GDiMPS Part Breakdown (1804c) Instructions

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Global Direct Material Purchasing System (GDiMPS) Version 6.


GDiMPS Part Breakdown (1804c) Instructions

These are the instructions associated to the Global Direct Material Purchasing System (GDiMPS) Part Breakdown
online or downloaded templates. The Button section is not applicable to the online template.

Color Legend
Mandatory Input

Calculated/Auto Populated - No Input Required

Preferred Input

Do NOT Enter Input Here

Section Field Instructions

Undo Returns data in all 3 Part Breakdown sections (header, BOM,
The following buttons
Summary) to the last saved version
are available for all
sections of the online Recalculate Recalculate the computed fields along with returning the current
1804c template only the IM and RESALE indexed materials
Save Saves all changes made in the Part Breakdown (header, BOM,
Summary). Field level validation checks will be performed.

Copy Copies selected Bill of Material row(s) from 1804c to be pasted in

available blank Bill of Material rows or another 1804c.

Paste Pastes selected Bill of Material row(s) from 1804c to available blank
Bill of Material rows or to available rows in another 1804c
Shift Up Moves the selected row up one row

Shift Down Moves the selected row down one row

Insert Row(s) Entry box which allows adding rows (up to 1000) to the 1804c

Delete Row(s) Permanently deletes selected Bill of Material row(s) from 1804c

Expand / Minimize Maximizes and minimizes the size of the BOM grid for ease of entry

The following button Copy to Web Allow user to copy selected rows from Microsoft Excel 1804c
is available for the template to the online 1804c

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Global Direct Material Purchasing System (GDiMPS) Version 6.0

Section Field Instructions

Microsoft Excel 1804c
template only

RFQ # RFQ # will be pre-populated by GDiMPS.


Eng. Change Identifier The Eng Change number the 1804 is issued for.
Part Number Part Number included in the RFQ

Part Description Part Description of the Part Number on the RFQ

Part Year Year associated to the part on the RFQ

Receiving Plant Receiving plant associated to the part on the RFQ

Quoted Currency Currency associated to the quote

Users either double clicks or hit the down arrow to display

the droplist of all currencies. Droplist values: Currency Code
+ ‘ – ‘ + Description from the GDIMPS Currency table
Buyer Name Name of the initiating buyer on the RFQ.

Supplier Based on the RFQ/Duns selected.

Derived from the Primary DUNS on the Bidders List

Mfg. Location Based on the RFQ/Duns selected. City, State from the
physical address of the Duns.
Mfg. DUNS # DUNS number for the manufacturing location of the supplier
where the part is being built from the GDIMPS Bidders List
Ship From Location The physical address of the Ship from DUNS of where the part
is being shipped.
• Limit user input to 50 characters
Ship From DUNS # DUNS number for the shipped from location of the supplier.
• Limit user input to 100 characters
Supplier Contact Name Name of the Contact at Supplier - From SupplyPower based
on the login ID. If GM user, they will type in a Name.
• Limit user input to 50 characters
Supplier Contact Email Email Address of the Contact at Supplier - From SupplyPower
based on the login ID. If GM user, they will type in a Name.
• Limit user input to 50 characters
Est. Effective Date Defaulted to the first day of the first month with volumes
greater than the current date or if no volumes the first day of
the current month + 1
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Section Field Instructions

• Format DD-MMM-YYYY
Supplier Daily Capacity The supplier's quoted number of pieces and specified number
(SDC) of number of hours required to produce in order to meet or
exceed GM Capacity Requirements.
- SDC should exceed LCR
- Meeting weekly LCR requirements within 5 days 24 hours
- Capable of meeting weekly MCR on sustained basis
• Allowable values: x > 0
• Lean Capacity Rate (LCR): Represents the minimum
level of daily straight time component capacity
required from a supplier(s) to support GM vehicle
assembly centers.
• Maximum Capacity Rate (MCR): Represents the
maximum level component capacity required to
support GM vehicle assembly centers.
o - Daily LCR multiplied by 1.15 equals Daily MCR
o - MCR's should be achievable without additional
investment or capital expenditure. Example:
Supplier works 3rd shift and/or weekends
o - MCR's must be supported by suppliers on a
sustained basis.
SDC hrs/day Hours per day required to produce quoted SDC
• Allowable values: 0 < x > 25
SDC days/week Days per week required to produce quoted SDC
• Allowable values: 0 < x > 8

