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Sunday, September 26, 2021 $2.00 FACEBOOK.COM/TIMESSTANDARD TWITTER.COM/EUREKATS times-standard.com

SoHum nurse honored as ‘hero’


Adelaida Yanez helped evacuate patients in 2020 August Complex fire Jerold Phelps
Hospital nurse
“There is no one more deserv- about her.” Adelaida Yanez
By Isabella Vanderheiden was selected
ing of this privilege than Ade- The Healthcare Hero Award
laida,” said hospital CEO Mat- is designed to recognize individ- for the 2021
Adelaida Yanez was recently se- thew Rees. “She is one of the best uals for their outstanding con- Healthcare
lected as a 2021 Healthcare Hero nurses I have ever worked with. tributions to the skilled nursing Hero award.
by the California Association of As I’ve gotten to know her over profession during a public health
Health Facilities for her invalu- the years, I have found she’s an emergency,” according to the Cal- SOUTHERN
able nursing work at Jerold Phelps employee I can trust and I can ifornia Association of Health Fa- HUMBOLDT
Community Hospital in Garber- rely on. Patients and staff have cilities. CARE DISTRICT —
ville. nothing but great things to say NURSE » PAGE 3 CONTRIBUTED



$3.5T bill,
for agenda
By Alan Fram
The Associated Press
WASH I NGTON » D emo c r a t s
pushed a $3.5 trillion, 10-year
bill strengthening social safety
net and climate programs to-
ward House Budget Committee
approval Saturday, while party
leaders hunted behind the scenes
for compromises to resolve inter-
nal divisions and, they hoped, al-
low the sprawling package’s even-
tual passage by Congress.
Approval by the Democratic-
dominated panel, meeting vir-
tually, was assured. Passage
would mark a necessary but mi-
nor checking of a procedural box
for Democrats by edging it a step
closer to debate by the full House.
Under budget rules, the commit-
tee wasn’t even allowed to sig-
nificantly amend the 2,465-page
measure, the product of 13 other
House committees.
The more important work has
been happening in an opaque pro-
cession of mostly unannounced
phone calls, meetings and other


Flames consume a house near Old Oregon Trail as the Fawn Fire burns north of Redding in Shasta County on Thursday.

The Associated Press A fire update said winds were erupted Wednesday and grew Shasta County and throughout
easing and temperatures were explosively in hot and gusty the state, Bridgett said. It wasn’t
REDDING » Damage assessment dropping, with rain expected weather in the region. immediately known if she has
teams went out Saturday to de- to start Monday. Alexandra Souverneva was an attorney who could speak on
termine how many buildings Initial assessments found that charged Friday with felony ar- her behalf.
have burned in a forest fire that at least 100 homes and other son to wildland with an en- The Fawn Fire has charred
has displaced thousands of res- structures had burned, officials hancement because of a de- nearly 12 square miles of heavy J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE — THE ASSOCIATED
idents in Northern California. said. But that number was likely clared state of emergency in Cal- timber and was 10% contained, PRESS FILE
Firefighters working in steep, to change as teams go street by ifornia, Shasta County District according to the California De- House Budget Committee Chair
drought-stricken terrain hope street surveying the destruction Attorney Stephanie Bridgett partment of Forestry and Fire John Yarmuth, D-Ky., joined at left
calmer weather over the next in the Mountain Gate area. said. Protection. by House Intelligence Committee
few days will help as they battle Authorities have arrested a The Palo Alto woman also Nearly 2,000 residents were Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif.,
the Fawn Fire north of the city 30-year-old woman on suspi- is being investigated to see under mandatory evacuation talks to reporters at the Capitol in
of Redding. cion of starting the blaze that if she’s started other fires in FIRE » PAGE 3 Washington.


St. Alban’s church wins Confirmed cases, global: 231.4M Share your story Eureka: 11 (good)
‘Max the Vax’ contest Deaths, global: 4,741,510 ideas with us Garberville: 17 (good)
Confirmed cases, U.S.: 42.9M
Diocese holds challenge. Send Deaths, U.S.: 687,572 Send contributions to Willow Creek: 67 (moderate)
Good News contributions to re- Last updated: Sept. 25, 1:05 p.m.
porters@times-standard.com for publication. Last updated: Sept. 25, 1:05
Source: Johns Hopkins University
for publication. See Page B1. COVID-19 dashboard p.m.Source: airnow.gov

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in Business
The Times-Standard will publish our annual special
tribute to local business women in honor of the

National Business
Women’sWeek: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual international health campaign
organized by major breast cancer charities to increase awareness of the disease and
October 20-26 www.times-standard.com
raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The
Be sure to recognize and celebrate the women in your business! campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer. Let
Please call your local advertising Times-Standard readers know how your business supports the cause and the services
Opportunity for your business to say thanks and executive today at 707-407-5969 or products you provide to those impacted by breast cancer.
show appreciation for Humboldt’s local business women!

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