Part 1 Writing Test Lisset

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Lisset Sandoval Valenzuela


This whole and problematic year, I´ve seen many new small businesses in
my city in the social networks, from printed stickers and bracelets over
request, to fast food drive thru in the houses of acquaintances. The whole
world has been through a global crisis, talking obviously about the pandemic;
the need of the social distancing brought us problems and new ways of living
every day, this gave the companies and small business the necessity to set
the home office, but not all jobs can lay on this, due to the troubledness of
this, many people got fire at their jobs, and the economic crisis arrived
among the sanitary too.
Whilst some get unemployed, others impulse by the necessity, started
their own business, no matter the size of it, small or big. Even with the hope
to success during this pandemic, many people are working so hard, but there
are others, most of the big companies, who have great amount of money
increases, and the inequality can be seen.
For this inequality I think we should support local business, instead of
buying things online that can easily be bought in the Instagram page of your
friend who started this during the quarantine, or just trying to buy the things
you might need with someone with a small business instead of big stores like
Amazon, where you could even buy your supermarket, boy try to go better
with your neighbor´s little grocery.
Nowadays we must support each other, many people not only have lost
their jobs, but also some had gone into emotional funds where is more
necessary to help us as humanity.
Lisset Sandoval Valenzuela

For the Mother´s Day first grade festival at my middle school, 2016 to be
precise, the social worker made a contest to create a musical group to
present some musical number at this festival; when a hear about this I rash
into her office to ask for more information, they were looking for some
singers, musicians as guitar player, piano, battery, etc.
Turns out I´ve always love to play piano, and even I do not have the
training, I have learnt with tutorials and a lot of practice, so on I missed so
much about this field, but even that way I join the group, just because I
always wanted to play in front of a big public.
I practiced within the other members, and by myself to get the songs as
good as my knowledge could give me.
The presentation day, I ended up by singing a part of the main song, it was
a surprise to me from my partners, the whole classes we took, they said that I
sang well but that I had shame, so I sang and play the piano.
For the last musical number, I was supposed to play a piano and cello duet
with a partner, but we were 12 years old by then and she got very nervous,
and I was requested to play anyway, so I had to play both parts in the piano,
the background that was mine from the beginning, but also the melody, my
partner´s musical sheet. When I finished the play, all the moms and the
teacher applauded me, I felt so proud of my self to be honest 😊.

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