Program (30 char max) Code of the Program associated with part being quoted
• Limit user input to 30 characters
INCO Term Delivery terms
• Default Value: Free Carrier (FCA)
INCO Term Explanation Explanation to deviated from standard INCO term

Item Number Numerical sequence of BOM components assigned by the

Bill of Materials
Item Type Bill of Material Line Item Type using the appropriate coding
for a respective item
• Droplist values: OP, P, D, RM, IM, RESALE

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Global Direct Material Purchasing System (GDiMPS) Version 6.0

Section Field Instructions

Item Description Free text field depicting the description of an associated BOM
• Limit user input to 100 characters
Currency for FX Used to indicate the Currency of the FX items.
Indexation • Users double clicks to display the droplist of all
• If the Expense Currency is different than the Quoted
Currency, this indicates all costs on that row are to be

Material Detail Piece Price

Note: When "OP" is selected in the Bill of Materials section for a line item, that line is grayed out in the Material
section and should NOT be filled in.

Note: There are several ways in which material costs may be loaded into the 1804c, depending on the
commercial method used to quote. For purpose of illustration on how to use this form, consider a steel
stamping. Supplier starts with a 1 Kg steel blank ("Gross") and the stamped part weighs 0.7 Kg ("Net"), leaving a
"Delta" (Gross - Net) of 0.3 Kg. The supplier can recover a portion of the 0.3 Kg Delta (Gross - Net) by selling to a
third party. Here are 3 different example quote scenarios and how the 1804c would be completed for each:

Scenario 1: Supplier Quotes both Gross Weight and Delta (Gross-Net) with Indexation (1 index for purchase of
the steel and 1 index for resale value of the Delta:
- In this case, the Supplier will quote 2 line items. One line is for the cost of the Blank (Gross) and one is for the
Delta (Gross - Net) which the supplier re-sells as scrap and is giving back credit in the price accordingly. Note
that the indexed scrap value for the Delta (Gross-Net) must be a Negative value. Note that the Value of
Recoverable Material is to be filled with "0".

Scenario 2: Supplier Quotes Fixed prices (no indexation) for both Gross Weight and Recovered scrap steel
- In this case, the Supplier will quote only 1 line item which will provide the cost of the Gross material as well as
the Recoverable Value for the Delta (Gross-Net) scrap. Note that the Value of Recoverable Material must be a
positive value.

Scenario 3: Supplier Quotes both Gross Weight and Delta (Gross-Net) with Steel Resale Agreement:

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Global Direct Material Purchasing System (GDiMPS) Version 6.0

- In this case, the Supplier will quote 2 line items. One line is for the cost of the Blank (Gross) and one is for the
Delta (Gross - Net) which the supplier re-sells as scrap and is giving back credit in the price accordingly. Note that
the indexed scrap value for the Delta (Gross-Net) must be a Negative value.

Scenario 4: Supplier Quotes Gross Weight with Indexation (purchase of the steel) and no indexation for the
resale value of the Delta:
- In this case, the Supplier will quote 2 line items. One line (IM) is for the cost of the Blank (Gross) and one line
(RM) is for the Delta (Gross - Net) which the supplier re-sells as scrap and is giving back credit in the price
accordingly. Note the scrap value for the Delta (Gross-Net) must be a positive value in the Value of Recoverable
Material cell for the credit to be applied correctly.

