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Instituto Atenea


Lab report #1: “What is an animal?”

Teacher: Daniel Acosta

Integrants: Mhassiel Suarez

Diego Requena
Bianca Viveros
Juan Solis
Andrea Fong
Ervin Zou

Grade: 8°A

Monday, April 25





-sea shell








what is an animal ?an animal is a living organism that feeds on organic matter,
typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond
rapidly to stimuli. the animals are divided into two part invertebrates and vertebrates
In this report it gonna have the information of 5 vertebrates and 5 invertebrates. each
of the animals there gonna be the info of their characteristics,habitas ,food , and
specialized parts and that some of the animals could have more than one
specialized parts or could the animal live all around the world all of this is going to be
mentioned on this report .

Snake live all around the world,snakes do have a ear bone called columella it
detects vibration .Snakes uses their tongues to detect smells of food or to stay away
from he enemies ,their scales are thin in the head and thick on the body that to
protect their body of the ground. the snakes are carnivorous , the smaller snakes
eats the pupae ,or eggs, of ants and centipedes and the bigger snakes eat deer and
pigs , most of the snakes live off snakes , rodents , birds ,eggs ,fish , and lizards . All
non-poisonous snakes have teeth on the upper jaw and the lower jaw. A snake can
often grow more teeth as needed because teeth are sometimes lost while feeding.
The teeth are hook-shaped and angle toward the throat.Poisonous snakes have
either grooved or hollow fangs. The poison, which comes from glands located under
each eye, flows down the groove or through the hollow portion of the fangs and is
injected into the prey.

The most commonly known wasps, such as yellowjackets and hornets, are in the
family Vespidae and are eusocial , living together in a nest with an egg-laying
queen and non-reproducing workers.Eusociality is favoured by the unusual
haplodiploid system of sex determination in Hymenoptera, as it makes sisters
exceptionally closely related to each other. However, the majority of wasp species
are solitary, with each adult female living and breeding independently. Females
typically have an ovipositor for laying eggs in or near a food source for the larvae,
though in the Aculeata the ovipositor is often modified instead into a sting used for
defense or prey capture.

Lizards are a widespread group of squamate reptiles, with over 6,000 species,
ranging across all continents except Antarctica, as well as most oceanic island
chains.Lizards typically have four legs, feet and external ears,though some are
legless, while snakes lack these characteristics.Lizards and snakes share a movable
quadrate bone, distinguishing them from the rhynchocephalia , which have more
rigid diapsid skulls .Some lizards such as chameleons have prehensile tails,
assisting them in climbing among vegetation.Genes associated with venom toxins
have been found in the salivary glands on a wide range of lizards, including species
traditionally thought of as non-venomous, such as iguanas and bearded dragons.
This suggests that these genes evolved in the common ancestor of lizards and
snakes, some 200 million years ago (forming a single clade , the Toxicofera ).
However, most of these putative venom genes were "housekeeping genes
" found in all cells and tissues, including skin and cloacal scent glands. The
genes in question may thus be evolutionary precursors of venom genes.
sea shell

A seashell or sea shell, also known simply as a shell, is a hard, protective outer layer
created by an animal that lives in the sea. The shell is part of the body of the animal.

A seashell is usually the exoskeleton of an invertebrate, and is typically composed of

calcium carbonate or chitin. Most shells that are found on beaches are the shells of
marine mollusks, partly because these shells are usually made of calcium carbonate,
and endure better than shells made of chitin.

Beetles are found in

nearly every different habitat on Earth and are only absent from the freezing
polar regions.As with other species of insects, the body of the beetle is
comprised of three sections all coated in the hard outer shell, which are the
head of the beetle, the thorax of the beetle and the abdomen of the beetle.
The beetle is an omnivorous animals and feeds on whatever it can find but
generally plants and fungi and the debris from both plants and animals. Some
bigger species of beetle have been known to eat small birds and even small
species of mammal. Other species of beetle feed of the dust from wood and
therefore enjoy burrowing themselves into trees.Due to their small size and
wide, diverse range, beetles are prey to numerous species of animals from
other insects to reptiles, birds, fish and mammals. The exact predators of the
beetle however are largely dependent on the size and species of the beetle
and the area in which the beetle inhabits.Recently, the Asian longhorned
beetle has been found in number of North American states with the beetle
having quickly gained a name for itself as an agricultural pest. The Asian
longhorned beetle is a type of bark boring beetle which means that they dig
themselves into wood.

