outbreak from WIV through news broadcasts of WHO
investigations and with the monotonal orchestral publications of
the natural etiology by renowned scientists in prestigious journals.

While the rich have been amazed at the play-out of the opera,
the poor, elderly and sick have been silently murdered. The
middle-class is terrorized, endangered, deprived, and confined.
COVID-19 benefiters continually reap the profits from sales of
vaccines, diagnostic kits, oxygen, medical devices and hospital
essentials, at the expenses of tens of millions of precious human
lives and businesses worldwide. Dr. Baric became wealthy and
Bill Gates became richer. According to Pompeo, “Therefore, the
leak has made our life better and made America great again!”

Proclaiming the natural etiology diplomatically ease

international relations and the tension to seek justice for loss of
lives and businesses, but bioweapons must be banned
immediately worldwide to safeguard mankind for generations to
come. Concerned governments have the responsibility to
appraise their citizens, less the world at large, of the reality of
COVID-19. Better vaccines and treatments to cope with
bioweapons will become available upon the awakening of the
general public. Concerned governments should educate the
people through news media that have so far been as misleading
as the WHO panel of experts. Only serious intervention of
international powers, including but not limited to China, Russia
and Germany, with support of billions of people awaken to life’s
reality by dedicated scientists, can we ever stop these malicious
murderers from continuously depositing biological bombs of
various viral recombinants.

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