Material Specification Description of the material being purchased.

• Double-click to select
Base Material The material used to fabricate the part being quoted
• Double-click to select
Material Exchange The exchange used to index the material used to fabricate
the part being quoted
Part Number Ability for supplier to enter the part number of the directed
buy or purchased part but also allowing for TBD to be entered
as an acceptable submission.
• Limit user input to 15 characters
Directed Buy RASIC (A/B) For Directed Buy, enter the Rasic (A or B) being quoted.
• Droplist values: A, B
Gross/Net/Delta Weight Input Gross, Net or Delta (Gross minus Net) in accordance
of Material with the material weight quoted in the "Quantity/Weight of
Part" column
Quantity/Weight of Part Input the Quantity of pieces for Purchased Components (P),
Directed Buys (D), or Weight of material if Raw Material
(RM), Indexed Material (IM) or Material Resale (RESALE)
• Allowable values: x > 0
• Limit to a 6 decimal maximum when inputting value
Unit of Measure Unit of Measure
• Users double clicks to display the droplist of UOMs.
Unit Cost The cost per Unit of Measure
• Zero is an allowable value
• Limit to a 6 decimal maximum when inputting value
Value of Recoverable Value of recoverable material, if the recoverable material is
Material not indexed.
• Allowable values: x >= 0
• Limit to a 6 decimal maximum when inputting value
Material Total Cost This is the total Material Cost.

This value can be negative as scrap recovery is a negative

Handling Cost Handling cost for the line item
• Allowable values: Allowable values: x => 0
• Limit to a 6 decimal maximum when inputting value

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Logistics Cost Logistics cost for the line item

• Allowable values: x => 0
• Limit to a 6 decimal maximum when inputting value
Tier X Supplier Name Name of Tier X Supplier providing material
• Limit user input to 15 characters
Country of Manufacture Tier X supplier's country of manufacture
• User may double click or hit the arrow to display the
droplist. Droplist values: List of valid countries

Operation Detail

Note: When "OP" is NOT selected in the Bill of Materials section for a line item, that line is grayed out in the
Operational Information section and should NOT be filled in.

Operation Description Description of the Operation being performed.

• Double-click to select
Machine Type Type of machine used to produce part being quoted
• Double-click to select
Machine Size / Size of machine used to produce part being quoted
Description • Double-click to select
OEE % The percentage of time that the operation in this line item is
• Load the Percentage of Time that the operation in
this line items is running (uptime) vs. shutdown for
breaks, tool changes, breakdowns, maintenance, etc.
(efficiency loss) during production hours.
• Allowable values: x > 0; displayed as a percentage
• Limit to a 3 decimal maximum when inputting value
Operation Cycle Time in The number of seconds required to produce a part(s) in one
Seconds operation cycle.
• Input the number of parts per hour that the machine
or process can produce excluding the impacts of
inefficiencies (OEE)
• Allowable values: x > 0
Parts Per Cycle The number of parts per machine or process cycle
• Allowable values: x > 0
Net JPH Net Job per Hour
• Calculation: (3600 * Parts per Cycle / Operation Cycle
Time in Seconds ) * OEE %"
• No decimal digits. Whole numbers only
Direct Labor Hourly Rate Direct Labor Hourly Rate
(Fully Fringed) • User input. Allowable values: x > = 0
• Limit to a 6 decimal maximum when inputting value
Direct Labor Headcount The number of operators allocated to manufacture the part
being quoted
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• Allowable values: x >= 0

• Limit to a 3 decimal maximum when inputting value
Direct Labor Cost (per Calculation: (Fully Fringed Direct Labor Hourly Rate * Direct
Part) Labor Head Count) / Net JPH

Burden Detail
Fixed Burden Cost (per Fixed Burden Cost per Piece
Part) • Allowable values: x => 0
• Limit to a 6 decimal maximum when inputting value
Variable Burden Cost Variable Burden Cost per Piece
(per Part) • Allowable values: x => 0
• Limit to a 6 decimal maximum when inputting value
Total Burden Cost (per Sum of Input Variable and Fixed Burden Costs per piece =
Part) Total Burden Cost
• Calculation: Variable Burden Cost + Fixed Burden Cost
• Allowable values: x => 0
Hourly Burden Rate Calculation: (Total Burden Cost x 3600) / Operation Cycle
Time in Seconds

FX Calculation
FX Rate (Expense/Quote The currency exchange rate used to calculate the Cost in
Currency) Quoted Currency.