Rats are members of the order Rodentia, which also encompasses beavers, mice,
hamsters, and porcupines. Rats are generally small animals. Rats are generally
slender with a pointed head, large eyes, and prominent, thinly furred ears. They have
moderately long legs and long, sharp claws. Rats have brown, gray, or black fur
covering their body, except for their ears, tail, and feet. Their hearing is excellent, it
typically have 16 teeth. Rats are social creatures, living in colonies that are housed
in a complex network of underground burrows similar to the warrens dug by wild
rabbits. To protect the colony from predators, the entrances to the burrows are
well-hidden among rocks, the roots of shrubs, or under other thick vegetation. Due to
an established social hierarchy among the males, there is little infighting for the right
to mate with the females. Rats can: swim for half a mile, and tread water for three
days; survive falling five stories and run off unharmed; fit through a hole the size of a
quarter; and scale a brick wall. The rat's nutritional requirements are
similarhumans.The common species are opportunistic survivors and often live with
and near humans.

Bats are the only mammals capable of true flight, that is, flight powered by muscular
movement as distinct from gliding. The wing is a double membrane of skin stretched
between the enormously elongated bones of four fingers and extending along the
body from the forelimbs to the hind limbs and from there to the tail. The thumb is
small, clawed, and free from the membrane. Nearly all bats are nocturnal and many
live in caves, they are found in nearly all parts of the world but are most numerous in
the tropics Although they see well, they rely primarily on their highly developed
hearing, using echolocation to avoid collisions and to capture insects in flight. The
bat emits high-pitched sounds that echo from objects it encounters. The body of the
bat is mouselike and usually covered with fine fur. The face varies greatly from one
species to another; many species have complex appendages on the snout and
projections, or false ears, in front of the true ears; the ears themselves are often very
large and elaborately convoluted. These facial structures are part of the sensory
apparatus that emits and receives sound vibrations. Bats of northern regions
migrate, hibernate, or both in winter. In most species, males and females do not
associate except during the mating season. The life span of some bats is 20 years in
captivity. Bats are classified in the phylum Chordata , subphylum Vertebrata, class
Mammalia, order Chiroptera.

Spiders are not insects, and they are different in many ways. spiders have two body
parts: the front body section, called the cephalothorax , and an abdomen; insects
have three body parts: a head, thorax, and abdomen. All spiders are both
carnivorous and venomous,spiders use their venom to paralyze their prey and only
bite if cornered or trapped. Black widows are one of the most feared and
misunderstood spiders.Spider habitats range from deserts to rain forests to
backyards and everything in between. spider have Since they do not have any
antennae, they use specialised and sensitive hairs on their legs to pick up scent,
sounds, vibrations and air currents.Spiders produce seven kinds of silk , ranging
from sticky stuff to trap and wrap their prey to super strong threads for support.
Spiders produce seven kinds of silk , ranging from sticky stuff to trap and wrap their
prey to super strong threads for support.

Scorpions are arthropods, they have eight legs, two pedipalps, and a tail with a

venom-injecting barb. Scorpions have two venom glands that produce venom used in
hunting and self defense. Scorpions do not have bones instead they have an
exoskeleton made of chitin, which is similar to the shell of a shrimp.Scorpions are
found all across the world. There are over 2,000 different species found on six of the
seven continents. They prey on insects, arthropods and in some cases small
vertebrates. Because scorpions can live in such harsh environments they have
adapted the ability to slow their metabolism to as little as one-third the rate for most
arthropods. This enables some species to use little oxygen and live on a single
insect a year. Even with lowered metabolism, the scorpion has the ability to spring
quickly to the hunt when the opportunity presents itself something that many
hibernating species are unable to do. Some species can have over 100 viviparous
offspring, followed by the young climbing on the mother’s back for weeks until first
molt and living independently. All scorpions are venomous, they use their venom to
paralyze and kill their prey and in self defense. Even small young scorpions can inject
you with the same amount of venom as adults.

Toad is a common name for certain frogs , especially of the family bufonidae,that are
characterized by dry , leather skin , short legs, and large bumps covering the parotid
gland. A distinction between frogs and toads in not made taxonomy , but in common
in popular culture (folk taxonomy) in which toads are associated with drier skin and
ore terrestrial habitats
in conclusion most of the animals that are in this report mostly live in all around the
world except in the antartida by this those animals live in the same habitat or eat the
same animals . those invertebrates and vertebrates have their own specialized parts
and the own characteristics that for survive in the wild . those animals have different
specialized parts that is what make every each one unique, just like the spider one of
his specialized parts are the thin hair on his legs that helps him to pick up sense
sound or vibration,another animal is the snake it uses its tongue to to feel the
senses or to stay away of enemies, each animal it's different by his own .

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