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Materi 1:

Definition of News item text

-News item text is a text that serves to convey the events of each day. Usually events that are
written are the events that are important and the latest. The text of this type can be found in the

Materi ke 2:

Social function of news item text

-The social function of News item is to inform readers, listeners or viewers about events of the
day which are considered newsworthy or important.

Materi 3 :

Example of news items text with generic structure

(news taken from the ccn indonesia)

a.Title : Teachers day in Makassar marked the Destruction of the School by the Student

b.Main events:

A number of students damaging one upper secondary school (high SCHOOL) in the City of
Makassar, South Sulawesi, Friday (25/11). The attack happens when a middle school
activities teaching-learning, to coincide with the commemoration of the National Teacher.

A group of students attacked the school with the use of sharp weapons types of machetes,
arrows and stones. They attacked a security post of the school to experience damage.

c. Elaboration

A security guard of the school, Genius (64) mentions, the hordes of students who drove a
motorcycle that suddenly enter into the area of the school and cried-cried like looking for

"I was being watched, suddenly a lot of students coming in and making a racket with his bike in
front of the school. There is also carrying a machete and arrow," said the Genius, Monday
(25/11). Hear the noise of the motorcycle, the Genius surprise to herself can't do anything when
the assault occurred. This is because the hordes of students carrying weapons. So they freely
entered into in the school area and pelted stones the window of the study room. "They break a
glass window the post security and the glass of the window class with the use of stone. After
that they ran away," he explained.

D.Source :
Kasubag Humas Polrestabes Makassar, the AKP Lando KS said the incident
happened at the time when all the students carry out learning activities in school.
With the incident suddenly the pupil and the teacher was shocked to fear.
“The time of the incident, there were students in the school, because there is still
studying,” said Lando.
Lando admitted to not knowing the exact motives of the attack to the school. Police
are still conducting an investigation as well as securing a number of evidence in the
form of arrows and a knife allegedly belonged to the perpetrators.
“Still explored related this incident to uncover who the perpetrators and the motive,”
he said.

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