• This is user entered however on upload, it is derived

by GDiMPS. On subsequent downloads, the value is
derived by GDiMPS and used on the downloaded
form to calculate the Cost in Quote Currency.
• If Expense Currency is entered and is not the same as
the Quote Currency, FX Rate must be entered.
Cost in Quote Currency Total Cost for the row.
(per Part) • Calculation:
• If Expense Currency is entered and is not the same as
the Quote Currency:
o = Sum of the Cost fields *FX Rate (as entered by
the user on the template or on upload/download
from GDiMPS of the Expense Currency for that
• If Expense Currency is entered and is the same as the
Quote Currency or the Expense Currency is blank:
o = Sum of the Costs fields on the row
• Cost fields are identified as:
o OP – Total Burden Cost (per Part) + Direct Labor
Cost (per Part)
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o P –Material Total Cost + Logistic Cost

o D – Total of Material Total Cost + Handling Cost +
Logistic Cost
o M - Material Total Cost + Logistic Cost
• For the below, FX Indexation is not enterable. Cost
in Quote Currency (per Part) is defined as:
o IM – Material Total Cost + Logistic Cost
o RESALE – Material Total Cost + Handling Cost +
Logistic Cost

CapEx for Mfg. Amount of Capital Expense for the Line Item.
Equipment/ Assy. Line
CapEx Currency Used to indicate the Currency of the Capital Expense.
• Users may either double click or hit the down arrow
to display the droplist of all currencies. Droplist
values: Currency Code + ‘ – ‘ + Description from the
GDIMPS Currency table

Piece Cost Summary

Raw Material Calculation: Sum of "Material Total" column where Item Type
= "RM" and the Expense Currency = Quote Currency or blank
Purchased Parts Calculation: Sum of "Material Total" column where Item Type
= "P" and the Expense Currency = Quote Currency or blank
Directed Buy Calculation: Sum of "Material Total" column where Item Type
= "D" and the Expense Currency = Quote Currency or blank
Direct Labor Calculation: Sum of "Direct Labor Cost" column where Item
Type = "OP" and the Expense Currency = Quote Currency or
Fixed Burden Calculation: Sum of "Fixed Burden Cost" column where Item
Type = "OP" and the Expense Currency = Quote Currency or
Variable Burden Calculation: Sum of "Variable Burden Cost" column where
Item Type = "OP" and the Expense Currency = Quote Currency
or blank
SG&A Amount of Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses
• Allowable values: x => 0
• Limit to a 6 decimal maximum when inputting value
Profit Amount of Profit
• Allowable values: x => 0
• Limit to a 6 decimal maximum when inputting value

