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EUREKA Birth announcements

SUNNY FLOWERS, The Times-Standard Mad River

Community Hospital
St. Joseph Hospital
Ryker Philip Thomas

Millie Jean Hawkins Wood was born Sept. 17,
was born Sept. 6, 2021, to 2021, to Kelly Schmidt and
Kelly and Lee Hawkins. Chance Wood.


Are we at a
turning point?
There are moments in
cinematic history forever I too am
etched into our culture’s frustrated and
worried — and
ness. Paddy so very angry.
Chayefsky’s I know I am
“Network” not alone. The
(1976) con-
tains a par- fuming path on
ticularly which we now
strong one. find ourselves is
In it, How-
ard Beale, a fired national not an isolated
newscaster (played by trail; it’s more
the late Peter Finch), ral- like Madison
lies his viewers to chan-
nel their anger over the
Avenue at rush
current state of the coun- hour.
try. Forty-five years later,
it is nothing less than un-
canny how prescient were with the truth since the
the character’s words. internet arrived via AOL
Says Beale: “I don’t dial-up modems.
have to tell you things are And as they say on
bad. Everybody knows late-night infomercials,
things are bad … we “But wait! There’s more!”
know things are bad — The climate is heat-
worse than bad. They’re ing to never before ex-
crazy. It’s like every- perienced levels, dry-
thing everywhere is going ing out some areas while
crazy.” flooding others, leav-
The famous scene cul- ing us in an endless sea-
minates in Beale holler- son of wildfires and hur-
ing, “I want you to get ricanes. Take-home pay
up right now, sit up, go can hardly survive the
to your windows, open trip. Oh yes, at least our
them and stick your head politicians are working
out and yell, ‘I’m as mad together to solve all these
as hell and I’m not go- issues. Yeah, right. Civil
ing to take this any- discourse? That’s a quaint
more!’ Things have got to concept.
change. … You’ve got to I don’t like being Neg-
say, ‘I’m mad as hell and ative Nathan, and most
I’m not going to take this certainly don’t enjoy this
anymore!’” stomach-churning, mi-
While listening to my graine-triggering, heart-
podcast, one of the com- pounding turn of events
mentators pointed out any more than anyone
that the overriding mood else, but I do understand
of our population is “an- from whence it rises. I
gry.” Captain Obvious too am frustrated and
to the rescue, please. It worried — and so very
doesn’t take a degree in angry. I know I am not
Even though the season has shifted to autumn, sunny summer sunflowers continue to bloom in a Eureka yard psychology to see that. alone. The fuming path
We have divided along on which we now find
against a bright blue sky. There’s a slight chance of rain on Monday, but otherwise the local coastal region should any lines we can find, in- ourselves is not an iso-
see sunny skies over the coming days. cluding some that don’t lated trail; it’s more like
exist. There are “red” Madison Avenue at rush
states and “blue” states, hour.
TELEVISION each seemingly following I also get it that I

Bialik’s ‘Jeopardy!’ goal: maintaining its integrity

different sets of “facts” am not — at least in
in dealing with the dead- this venue — a politi-
liest public health cri- cal or news commenta-
sis in our history, which tor. I write a “lifestyle
By Lynn Elber
The Associated Press
in by studio Sony while its
host search begins anew.
Bialik had already been
woman who changes up her
life by becoming a cat-cafe
owner and, when last seen,
Q Was the “Jeopardy!”
turmoil awkward for
you or could you distance
has now surpassed the
U.S. death toll of the 1918
Spanish flu pandemic.
piece” on wellness, moti-
vation, and change, leav-
ing the “hard news” and
LOS ANGELES » Mayim Bi- hired as emcee of “Jeop- was caught between her af- yourself? Additionally, it’s not out punditry for others. Yet,
alik knew she’d be busy ardy!” prime-time and spi- fection for Max (Cheyenne of the question that we’ll it is foolish to deny that
around this time of year,
but not this busy.
Besides starting produc-
noff series, including a new
college championship. She,
Jennings and Richards
Jackson) and Oscar (Chris-
topher Rivas).
A cat parent herself times
A There have been
many conversations
and weeks and weeks of
pass the Civil War’s toll of
750,000 before this whole
tragic situation is in our
one’s emotions are dis-
connected from our per-
ception of how the world
tion on a new season of Fox’s were among the dozen-plus three, Bialik is a spokes- us all getting adjusted rear-view mirrors. What is turning, so it stands to
sitcom “Call Me Kat,” Bi- temp hosts who vied earlier woman for Purina’s Pro to what’s been going on. makes it even more vex- reason that the state of
alik was recalled to duty as this year for the plum job. Plan LiveClear cat food line, There hasn’t really been ing is there’s now a 99% current affairs is, at least,
a “Jeopardy!” guest host — While Bialik didn’t spec- developed to reduce feline anything that’s been a sur- effective solution that a mental health issue, if
the result of the quiz show’s ulate on whether she might allergens that can be irritat- prise, so there wasn’t re- many won’t consider. In- not so much more.
publicly messy effort to re- ultimately be Sony’s pick, ing to humans — including, ally awkwardness. I’m just stead, they’d rather shout Maybe anger is only
place the late Alex Trebek. she said she considers her- the actor noted, her boy- excited to be able to do my and curse school boards, a defense to quell the
Mike Richards exited as self part of the show’s “fam- friend. job and do it to the best airline attendants, even sense of panic that too of-
newly minted host (and pro- ily” and was glad to help In an interview with The of my ability, as someone health care providers. ten rises up and grasps
ducer) in August after past out on the syndicated show Associated Press, Bialik dis- who likely would get ev- Much of the blame goes us around the windpipe.
unsavory podcast com- around the season-two tap- cussed adapting to “Jeop- erything wrong on ‘Jeop- to “news” networks and The fury is a cloak of pro-
ments came to light. Bialik ing of “Call Me Kat.” ardy!”, her comedy’s direc- ardy!’ It’s a real honor to social media sites that tection, for when neither
and “Jeopardy!” champ Ken Returning midseason, tion and her past comments get to stand up there. claim to be reputable but mad nor frightened, what
Jennings were then brought it stars Bialik as a single on vaccines. BIALIK » PAGE 4 haven’t had a relationship MARCUS » PAGE 4


New fall
Suzanne Ross-Mantle celebrate our community’s art scene
with more than 60 local artisans
jewelry, fiber, leather, woodwork,

painting, printmaking, illustration
glass, metal, ceramics
food products, body & wellness
products and more!
Noel Munn
October 9 & 10

belle starr
Saturday 11-5 • Sunday 10-4

at outdoor locations in Bayside

Maureen McGarry
JCLT Kokte Ranch
Redwood Roots Farm 405 Second Street Old Town Eureka
local artists still welcome to sign up!
Monday–Thursday 10–4 | Friday 10–6 Saturday 10–4 | Sunday 11–4
or 707-599-3192 online store:
Kathie Hagans

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