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Handling Total handling cost of any materials that make up the BOM
on rows where the Expense Currency = Quote Currency or
• Calculation: Sum of all Handling Costs where the
Expense Currency = Quote Currency or blank
• Allowable values: x => 0
Logistics Total Logistics Costs of any materials that make up the BOM
where the Expense Currency = Quote Currency or blank
• Calculation: Sum of all Logistics Costs where the
Expense Currency = Quote Currency or blank
Packaging "Total Packaging Cost" from Packaging Detail table
• Allowable values: x => 0
• Limit to a 6 decimal maximum when inputting value
Sequencing Sub-Assy Added Cost for Sequencing Sub Assembly, if applicable
• Allowable values: x => 0
• Limit to a 6 decimal maximum when inputting value
ED&D Added Cost for ED&D, if applicable
• Allowable values: x => 0
• Limit to a 6 decimal maximum when inputting value
Other Costs Total Total Cost from Other Costs Detail table
Total Base Price Calculation: Sum of Raw Material, Purchased Parts, Directed
Buy, Direct Labor, Fixed Burden, Variable Burden, SG&A,
Profit, Handling, Logistics, Packaging, Sequencing Sub-Assy,
ED&D, Other Costs Total
Indexed Material Calculation: Sum of all Material Totals where the Line Item
Type is IM
Resale Material Calculation: Sum of all Material Totals where the Line Item
Type is RESALE
Total Base Material Calculation: Sum of Indexed Material + Resale Material
Cost of FX Indexed Total amount of Operation items identified as FX
Operations • Calculation: Sum of “Cost in Quote Currency” column
where Item Type = "OP" and the Expense Currency is
entered and is not the same as the Quote Currency
Cost of FX Indexed Raw Total amount of Raw Material items identified as FX
Materials • Calculation: Sum of “Cost in Quote Currency” column
where Item Type = "RM" and the Expense Currency is
entered and is not the same as the Quote Currency
Cost of FX Indexed Total amount of Purchased Part items identified as FX
Purchased Parts • Calculation: Sum of “Cost in Quote Currency” column
where Item Type = "P" and the Expense Currency is
entered and is not the same as the Quote Currency
Cost of FX Indexed Total amount of Directed Buy items identified as FX
Directed Buy • Calculation: Sum of “Cost in Quote Currency” column
where Item Type = "D" and the Expense Currency is
entered and is not the same as the Quote Currency
Cost of FX Indexation Total FX amount on the BOM

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Global Direct Material Purchasing System (GDiMPS) Version 6.0

• Calculation: Sum of Cost of FX Indexed Operations +

Cost of FX Indexed Raw Material + Cost of FX Indexed
Purchased Part + Cost of FX Indexed Directed Buy
Total Price Selling price of the part
• Calculation: Sum of Total Base Price + Total Base
Material + Cost of FX Indexation

Packaging Detail
Packaging Type Type of packaging required for the part.
• Droplist Values: Expendable, Standard, Specialized
Interior Packaging Mandatory if Packaging Type is Expendable or Standard

Exterior Packaging Mandatory if Packaging Type is Expendable

Packaging Cost Total Calculation: If "Packaging Type" is "Expendable" then Interior

+ Exterior ; If "Packaging Type" is "Standard" then only
Interior ; If "Packaging Type" is "Specialized" then 0 (zero)

Other Cost Detail

Other (Description) Allow for updater to enter other cost for the part. Includes
description plus the cost for a limit of 5 occurrences; if other
cost is entered, description is mandatory. Also, identify here
any applicable transactional taxes that are non-recoverable.
• Mandatory for any rows where Other (Cost) is
• Limit to a maximum of 30 character when inputting
Other (Cost) Cost of additional expenses for the part being quoted
• Allowable values: x => 0
• Limit to a 6 decimal maximum when inputting value
Other Costs Total Sum of all Other Costs

Long Term
Effective Date After Start For Long Term Agreements, this is the starting date of any
of Production subsequent price periods
• May have 6 occurrences. First effective date cannot
be prior to the Estimated Effective Date in the
header. Each subsequent effective date must be later
than the previous effective date.

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Global Direct Material Purchasing System (GDiMPS) Version 6.0

Reduction Amount For Long Term Agreements, this is the unit price reduction
amount being applied to the base price for that price period;
• May have 6 occurrences
• If Effective Date After Start of Production is present,
this would be a mandatory field.
• Allowable values: x > 0
• Limit to a 6 decimal maximum when inputting value
Reduced Base Price For Long Term Agreements, this is the calculated base price
related to the price period date

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